#! /usr/bin/perl -w # # # main for SAS perl tasks. # require 5; use strict; use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::Configure ("pass_through"); use SAS::error; ## At build time the following strings (enclosed in --, that is ## -string-) are replaced: ## sasperl -> This is taken from the PERL variable defined by configure ## taskname ## version ## release ## aka ## Make sure they do not occur anywhere else in main.pl unless you ## want them to be replaced. ## taskname also occurs at the end of main.pl ## my $name = "omcatlim"; SAS::error::client($name); my $VERSION = "1.5.1"; my $RELEASE = "xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0"; my $AKA = "15.0.0"; ## ## Standard options: these follow taskmain. ## ## -a|--ccfpath [:...] --> SAS_CCFPATH ## -f|--ccffiles [...] --> cannot be implemented ## -c|--noclobber --> SAS_CLOBBER ## -d|--dialog --> tool(sasdialog) ## -h|--help --> tool(listparams) ## -i|--ccf --> SAS_CCF ## -m|--manpage --> sashelp ## -o|--odf --> SAS_ODF ## -V|--verbosity -- SAS_VERBOSITY ## -v|--version --> local implementation ## ## Getopt::Long provides support for short versions with single "-" except for -v. ## Therefore all short versions were automatically included either with first letter ## or via an alias as for -a, -i, -o and -V. ## ## -v deserves special care due to the existence of support for $version within the ## Getopt module. Therefore -v is treated specially. my ($ccfpath, $noclobber, $dialog, $help, $ccf, $manpage, $odf, $verbosity, $version); exit(1) unless GetOptions("ccfpath|a=s" => \$ccfpath, "noclobber" => \$noclobber, "dialog" => \$dialog, "help" => \$help, "ccf|i=s" => \$ccf, "manpage" => \$manpage, "odf|o=s" => \$odf, "verbosity|V=i" => \$verbosity, "version" => \$version, ); my $arg; foreach $arg (@ARGV) { $version=1 if ( $arg =~ "-v" ); } $ENV{SAS_CCFPATH} = $ccfpath if($ccfpath); $ENV{SAS_CLOBBER} = 0 if($noclobber); $ENV{SAS_CCF} = $ccf if($ccf); $ENV{SAS_ODF} = $odf if($odf); $ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY} = $verbosity if($verbosity); use SAS::param; if($version){ print "$name-$VERSION [$RELEASE-$AKA]\n"; exit(0); } if($manpage){ system("sashelp --doc=$name"); my $x = $? >> 8; # perldoc -f system exit($x); } if($help){ system("listparams $name"); my $x = $? >> 8; exit($x); } if($dialog){ system("sasdialog $name"); my $x = $? >> 8; exit($x); } &omcatlim(); #! /usr/local/bin/perl -w # # # main for SAS perl tasks. # 2012-12-23 vny # Task omcatlim adds the detection limit columns to the SUMMARY table # require 5; use strict; use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::Configure ("pass_through"); use SAS::error; use Astro::FITS::CFITSIO qw( :longnames :constants ); use Carp; #use SimpleFITS; #use Thread qw'async yield'; my $inp_directory = ""; # The input directory my $out_directory = ""; # The output directory my $log_directory = ""; my $odfListFileName = ""; my $oldMasterCatalogue = "old_mastercatalogue.fit"; my $inputCatalogue = "inputcatalogue.fit"; my $finalCatalogueName = "outputcatalogue.fit"; my $homeDirectory=""; my $nThreads = 2; my $deleteOldCatalogue="no"; #****************************************************** # # #***************************************************** sub reduceProducts { my ($inputCatalogue, $finalCatalogueName, $logFileName, $logFlagsName, $log_directory, $out_directory, $deleteOldCatalogue, $noBadAstrometry, $noGoodAstrometry, $noObsFiles, $noLarge, @directories)=@_; my $numDirectories = @directories; print("L44 numDirectories=$numDirectories \n"); #print("L45 log_directory=$log_directory, out_directory=$out_directory \n"); print("L46 deleteOldCatalogue=$deleteOldCatalogue \n"); #print("L47 logFlagsName=$logFlagsName \n"); #print("L48 finalCatalogueName=$finalCatalogueName \n"); #print("L49 inputCatalogue=$inputCatalogue \n"); my $oldMasterFile = "$out_directory/old_mastercatalogue.fit"; #print("L52 oldMasterFile=$oldMasterFile \n"); my $newMasterFile = "$out_directory/new_mastercatalogue.fit"; #print("L54 