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ssclib (ssclib-4.28.1) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]

rawToInst (rawToDet) Routines for performing coordinate skyToCartesian Home Index

Meta Index / Home Page / Routines for performing coordinate


  subroutine getThetaPhiMaps(wcs, scAttitude, timeStamp, thetaMap, phiMap)
    type(WcsT),                   intent(in)  :: wcs
    type(SpacecraftAttitudeType), intent(in)  :: scAttitude
    real(double),                 intent(in)  :: timeStamp
    real(double),                 intent(out) :: thetaMap(:,:),&
                                                      , size(thetaMap,2))
  end subroutine getThetaPhiMaps

This subroutine returns two arrays in the sky image coordinate system defined by the WCS structure $wcs$: one containing the $theta$ and the other the $phi$ value at that pixel; $theta$ and $phi$ being the instrument-mirror-centric TELCOORD-system polar coordinates.

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04