#! /usr/bin/perl -w # # # main for SAS perl tasks. # require 5; use strict; use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::Configure ("pass_through"); use SAS::error; ## At build time the following strings (enclosed in --, that is ## -string-) are replaced: ## sasperl -> This is taken from the PERL variable defined by configure ## taskname ## version ## release ## aka ## Make sure they do not occur anywhere else in main.pl unless you ## want them to be replaced. ## taskname also occurs at the end of main.pl ## my $name = "eimsimprep"; SAS::error::client($name); my $VERSION = "2.3"; my $RELEASE = "xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0"; my $AKA = "15.0.0"; ## ## Standard options: these follow taskmain. ## ## -a|--ccfpath [:...] --> SAS_CCFPATH ## -f|--ccffiles [...] --> cannot be implemented ## -c|--noclobber --> SAS_CLOBBER ## -d|--dialog --> tool(sasdialog) ## -h|--help --> tool(listparams) ## -i|--ccf --> SAS_CCF ## -m|--manpage --> sashelp ## -o|--odf --> SAS_ODF ## -V|--verbosity -- SAS_VERBOSITY ## -v|--version --> local implementation ## ## Getopt::Long provides support for short versions with single "-" except for -v. ## Therefore all short versions were automatically included either with first letter ## or via an alias as for -a, -i, -o and -V. ## ## -v deserves special care due to the existence of support for $version within the ## Getopt module. Therefore -v is treated specially. my ($ccfpath, $noclobber, $dialog, $help, $ccf, $manpage, $odf, $verbosity, $version); exit(1) unless GetOptions("ccfpath|a=s" => \$ccfpath, "noclobber" => \$noclobber, "dialog" => \$dialog, "help" => \$help, "ccf|i=s" => \$ccf, "manpage" => \$manpage, "odf|o=s" => \$odf, "verbosity|V=i" => \$verbosity, "version" => \$version, ); my $arg; foreach $arg (@ARGV) { $version=1 if ( $arg =~ "-v" ); } $ENV{SAS_CCFPATH} = $ccfpath if($ccfpath); $ENV{SAS_CLOBBER} = 0 if($noclobber); $ENV{SAS_CCF} = $ccf if($ccf); $ENV{SAS_ODF} = $odf if($odf); $ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY} = $verbosity if($verbosity); use SAS::param; if($version){ print "$name-$VERSION [$RELEASE-$AKA]\n"; exit(0); } if($manpage){ system("sashelp --doc=$name"); my $x = $? >> 8; # perldoc -f system exit($x); } if($help){ system("listparams $name"); my $x = $? >> 8; exit($x); } if($dialog){ system("sasdialog $name"); my $x = $? >> 8; exit($x); } &eimsimprep(); # This perl task is the first that should be run. You should run it before you run eimsimbatch. You should run eimsimprep once only, and in only one 'stream'. # # eimsimprep calls a detection-specific prep task; the name of this should be supplied via the --detpreptask parameter. my ($testFlag); my ($command); sub eimsimprep { use SAS; use eimsimperlsubs; my $taskname = "eimsimprep"; # Prints all output to stderr: select(STDERR); #...................................................................... # Read and check parameters: my $num_entries = parameterCount('obsidroots'); SAS::error('noObsIds', "There must be at least one member in the " ."list --obsidroots") if ($num_entries <= 0); my @obsid_roots = (); foreach my $i (0 .. $num_entries-1) { $obsid_roots[$i] = stringParameter('obsidroots', $i); #print "$obsid_roots[$i]\n"; } #exit; $testFlag = booleanParameter('astest'); my $testFlagStr = &boolToStr($testFlag); my $first_stage = stringParameter('entrystage'); my $last_stage = stringParameter('finalstage'); my $ref_band = intParameter('refband'); # for making sky mask my $prod_subdir = stringParameter('prdssubdir'); my $simop_subdir = stringParameter('simopsubdir'); my $simgen_subdir = stringParameter('simgensubdir'); my $pseudoprod_subdir = stringParameter('pseudoprodsubdir'); my $padsizearcsec = realParameter('padsizearcsec'); my $template_set = stringParameter('srcspecset'); my $dettaskstyle = stringParameter('dettaskstyle'); my ($det_prep_script, $det_type); if ($dettaskstyle eq 'user') { $det_prep_script = stringParameter('detpreptask'); if ( $det_prep_script eq 'eimsimdetprep1xmm') { $det_type = '1xmm'; } elsif($det_prep_script eq 'eimsimdetprep2xmm') { $det_type = '2xmm'; } else { $det_type = ''; } # unlink("eimsim_config"); } elsif($dettaskstyle eq 'auto') { $det_type = stringParameter('dettype'); if ($det_type eq '1xmm') { $det_prep_script = 'eimsimdetprep1xmm'; } elsif($det_type eq '2xmm') { $det_prep_script = 'eimsimdetprep2xmm'; } else { SAS::error('badDetType', "Didn't recognize the choice $det_type."); } # system("echo $det_type > eimsim_config"); } else { SAS::error('badDetTaskStyle', "Didn't recognize the choice $dettaskstyle."); } system("echo $det_type > eimsim_config"); # my $temp_ascii = stringParameter('tempascii'); # my $temp_set = stringParameter('tempset'); # my $stream_num = intParameter('streamnumber'); # Check that template file has the right keyword: # if ($dettaskstyle eq 'auto') { my $det_type_kwd = &eimsimperlsubs::readFITSKeyword($template_set, 'FLUX_SCALES', 'DET_TYPE'); if ($det_type eq '1xmm') { SAS::warning('badDetTypeKwd', "You asked for source-detection type 1XMM but the template file is not appropriate for this.") if (defined($det_type_kwd) && $det_type_kwd ne '1XMM'); } elsif($det_type eq '2xmm') { SAS::warning('badDetTypeKwd', "You asked for source-detection type 2XMM but the template file is appropriate for 1XMM.") if (defined($det_type_kwd) && $det_type_kwd eq '1XMM'); } else { SAS::error('badDetType', "Didn't recognize the choice $det_type."); } } #...................................................................... # Read ECF data from template file. In the present script this is just # needed for the list of instruments and the list of bands. # if (!-d "$simgen_subdir") { SAS::warning('noGenericSimOutputSubdir', "Directory $simgen_subdir not found; I'll try to mkdir it."); SAS::error('mkdirFailed', "Couldn't mkdir $simgen_subdir.") if (system("mkdir -p $simgen_subdir")); SAS::error('noSimOutputSubdir', "Directory $simgen_subdir not found.") if (!-d "$simgen_subdir"); } my $temp_ascii = "$simgen_subdir/Sim_temp.txt"; my $temp_set = "$simgen_subdir/Sim_tempSet.fits"; my ($ecf_ref, $sim_fluxDensityToFlux) = &eimsimperlsubs::readEcfs($template_set, $temp_ascii, $testFlag); my @ecf_info = @{$ecf_ref}; SAS::error('noEcfsFound', "No ECF entries were returned by readEcfs.") if (@ecf_info <= 0); SAS::error('badEcfStructure', "No instrument data returned in the ECF hash.") if (!defined($ecf_info[0]{'instrums'})); #...................................................................... # Check the product structure and obtain hashes of obsids, instruments and bands from it: my ($obsid_ref, $used_bands_ref, $filters_ref) = &eimsimperlsubs::checkProds($prod_subdir, @obsid_roots); my %obs_ids = %{$obsid_ref}; my @used_bands = @{$used_bands_ref}; my %filters = %{$filters_ref}; # Check that all bands, and all combos of instrument/filter, are present in the ecf hash: # my ($instexpids_ref, $band_to_i_ref) = &eimsimperlsubs::checkBandInstFilt($used_bands_ref, $filters_ref, $ecf_ref); my %instexpids = %{$instexpids_ref}; my %band_to_i = %{$band_to_i_ref}; ############ emphasise in the doco that band and inst info is defined by the product set! ############ note that products are still required even if astest=yes. #...................................................................... # Setup file names: # $stream_num =~ s/^0+//; # chop off any leading zeros # $id_number =~ s/^0+//; # chop off any leading zeros # my $stream_num_str = '0'x(2-length($stream_num))."