Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
phalist | yes | list | ||
A list of spectrum files from a set of observations, referring to one RGS instrument and one spectral order. These spectra files must be produced using the attstyle=user and associated parameters from a call to rgsproc.
| ||||
evlist | yes | list | ||
A list of accompanying event list files, in the same order as the spectra
files. Note, the file names are not derived from the spectra files.
| ||||
srclist | yes | list | ||
A list of accompanying source list files, in the same order as the spectra
| ||||
bkglist | yes | list | ||
A list of background spectrum files from a set of observations observations
| ||||
withspeccombine | no | boolean | yes | |
If this parameter is set to yes, the spectra files of the input lists will
be combined to produced a combined spectrum file each for both spectra and
background spectra files.
| ||||
filermf | no | file | resultantmatrix.ds | |
Filename for final response matrix
| ||||
filepha | no | file | combinedspectra.ds | |
Filename for final spectrum
| ||||
filebkg | no | file | combinedback.ds | |
Filename for final background spectrum
| ||||
The remaining parameters are exactly the same as those for the task rgsrmfgen, and are used when calling this task within rgssuperresponse, with the exception that spectra files are compulsory for this task and therefore the option that appears in rgsrmfgen, withspectrum, has been removed and is always true. | ||||
emax | no | real | 2.8 | non-negative |
When creating a new response matrix, this is
the upper edge of the highest incident-energy bin to be included.
| ||||
emin | no | real | 0.3 | non-negative |
When creating a new response matrix, this is
the lower edge of the lowest incident-energy bin to be included.
When overwriting part of an existing matrix (newrmf=no),
this identifies the lower incident-energy bin in the interval to be
recomputed. This value will be lowered automatically as necessary
to maintain the contiguity of the bins, and can be used to extend
the range of the existing matrix.
| ||||
rows | no | integer | 4000 | positive |
The number of incident-energy bins to cover the range from
emin to emax.
| ||||
phachannels | no | integer | 3400 | positive |
The number of pha channels.
| ||||
withmirrorpsf | no | boolean | yes | |
Whether to convolve the standard mirror PSF distribution into the
LSF. This option should be used with care and knowledge. An
appropriate circumstance for omitting the mirror PSF is when a
custom angular distribution is provided (withangdist=yes)
that empirically establishes the PSF contribution.
| ||||
withangdist | no | boolean | no | |
Whether to convolve a custom angular distribution into the LSF.
This option should be used with care and knowledge. Enables
parameter angdistset. Note that this distribution is
one-dimensional, an arbitrary function of dispersion off-axis angle.
It is rebinned onto the dispersion channel space according to the
order and central incident energy of each LSF. The problem of
reducing a two-dimensional image to this one-dimensional
distribution is left to the user.
| ||||
angdistset | no | file | angdist.txt | |
An ASCII file containing a one-dimensional angular distribution
along the axis of dispersion in arc minutes. Not modified. Each
line of the file describes a distribution bin in terms of the start
and stop angles, and the value assigned to that bin. The
distribution may be normalized to any value, though unity is
expected and recommended. See the
input files
descriptions for further details.
| ||||
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |