ChangeLog for rgsrmfgen =============================== Version 1.13.4 - 2013-04-23 (AI) ----------- + (src/ Variable beta bin width value for LSF calculations + (src/ betaEfficiency calculated for all input energies and using the exact input energy value. + doc updated. Version 1.13.3 - 2013-03-23 (AI) ----------- + (src/ Usage of beta stride value for LSF calculations Version 1.13.2 - 2013-02-22 (AI) ----------- + (src/ Bug trying to keep backward compatibility to beta channel fixed. Version 1.13.1 - 2013-02-19 (AI) ----------- + (src/ Bug in the grating misalignment calculation fixed. + keV~Angstrom constant taken from caloalutils Version 1.13 - 2012-12-17 (AI) ----------- + New parameter "spectrumbinning" added to deal with calculations in lambda or beta space. + documentation updated. Version 1.12 - 2012-12-17 (AI) ----------- + The reproject method used to calculate the response matrix calculated in beta space into lambda space has been removed. + Modifications in (src/ code to deal with the new exposure maps and regions in lambda space. + LSF components (broadening, nodeefficiency, vignetting) have been modified to run using exposure maps and regions in lambda space. These modifications are related to SOC-SPR-6688. Version 1.11.2 - 2010-04-15 (AI) ----------- + (src/ BETA_CHANNEL grid from event file calculated accordingly with the spectrum CHANNEL dimension. + (src/ response array initalize to 0. Check array dimensions in betaEfficiency method. Version 1.11.1 - 2010-04-08 (AI) ----------- + (src/ TCUNI keyword updated depending on dispersion units (rad or Angstrom). Version 1.11 - 2010-02-25 (AI) ----------- + (src/ RGS rectification cal call implemented. + New parameter "withrectification" added. Version 1.10.1 - 2008-05-23 (AI) ----------- + New method that reprojects the response matrix calculated in beta space into lambda space. + Ebounds calculated base on a lambda grid in case the input spectrum was calculated in lambda. Version 1.10 - 2006-05-22 (AI) ----------- + (src/ Parameter "neweffarecorr" changed for "dyneffarecorr". Parameter "corrType" removed. Documentation updated. Version 1.9 - 2006-04-11 (AI) ----------- + (src/ New call to the CcdQuantumDataServer method "ccdCorrFactors(order)" added. This call allows cal to deal with the new CCD correction factors. Version 1.8 - 2006-02-22 (AI) ----------- + config/rgsrmfgen.par keyword typo fixed. Version 1.7 - 2006-02-22 (AI) ----------- + New parameter "neweffareacorr" "corrtype" added. These parameters enable the new effective area correction in the cal. Version 1.6 - 2005-09-13 (CG) ----------- + energy/wavelength conversion accuracy fixed - SPR 2549 Version 1.5.3 - 2004-03-15 (CG) ------------- + parameter name update in docu (ebins >> rows) Version 1.5.2 - 2004-02-06 (CG) ------------- + bogus with executable permission Version 1.5.1 - 2004-02-05 (CG) ------------- + bug introduced in 1.5 ( - small angle scattering) fixed Version 1.5 - 2003-06-27 (CG) ----------- + replacement from 1.4 now correct Version 1.4 - 2003-06-25 (CG) ----------- + maximize replaced by STD max in Version 1.3 - 2003-04-22 (CG) ----------- + few changes (required by gcc3.2) to improve standard C++ compliance Version 1.2 - 2002-08-19 (UL) ----------- + now DEPENDs on package sas + a few transparent changes to improve standard C++ compliance Version 1.1 - 2002-06-28 (JDR) ----------- - replaced parameter --whichmirrorpsf with --withmirrorpsf and --withangdist Version 1.0 - 2002-06-25 (JDR) ----------- - requires cal-3.142 - switched roles of mirror PSF and grating misalignment distributions in the convolutions to allow the mirror PSF to become optional - the user may supply a custom angular distribution to replace the mirror PSF - added a matrix editing mode - in HTR mode the background correction is silently disabled - changed standard file name tag to RSPMAT for future compatibility with PPS - progress messages are considerably less verbose - task