#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # eslewchain # # Cuts a slew into a series of images # # Author: Richard Saxton (richard.saxton@sciops.esa.int) # # Description: # # This SAS task takes the event file from a slew and cuts it into # a sequence of images of roughly 1 x 0.5 degrees in size. It calculates # the attitude from a Raw Attitude File (RAF) which must reside in a # directory pointed to by $SAS_ODF. # # The current version produces images in the bands # This is a pipeline version which uses the energy bands # # 8 - PI=200-12000 # 7 - PI=2000-12000 # 6 - PI-200-2000 # # Version 1.4 - 02/2/2010 # Version 1.6 - 31/7/2014 - updates for xmmsl2 # Version 1.7 - 11/8/2015 - optionally produces .png files # # NB: The task makes significant use of the ftools utilities. # # Needs: # SAS_ODF must point to a directoy containing a PN slew event list # which has been processed by odfingest and epproc. # use POSIX qw(ceil floor); use SAS; use strict; # Define task my $TASK_NAME="eslewchain"; # my $TASK_VERSION="1.7"; # { # Start of main eslewchain task # Handle command line params -v, -p -,h if ( grep /^--?v/, @ARGV) { getVersion() ; exit; } ; if ( grep /^--?p/, @ARGV) { showSyntax() ; exit; } ; if ( grep /^--?h/, @ARGV) { showSyntax() ; exit; } ; # Define status variable my $status=0; # Move to the SAS_ODF directory #my $cwd = getcwd(); my $indir=""; my $sumpath=""; my $ep=0; if ( exists $ENV{'SAS_ODF'}) {$indir = handleOdfDir()} else { SAS::error("odf", "SAS_ODF not set to a valid directory")} # Set SAS_ATTITUDE = RAF # Issue a warning if SAS_ATTITUDE is not set to RAF if ( not exists $ENV{'SAS_ATTITUDE'} or $ENV{'SAS_ATTITUDE'} ne 'RAF' ) { SAS::warning("UseRAF", "the SAS_ATTITUDE environment variable should be set to RAF when processing slew data") } # Read in the event filename # my $evfile = stringParameter("table"); # Find the name of the event file in the SAS_ODF directory my $evf = 0; my $evfile = ""; ##open(FILST, "ls $indir/*EVL* $indir/*ImagingEvts* |"); ##open(FILST, "ls *EVL* *ImagingEvts* |"); opendir(CDIR,"."); while ( my $fname = readdir(CDIR) ) { if ( $fname =~ /EVL/ or $fname =~ /Imag/ ) { chomp($evfile = $fname); $evf = $evf + 1; } } if ( $evf == 0 ) { SAS::error("evfile", "No event file found in SAS_ODF")} elsif ( $evf > 1) { SAS::error("evfile", "More than one event file found in SAS_ODF")} else { print "Using event file: $evfile\n"}; # To avoid messy processing - refuse to run on slews with missing exposure extn checkExpExtns($evfile); # Find the rough start position of the slew # and check that the ftools are set-up ok my $nomra=getKeyWord($evfile, 'RA_PNT'); my $nomdec=getKeyWord($evfile, 'DEC_PNT'); my $nompa=getKeyWord($evfile, 'PA_PNT'); # Find the start and stop time of the first slew frame in s/c time units my $evfblk1 = $evfile . "+1"; my $slew_start=getKeyWord($evfblk1, 'TSTART'); my $slew_stop=getKeyWord($evfblk1, 'TSTOP'); print "RA: $nomra DEC: $nomdec PA: $nompa START: $slew_start\n"; #exit # # Run atthkgen to produce an ATTITUDE file - this is used to get the # pointing RA_PNT, DEC_PNT info. # my $c_atthkgen = "atthkgen atthkset=atthk.dat"; # SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg,$SAS::VerboseMsg,"$c_atthkgen"); runtask($c_atthkgen); # Set the attitude relative to the slew start position my $c_attcalc = "attcalc eventset=\"$evfile\" imagesize=200.0 "; $c_attcalc .= "refpointlabel=user nominalra=\"$nomra\" "; $c_attcalc .= "nominaldec=\"$nomdec\" withatthkset=no "; # SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg,$SAS::VerboseMsg,"$c_attcalc"); runtask($c_attcalc); # Find the X and Y pixel ranges my @ranges = findminmaxxy($evfile); print "MINMAX: $ranges[0] $ranges[1] $ranges[2] $ranges[3]"; my $xdiff = $ranges[1] - $ranges[0]; my $ydiff = $ranges[3] - $ranges[2]; # Find the observation number and remove quotes my $obs=getKeyWord($evfile, 'OBS_ID'); $obs =~ s/'//g; # Split the slew into small event files and make images # depending on whether the slew is predominantly in the X or Y direction if ( $ydiff > $xdiff ) { slewsplit($obs, $evfile, "Y", $slew_start, $slew_stop) } else { slewsplit($obs, $evfile, "X", $slew_start, $slew_stop) } # Rename and Clean RenameAndClean($obs, $evfile); # Sayanora print "eslewchain processing finished\n"; } # end eslewchain # ------------------------------------------------------ # runtask - runs a task and handles the return status # ------------------------------------------------------ sub runtask{ my $taskname=$_[0]; system("$taskname"); if ($? != 0) { # SAS::fatal("TaskFailed","$taskname returned error $?"); print "error in $taskname \n"; } } # ------------------------------------------------------ # handleOdfDir - sets the default directory to SAS_ODF # - taken directly from eslewchain # ------------------------------------------------------ sub handleOdfDir{ my $indir=""; my $sumpath=""; my $ep=0; my $ascii=0; my $epo=0; my $eslewchain_txt = ""; # Set the directory to SAS_ODF $indir = $ENV{'SAS_ODF'}; my $tmpdir = $indir; if ( ! -e $indir ) { &showSyntax(); SAS::error("odf", "$indir could not be found."); }; if ( -d $indir ) { SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, " (D) SAS_ODF is directory: $indir"); $ascii = 0 } elsif ( -f $indir ) { SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, " (F) SAS_ODF is ASCII file: $indir"); $sumpath = `grep "PATH " $indir | cut -b6-` ; $epo = length($sumpath)-1; # print "LENGTH = " . $ep . "\n"; $eslewchain_txt = "SUMPATH = " . substr($sumpath, 0, $epo); SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, " (F) $eslewchain_txt"); if ( $sumpath ne "" ) { $indir = substr($sumpath, 0, $epo) . "/"; $ep = 0; # print "INDIR = |" . $indir . "|\n"; } else { $ep = 1; }; $ascii = 1 } else { SAS::error("odf", "SAS_ODF neither directory nor ASCII file.") }; if (! $ascii ) {$indir = $indir . "/" }; my $jp = index($indir,"/"); SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::NoisyMsg+1, "Position of / = $jp"); if ( $jp > -1 ) { $indir =~ /^(.*)\//; $indir = $1; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::NoisyMsg, " (0) SAS_ODF is directory: $indir") } else { if ( $indir eq "." ){ SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::NoisyMsg, " (1) SAS_ODF is directory: $indir") } elsif ( $indir eq ".." ) { SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::NoisyMsg, " (2) SAS_ODF is directory: $indir") } else { $indir = "."; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::NoisyMsg, " (3) SAS_ODF was ASCII: $tmpdir, now $indir") } }; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::NoisyMsg, " (9) SAS_ODF is directory: $indir"); # chdir $indir; chomp($indir); # if(system("chdir $indir")){ # SAS::error("ErrSetOdfDir","Cannot set default directory to $indir"); # } return $indir; } sub findminmaxxy{ # pget seems to be unreliable so we manipulate text output from fstatistic # to get the results my $evfile=$_[0]; my @minmax; my $tmpfile = 'del_fstat'; system("fstatistic infile=$evfile colname='X' rows='-' outfile=$tmpfile clobber=yes") == 0 or SAS::error("NoFtools","Couldn't run fstatistic"); $minmax[0] = getlastnum($tmpfile, "minimum"); $minmax[1] = getlastnum($tmpfile, "maximum"); system("fstatistic infile=$evfile colname='Y' rows='-' outfile=$tmpfile clobber=yes"); $minmax[2] = getlastnum($tmpfile, "minimum"); $minmax[3] = getlastnum($tmpfile, "maximum"); # Clean up system("rm $tmpfile ") ==0 or SAS::error("NoClean","Failed to remove temporary file"); return @minmax; } sub getKeyWord{ # Use fkeyprint to get a keyword from a file my $infile=$_[0]; my $keyword=$_[1]; my $value; # Add a +0 to denote the first extension if extension has not been included if (index($infile, "+") == -1) { $infile = $_[0] . "+0";} my $tmpfile = 'del_keyword'; if(system("fkeyprint infile=$infile keynam=$keyword outfile=$tmpfile clobber=yes")){ SAS::fatal("ErrFkeypar","Cannot run ftools task fkeyprint"); } open (TMPFILE, "<$tmpfile") or die (" Can't open file $!\n"); # Loop over each line while (my $line = ) { if ( $line =~ /$keyword/ ) { my (@list) = split "=", $line; my (@list2) = split " ", $list[1]; $value= $list2[0]; } } close TMPFILE; # Remove the temporary file system("rm $tmpfile") ==0 or SAS::error("NoClean","Failed to remove temporary file"); return $value; } # numevents # # Purpose: Find the number of events in an event file # sub numevents{ my $evfile=$_[0]."[EVENTS]"; print "$evfile\n"; my $numevents; system("fstruct infile=$evfile outfile=STDOUT") == 0 or SAS::error("NoFtools","Couldn't run fstatistic"); chomp($numevents=`pget fstruct naxis2`); print "Found $numevents events\n"; return $numevents; } # # getlastnum # # Purpose: Finds a number from the last element in a text line # sub getlastnum { my $tmpfile=$_[0]; my $srchstring=$_[1]; my $number; open (TMPFILE, "<$tmpfile") or die (" Can't open file $!\n"); # Loop over each line while (my $line = ) { # chomp $line; if ( $line =~ /$srchstring/ ) { my (@list) = split " ", $line; $number = $list[$#list]; } } close TMPFILE; return $number; } # # slewsplit # # Does the splitting of a slew into small images # sub slewsplit { # Open the input event file my $obs=$_[0]; my $infile=$_[1]; # Find out if .png files are wanted my $makepng = getMakePngParam(); print "Making png files: $makepng\n"; # Find the range of times of the events in the full file - roughly equivalent # to the start and end time of the exposure in the subimage my $line = findtimerange($infile); my (@list) = split " ", $line; my $tbegin= $list[0]; my $tend = $list[1]; # Work out the number of subimages my $tdelta = 45.0; my $nmaps = ceil(($tend - $tbegin) / $tdelta); # Find the range of X and Y values in the event file my @xylist = findminmaxxy($infile); my $xmin = $xylist[0]; my $xmax = $xylist[1]; my $ymin = $xylist[2]; my $ymax = $xylist[3]; # The hack to start from a given position #$ymin=$ybegin; print "Original sky coord ranges: $xmin $xmax $ymin $ymax\n"; print "Original time range: $tbegin $tend\n"; # Loop over the input file extracting roughly 1 degree square fields print "No of images to create: $nmaps\n"; # Make the root filenames