$stream_num"; # my $id_number_str = '0'x(4-length($id_number)) ."$id_number"; # my $id_str = "S$stream_num_str"."F$id_number_str"; my $temp_image_set = "$simgen_subdir/Sim_tempImage.fits"; my $temp_sel_set = "$simgen_subdir/Sim_tempTab.fits"; my $temp_mask_set = "$simgen_subdir/Sim_tempMask.fits"; #********* cleanup these 3. my $inv_sensy_set = "$simgen_subdir/Sim_inverseSensitivityMap.fits"; my %attitude_sets = (); my %cifs = (); my %evlists = (); my %expmap_refs = (); my %imgdef_refs = (); my %padmasksets = (); my %expmaps = (); my %imgdefs = (); my %nonvigs = (); my %bkg_cts_images = (); # my @list_exp_maps = (); foreach my $obsid_root (@obsid_roots) { my $prod_dir = "$obsid_root/$prod_subdir"; my $simop_dir = "$obsid_root/$simop_subdir"; my $pseudoprod_dir = "$obsid_root/$pseudoprod_subdir"; if (!-d "$simop_dir") { SAS::warning('noSimOutputSubdir', "Directory $simop_dir not found; I'll try to mkdir it."); SAS::error('mkdirFailed', "Couldn't mkdir $simop_dir.") if (system("mkdir -p $simop_dir")); SAS::error('noSimOutputSubdir', "Directory $simop_dir not found.") if (!-d "$simop_dir"); } if (!-d "$pseudoprod_dir") { SAS::warning('noPseudoProdSubdir', "Directory $pseudoprod_dir not found; I'll try to mkdir it."); SAS::error('mkdirFailed', "Couldn't mkdir $pseudoprod_dir.") if (system("mkdir -p $pseudoprod_dir")); SAS::error('noSimOutputSubdir', "Directory $pseudoprod_dir not found.") if (!-d "$pseudoprod_dir"); } my $obsid = $obs_ids{$obsid_root}; $attitude_sets{$obsid} = "$prod_dir/P$obsid"."OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT"; $cifs{$obsid} = "$prod_dir/P$obsid"."OBX000CALIND0000.FIT"; foreach my $instexpid (@{$instexpids{$obsid}}) { $imgdef_refs{"$obsid$instexpid"} = "$prod_dir/P$obsid$instexpid" ."IMAGE_$ref_band"."000.FIT"; $expmap_refs{"$obsid$instexpid"} = "$prod_dir/P$obsid$instexpid" ."EXPMAP$ref_band"."000.FIT"; $padmasksets{$obsid}{$instexpid} = "$simop_dir/Sim_$instexpid" ."_paddedMask.fits"; if (substr($instexpid, 0, 2) eq 'PN') { $evlists{$obsid}{$instexpid} = "$prod_dir/P$obsid$instexpid" ."PIEVLI0000.FIT"; } else { $evlists{$obsid}{$instexpid} = "$prod_dir/P$obsid$instexpid" ."MIEVLI0000.FIT"; } foreach my $band (@used_bands) { $imgdefs{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band} = "$prod_dir/P$obsid$instexpid" ."IMAGE_$band"."000.FIT"; $expmaps{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band} = "$prod_dir/P$obsid$instexpid" ."EXPMAP$band"."000.FIT"; $nonvigs{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band} = "$pseudoprod_dir/P$obsid$instexpid" ."NVGMAP$band"."000.FIT"; $bkg_cts_images{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band} = "$simop_dir/Sim_$instexpid" ."_BKGMAP_$band.fits"; } # end foreach $band } # end foreach $instexpid (@{$instexpids{$obsid}}) } # end foreach $obsid_root (@obsid_roots) #...................................................................... # Set up ecf and band lists and arrays: my %idbandlos = (); my %idbandhis = (); my %bkgrates = (); foreach my $obsid_root (@obsid_roots) { my $obsid = $obs_ids{$obsid_root}; foreach my $instexpid (@{$instexpids{$obsid}}) { my $inst_uc = substr($instexpid, 0, 2); my $filter = $filters{$obsid}{$instexpid}; # ie, the filter specified by the event list. #print "Filter is $filter\n"; foreach my $band (@used_bands) { my $i = $band_to_i{$band}; my @band_ranges = @{$ecf_info[$i]{'edges'}}; my $idbandlo = $band_ranges[0 ]{'lo'}; my $idbandhi = $band_ranges[$#band_ranges]{'hi'}; $idbandlo = sprintf "%5d", $idbandlo; $idbandhi = sprintf "%5d", $idbandhi; $idbandlo =~ s/^\s+//; $idbandhi =~ s/^\s+//; $idbandlos{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band} = "$idbandlo"; $idbandhis{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band} = "$idbandhi"; my %filter_lists = %{$ecf_info[$i]{'instrums'}}; SAS::error('noBkgRates', "The template set does not contain a background rate for inst $inst_uc, filter $filter.") if (!exists($filter_lists{$inst_uc}{$filter}{'BG'})); my $bg = $filter_lists{$inst_uc}{$filter}{'BG'}; #print "inst $inst_uc, filter $filter BG = $bg\n"; $bkgrates{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band} = $bg; } } } #...................................................................... # Now load the bkgrates and vigfractions. my %vigbkgrates = (); my %nonvigbkgrates = (); my $bkg_style = stringParameter('bkgstyle'); if ($bkg_style eq 'user') { #.................................................................... # Now load the bkgrates and vigfractions. NOTE that each of these # lists MUST contain either 1 entry each OR the same number of # elements as there are bands in the ECF table of the template file. my @user_bkgrates = (); $num_entries = parameterCount('bkgrates'); SAS::error('noBkgRates', "There must be at least one member in the " ."list --bkgrates") if ($num_entries <= 0); # --bkgrates should be in units of counts / arcsec^2 / s. # if ($num_entries == 1) { foreach my $i (0 .. $#used_bands) { $user_bkgrates[$i] = realParameter('bkgrates', 0); } } elsif($num_entries == @used_bands) { foreach my $i (0 .. $num_entries-1) { $user_bkgrates[$i] = realParameter('bkgrates', $i); } } else { SAS::error('badNumBkgRates', "There should be the same number of --bkgrates (and --vigfractions) as the number of bands."); } my @vigfractions = (); $num_entries = parameterCount('vigfractions'); if ($num_entries == 1) { foreach my $i (0 .. $#used_bands) { $vigfractions[$i] = realParameter('vigfractions', 0); } } elsif($num_entries == @used_bands) { foreach my $i (0 .. $num_entries-1) { $vigfractions[$i] = realParameter('vigfractions', $i); } } else { SAS::error('badNumVigFractions', "There should be the same number of --vigfractions (and --bkgrates) as the number of bands."); } # foreach my $band (@used_bands) { # my $bkg_rate = shift @bkgrates; # my $vig_frac = shift @vigfractions; # $vigbkgrates{$band} = $bkg_rate * $vig_frac; # $nonvigbkgrates{$band} = $bkg_rate * (1-$vig_frac); # } foreach my $obsid_root (@obsid_roots) { my $obsid = $obs_ids{$obsid_root}; foreach my $instexpid (@{$instexpids{$obsid}}) { foreach my $band (@used_bands) { my $bkg_rate = shift @user_bkgrates; my $vig_frac = shift @vigfractions; $vigbkgrates{ $obsid}{$instexpid}{$band} = $bkg_rate * $vig_frac; $nonvigbkgrates{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band} = $bkg_rate * (1-$vig_frac); } } } } elsif ($bkg_style eq 'products') { # do nothing. } elsif ($bkg_style eq 'srcspecset') { my $vig_frac = 0.2; ################### for now. foreach my $obsid_root (@obsid_roots) { my $obsid = $obs_ids{$obsid_root}; foreach my $instexpid (@{$instexpids{$obsid}}) { my $filter = $filters{$obsid}{$instexpid}; foreach my $band (@used_bands) { my $bkg_rate = $bkgrates{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band}; $vigbkgrates{ $obsid}{$instexpid}{$band} = $bkg_rate * $vig_frac; $nonvigbkgrates{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band} = $bkg_rate * (1-$vig_frac); } } } } else { SAS::error('badBkgStyle', "--bkgstyle value of '$bkg_style' not recognized."); } #...................................................................... # Decide where to go: if ($first_stage eq 'detprep') { goto DETPREP; } elsif ($first_stage eq 'makeskymasks') { goto MAKESKYMASKS; } elsif ($first_stage eq 'makenonvig') { goto MAKENONVIG; } elsif ($first_stage eq 'makebkgmap') { goto MAKEBKGMAP; } elsif ($first_stage eq 'sensmaps') { goto SENSMAPS; } elsif ($first_stage eq 'addskyarea') { goto ADDSKYAREA; } elsif ($first_stage eq 'cleanup') { goto CLEANUP; } elsif ($first_stage eq 'end') { SAS::warning('noAction', "Value --entrystage=end means that no tasks are run."); goto ENDD; } else { SAS::error('badEntryStage', "Unrecognized entry stage $first_stage."); } #...................................................................... # Start main routine: DETPREP: # print "**************** start DETPREP ***************\n\n"; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "**************** start DETPREP ***************\n"); my $det_prep_path = `which $det_prep_script`; chomp ($det_prep_path); if (-e "$det_prep_path") { SAS::error('detPrepTaskNotExecutable', "--detpreptask $det_prep_script is not executable.") if (!-x "$det_prep_path"); } else { SAS::error('noDetPrepTask', "--detpreptask $det_prep_script not found."); } $command = "$det_prep_script " ."obsidroots='".join(' ', @obsid_roots)."' " ."prdssubdir=$prod_subdir " ."simopsubdir=$simop_subdir " ."astest=$testFlagStr " ."refband=$ref_band " ."srcspecset=$template_set " # ."tempascii=$temp_ascii " ; # print "\ninvoke $command\n\n"; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "invoke $command\n"); SAS::error('detPrepTaskFailed', "Couldn't run $det_prep_script.") if (system("$command")); goto ENDD if ($last_stage eq 'detprep'); MAKESKYMASKS: # print "************* start MAKESKYMASKS *************\n\n"; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "************* start MAKESKYMASKS *************\n"); # This routine calculates the location and size of a great circle which encloses all the fields of view supplied via the parameter --insets. Exposure maps are used for this purpose. Note that it is not necessary to supply this algorithm with exposure maps from all bands of a particular observation/exposure since the instrument pointing information is all that is required. # # Individual sky masks are also calculated for each obs/instexpid combination. foreach my $expmap (values %expmap_refs) { SAS::error('noExpMap', "Couldn't find $expmap.") if (!-e "$expmap"); } SAS::error('noTemplate', "Can't find $template_set.") if (!-e "$template_set"); $command = "mosaicprep " ."expmapsets='".join(' ', values(%expmap_refs))."' " ."srcspecset=$template_set " ."padsize=$padsizearcsec " ; SAS::error('makeSkyTemplateFailed', "Couldn't run mosaicprep.") if (&run("$command")); foreach my $obsid_root (@obsid_roots) { my $obsid = $obs_ids{$obsid_root}; foreach my $instexpid (@{$instexpids{$obsid}}) { my $expmapset = $expmap_refs{"$obsid$instexpid"}; my $padmaskset = $padmasksets{$obsid}{$instexpid}; $command = "padmask " ."expmapset=$expmapset " ."maskset=$padmaskset " ."tempset=$temp_set " ."padsize=$padsizearcsec " ; SAS::error('makeSkyMaskFailed', "Couldn't make sky mask for $obsid, $instexpid.") if (&run("$command")); } } goto ENDD if ($last_stage eq 'makeskymasks'); MAKENONVIG: # print "************** start MAKENONVIG **************\n\n"; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "************** start MAKENONVIG **************\n"); my $argusedss = ""; # Default: eexpmap Version 4.0 or later $argusedss = "usedss=no " if (&isoptdefined("eexpmap", "usedss")); if ($argusedss eq "") { SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "The version of eexpmap is later than 3.x. Use IMAGEs, not EXPMAPs.