To overlay the sourcelist srclist.ds generated previously by eboxdetect on an image image.ds the following command can be used:
srcdisplay imageset=image.ds boxlistset=srclist.ds
This would overlay circles, each of radius 5 pixels, around each source detected by eboxdetect. To overlay circles of radius 0.01 degrees, use the following:
srcdisplay imageset=image.ds boxlistset=srclist.ds sourceradius=0.01
To perform the same as above, but also write out a DS9 region file named regions.txt, detailing the source regions corresponding to the displayed circles,the following command could be used:
srcdisplay imageset=image.ds boxlistset=srclist.ds sourceradius=0.01 withregionfile=true regionfile=regions.txt
To use a source radius determined from the RADEC_ERR, position error, column in the sourcelist use:
srcdisplay imageset=image.ds boxlistset=srclist.ds useposerr=yes
To use a source radius determined from a position error column with a user supplied name:
srcdisplay imageset=image.ds boxlistset=srclist.ds useposerr=yes poserrcol="POSERR"
NB: The errors are assumed to be in units of arcseconds and the column must be of type REAL*32.
To add a systematic error of 2 arcseconds to the position error, use:
srcdisplay imageset=image.ds boxlistset=srclist.ds useposerr=yes syserr=2.0
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04