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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

testodf (testodf-0.48) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]

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This test ODF contains three exposures, each with a different configuration of the instruments. There is one X-ray source (1keV, broadened with a 20eV Gaussian), and several optical sources. The intensity of the X-ray source is modulated with a sinusoid of 10s period.

The first exposure was generated using the default configuration modes for all of the XMM instruments as provided by SciSim 2.1 (see scisimsimple).

In the second exposure EPIC PN is in primeLargeWindowCentral mode with the thick filter, EPIC MOS is in PrimePartialW2 mode with the thick filter, and RFC is high time resolution mode (HTR) with only CCD 5.

In the third exposure EPIC PN is in FastModeTiming mode with the thin filter, EPIC MOS is in FastModeUncompressed with the thin filter, and RFC is in HTR mode with all CCDs.

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04