\n"); } foreach my $obsid_root (@obsid_roots) { my $obsid = $obs_ids{$obsid_root}; my $need_to_make_at_least_1 = 0; foreach my $instexpid (@{$instexpids{$obsid}}) { foreach my $band (@used_bands) { my $nonvigset = $nonvigs{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band}; if (!-e "$nonvigset"){ $need_to_make_at_least_1 = 1; last; } } last if $need_to_make_at_least_1; } # next if (!$need_to_make_at_least_1); if (!$need_to_make_at_least_1){ SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "All NONVIG exposure maps already exist for obsid $obsid.\n"); next; } my $cif = $cifs{$obsid}; SAS::error('noCif', "Can't find CIF $cif.") if (!-e "$cif"); $ENV{'SAS_CCF'} = "$cif"; my $ahf = $attitude_sets{$obsid}; SAS::error('noAttFile', "Can't find $ahf.") if (!-e "$ahf"); foreach my $instexpid (@{$instexpids{$obsid}}) { my $eventset = $evlists{$obsid}{$instexpid}; SAS::error('noEventList', "Can't find $eventset.") if (!-e "$eventset"); my $imageset; if ($argusedss eq "") { $imageset = $imgdef_refs{"$obsid$instexpid"}; } else { $imageset = $expmap_refs{"$obsid$instexpid"}; } SAS::error('noImage', "Can't find $imageset.") if (!-e "$imageset"); foreach my $band (@used_bands) { # my $imageset = $images{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band}; #SAS::error('noImage', "Can't find $imageset.") if (!-e "$imageset"); my $nonvigset = $nonvigs{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band}; next if (-e "$nonvigset"); my $idbandlo = $idbandlos{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band}; my $idbandhi = $idbandhis{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band}; $command = "eexpmap " ."imageset=$imageset " # just need it for wcs, dss(gti) and image size I guess. ."attitudeset=$ahf " ."eventset=$eventset " ."expimageset=$nonvigset " ."withvignetting=no " ."attrebin=2 " ."pimin=$idbandlo " ."pimax=$idbandhi " .$argusedss # ."usedss=no " # Invalid for newer versions (>=4.0) of eexpmap ; SAS::error('makeNonVigMapFailed', "Couldn't make nonvig exposure map.") if (&run("$command")); } } # foreach my $instexpid (@{$instexpids{$obsid}}) } # foreach my $obsid_root (@obsid_roots) goto ENDD if ($last_stage eq 'makenonvig'); MAKEBKGMAP: # print "************** start MAKEBKGMAP **************\n\n"; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "************** start MAKEBKGMAP **************\n"); if ($bkg_style eq 'products') { SAS::warning('noActionRequired', "You set parameter --bkgstyle to 'products'; bkg maps are assumed to have been made already."); } else { foreach my $obsid_root (@obsid_roots) { my $obsid = $obs_ids{$obsid_root}; foreach my $instexpid (@{$instexpids{$obsid}}) { foreach my $band (@used_bands) { my $nonvigset = $nonvigs{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band}; SAS::error('noNonVigMap', "Can't find $nonvigset.") if (!$testFlag && !-e "$nonvigset"); my $expmapset = $expmaps{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band}; SAS::error('noExpMap', "Can't find $expmapset.") if (!