my $outroot = "P" . $obs . "PNS003IMAGE_"; my $exproot = "P" . $obs . "PNS003EXPMAP"; my $unfroot = "P" . $obs . "PNS003UNFDAT"; # Define temp files my $timfiltfile = 'timefiltfile.ds'; my $largetimfiltfile = 'largetimefiltfile.ds'; # Initialise an image count my $imcount=0; my @args; my $line; my @list; # Careful with this reuse ! # Loop over each subimage for (my $j = 0; $j < $nmaps; $j++) { # Find the time range for this subimage my $tstart = $tbegin + $j * $tdelta; my $tstop = $tstart + $tdelta; # Sort out the filename stems for this image count - image numbers in HEX. my $imcstring = sprintf "%003x", $imcount; my $filtfile = "P" . $obs . "PNS003PIEVLI0" . $imcstring . ".ds"; # Select events during this time range +/- the delta my $tstart_extra = $tstart - $tdelta; my $tstop_extra = $tstop + $tdelta; @args = ("evselect","table=$infile","expression=(TIME in [$tstart_extra:$tstop_extra])","filtertype=expression","writedss=yes","destruct=yes", "filteredset=$largetimfiltfile","withfilteredset=yes","keepfilteroutput=yes", "ximagebinsize=55","yimagebinsize=55","ximagemin=1","ximagemax=640","withxranges=no","yimagemin=1","yimagemax=640","withyranges=no","raimagecenter=0","decimagecenter=0","withcelestialcenter=no","timemin=0","timemax=1000","withtimeranges=no","maketimecolumn=no","makeratecolumn=no","withrateset=no","histogrammin=0","histogrammax=1000","withhistoranges=no"); system(@args) ==0 or print "event file filtering failed for $tstart $tstop"; # attcalc this large file rejig_attitude($largetimfiltfile); # extra a new file with just the inner times @args = ("evselect","table=$largetimfiltfile","expression=(TIME in [$tstart:$tstop])","filtertype=expression","writedss=yes","destruct=yes", "filteredset=$timfiltfile","withfilteredset=yes","keepfilteroutput=yes", "ximagebinsize=55","yimagebinsize=55","ximagemin=1","ximagemax=640","withxranges=no","yimagemin=1","yimagemax=640","withyranges=no","raimagecenter=0","decimagecenter=0","withcelestialcenter=no","timemin=0","timemax=1000","withtimeranges=no","maketimecolumn=no","makeratecolumn=no","withrateset=no","histogrammin=0","histogrammax=1000","withhistoranges=no"); system(@args) ==0 or print "event file filtering failed for $tstart $tstop"; # If no events were found, skip to the next subimage if (numevents($timfiltfile) == 0) {next;} # Find the X and Y range for these times my @xylist = findminmaxxy($timfiltfile); my $x1 = $xylist[0]; my $x2 = $xylist[1]; my $y1 = $xylist[2]; my $y2 = $xylist[3]; print "Using times: $tstart $tstop X: $x1 $x2 Y: $y1 $y2 \n"; # Extract another event file with these X,Y ranges @args = ("evselect","table=$largetimfiltfile","expression=(X in [$x1:$x2])&&(Y in [$y1:$y2])","filtertype=expression","writedss=yes","destruct=yes", "filteredset=$filtfile","withfilteredset=yes","keepfilteroutput=yes", "ximagebinsize=55","yimagebinsize=55","ximagemin=1","ximagemax=640","withxranges=no","yimagemin=1","yimagemax=640","withyranges=no","raimagecenter=0","decimagecenter=0","withcelestialcenter=no","timemin=0","timemax=1000","withtimeranges=no","maketimecolumn=no","makeratecolumn=no","withrateset=no","histogrammin=0","histogrammax=1000","withhistoranges=no"); system(@args) ==0 or print "event file filtering failed for $x1 $y1"; # Reconstruct the attitude for this events subfile ## NOT NEEDED NOW ?? rejig_attitude($filtfile); # Find the new X,Y range my @xylist = findminmaxxy($filtfile); my $xminnew = $xylist[0]; my $xmaxnew = $xylist[1]; my $yminnew = $xylist[2]; my $ymaxnew = $xylist[3]; print "NEW range: $xminnew,$xmaxnew,$yminnew,$ymaxnew\n"; # Get the RA and DEC of the centre from the filtfile $line = findcelcent($filtfile); (@list) = split " ", $line; my $ra = $list[0]; my $dec = $list[1]; my $rev = $list[2]; my $outb1 = $outroot . "1" . $imcstring. ".ds"; my $outb2 = $outroot . "2" . $imcstring. ".ds"; my $outb3 = $outroot . "3" . $imcstring. ".ds"; my $outb6 = $outroot . "6" . $imcstring. ".ds"; # Soft band image my $outb7 = $outroot . "7" . $imcstring. ".ds"; # hard band image my $outb8 = $outroot . "8" . $imcstring. ".ds"; # Total band image my $outbW = $unfroot . "8" . $imcstring. ".ds"; # Warts n all image my $expb1 = $exproot . "1" . $imcstring. ".ds"; my $expb2 = $exproot . "2" . $imcstring. ".ds"; my $expb3 = $exproot . "3" . $imcstring. ".ds"; my $expb6 = $exproot . "6" . $imcstring. ".ds"; my $expb7 = $exproot . "7" . $imcstring. ".ds"; my $expb8 = $exproot . "8" . $imcstring. ".ds"; # Create an image in each band from this events file # First create an image with no pattern, flag or PI selection to # serve as a diagnostic @args = ("evselect","table=$filtfile","expression=true","filtertype=expression","writedss=yes","xcolumn=X","ycolumn=Y","ximagebinsize=82","yimagebinsize=82","squarepixels=yes","imageset=$outbW","imagebinning=binSize","withimageset=yes","ximagemin=$xminnew","ximagemax=$xmaxnew","withxranges=yes","yimagemin=$yminnew","yimagemax=$ymaxnew","withyranges=yes","raimagecenter=0","decimagecenter=0","withcelestialcenter=no","timemin=0","timemax=1000","withtimeranges=no","maketimecolumn=no","makeratecolumn=no","withrateset=no","histogrammin=0","histogrammax=1000","withhistoranges=no"); system(@args) ==0 