Module name: parse_list_mod
Author: Dean Hinshaw (NASA/GFSC,
This subroutine parses a string containing a delimited list into an array of strings, one element for each member of the list. The calling sequence is:
SUBROUTINE parse_list(in_str, out_array, in_delim) CHARACTER(LEN=*), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: out_array CHARACTER(LEN=*), :: in_str CHARACTER(LEN=1), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: in_delim
where in_str is the string to be parsed, out_array is returned array of strings, and in_delim is the delimeter seperating the list items. in_delim is an optional parameter, and if not given defaults to a space. Note that in any case list items may not contain spaces. The user also must take care that the pointer passed as out_array has sufficient length to hold the parsed strings.
Additional, if in_str begins with an ``@'', then the string is taken as a filename the list items, one item for each line of the file.