-e "$expmapset"); my $bkg_cts_image = $bkg_cts_images{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band}; my $vigbkgrate = $vigbkgrates{ $obsid}{$instexpid}{$band}; my $nonvigbkgrate = $nonvigbkgrates{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band}; # --vigbkgrate and --nonvigrate should both be in units of counts / arcsec^2 / s. # $command = "bkgtemplategen " ."expmapset=$expmapset " ."nonvigset=$nonvigset " ."bkgmapset=$bkg_cts_image " ."vigbkgrate=$vigbkgrate " ."nonvigrate=$nonvigbkgrate " ; SAS::error('makeBkgMapFailed', "Couldn't run bkgtemplategen.") if (&run("$command")); } } } } goto ENDD if ($last_stage eq 'makebkgmap'); SENSMAPS: # print "*************** start SENSMAPS ***************\n\n"; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "*************** start SENSMAPS ***************\n"); # foreach $obsid_root (@obsid_roots) { # $obsid = $obs_ids{$obsid_root}; # $prod_dir = "$obsid_root/$prod_subdir"; # $inter_dir = "$obsid_root/$inter_subdir"; # @instexpids = keys(%{$expmaps{$obsid}}); # # $command = "esensmap_single " # ."prdsdir=$prod_dir " # ."interdir=$inter_dir " # ."instexpids='".join(' ', @instexpids)."' " # ."obsid=$obsid " # ."astest=$params{'astest'} " # ."cleanup=yes " # ; # # print "\ninvoke $command\n\n"; # #&quit("Couldn't make sensitivity maps.", 26) if (system("$command")); ## Not using &run() here because we want esensmap_single to be run whether ## $params{'astest'} is set or not. $params{'astest'} is passed to ## esensmap_single and so is also effective therein. # } #****** for the present, make a pseudo-$inv_sensy_set by adding together all the ref-band exposure maps. At present the $inv_sensy_set is just used as a mask to flag sim sources which fall within areas of >0 exposure and so are detectable in principle. foreach my $expmap (values %expmap_refs) { SAS::error('noExpMap', "Couldn't find $expmap.") if (!-e "$expmap"); } $command = "emosaic " ."imagesets='".join(' ', values(%expmap_refs))."' " ."withexposure=no " ."mosaicedset=$inv_sensy_set " ; SAS::error('makeInverseSensitivityFailed', "Couldn't run emosaic.") if (&run("$command")); goto ENDD if ($last_stage eq 'sensmaps'); ADDSKYAREA: # print "************** start ADDSKYAREA **************\n\n"; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "************** start ADDSKYAREA **************\n"); SAS::error('noInverseSensitivitySet', "Couldn't find $inv_sensy_set.") if (!$testFlag && !-e "$inv_sensy_set"); $command = "immask " ."imageset=$inv_sensy_set " ."maskset=$temp_mask_set " ."tempset=$temp_sel_set " ."tempimageset=$temp_image_set " ."expression='VAL>0.0' " ; SAS::error('makeMaskFailed', "Couldn't run immask.") if (&run("$command")); my $total_sky_area = 999; # default if (!$testFlag) { SAS::error('noMaskSet', "Couldn't find $temp_mask_set") if (!-e $temp_mask_set); my $pix_delta_x = abs(&eimsimperlsubs::readFITSKeyword($temp_mask_set, 'CDELT1')); my $pix_delta_y = abs(&eimsimperlsubs::readFITSKeyword($temp_mask_set, 'CDELT2')); SAS::error('getPixelDimsFailed', "Couldn't retrieve pixel dimensions.") if ($pix_delta_x == 0 || $pix_delta_y == 0); SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "Mask pixels are $pix_delta_x by $pix_delta_y degrees.\n"); $command = "fimgstat " ."infile=$temp_mask_set " ."threshlo=INDEF " ."threshup=INDEF " ; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "invoke $command\n"); my @lines = `$command | grep sum`; SAS::error('getAreaDetMaskFailed', "Couldn't get area of detmask.") if (!defined($lines[0])); my $n_mask_pixels = 0; if ($lines[0] =~ /=\s*(\d+)/) { $n_mask_pixels = $1; } else { SAS::error('getAreaDetMaskFailed', "Couldn't get area of detmask."); } SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "$n_mask_pixels mask pixels found.\n"); # $total_sky_area = abs($n_mask_pixels * $pix_delta_x * $pix_delta_y); $total_sky_area = $n_mask_pixels * $pix_delta_x * $pix_delta_y; } $command = "fparkey " ."value=$total_sky_area " ."fitsfile=$inv_sensy_set"."'