or print "image creation failed for $x1 $y1"; # 0.2-0.5 keV, patt 0 @args = ("evselect","table=$filtfile","filtertype=expression","expression=(FLAG==0)&&(PI in [200:500])&&(PATTERN==0)","writedss=yes","xcolumn=X","ycolumn=Y","ximagebinsize=82","yimagebinsize=82","squarepixels=yes","imageset=$outb1","imagebinning=binSize","withimageset=yes","ximagemin=$xminnew","ximagemax=$xmaxnew","withxranges=yes","yimagemin=$yminnew","yimagemax=$ymaxnew","withyranges=yes","raimagecenter=0","decimagecenter=0","withcelestialcenter=no","timemin=0","timemax=1000","withtimeranges=no","maketimecolumn=no","makeratecolumn=no","withrateset=no","histogrammin=0","histogrammax=1000","withhistoranges=no"); system(@args) ==0 or print "image creation failed for $x1 $y1"; # 0.5-1.0 keV, patt 0-4 @args = ("evselect","table=$filtfile","filtertype=expression","expression=(FLAG==0)&&(PI in [501:1000])&&(PATTERN<=4)","writedss=yes","xcolumn=X","ycolumn=Y","ximagebinsize=82","yimagebinsize=82","squarepixels=yes","imageset=$outb2","imagebinning=binSize","withimageset=yes","ximagemin=$xminnew","ximagemax=$xmaxnew","withxranges=yes","yimagemin=$yminnew","yimagemax=$ymaxnew","withyranges=yes","raimagecenter=0","decimagecenter=0","withcelestialcenter=no","timemin=0","timemax=1000","withtimeranges=no","maketimecolumn=no","makeratecolumn=no","withrateset=no","histogrammin=0","histogrammax=1000","withhistoranges=no"); system(@args) ==0 or print "image creation failed for $x1 $y1"; # 1.0-2.0 keV, patt 0-4 @args = ("evselect","table=$filtfile","filtertype=expression","expression=(FLAG==0)&&(PI in [1001:2000])&&(PATTERN<=4)","writedss=yes","xcolumn=X","ycolumn=Y","ximagebinsize=82","yimagebinsize=82","squarepixels=yes","imageset=$outb3","imagebinning=binSize","withimageset=yes","ximagemin=$xminnew","ximagemax=$xmaxnew","withxranges=yes","yimagemin=$yminnew","yimagemax=$ymaxnew","withyranges=yes","raimagecenter=0","decimagecenter=0","withcelestialcenter=no","timemin=0","timemax=1000","withtimeranges=no","maketimecolumn=no","makeratecolumn=no","withrateset=no","histogrammin=0","histogrammax=1000","withhistoranges=no"); system(@args) ==0 or print "image creation failed for $x1 $y1"; # 2.0-12.0 keV, patt 0-4 @args = ("evselect","table=$filtfile","filtertype=expression","expression=(FLAG==0)&&(PI in [2001:12000])&&(PATTERN<=4)","writedss=yes","xcolumn=X","ycolumn=Y","ximagebinsize=82","yimagebinsize=82","squarepixels=yes","imageset=$outb7","imagebinning=binSize","withimageset=yes","ximagemin=$xminnew","ximagemax=$xmaxnew","withxranges=yes","yimagemin=$yminnew","yimagemax=$ymaxnew","withyranges=yes","raimagecenter=0","decimagecenter=0","withcelestialcenter=no","timemin=0","timemax=1000","withtimeranges=no","maketimecolumn=no","makeratecolumn=no","withrateset=no","histogrammin=0","histogrammax=1000","withhistoranges=no"); system(@args) ==0 or print "image creation failed for $x1 $y1"; # Find the range of times of the events in the full file - roughly equivalent # to the start and end time of the exposure in the subimage my $tstartMjd = MRTtoMJD($tstart); my $tstopMjd = MRTtoMJD($tstop); # Make the exposure maps atthkchop($filtfile); # cut attitude file down to minimum #system(@args) ==0 #or print "atthkchop failed for $xstart $ystart"; # Save the image to a temporary file without a '+' sign @args = ("cp","$outb1","Idel.fits"); system(@args) ==0 or print "Failed to copy $outb1 to temporary file Idel.fits"; # Create the exposure maps - based on attitude from temp att file @args = ("eexpmap","imageset=Idel.fits","attitudeset=temp_sp_atthk_chopped.dat","eventset=$filtfile","expimageset=$expb7 $expb6 $expb8","pimin=2000 200 200","pimax=12000 2000 12000","attrebin=1"); system(@args) ==0 or print "Exposure map creation failed for $x1 $y1"; # Remove the temporary files system("rm Idel.fits temp_sp_atthk_chopped.dat") ==0 or SAS::error("NoClean","Failed to remove temporary file"); # Add together 0.2-0.5, 0.5-1.0, 1.0-2.0 and 2-12 keV images to # make the b8 and b6 images @args = ("farith","$outb1","$outb2","temp_sp_Itemp.ds","+","clobber=yes"); system(@args); @args = ("farith","temp_sp_Itemp.ds","$outb3","$outb6","+","clobber=yes"); system(@args); @args = ("farith","$outb6","$outb7","$outb8","+","clobber=yes"); system(@args) ==0 or print "Error combining images with farith"; # Add standard slew keywords into output file headers # Make an array of final output filenames addSlewKeys($outb6,$outb7,$outb8,$expb6,$expb7,$expb8,$tstartMjd,$tstopMjd); # Make .pngs if requested if ($makepng) { make_png_files($outb6,$outb7,$outb8); } # Remove the EXPOSURE extensions from the filtered event file delete_exposure_xtns($filtfile); # Increment the image count $imcount++; } # End of loop over subimages # Delete temporary files system("rm $timfiltfile temp_sp_Itemp.ds") ==0 or SAS::error("NoClean","Failed to remove temporary files"); } # # Finds the ranges in X which correspond to a degree of Y events # or the ranges in Y which correspond to a degree of X sub findranges{ # This routine makes an unnecessary use of temporary files - fix when # we get the chance # # Read in arguments my $infile=$_[0]; my $outfile=$_[1]; my $xstart=$_[2]; my $xstop=$_[3]; my $ystart=$_[4]; my $ystop=$_[5]; my $dircn=$_[6]; # # my $tempfilt="temp_sp_filt.fits"; my $temp1="temp_sp_temp1"; my $temp2="temp_sp_temp2"; # # Create a list of X values with this Y range # # Set the attitude relative to the slew start position my $c_evselect = "evselect table=\"$infile\" filtertype=expression "; $c_evselect .