SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 32 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes NAXIS1 = 648 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 648 / length of data axis 2 EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions BUNIT = 'Primary Array' / Units of the image XPROC0 = 'emosaic imagesets=''product/P0083151201PNU002IMAGE_8000.FIT product&'CONTINUE '/P0083151201M2S002IMAGE_8000.FIT product/P0083151201M1S001IMAGE_800&'CONTINUE '0.FIT'' exposuresets=expmap.ds withexposure=no mosaicedset=product/&'CONTINUE 'P0083151201EPX000OIMAGE8000.FIT sampling=point forceuniformkwds=yes&'CONTINUE ' # (emosaic-1.13.2) [xmmsas_20061026_1802-6.6.0]' XPROC1 = 'addattribute set=product/P0083151201EPX000OIMAGE8000.FIT attributen&'CONTINUE 'ame=''INSTRUME BAND DATAMODE TELESCOP OBS_ID DATE-OBS DATE-END OBJE&'CONTINUE 'CT OBSERVER'' attributetype=''string integer string string string s&'CONTINUE 'tring string string string'' withattributecomment=''no no no no no &'CONTINUE 'no no no no'' attributecomment='''' realvalue='''' stringvalue=''EP&'CONTINUE 'IC IMAGING XMM 0083151201 2002-10-07T07:43:26 2002-10-07T10:24:05 A&'CONTINUE '3301 "Dr Laurence David"'' integervalue=8 booleanvalue='''' # (adda&'CONTINUE 'ttribute-1.9.2) [xmmsas_20061026_1802-6.6.0]' XPROC2 = 'addattribute set=product/P0083151201EPX000OIMAGE8000.FIT attributen&'CONTINUE 'ame=''SEQ_ID REVOLUT PROCDATE PROCREV PPSVERS SASVERS ODSVER ORIGIN&'CONTINUE ' ODFVER CONTENT'' attributetype=''string string string string strin&'CONTINUE 'g string string string string string'' withattributecomment=''yes y&'CONTINUE 'es yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes'' attributecomment=''"Pipeline s&'CONTINUE 'equence" "Satellite Revolution Number" "Processing date" "Processin&'CONTINUE 'g revision" "PPS configuration" "SAS version" "ODS version" "Origin&'CONTINUE ' of FITS file" ODF_VERSION "Contents of file"'' realvalue='''' stri&'CONTINUE 'ngvalue=''035811 0518 2006-12-04T19:53:25 1 06000518_20061025.15251&'CONTINUE '4 xmmsas_20061026_1802-6.6.0 13.2.0 Leicester/SSC 000 "EPIC OBSERVA&'CONTINUE 'TION IMAGE"'' integervalue='''' booleanvalue='''' # (addattribute-1&'CONTINUE '.9.2) [xmmsas_20061026_1802-6.6.0]' XPROC3 = 'addattribute set=product/P0083151201EPX000OIMAGE8000.FIT attributen&'CONTINUE 'ame=''SEQ_ID REVOLUT PROCDATE PROCREV PPSVERS SASVERS ODSVER ORIGIN&'CONTINUE ' ODFVER CONTENT'' attributetype=''string string string string strin&'CONTINUE 'g string string string string string'' withattributecomment=''yes y&'CONTINUE 'es yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes'' attributecomment=''"Pipeline s&'CONTINUE 'equence" "Satellite Revolution Number" "Processing date" "Processin&'CONTINUE 'g revision" "PPS configuration" "SAS version" "ODS version" "Origin&'CONTINUE ' of FITS file" ODF_VERSION "Contents of file"'' realvalue='''' stri&'CONTINUE 'ngvalue=''035811 0518 2006-12-04T19:53:25 1 06000518_20061025.15251&'CONTINUE '4 xmmsas_20061026_1802-6.6.0 13.2.0 Leicester/SSC 002 "EPIC OBSERVA&'CONTINUE 'TION IMAGE"'' integervalue='''' booleanvalue='''' # (addattribute-1&'CONTINUE '.9.2) [xmmsas_20070301_1824-6.6.0]' XDAL0 = 'product/P0083151201EPX000OIMAGE8000.FIT 2007-03-07T20:18:07.000 Mod&'CONTINUE 'ify addattribute (addattribute-1.9.2) [xmmsas_20070301_1824-6.6.0] &'CONTINUE 'High SAS_MEMORY_MODEL=high SAS_ROWS= SAS_ZERO_ROWS= SAS_COLUMN_WISE&'CONTINUE '= ' XDAL1 = 'product/P0083151201EPX000OIMAGE8000.FIT 2006-12-04T21:48:21.000 Mod&'CONTINUE 'ify addattribute (addattribute-1.9.2) [xmmsas_20061026_1802-6.6.0] &'CONTINUE 'High SAS_MEMORY_MODEL=high SAS_ROWS= SAS_ZERO_ROWS= SAS_COLUMN_WISE='XDAL2 = 'product/P0083151201EPX000OIMAGE8000.FIT 2006-12-04T21:08:07.000 Mod&'CONTINUE 'ify addattribute (addattribute-1.9.2) [xmmsas_20061026_1802-6.6.0] &'CONTINUE 'High SAS_MEMORY_MODEL=high SAS_ROWS= SAS_ZERO_ROWS= SAS_COLUMN_WISE='XDAL3 = 'product/P0083151201EPX000OIMAGE8000.FIT 2006-12-04T21:07:58.000 Cre&'CONTINUE 