description not yet updated Version 0.51 - 2002-05-09 (JDR) ------------ - requires param-2.0 Version 0.50.2 - 2002-02-12 (JDR) -------------- - task description updated with correct default for the --ebins parameter Version 0.50.1 - 2002-01-17 (JDR) -------------- - supports arbitrary energy selection regions - bug fix: does not rely on implicit initialization of global variables Version 0.50 - 2002-01-16 (JDR) ------------ - changed default to --ebins=4000 Version 0.49 - 2001-10-10 (JDR) ------------ - changed parameter name --set to --evlist and --sourceset to --srclist Version 0.48 - 2001-10-01 (JDR) ------------ - updated runtime default filenames Version 0.47 - 2001-08-30 (JDR) ------------ - replaced 0.678 with 1/0.678 in empiricalCrossLA() Version 0.46 - 2001-08-17 (JDR) ------------ - added parameter --fftdim to control the convolution size Version 0.45.2 - 2001-08-01 (JDR) -------------- - the small angle LSF is computed more carefully: the convolution size now hovers between 512 and 1024; runtime is a bit slower Version 0.45.1 - 2001-07-16 (JDR) -------------- - DEPEND on rgslib and cal backed down to SAS 5.1 version, which is fine Version 0.45 - 2001-07-13 (JDR) ------------ - code fixed for OSF platform compiler Version 0.44 - 2001-07-11 (JDR) ------------ - hardwired lfactor value as 0.678 in empiricalCrossLA() - rgsrmfgen: fixed large-angle loss function formula - rgsmcrgen: removed temporary parameter --lfactor Version 0.43 - 2001-06-29 (JDR) ------------ - rgsrmfgen: optimized the convolutions (about five times faster) - rgsmcrgen: added temporary parameter --lfactor Version 0.42.1 - 2001-06-11 (JDR) -------------- - added check for null bowing distribution Version 0.42 - 2001-06-08 (JDR) ------------ - rgsrmfgen: reorganized to further separate large and small angle treatment - rgsrmfgen: chip 1 CCD redistribution function used for all chips - added proprietary empiricalCrossLA (large angle scattering profile) Version 0.41 - 2001-05-10 (JDR) ------------ - added CAL LSF defocus distribution - replaced proprietary bin-size broadening distribution with CAL interface - rgsmcrgen: separate tensors for small and large angle scattering - rgsmcrgen: added proprietary large angle xdsp scattering distribution Version 0.40 - 2001-04-20 (JDR) ------------ - added CAL bowing figure distribution Version 0.39 - 2001-04-11 (JDR) ------------ - updated for rgssources-4.0 Version 0.38 - 2001-04-06 (JDR) ------------ - fixed bug introduced in version 0.36 (corrupted LSF) Version 0.37 - 2001-03-23 (JDR) ------------ - replaced proprietary large-angle scattering distribution with CAL interface - requires rgslib-1.10 Version 0.36 - 2001-03-09 (JDR) ------------ - replaced proprietary small-angle scattering distribution with CAL interface Version 0.35 - 2001-02-07 (JDR) ------------ - updated for and requires rgslib-1.5 - replaced proprietary grating misalignment and mirror psf with CAL interface Version 0.34 - 2001-01-10 (JDR) ------------ - updated for and requires rgslib-1.4 - replaced proprietary CCD quantum efficiencies with CAL interface Version 0.33.1 - 2000-11-06 (JDR) -------------- - CAL state set by hand to eliminate spurious warnings Version 0.33 - 2000-11-03 (JDR) ------------ - requires rgslib-1.2 Version 0.32.1 - 2000-10-27 (JDR) -------------- - updated GROUPS Version 0.32 - 2000-09-25 (JDR) ------------ - MirrorDataServer --> EffectiveAreaDataServer (cal-3.81) Version 0.31 - 2000-09-22 (JDR) ------------ - updated default parameters for compatibility with rgsproc-0.82 - parameters and errors now documented in task description Version 0.30 - 2000-09-15 JDR ------------ - changed default rgs1fudge to 1.5 - fixed two bugs in the background correction logic - updated hard-coded parameters of LSF broad scattering component - removed internal calculation of FOV coordinates - rgsmcrgen: adopted CAL sign convention for RGS_XDSP angles - rgsmcrgen: workaround for theta<0 bug in CAL Version 