= "expression=\"(X in [$xstart:$xstop])&&(Y in [$ystart:$ystop])\" "; $c_evselect .= "writedss=yes destruct=yes filteredset=$tempfilt "; $c_evselect .= "withfilteredset=yes keepfilteroutput=yes "; runtask($c_evselect); # Set the ranges needed depending on the split direction my $rangeaxis = "X"; if ($dircn eq "X") {$rangeaxis = "Y";} # # Create a sorted ascii list of the X or Y values system("fdump \"$tempfilt+1\" prhead=no columns=\"$rangeaxis\" rows=\"-\" showcol=no showrow=no showunit=no clobber=yes $temp1" ) == 0 or SAS::error("NoFtools","Couldn't run fdump on $tempfilt"); system("sed -e '/^\$/d' $temp1 | sort -n > $temp2") == 0 or SAS::error("SortFailed","Failed to sort $temp1"); # Get the list of X or Y ranges - maybe more than 1 getranges($temp2,$outfile); # # Delete temporary files system("rm $tempfilt $temp1 $temp2") == 0 or SAS::error("NoClean","Failed to remove temporary files"); } # # getranges - gets the range of values which will go into each subimage # sub getranges{ my $infile =$_[0]; my $outfile =$_[1]; open (XLIST, "<$infile") or die (" Can't open file $!\n"); my @xvals = ; my $nrange = 0; my @xbeg; my @xend; # Set a minimum size for merging my $minmerge = 50000.; my $maxmerge = 72000.*2.0; # Loop over each element and extract points where it changes by > 72000 # $xbeg[0] = $xvals[0]; my $xlast = $xvals[0]; foreach my $x (@xvals) { # check if there is a gap of 64800 between this event and the last one if ($x > ($xlast + 64800.)) { # $xend[$nrange] = $xlast; # Merge the last two ranges if necessary if ( ($nrange > 0) && (($xend[$nrange] - $xbeg[$nrange]) < $minmerge) && (($xend[$nrange] - $xbeg[$nrange-1]) < $maxmerge)) { $xend[$nrange - 1] = $xend[$nrange]; --$nrange; print "Combining range to: $xbeg[$nrange] $xend[$nrange]\n"; } # Start the next range ++$nrange; $xbeg[$nrange] = $x; } # Else check if the event is >72000 from the start of this subimage elsif ($x > ($xbeg[$nrange]+72000.)) { ++$nrange; $xbeg[$nrange] = $xbeg[$nrange-1] + 64800; $xend[$nrange-1] = $xlast; } $xlast = $x; } # Close off the final range $xend[$nrange] = $xlast; # If the last range is small combine the last two ranges if doesn't become # too big if ( ($nrange > 0) && (($xend[$nrange] - $xbeg[$nrange]) < $minmerge) && (($xend[$nrange] - $xbeg[$nrange-1]) < $maxmerge)) { $xend[$nrange - 1] = $xend[$nrange]; --$nrange; print "Combining range to: $xbeg[$nrange] $xend[$nrange]\n"; } # # Output results # open (OLIST, ">$outfile") or die (" Can't open file $!\n"); # for (my $xr = 0; $xr <= $nrange; $xr++) { printf OLIST "%d %d\n",$xbeg[$xr],$xend[$xr]; } close (OLIST) or die (" Can't close file\n"); } # # Gets RA, DEC, revolution and obsid from the FITS file # sub findcelcent { my $infile=$_[0]; my $ra=0; my $dec=0; my $rev=0; my $obs=0; my $ra=getKeyWord($infile, 'REFXCRVL'); my $dec=getKeyWord($infile, 'REFYCRVL'); my $rev=getKeyWord($infile, 'REVOLUT'); my $obs=getKeyWord($infile, 'OBS_ID'); # Get the RA in the right form my $cra=sprintf("%3.4f",$ra); if ($ra < 10.0) {$cra="00$cra";} elsif ($ra < 100.0) {$cra="0$cra";} # Get the DEC in the right form my $cdec=0.0; if ($dec >= 10.0 ) {$cdec=sprintf("+%2.4f",$dec);} elsif ($dec >= 0.0 ) {$cdec=sprintf("+0%1.4f",abs($dec));} elsif ($dec > -10.0 ) {$cdec=sprintf("-0%1.4f",abs($dec));} else {$cdec=sprintf("-%2.4f",abs($dec));} # Set revolution to 4 digits my $revolut=sprintf("%04d",$rev); # remove quotes from OBSID $obs =~ s/'//g; my $ostring=sprintf("$cra $cdec $revolut $obs"); print "$ostring\n"; return $ostring; } # # Usage: findTimeRange # Purpose: find the max and min times present in an event file # sub findtimerange { my $evfile=$_[0]; my $tmpfile = 'del_fstat'; system("fstatistic infile=$evfile colname='TIME' rows='-' outfile=$tmpfile clobber=yes") == 0 or SAS::error("NoFtools","Couldn't run fstatistic"); my $min = getlastnum($tmpfile, "minimum"); my $max = getlastnum($tmpfile, "maximum"); my $ostring=sprintf("$min $max"); print "$ostring\n"; # Clean up system("rm $tmpfile ") ==0 or SAS::error("NoClean","Failed to remove temporary file"); return $ostring; } # # Usage: atthkchop # Purpose: to subset an attitude file over the times present in # an event file +/- 75 seconds> NB +/- 30 secs as before gives # bad exposures at the beginning of the slew now. # sub atthkchop { my $evfile=$_[0]; # my $tmpfile = 'del_fstat'; system("fstatistic infile=$evfile colname='TIME' rows='-' outfile=$tmpfile clobber=yes") == 0 or SAS::error("NoFtools","Couldn't run fstatistic"); my $min = getlastnum($tmpfile, "minimum"); my $max = getlastnum($tmpfile, "maximum"); $min = $min - 75.0; $max = $max + 75.0; my $command=sprintf("(TIME > $min && TIME < $max)"); # # Subset the attitude file #rm -f temp_sp_atthk_chopped.dat system("fselect infile=atthk.dat outfile=temp_sp_atthk_chopped.dat clobber=yes expr=\"$command\"") == 0 or SAS::error("NoFtools","Couldn't run fselect"); # Clean up system("rm $tmpfile ") ==0 or SAS::error("NoClean","Failed to remove temporary file"); } # # rejig_attitude # # Derive the attitude from an event file. # # Finds the RA, DEC of a given X,Y position in an event file # sub rejig_attitude{ my $filtfile=$_[0]; # # Try deriving the attitude rejig_attitude_internal($filtfile); # # Check how well it worked my $refx=getKeyWord($filtfile, 'REFXCRPX'); my $refxmin=getKeyWord($filtfile, 'REFXDMIN'); my $refxmax=getKeyWord($filtfile, 'REFXDMAX'); my $refy=getKeyWord($filtfile, 'REFYCRPX'); my $refymin=getKeyWord($filtfile, 'REFYDMIN'); my $refymax=getKeyWord($filtfile, 'REFYDMAX'); print "Ref1 X: $refx $refxmin $refxmax\n"; print "Ref1 Y: $refy $refymin $refymax\n"; # If either ref point is outside range - try again if ( $refx < $refxmin || $refx > $refxmax || $refy < $refymin || $refy > $refymax) { rejig_attitude_internal($filtfile); my $refx=getKeyWord($filtfile, 'REFXCRPX'); my $refxmin=getKeyWord($filtfile, 'REFXDMIN'); my $refxmax=getKeyWord($filtfile, 'REFXDMAX'); my $refy=getKeyWord($filtfile, 'REFYCRPX'); my $refymin=getKeyWord($filtfile, 'REFYDMIN'); my $refymax=getKeyWord($filtfile, 'REFYDMAX'); print "Ref2 X: $refx $refxmin $refxmax\n"; print "Ref2 Y: $refy $refymin $refymax\n"; } } # # rejig_attitude_internal # # Finds the RA, DEC of a given X,Y position in an event file # sub rejig_attitude_internal{ my $filtfile=$_[0]; # my $tempfits="temp_sp_tempfits"; # my @celpos=findradec($filtfile, $tempfits); my $newra=$celpos[0]; my $newdec=$celpos[1]; print "POSITIONS are: $newra $newdec\n"; # Reset the attitude my $c_attcalc = "attcalc eventset=\"$filtfile\" imagesize=200.0 "; $c_attcalc .= "refpointlabel=user nominalra=\"$newra\" "; $c_attcalc .= "nominaldec=\"$newdec\" withatthkset=yes "; runtask($c_attcalc); @celpos=findradec($filtfile, $tempfits); $newra=$celpos[0]; $newdec=$celpos[1]; print "Rederived position: $newra $newdec\n"; $c_attcalc = "attcalc eventset=\"$filtfile\" imagesize=200.0 "; $c_attcalc .= "refpointlabel=user nominalra=\"$newra\" "; $c_attcalc .= "nominaldec=\"$newdec\" withatthkset=yes "; runtask($c_attcalc); @celpos=findradec($filtfile, $tempfits); $newra=$celpos[0]; $newdec=$celpos[1]; print "Rederived position 2: $newra $newdec\n"; $c_attcalc = "attcalc eventset=\"$filtfile\" imagesize=200.0 "; $c_attcalc .= "refpointlabel=user nominalra=\"$newra\" "; $c_attcalc .= "nominaldec=\"$newdec\" withatthkset=yes "; runtask($c_attcalc); # Now we will check whether the CRPIX values are within acceptable # limits. If not then we are probably in the situation where the # initial pointing position of the slew is ~180 degs away from the # current position AND we are near one of the poles my $crpix1=getKeyWord($tempfits, 'CRPIX1'); my $crpix2=getKeyWord($tempfits, 'CRPIX2'); print "$crpix1 $crpix2\n"; my $newraout=$newra; my $newdecout=$newdec; # Shift RA by 180 degs and see if the CRPIX values get tighter $newra=$newra+180.0; if ($newra > 360.0) {$newra=$newra-360.0;} print "Retry using position: $newra $newdec\n"; my $filtfile2="filt_temp.fits"; system("cp $filtfile $filtfile2") == 0 or SAS::error("CopyFail","Couldn't copy filtered file"); $c_attcalc = "attcalc eventset=\"$filtfile2\" imagesize=200.0 "; $c_attcalc .= "refpointlabel=user nominalra=\"$newra\" "; $c_attcalc .= "nominaldec=\"$newdec\" withatthkset=yes "; runtask($c_attcalc); @celpos=findradec($filtfile2, $tempfits); $newra=$celpos[0]; $newdec=$celpos[1]; my $crpix1b=getKeyWord($tempfits, 'CRPIX1'); my $crpix2b=getKeyWord($tempfits, 'CRPIX2'); #print "$crpix1b $crpix2b\n"; # calculate the diff from centre for first and second attempts my $d1=sqrt( $crpix1 * $crpix1 + $crpix2 * $crpix2 ); my $d2=sqrt( $crpix1b * $crpix1b + $crpix2b * $crpix2b ); if ( $d1 > $d2 ) { print "Retry - Rederived position: $newra $newdec\n"; $c_attcalc = "attcalc eventset=\"$filtfile2\" imagesize=200.0 "; $c_attcalc .= "refpointlabel=user nominalra=\"$newra\" "; $c_attcalc .= "nominaldec=\"$newdec\" withatthkset=yes "; runtask($c_attcalc); @celpos=findradec($filtfile2, $tempfits); $newra=$celpos[0]; $newdec=$celpos[1]; print "Retry - Rederived position 2: $newra $newdec\n"; $c_attcalc = "attcalc eventset=\"$filtfile2\" imagesize=200.0 "; $c_attcalc .= "refpointlabel=user nominalra=\"$newra\" "; $c_attcalc .