'ate emosaic (emosaic-1.13.2) [xmmsas_20061026_1802-6.6.0] High SAS_&'CONTINUE 'MEMORY_MODEL=high SAS_ROWS= SAS_ZERO_ROWS= SAS_COLUMN_WISE=' CREATOR = 'emosaic (emosaic-1.13.2) [xmmsas_20061026_1802-6.6.0]' / name of codeDATE = '2006-12-04T21:07:58.000' / creation date LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' EMSCF001= 'P0083151201PNU002IMAGE_8000.FIT' / Input Filename EMSCF002= 'P0083151201M2S002IMAGE_8000.FIT' / Input Filename EMSCF003= 'P0083151201M1S001IMAGE_8000.FIT' / Input Filename EMSCI001= 'EPN ' / Instrument EMSCI002= 'EMOS2 ' / Instrument EMSCI003= 'EMOS1 ' / Instrument EMSCE001= '8498 ' / Exposure (s) EMSCE002= '13005.2 ' / Exposure (s) EMSCE003= '13000 ' / Exposure (s) EMSCD001= '13516 ' / Duration (s) EMSCD002= '?? ' / Duration (s) EMSCD003= '?? ' / Duration (s) EMSCA001= '0083151201' / Obs Identifier EMSCA002= '0083151201' / Obs Identifier EMSCA003= '0083151201' / Obs Identifier EMSCB001= 'Dr Laurence David' / Name of PI EMSCB002= 'Dr Laurence David' / Name of PI EMSCB003= 'Dr Laurence David' / Name of PI EMSCC001= 'A3301 ' / Name of object EMSCC002= 'A3301 ' / Name of object EMSCC003= 'A3301 ' / Name of object EMSCG001= 'XMM ' / Mission name EMSCG002= 'XMM ' / Mission name EMSCG003= 'XMM ' / Mission name EMSCH001= 'IMAGING ' / Instrmnt mode EMSCH002= 'IMAGING ' / Instrmnt mode EMSCH003= 'IMAGING ' / Instrmnt mode EMSCJ001= '2002-10-07T07:43:26' / Date obs made EMSCJ002= '2002-10-07T06:47:48' / Date obs made EMSCJ003= '2002-10-07T06:47:48' / Date obs made EMSCK001= '2002-10-07T10:24:05' / Date obs ended EMSCK002= '2002-10-07T10:28:59' / Date obs ended EMSCK003= '2002-10-07T10:28:59' / Date obs ended EMSRP001= 7.52012083333333E+01 / [RA of s/c pointing] EMSRP002= 7.52012083333333E+01 / [RA of s/c pointing] EMSRP003= 7.52012083333333E+01 / [RA of s/c pointing] EMSDP001= -3.86435000000000E+01 / [Dec of s/c pointing] EMSDP002= -3.86435000000000E+01 / [Dec of s/c pointing] EMSDP003= -3.86435000000000E+01 / [Dec of s/c pointing] EMSAP001= 1.12779884338379E+02 / [Apos of s/c pointing] EMSAP002= 1.12779884338379E+02 / [Apos of s/c pointing] EMSAP003= 1.12779884338379E+02 / [Apos of s/c pointing] INSTRUME= 'EPIC ' BAND = 8 DATAMODE= 'IMAGING ' TELESCOP= 'XMM ' OBS_ID = '0083151201' DATE-OBS= '2002-10-07T07:43:26' DATE-END= '2002-10-07T10:24:05' OBJECT = 'A3301 ' OBSERVER= 'Dr Laurence David' SEQ_ID = '035811 ' / Pipeline sequence REVOLUT = '0518 ' / Satellite Revolution Number PROCDATE= '2006-12-04T19:53:25' / Processing date PROCREV = '1 ' / Processing revision PPSVERS = '06000518_20061025.152514' / PPS configuration SASVERS = 'xmmsas_20061026_1802-6.6.0' / SAS version ODSVER = '13.2.0 ' / ODS version ORIGIN = 'Leicester/SSC' / Origin of FITS file ODFVER = '002 ' / ODF_VERSION CONTENT = 'EPIC OBSERVATION IMAGE' / Contents of file HISTORY Created by emosaic (emosaic-1.13.2) [xmmsas_20061026_1802-6.6.0] at 2006HISTORY -12-04T21:07:58 HISTORY Modified by addattribute (addattribute-1.9.2) [xmmsas_20061026_1802-6.6.HISTORY 0] at 2006-12-04T21:08:07 HISTORY Modified by addattribute (addattribute-1.9.2) [xmmsas_20061026_1802-6.6.HISTORY 0] at 2006-12-04T21:48:21 HISTORY Modified by addattribute (addattribute-1.9.2) [xmmsas_20070301_1824-6.6.HISTORY 0] at 2007-03-07T20:18:07 XMMSEP = 11 / 11 primary image keywords follow CRPIX1 = 3.24506256109476E+02 CRPIX2 = 3.24506256109476E+02 CRVAL1 = 7.52012083333333E+01 CRVAL2 = -3.86435000000000E+01 CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' CUNIT1 = 'deg ' CUNIT2 = 'deg ' CROTA2 = 0.00000000000000E+00 CDELT1 = -1.11111111111111E-03 CDELT2 = 1.11111111111111E-03 END                                                                                                                                                                                 -*#          "                                                                                                                                                                                                 &