0.29 - 2000-08-25 JDR ------------ - fixed bug in rgs1fudge (it was being applied to RGS2) Version 0.28 - 2000-08-25 JDR ------------ - compiles under gcc-2.95.2 - fixed channel space compatibility test - fixed uninitialized variable in spatial mask filter - added --rgs1fudge for extra broadening in RGS1 only - separated LSF into broad and narrow components - rgsmcrgen: fixed sign error in offaxis angle conversion Version 0.27 - 2000-07-21 JDR ------------ - the background contribution is deducted (optionally) - added line-broadening convolution (finite bin-width effect) - exposure map is normalized for each node independently - compatible with count rate spectrum as per rgsspectrum - not compatible with count spectrum as per evselect Version 0.26 - 2000-07-11 JDR ------------ - changed --emax default to 2.8 - now depends on dal-1.21 Version 0.25 - 2000-07-06 JDR ------------ - now depends on rgslib-1.0 Version 0.24.2 - 2000-06-15 JDR -------------- - some hardcoded geometric constants replaced with CAL interface - added dataset attributes: SOURCEID, RFLORDER, BETA_REF, BETA_WID - fixed exposure map rebinning error Version 0.24.1 - 2000-06-01 JDR -------------- - hardcoded RGA distribution data updated - replaced CAL mirror effectiveArea with intrinsicEffectiveArea - replaced proprietary self-vignetting function with CAL interface Version 0.24 - 2000-05-25 JDR ------------ - replaced proprietary cross-dispersion PSF with CAL interface - reorganized for code-sharing with rgsmcrgen - added rgsmcrgen: generates response tensors for monte carlo analysis Version 0.23 - 2000-05-10 JDR ------------ - output channels now defined by spectrum rebinning - external proprietary calibration database no longer used - hardcoded CCD layer thicknesses updated Version 0.22 - 2000-04-06 JDR ------------ - tied channel space definition to events table - improved parameter interface Version 0.21 - 2000-03-14 JDR ------------ - attempt to fix DEC platform build error: added string.h to prf.c includes Version 0.20 - 2000-03-10 JDR ------------ - extraction region table names changed by rgsregion Version 0.19 (JDR 2 February 2000) ---------------------------------- - replaced proprietary Henke data with CAL interface Version 0.18 (JDR 1 February 2000) ---------------------------------- - added selectlib to package dependencies Version 0.17 (JDR 28 January 2000) ---------------------------------- - class Convolver moved into slatec Version 0.16 (JDR 24 January 2000) ---------------------------------- - bypass computation of combined exposure and property maps - replaced Convolve3 with generalized Convolver Version 0.15 (JDR 11 January 2000) ---------------------------------- - removed exposure map normalization - moved ShapeScanner to rgslib - eliminated all Numerical Recipes code - replaced fitsio calls with DAL calls Version 0.14 (JDR 23 December 1999) ----------------------------------- - apply crude normalization to exposure map Version 0.13 (JDR 22 December 1999) ----------------------------------- - replaced sron_ccd_prf() with CAL Redist interface Version 0.12 (JDR 21 December 1999) ----------------------------------- - updated for compatibility with selectlib-4.23 Version 0.11 (JDR 17 December 1999) ----------------------------------- - compatible with rgsregion-2.6 extension names and ra/dec units Version 0.10 (JDR 16 December 1999) ----------------------------------- - first version ready for SAS integration, but not yet tested - still relies on proprietary calibration data Version 0.9 (JDR 8 December 1999) --------------------------------- - Added scan converter for efficient region processing. - Conversion of prf interface in progress; task does nothing as yet. Version 0.8 (JDR 30 November 1999) ---------------------------------- - Directory structure created by pkgmaker. - Fresh start; only numutils subdirectory inherited from version 0.7. - Conversion of prf interface in progress; task does nothing as yet.