XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
timeappend (timeappend-1.5) [xmmsas_20141104_1833-14.0.0]
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- Copy table referenced by parameter table
to output dataset (specified by parameter outset)
- If withsettings is false, write dummy attributes CCDID, CCDNODE and (if instrument is EPN) QUADRANT, and set OAL state using the i/p event list.
Otherwise, set the state
according to the parameters
and expnr.
- Access FRAME and CCDID columns
of i/p table. If the instrument is EPN, access
the QUADRANT column as well.
- Create a new table of the same name as the original in o/p dataset. Create a TIME column in new table.
- For each row of i/p table
- Get the CCD number: in the case of the MOS/RGS,
read the CCDID value. In the case
of PN, combine the CCDID
and QUADRANT values into a single
CCD number.
- Group the CCD number and FRAME info into
a structure, and add this to a linked list.
- End row loop
- Sort CCD/FRAME linked list in order of CCD number.
- Group linked list in blocks of constant CCD number
- For each block of constant CCD number
- Set OAL state for CCD Number
- Call OAL to convert FRAME values
in block into UTC TIME (Using
the C++ equivalents of the F90
calls OAL_frameCounterToObt
and OAL_obtToTimeTag)
- End block loop
- Write out linked list to TIME column.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2014-11-04