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Routines to manipulate data Routines to manipulate data isWithinInterval Home Index

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  logical(bool) function intervalsAreWellFormed(intervals)
    type(IntervalT), intent(in) :: intervals(:)
  end function intervalsAreWellFormed

Many of the other functions in the present section don't work unless the intervals are `well-formed'. I define a well-formed vector of type IntervalT as obeying two conditions: (i) for each interval, the lower value must be < the upper; (ii) the upper value of interval i must be < the lower value of interval i+1. The function returns FALSE if either condition is disobeyed.

See section 9.5.1 for analogous conditions on structures of RangeT type.

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04