= "nominaldec=\"$newdec\" withatthkset=yes "; runtask($c_attcalc); system("cp $filtfile2 $filtfile") == 0 or SAS::error("CopyFail","Couldn't copy filtered file"); $newraout=$newra; $newdecout=$newdec; } # End of if d1>d2 block # Update the RA_PNT, DEC_PNT keywords as well to avoid problems with # eboxdetect system("fparkey value=$newraout fits=$filtfile+0 keyword=RA_PNT"); system("fparkey value=$newdecout fits=$filtfile+0 keyword=DEC_PNT"); # Clear up system("rm $filtfile2 $tempfits"); } # End of rejig_attitude_internal # # findradec - Finds the RA, DEC of a given X,Y position in an event file # sub findradec{ #print "Entered findradec\n"; my $filtfile=$_[0]; my $outimage=$_[1]; # my $outfile="temp_sp_rai_1"; # # First find mean value of X/Y positions in input file #print "Entered findradec $filtfile\n"; my $tmpfile = 'del_fstat'; system("fstatistic infile=$filtfile colname='X' rows='-' outfile=$tmpfile clobber=yes") == 0 or SAS::error("NoFtools","Couldn't run fstatistic"); my $xcen = getlastnum($tmpfile, "mean"); system("fstatistic infile=$filtfile colname='Y' rows='-' outfile=$tmpfile clobber=yes") == 0 or SAS::error("NoFtools","Couldn't run fstatistic"); my $ycen = getlastnum($tmpfile, "mean"); my $xminbit=int($xcen-3200); my $xmaxbit=int($xcen+3200); my $yminbit=int($ycen-3200); my $ymaxbit=int($ycen+3200); system("evselect table=$filtfile filtertype=expression expression=true writedss=yes xcolumn=X ycolumn=Y ximagebinsize=800 yimagebinsize=800 squarepixels=yes imageset=$outimage imagebinning=binSize withimageset=yes specchannelmin=0 specchannelmax=20479 ximagemin=$xminbit ximagemax=$xmaxbit withxranges=yes yimagemin=$yminbit yimagemax=$ymaxbit withyranges=yes raimagecenter=0 decimagecenter=0 withcelestialcenter=no timemin=0 timemax=1000 withtimeranges=no maketimecolumn=no makeratecolumn=no withrateset=no histogrammin=0 histogrammax=1000 withhistoranges=no") ==0 or SAS::error("NoEVFILE","evselect failed in findradec"); my $tempfile="temp_sp_ereg"; system("ecoordconv imageset=$outimage withcoords=yes x=$xcen y=$ycen pos2eqpos=yes | grep \"RA: DEC:\" > $tempfile") ==0 or SAS::error("EcoordFail","ecoordconv failed"); # If fails send to tempfile # Extract the RA, DEC from the input region centre line my @celpos; open (OUTFILE, "<$tempfile") or die (" Can't open file $!\n"); while (my $outline = ) { chomp $outline; #print "OUTLINE: $outline\n"; (my @list) = split " ", $outline; $celpos[0]=$list[2]; $celpos[1]=$list[3]; } # Clean up system("rm $tempfile $tmpfile ") ==0 or SAS::error("NoClean","Failed to remove temporary file"); print "CELPOS: $celpos[0] $celpos[1]\n"; return @celpos; } # ------------------------------------------------------ # runtask - runs a task and handles the return status # ------------------------------------------------------ sub runtask{ my $taskname=$_[0]; system("$taskname"); if ($? != 0) { # SAS::fatal("TaskFailed","$taskname returned error $?"); print "error in $taskname \n"; } } # #============================================================================== # getVersion : get the version number of eslewchain # sub getVersion { my $eslewchain_msg = -$SAS::AppMsg; my $ccom = "" ; my $version = "" ; my $release = ""; my $vfile = $ENV{'SAS_DIR'} . "/packages/eslewchain/VERSION" ; if ( ! -e $vfile ) { SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, "Not found: $vfile"); SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::SparseMsg, "Take version from task."); $version = $TASK_VERSION } else { $ccom = "cat `saslocate packages/eslewchain/VERSION` /dev/null" ; chomp($version = `$ccom`) ; }; $vfile = $ENV{'SAS_DIR'} . "/RELEASE" ; if ( ! -e $vfile ) { $release = "" } else { $ccom = "cat `saslocate RELEASE`" ; chomp($release = `$ccom`) ; }; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $eslewchain_msg, ""); SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $eslewchain_msg, "eslewchain (eslewchain-$version) [$release]"); } # #============================================================================== # in case of early error show the full syntax, # also for options "--p" and "-p" and "--h" and "-h" # sub showSyntax { my $indir = ""; if ( not exists $ENV{'SAS_ODF'}) {} else { $indir = $ENV{'SAS_ODF'} } my $eslewchain_msg = -$SAS::AppMsg; SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $eslewchain_msg, ""); SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $eslewchain_msg, "Syntax: eslewchain odf= [$indir]"); } # #============================================================================== # addSlewKeys: write slew specific keywords into the image and exposure # map headers # sub addSlewKeys { # Input @_ = Names of files to use my $tstart = $_[-2]; my $tstop = $_[-1]; print "Times: $tstart $tstop @_[-3]\n"; my $exp = ($tstop - $tstart) * 86400.0; # Find the image stem from the first filename my $image_stem = (substr $_[0], 0, 11) . "_" . (substr $_[0], 24, 3) ; # Write a temporary file to contain the keywords to write my $modhead_tempfile = "temp_header_keywords"; open (HEADFILE, ">$modhead_tempfile"); print HEADFILE "OBJECT $image_stem / Stem of image name\n"; print HEADFILE "OBSERVER XMM-Newton / Name of PI\n"; print HEADFILE "MJDSTART $tstart / The start time for this subimage (MJD)\n"; print HEADFILE "MJDSTOP $tstop / The end time for this subimage (MJD)\n"; print HEADFILE "EXPOSURE $exp / The exposure time of this subimage (sec)\n"; close (HEADFILE); # Loop over each