[0]' " ."keyword='SKY_AREA' " ."comm='[deg^2] Total area in which srcs are detectable.' " ."add=yes " ; SAS::error('fparkeyFailed', "Couldn't add SKY_AREA keyword to $inv_sensy_set.") if (&run("$command")); goto ENDD if ($last_stage eq 'addskyarea'); CLEANUP: # print "**************** start CLEANUP ***************\n\n"; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "**************** start CLEANUP ***************\n"); &cleanup($temp_image_set); &cleanup($temp_sel_set); &cleanup($temp_mask_set); &cleanup($inv_sensy_set); foreach my $obsid_root (@obsid_roots) { my $obsid = $obs_ids{$obsid_root}; foreach my $instexpid (@{$instexpids{$obsid}}) { &cleanup($padmasksets{$obsid}{$instexpid}); foreach my $band (@used_bands) { &cleanup($bkg_cts_images{$obsid}{$instexpid}{$band}); } # end foreach $band } # end foreach $instexpid (@{$instexpids{$obsid}}) } # end foreach $obsid_root (@obsid_roots) $det_prep_path = `which $det_prep_script`; chomp ($det_prep_path); if (-e "$det_prep_path") { SAS::error('detPrepTaskNotExecutable', "--detpreptask $det_prep_script is not executable.") if (!-x "$det_prep_path"); } else { SAS::error('noDetPrepTask', "--detpreptask $det_prep_script not found."); } $command = "$det_prep_script " ."obsidroots='".join(' ', @obsid_roots)."' " ."entrystage=cleanup " ."finalstage=cleanup " ."prdssubdir=$prod_subdir " ."simopsubdir=$simop_subdir " ."astest=$testFlagStr " ."refband=$ref_band " ."srcspecset=$template_set " ."tempascii=$temp_ascii " ; # print "\ninvoke $command\n\n"; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "invoke $command\n"); SAS::error('detPrepTaskFailed', "Couldn't run $det_prep_script cleanup.") if (system("$command")); ENDD: } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cleanup { #--------------------------------------------------------------------- my ($filename) = @_; if (-e "$filename"){ $command = "rm $filename"; SAS::error('rmFailed', "Couldn't delete $filename.") if (&run("$command")); } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub run { #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # $testFlag should be defined globally. my ($command) = @_; my $status = 0; # print "\ninvoke $command\n\n"; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "invoke $command\n"); if (!$testFlag) { $status = system($command); } return $status; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub boolToStr { #--------------------------------------------------------------------- my ($bool_val) = @_; if ($bool_val){ return 'yes'; } else { return 'no'; } } # sub getsastaskversion { # ## Input: (Command) # aral% perl -e '$_=`eexpmap --version`; chop; /^[^(]+ \([^\-]*\-(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\)/; $sastaskver=$1+$2/10+$3/10000; print $sastaskver,"\n"' # } sub isoptdefined { ## Input: (Command, Parameter) ## Return: 1 if yes, 0 otherwise. ## Description: Command is a SAS command. Parameter is e.g. 'usedss'. ## Example: $opt9="usedss=no " if (&isoptdefined("eexpmap", "usedss")) ## Note: It is unefficent to call this subroutine repeatedly ## for the same command. my($com) = shift; # SAS-command name my($optname) = shift; # Option parameter name my($optnamere) = quotemeta($optname); my($flagprmnow)=0; my($isoptexisting)=0; open(SASCOMARGTEST, "$com -h|") or die "Failed to run '$com -h'"; while (){ if (/^\s*Parameters\s*:/) { $flagprmnow=1; next; } elsif ($flagprmnow) { next; } elsif (/^\s*$optnamere /) { $isoptexisting=1; last; } } close(SASCOMARGTEST); $isoptexisting; } 1;