#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
## NAME: eimageget
# VERSION: 0.5
# Developer: Richard Sturm, Michael Freyberg               MPE Garching
use 5.005;   # required by SAS (binary) installation
use English;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Path;
use Cwd;
use strict;
#use DAL;
use SAS;
my $line_plusplus=" ";

# Set the verbosity (verbose: only 1/0 setting)
my $verbose = (not exists $ENV{'SAS_VERBOSITY'} or $ENV{'SAS_VERBOSITY'} > 0) ;
my $tverbose = 1 ;
my $verbosity = 4 ;
if (exists $ENV{'SAS_VERBOSITY'} ) {$verbosity = $ENV{'SAS_VERBOSITY'} };

SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::NoisyMsg, "Verbosity = $verbosity");

# Define default ODF/data directory
my $indir=""; my $sumpath=""; my $ep=0;
if ( exists $ENV{'SAS_ODF'}) {$indir = $ENV{'SAS_ODF'}};

my $TASK_NAME="eimageget";     #
my $TASK_VERSION="0.5";        #

# set default values for all parameter variables
my $evtfile='';                           # input event file
my $ootfile='';                           # input oot event file
my $attfile='';                           # input att file
my $fwcfile='';                           # input fwc event file
my $gtifile='';                           # input gti file

my $withemtaglenoise=1;                     # remove noisy MOS ccds? 
my $withexposure=1;                         # calculate exposure maps (0/1/yes/no/...)

my $withfwcimages=1;                        # allows to turn off the fwc-image creation
my $withwindowmode=0;                       # allows to include large/small window observations, however no fwc-images are created for these CCDs!

my $pimin='200 500 1000 2000 4500';         # minimum PI for each energy band
my $pimax='500 1000 2000 4500 12000';       # maximum PI for each energy band
my $patmin='';                              # minimum PATTERN for each energy band (at the moment default is set in the bash script)
my $patmax='';                              # maximum PATTERN for each energy band (at the moment default is set in the bash script)
my $flag='' ;                               # FLAG for image selection (at the moment default is set in the bash script)
my $flagout='' ;                            # FLAG for selection of events out of the FoV (at the moment default is set in the bash script)

my $withbadpixupdate=1;                     # update bad pixels to be the same in all eventfiles (0/1/yes/no/...)

my $withmask=1;                             # calculate mask (0/1/yes/no/...)
my $threshold1=0.01;                        # emask parameter
my $threshold2=0.5;                         # emask parameter

my $ximagemin=1;                            # evselect parameter
my $ximagemax=640;                          # evselect parameter
my $yimagemin=1;                            # evselect parameter
my $yimagemax=640;                          # evselect parameter
my $imagebinning='binSize';                 # evselect parameter
my $ximagebinsize=40;                       # evselect parameter
my $yimagebinsize=40;                       # evselect parameter
my $ximagesize=600;                         # evselect parameter
my $yimagesize=600;                         # evselect parameter
my $withxranges=0;                          # evselect parameter
my $withyranges=0;                          # evselect parameter
my $squarepixels=1;                         # evselect parameter
my $raimagecenter=0;                        # evselect parameter
my $decimagecenter=0;                       # evselect parameter
my $withcelestialcenter=0;                  # evselect parameter
#note: imagedatatype is not used, since images (int) 
#      and scaled images (float) should have different format
#my $imagedatatype=Real64;                   # evselect parameter
#my $withimagedatatype=0;                    # evselect parameter

my $withattcalc=0;                        # run attcalc (0/1/yes/no/...)
my $nominalra='';                         # attcalc parameter
my $nominaldec='';                        # attcalc parameter
my $imagesize='';                         # attcalc parameter

