Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
directorylist | no | string | '' '' | |
List of directories containing OM product files.
All the OM product source-list files in these directories
will be used as input/
srclistsets | no | string | '' '' | |
List of OM product source-list files.
If none are specified the files will be either taken
from the current directory or from the given list of input directories
obsset | no | string | ``'' | |
Name of the observation source-list file to which the variability columns should be added.
If no file is given, and if either you do not give a list of directories or do give
a list of source-list files, the program will try to find the observation source-list file.
If it does not find it a temporary one will be created by executing omsrclistcomb
internally and then deleting it.
plotfile | no | string | | |
Name of the plot file for the source-variability graphs
minnumcounterparts | no | integer | 3 | 2- |
Minimum number of source counterparts for variability statistics to be computed
minstd | no | real | 2 | 0- |
Minimum deviation of any source corrected count-rate from the median corrected-count rate
for a variability diagram to be produced.
nxsub | no | integer | 2 | 1-10 |
Number of graphs in the horizontal direction
nysub | no | integer | 2 | 1-10 |
Number of graphs in the vertical direction
eflag | no | integer | -1 | -1-1 |
Plot variability data for a given unique source if
eflag is -1 or all the extension flags of the counterparts
are equal to eflag
cflag | no | integer | -1 | -1-0 |
Plot variability data for a given unique source if
cflag is -1 or all the confusion flags of the counterparts
are equal to cflag
qflag | no | integer | -1 | -1-0 |
Plot variability data for a given unique source if
qflag is -1 or all the quality flags of the counterparts
are equal to qflag
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |