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point_source (esas-0.9.32) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]

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Calculates the xspec normalization per square arcminute for the Cosmic X-ray background after removal of point sources to some limiting level (min_flux). ELF is shorthand for the logN-logS.

We assume that integral[ELF] from 0 to infinity is less than cxrb_norm, or that:
        CXRB = X + integral[ELF]$_0^infinity$.
Therefore, for any given ``blank sky'' observation where the brightest point source has a flux smax, the total X-ray emission in the field would be:
        X + integral[ELF]$_0^smax$.

The currently available functions are:
        hms: Hasinger, Miyaji, & Schmidt (2005), from ROSAT, XMM, & Chandra):
        mushotzky: (????):
        cappelluti: Cappelluti et al (2008), from COSMOS:
        mateos: Mateos et al (2008), from XMM'

Output: Xspec normalization for power law in units of photons/cm2/s/am2/keV

        point-source func=mateos min_src_flux=5.e-14 cxrb_norm=10.6 index=1.40

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04