&getParams("evtfile", "ootfile", "attfile", "fwcfile", "gtifile", 
           "withemtaglenoise", "withexposure", "withmask", "threshold1", "threshold2", "pimin", "pimax", "patmin", "patmax", "flag", "flagout",
           "nominalra", "nominaldec", "imagesize", "withbadpixupdate", "withfwcimages", "withwindowmode",
           "ximagemin", "ximagemax", "yimagemin", "yimagemax", "imagebinning", "ximagebinsize", "yimagebinsize", "ximagesize", "yimagesize", 
           "withxranges", "withyranges", "squarepixels", "withattcalc", "raimagecenter", "decimagecenter", "withcelestialcenter", 
          $evtfile, $ootfile, $attfile, $fwcfile, $gtifile,
          $withemtaglenoise, $withexposure, $withmask, $threshold1, $threshold2, $pimin, $pimax, $patmin, $patmax, $flag, $flagout,
          $nominalra, $nominaldec, $imagesize, $withbadpixupdate, $withfwcimages, $withwindowmode,
          $ximagemin, $ximagemax, $yimagemin, $yimagemax, $imagebinning, $ximagebinsize, $yimagebinsize, $ximagesize, $yimagesize, 
          $withxranges, $withyranges, $squarepixels, $withattcalc, $raimagecenter, $decimagecenter, $withcelestialcenter

# check boolean variables: convert to unique values 0/1

my $im = "'updateexposure=yes writedss=yes withimageset=true xcolumn=X ycolumn=Y squarepixels=$squarepixels imagebinning=$imagebinning ximagebinsize=$ximagebinsize yimagebinsize=$yimagebinsize ximagesize=$ximagesize yimagesize=$yimagesize ximagemin=$ximagemin yimagemin=$yimagemin ximagemax=$ximagemax yimagemax=$yimagemax withxranges=$withxranges withyranges=$withyranges raimagecenter=$raimagecenter decimagecenter=$decimagecenter withcelestialcenter=$withcelestialcenter'";

my $ccom = "/bin/bash eimageget.sh '$evtfile' '$ootfile' '$attfile' '$fwcfile' '$gtifile' " .
           "$withemtaglenoise $withexposure $withmask $threshold1 $threshold2 '$pimin' '$pimax' '$patmin' '$patmax' '$flag' '$flagout' " .
           "$withattcalc '$nominalra' '$nominaldec' '$imagesize' '$withbadpixupdate' '$withfwcimages' '$withwindowmode' " .
           "$im " ;

system $ccom; 

# getParams : command line parameter parser

sub getParams {

    my $nparams = ($#_ + 1) / 2 ;
#            SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, "NPARAMS = $nparams \n");              
    my $quotedparam;
# Add blank to treat first and last parameters like all others (and like in emchain ;-)
###    @ARGV=" " . "@ARGV" . " " ;    
    my $line=" " . "@ARGV" . " " ;    

###            SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, "ARGV = !@ARGV! \n");              
    ## $line =~ s/\"//g;
    my $linepart1=""; my $linepart2=""; my $linesum="";
    my $param=""; my $strcur=""; my $shortline=""; my @save; 
    my $ll=0; my $pp=0; my $ppp=0; my $ii=0; my $kk=0; my $ap=0; my $ep=0; 

#    if ( @save = grep /^pimin=/ , @ARGV) {
#       $pimin="$save[-1]";
#       $pimin =~ s/^.*=//; 
#    };

# Look for '--v' or '-v': print version information
# Look for '--p' or '-p': print parameter information
# Look for '--h' or '-h': print parameter information
#          else: determine parameters

    if ( grep /^--?v/, @ARGV) { getVersion() ; exit; } ;
    if ( grep /^--?p/, @ARGV) { showSyntax() ; exit; } ;
    if ( grep /^--?h/, @ARGV) { showSyntax() ; exit; } ;
    if ( grep /^--?m/, @ARGV) { showSupported() ; exit; } ;
#    if ( grep /^--?d/, @ARGV) { showSupported() ; exit; } ;
    if ( grep /^--?d\b/, @ARGV) { system ("sasdialog eimageget @ARGV") ; exit; } ;
    if ( grep /^--?a/, @ARGV) { showSupported() ; exit; } ;
    if ( grep /^--?c/, @ARGV) { showSupported() ; exit; } ;
    if ( grep /^--?f/, @ARGV) { showSupported() ; exit; } ;
    if ( grep /^--?i/, @ARGV) { showSupported() ; exit; } ;
    if ( grep /^--?t/, @ARGV) { showSupported() ; exit; } ;
    if ( grep /^--?V/, @ARGV) { showSupported() ; exit; } ;
    if ( grep /^--?w/, @ARGV) { showSupported() ; exit; } ;