FITS file and add keywords to the primary header my @files = splice @_, 0, -2; print "Files: @files\n"; foreach (@files) { system("fmodhead infile='$_+0' tmpfil=$modhead_tempfile") == 0 or SAS::error("NoFtools","Couldn't run fstatistic"); } # Remove the temporary file system("rm $modhead_tempfile") ==0 or SAS::error("NoClean","Failed to remove temporary file"); } # ##============================================================================== ## make_png_files: make png files for each image # sub make_png_files { # Input @_ = Names of files to use my @files = splice @_, 0; foreach (@files) { system("implot colourmap=1 withzclip=no set='$_' device=/png") == 0 or SAS::error("ImplotFailed","Couldn't run implot"); my $outfile = (substr $_, 0, 27) . ".png"; print "Produced: $outfile\n"; system("mv pgplot.png $outfile") ==0 or SAS::error("NoMove","Failed to rename png file"); } } # #============================================================================== # RenameAndClean: change the name of some output files and delete some # temporary files # sub RenameAndClean { # Rename input parameters my $obs = $_[0]; my $evfile = $_[1]; # Attitude file my $attfile = "P" . $obs . "OBX000ATTTSR0000.ds"; system("mv atthk.dat $attfile") ==0 or SAS::error("NoRename","Failed to rename attitude file"); # Total slew event file #my $outevfile = "P" . $obs . "PNS" . "003" . "PIEVLI0SLW.ds"; my $outevfile = "P" . $obs . "PNS" . "003" . "SLEVLI0000.ds"; system("cp $evfile $outevfile") ==0 or SAS::error("NoRename","Failed to copy FULL event file"); # Per slew step image and exposure maps and event files are already ok # Remove temp files system("rm histo.fits image.fits spectrum.fits fdelout.del") ==0 or SAS::error("NoClean","Failed to remove temporary file"); } # #============================================================================== # checkExpExtns : checks if all exposure extensions are present in the evt file # sub checkExpExtns { # Rename input parameters my $evfile = $_[0]; # Get a list of the blocks in this file my $tempfile="temp_blocks"; system("fstruct infile=$evfile | grep \"BINTABLE\" | grep \"EXPOS\" > $tempfile") ==0 or SAS::error("BlockCountFail","fstruct failed"); # If fails send to tempfile # Count the number of exposure blocks my $blkcnt=0; open (INFILE, "<$tempfile") or die (" Can't open file $!\n"); while (my $blockname = ) { $blkcnt++; } # Clean up system("rm $tempfile ") ==0 or SAS::error("NoClean","Failed to remove temporary file"); # Exit if not exactly 12 exposure extensions print "Exposure block count: $blkcnt\n"; if ($blkcnt != 12) { SAS::error("MissingExpExtns","The event file is missing one or more exposure extensions - exiting")}; } # # # #============================================================================== # Delete_exposure_xtns: remove exposure extensions from an event file # sub delete_exposure_xtns { # Rename input parameters my $filtfile = $_[0]; # Remove the exposure extensions from this file - should be 12 # This may legitimately fail - supress error messages my $fdeloutput = "fdelout.del"; system("fdelhdu $filtfile\[EXPOSU01] NO YES > $fdeloutput 2>&1"); system("fdelhdu $filtfile\[EXPOSU02] NO YES > $fdeloutput 2>&1"); system("fdelhdu $filtfile\[EXPOSU03] NO YES > $fdeloutput 2>&1"); system("fdelhdu $filtfile\[EXPOSU04] NO YES > $fdeloutput 2>&1"); system("fdelhdu $filtfile\[EXPOSU05] NO YES > $fdeloutput 2>&1"); system("fdelhdu $filtfile\[EXPOSU06] NO YES > $fdeloutput 2>&1"); system("fdelhdu $filtfile\[EXPOSU07] NO YES > $fdeloutput 2>&1"); system("fdelhdu $filtfile\[EXPOSU08] NO YES > $fdeloutput 2>&1"); system("fdelhdu $filtfile\[EXPOSU09] NO YES > $fdeloutput 2>&1"); system("fdelhdu $filtfile\[EXPOSU10] NO YES > $fdeloutput 2>&1"); system("fdelhdu $filtfile\[EXPOSU11] NO YES > $fdeloutput 2>&1"); system("fdelhdu $filtfile\[EXPOSU12] NO YES > $fdeloutput 2>&1"); } # End of delete_exposure_xtns # #============================================================================== # A routine to crudely convert from MRT to MJD (no leap secs) # sub MRTtoMJD { my $mrt = $_[0]; # Define the MJD where MRT is zero (actually 1997-12-31T23:58:56.816 UTC) my $mjd0 = 50813.9992687037; # Calculate MJD for this input MRT my $mjd = $mjd0 + $mrt / 86400.0; $mjd = addLeapSeconds($mjd); return $mjd; } # End of mrt to mjd conversion # #============================================================================== # A routine to crudely convert from MRT to MJD (no leap secs) # sub addLeapSeconds { my $mjd = $_[0]; # Add on defined leap seconds if ($mjd > 51179.0) {$mjd = $mjd + 1.0 / 86400.0}; if ($mjd > 53736.0) {$mjd = $mjd + 1.0 / 86400.0}; if ($mjd > 54832.0) {$mjd = $mjd + 1.0 / 86400.0}; if ($mjd > 56109.0) {$mjd = $mjd + 1.0 / 86400.0}; return $mjd; } # End off addLeapSeconds # #============================================================================== # A routine to get the MakePng command line parameter { # sub getMakePngParam { my $makepng=0; print, "PARAMS: ",@ARGV; if ( grep /^withpng=yes/ , @ARGV) {$makepng=1;}; return $makepng; } exit