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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

omqualitymap (omqualitymap-1.3) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]

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The actual testing is controlled by a shell program in the ommergelists test directory and is initiated by typing the command make test. To do the testing in low memory mode, you should set the environment variable SAS_MEMORY_MODEL equal to low. Note that at the daily builds at Vilspa the testing of all SAS software packages is done in both high and low memory modes (referring to the memory model used by the SAS Data Access Layer).

The tests work as follows:

  1. A program createtest will execute and-
  2. Execute omqualitymap with the parameter updateimage set to true, set set to testimage.fits, srclistset set to test.fits and outset set to test1.fits.

  3. A program checkoutput will execute and will-
  4. Read in the data for each source from test,fits
  5. Load the QUALITY image from testimage.fits
  6. Check that the edge quality flags have been set properly.
  7. Loop through all the sources and for any with a raw count-rate of at least 60 counts/sec
  8. If any check has failed record a test failure and give some information where it failed.

  10. Execute omqualitymap with the parameter mode set to true, set set to testimage.fits, srclistset set to test.fits and outset set to test1.fits.

  11. A program checkoutput1 will execute and will-
  12. Read in the data for each test source from test.fits
  13. Read in the data for each source from test1.fits

  14. Load the QUALITY image from testimage.fits
  15. Check that the edge quality flags have been set properly.
  16. Loop through all the sources from test.fits and for any with a raw count-rate of at least 60 counts/sec
  17. If any check has failed record a test failure and give some information where it failed.

omqualitymap correctly adds quality flags to an OM image, and also that it correctly transfers quality-flag information from a quality image to an OM source-list.

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04