    for ($kk=0; $kk<$nparams; $kk++){
	       $param = $_[$kk] . "=";
	       $ii = index($line,$param);
#       if ( ($param eq " exposure=") && ($ep eq 11) ) {$ii = -1};
        $ap = 0 ;
        if ($param eq "pimin=") {$ap = 1};
        if ($param eq "pimax=") {$ap = 1};
        if ($param eq "patmin=") {$ap = 1};
        if ($param eq "patmax=") {$ap = 1};
        if ($param eq "flag=") {$ap = 2};
        if ($param eq "flagout=") {$ap = 2};
        # print "PARAM: $param, LINE = $line, II = $ii, AP = $ap \n";
#       SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, "\n  II = $ii , PARAM = $param , EP = $ep , AP = $ap ");              
	       if ( $ii != -1) {
          if ($ap == 0) {
	           $pp = length("$param") + $ii;
	           $ppp = length("$line");
##          print "PP = $pp, LEN(LINE) = $ppp \n";
	           $shortline = substr($line,$pp,length($line)-$pp);
	           $ll = index($shortline," ");
	           if ( $ll == -1 )  { $ll = length($shortline) };
            $quotedparam =  substr($shortline,0,$ll);
            $quotedparam =~ s/\"//g; 
            $_[$kk+$nparams] = $quotedparam;
            # print "$param: $_[$kk+$nparams]\n";
          if ($ap == 1) {

	           $pp = length("$param") + $ii;
	           $ppp = length("$line");
	           $shortline = substr($line,$pp,length($line)-$pp);

	           $ll = index($shortline,"=");
	           if ( $ll == -1 )  { $ll = length($shortline) };
	           $shortline = substr($shortline,0,$ll);

	           $ll = index($shortline,"-");
	           if ( $ll == -1 )  { $ll = length($shortline) };
	           $shortline = substr($shortline,0,$ll);

	           $ll = rindex($shortline," ");
	           if ( $ll == -1 )  { $ll = length($shortline) };
	           $shortline = substr($shortline,0,$ll);

		   $quotedparam =  substr($shortline,0,$ll);
		   $quotedparam =~ s/\"//g; 
		   $quotedparam =~ s/\'//g; 
		   $_[$kk+$nparams] = $quotedparam;

          if ($ap == 2) {
		  $ii = index($_,$param);
		  if ( $ii == 0 )  {
		      $quotedparam =  substr($_,length($param),length($_)-length($param));
		      $quotedparam =~ s/\"//g; 
		      $quotedparam =~ s/\'//g; 
		      $_[$kk+$nparams] = $quotedparam;



###          if ($verbose) {
###            if ($verbosity > 4) {
###              $linepart1 = "Command line parameter: ";
###              if ($ap==0) {$linepart2 = " $_[$kk] = $_[$kk+$nparams]"} 
###              else {$linepart2 = " $_[$kk] = '$_[$kk+$nparams]'"}; 
###              $linesum = $linepart1 . $linepart2;
###              SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, $linesum);              
###            }
###          }
###       else {
###           if ($verbosity > 4) {
###              $linesum = "Default parameter values: $_[$kk] = $_[$kk+$nparams]";
###              SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, $linesum);              
###           };
###        };
#  exit ;

# getBoolean : convert input variable to unique values 0(false) or 1(true)

sub getBoolean {

   my $tmpvar = substr($_[0], 0, 1);
   if ( $tmpvar =~ /[1YyTt]/ ) { $_[1] = 1 }
   else { $_[1] = 0};

# getVersion : get the version number of epchain, and of the constituents

sub getVersion {
   my $epchain_msg = -$SAS::AppMsg;
   my $ccom = "" ; my $version = "" ; my $release = "";
   my $vfile = $ENV{'SAS_DIR'} . "/packages/eimageget/VERSION" ;   
   if ( ! -e $vfile ) {
     SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, "Not found: $vfile");
     SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, "Take version from task.");
     $version = $TASK_VERSION }
   else {
#    $ccom = "cat `saslocate packages/epchain/VERSION` /dev/null" ;
#    chomp($version = `$ccom`) ;  
     chomp($version = `cat $vfile`);
   $vfile = $ENV{'SAS_DIR'} . "/RELEASE" ;   
   if ( ! -e $vfile ) {
     $release = "" }
   else {
#    $ccom = "cat `saslocate RELEASE`" ;
#    $ccom = "cat $vfile";    
     chomp($release = `cat $vfile`) ;
   SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "");
   SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "eimageget (eimageget-$version) [$release]");

# Write the version of the constituent tasks
   SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "");
   SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "You are using the following constituent task versions :");
   SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "");
   foreach my $task ("attcalc","evselect","emtaglenoise",
                     "eexpmap") {
#     $ccom = $task . " -v \n" ;
      $ccom = $task . " -v " ;
      chomp(my $message = `$ccom`) ;
#     $message = `$ccom` ;
      SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, $message);
   SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "");
# show supported and unsupported options

sub showSupported {
  my $epchain_msg = -$SAS::AppMsg;
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, $line_plusplus);
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "Supported options:");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, " --v   : show version of eimageget and constituent tasks");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, " --p   : show supported parameters and default values");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, " --h   : show supported parameters and default values");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, " --d   : dialog GUI");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "Unsupported options (use e.g. environment variables instead):");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, " --a   : ccfpath");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, " --c   : noclobber");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, " --f   : ccffiles");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, " --i   : cifname");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, " --m   : manual");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, " --t   : trace");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, " --V   : verbosity level");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, " --w   : warning");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "");
# in case of early error show the full syntax, 
#   also for options "--p" and "-p" and "--h" and "-h"
sub showSyntax {
  if ( $indir eq ""){
    if ( not exists $ENV{'SAS_ODF'}) {}
    else { $indir = $ENV{'SAS_ODF'} }
  my $epchain_msg = -$SAS::AppMsg;

  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, $line_plusplus);

  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "evtfile=<input event file>                          [$evtfile]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "ootfile=<input out-of-time event file>              [$ootfile]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "attfile=<attitude file>                             [$attfile]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "fwcfileb=<input filter-wheel-closed event file>     [$fwcfile]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "gtifile=<good-time-interval file>                   [$gtifile]");

  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "pimin;                                              [$pimin]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "pimax;                                              [$pimax]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "patmin;                                             [$patmin]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "patmax;                                             [$patmax]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "flag;                                               [$flag]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "flagout;                                            [$flagout]");

  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "withemtaglenoise=<Y|N>;                             [$withemtaglenoise]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "withexposure=<Y|N>;                                 [$withexposure]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "withbadpixupdate=<Y|N>;                             [$withbadpixupdate]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "withattcalc=<Y|N>;                                  [$withattcalc]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "withmask=<Y|N>;                                     [$withmask]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "withfwcimages=<Y|N>;                                [$withfwcimages]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "withwindowmode=<Y|N>;                               [$withwindowmode]");

  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "---- parameters passed to evselect ----");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "ximagemin;                                          [$ximagemin]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "ximagemax;                                          [$ximagemax]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "yimagemin;                                          [$yimagemin]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "yimagemax;                                          [$yimagemax]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "imagebinning;                                       [$imagebinning]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "ximagebinsize;                                      [$ximagebinsize]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "yimagebinsize;                                      [$yimagebinsize]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "ximagesize;                                         [$ximagesize]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "yimagesize;                                         [$yimagesize]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "withxranges;                                        [$withxranges]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "withyranges;                                        [$withyranges]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "squarepixels;                                       [$squarepixels]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "withcelestialcenter;                                [$withcelestialcenter]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "raimagecenter;                                      [$raimagecenter]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "decimagecenter;                                     [$decimagecenter]");

  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "---- parameters passed to attcalc ----");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "nominalra;                                          [$nominalra]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "nominaldec;                                         [$nominaldec]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "imagesize;                                          [$imagesize]");

  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "---- parameters passed to emask ----");     
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "threshold1;                                         [$threshold1]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "threshold2;                                         [$threshold2]");
  SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $epchain_msg, "");