newMasterFile=$newMasterFile \n"); my $tempsrclistFile1 = "$out_directory/tempsourcelist1.fit"; my $tempsrclistFile2 = "$out_directory/tempsourcelist2.fit"; my $tempMasterFile = "$out_directory/tempmastersourcelist0.fit"; my $nPrintLimit=10000; #-------------- # column OBSID #-------------- my @columnsqf=( { name=>'OBSID'} ); my %columnsqf=map{$_->{name}=>$_} @columnsqf; #-------------------- # column DETLIM_UVW2 #------------------- my @columnsw2=( { name=>'DETLIM_UVW2'} ); my %columnsw2=map{$_->{name}=>$_} @columnsw2; #-------------------- # column DETLIM_UVM2 #------------------- my @columnsm2=( { name=>'DETLIM_UVM2'} ); my %columnsm2=map{$_->{name}=>$_} @columnsm2; #-------------------- # column DETLIM_UVW1 #------------------- my @columnsw1=( { name=>'DETLIM_UVW1'} ); my %columnsw1=map{$_->{name}=>$_} @columnsw1; #-------------------- # column DETLIM_U #------------------- my @columnsu=( { name=>'DETLIM_U'} ); my %columnsu=map{$_->{name}=>$_} @columnsu; #-------------------- # column DETLIM_B #------------------- my @columnsb=( { name=>'DETLIM_B'} ); my %columnsb=map{$_->{name}=>$_} @columnsb; #-------------------- # column DETLIM_V #------------------- my @columnsv=( { name=>'DETLIM_V'} ); my %columnsv=map{$_->{name}=>$_} @columnsv; if ($deleteOldCatalogue){ print("L56 deleting the old catalogue files (if they exist)\n"); if (-e $oldMasterFile) { unlink($oldMasterFile); } if (-e $newMasterFile) { unlink($newMasterFile); } } #**************************************************************** # copy the input catalogue file into output (for further editing) #**************************************************************** system("cp $inputCatalogue $finalCatalogueName ") && die ("failed copying $inputCatalogue \n"); # open the output catalogue my $status=0; my $ofptr = Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::open_file($finalCatalogueName,READWRITE,$status); check_status($status) or die; # move to the SUMMARY hdu $ofptr->movnam_hdu(ANY_HDU,'SUMMARY',0,$status); # get number of rows in the SUMMARY table my $nrows=0; $ofptr->get_num_rows($nrows,$status); print("L87 nrows=$nrows \n"); #**************************************** # iinsert 6 columns for detection limits #**************************************** # get column type from RA_PNT my $colnumber=-1; my $fltype; my ($col, $qftype, $qfrepeat, $qfwidth,$qfnelem); $ofptr->get_colnum(CASEINSEN,'RA_PNT',$colnumber,$status); ($status == COL_NOT_FOUND) and die "$0: could not find TTYPE 'RA_PNT' in binary table"; $ofptr->get_coltype($colnumber, $fltype, $qfrepeat, $qfwidth, $status); #print("L152 fltype=$fltype \n"); #--------------------------- # insert column DETLIM_UVW2 #--------------------------- $ofptr->insert_col(25, 'DETLIM_UVW2', 'E', $status); $ofptr->write_key(TSTRING,'TUNIT25','mag','unit of the field', $status); $ofptr->write_key(TSTRING,'TDISP25','F5.2','display format of the field', $status); $ofptr->modify_comment('TTYPE25', 'detection limit for the filter UVW2', $status); print("L161 inserted column DETLIM_UVW2 status=$status \n"); #--------------------------- # insert column DETLIM_UVM2 #--------------------------- $ofptr->insert_col(26, 'DETLIM_UVM2', 'E', $status); $ofptr->write_key(TSTRING,'TUNIT26','mag','unit of the field', $status); $ofptr->write_key(TSTRING,'TDISP26','F5.2','display format of the field', $status); $ofptr->modify_comment('TTYPE26', 'detection limit for the filter UVM2', $status); print("L169 inserted column DETLIM_UVM2 status=$status \n"); #--------------------------- # insert column DETLIM_UVW1 #--------------------------- $ofptr->insert_col(27, 'DETLIM_UVW1', 'E', $status); $ofptr->write_key(TSTRING,'TUNIT27','mag','unit of the field', $status); $ofptr->write_key(TSTRING,'TDISP27','F5.2','display format of the field', $status); $ofptr->modify_comment('TTYPE27', 'detection limit for the filter UVW1', $status); print("L177 inserted column DETLIM_UVW1 status=$status \n"); #--------------------------- # insert column DETLIM_U #--------------------------- $ofptr->insert_col(28, 'DETLIM_U', 'E', $status); $ofptr->write_key(TSTRING,'TUNIT28','mag','unit of the field', $status); $ofptr->write_key(TSTRING,'TDISP28','F5.2','display format of the field', $status); $ofptr->modify_comment('TTYPE28', 'detection limit for the filter U', $status); print("L185 inserted column DETLIM_U status=$status \n"); #--------------------------- # insert column DETLIM_B #--------------------------- $ofptr->insert_col(29, 'DETLIM_B', 'E', $status); $ofptr->write_key(TSTRING,'TUNIT29','mag','unit of the field', $status); $ofptr->write_key(TSTRING,'TDISP29','F5.2','display format of the field', $status); $ofptr->modify_comment('TTYPE29', 'detection limit for the filter B', $status); print("L193 inserted column DETLIM_B status=$status \n"); #--------------------------- # insert column DETLIM_V #--------------------------- $ofptr->insert_col(30, 'DETLIM_V', 'E', $status); $ofptr->write_key(TSTRING,'TUNIT30','mag','unit of the field', $status); $ofptr->write_key(TSTRING,'TDISP30','F5.2','display format of the field', $status); $ofptr->modify_comment('TTYPE30', 'detection limit for the filter V', $status); print("L201 inserted column DETLIM_V status=$status \n"); #********************************* # get the column number for OBSID #********************************* $colnumber=-1; $ofptr->get_colnum(CASEINSEN,'OBSID',$colnumber,$status); ($status == COL_NOT_FOUND) and die "$0: could not find TTYPE 'OBSID' in binary table"; # print("L99 OBSID column number colnumber=$colnumber \n"); # read the column OBSID my $qfanynul=0; my $qffirstrow=1; my $qffirstelem=1; my $col2; # get the column obsid foreach $col (@columnsqf){ # just for one column OBSID $col->{data}=[(0) x $nrows]; $status=0; $ofptr->get_coltype($colnumber, $qftype, $qfrepeat, $qfwidth, $status); # print("L107 after getting coltype qftype=$qftype qfwidth=$qfwidth status=$status \n"); $qfnelem=$nrows; $ofptr->read_col($qftype,$colnumber,$qffirstrow,$qffirstelem, $qfnelem, -1, $col->{data},$qfanynul,$status); # print("L114 after reading the data from OBSID status=$status \n"); # for (my $i=0; $i<$nrows;$i++){ # #$col->{data}[$i]+=$nrows_summary1; # print("L117 i=$i data="); print($col->{data}[$i]);print("\n"); # } $col2=$col; last; } # foreach $col #print("L123 col2=$col2 \n"); my ($colw2, $colm2, $colw1, $colu, $colb, $colv); # get the column uvw2 foreach $col (@columnsw2){ $col->{data}=[(0) x $nrows]; $status=0; $colnumber=25; $ofptr->get_coltype($colnumber, $qftype, $qfrepeat, $qfwidth, $status); $qfnelem=$nrows; $ofptr->read_col($qftype,$colnumber,$qffirstrow,$qffirstelem, $qfnelem, -1, $col->{data},$qfanynul,$status); $colw2=$col; last; } # get the column uvm2 foreach $col (@columnsm2){ $col->{data}=[(0) x $nrows]; $status=0; $colnumber=26; $ofptr->get_coltype($colnumber, $qftype, $qfrepeat, $qfwidth, $status); $qfnelem=$nrows; $ofptr->read_col($qftype,$colnumber,$qffirstrow,$qffirstelem, $qfnelem, -1, $col->{data},$qfanynul,$status); $colm2=$col; last; } # get the column uvw1 foreach $col (@columnsw1){ $col->{data}=[(0) x $nrows]; $status=0; $colnumber=27; $ofptr->get_coltype($colnumber, $qftype, $qfrepeat, $qfwidth, $status); $qfnelem=$nrows; $ofptr->read_col($qftype,$colnumber,$qffirstrow,$qffirstelem, $qfnelem, -1, $col->{data},$qfanynul,$status); $colw1=$col; last; } # get the column u foreach $col (@columnsu){ $col->{data}=[(0) x $nrows]; $status=0; $colnumber=28; $ofptr->get_coltype($colnumber, $qftype, $qfrepeat, $qfwidth, $status); $qfnelem=$nrows; $ofptr->read_col($qftype,$colnumber,$qffirstrow,$qffirstelem, $qfnelem, -1, $col->{data},$qfanynul,$status); $colu=$col; last; } # get the column b foreach $col (@columnsb){ $col->{data}=[(0) x $nrows]; $status=0; $colnumber=29; $ofptr->get_coltype($colnumber, $qftype, $qfrepeat, $qfwidth, $status); $qfnelem=$nrows; $ofptr->read_col($qftype,$colnumber,$qffirstrow,$qffirstelem, $qfnelem, -1, $col->{data},$qfanynul,$status); $colb=$col; last; } # get the column v foreach $col (@columnsv){ $col->{data}=[(0) x $nrows]; $status=0; $colnumber=30; $ofptr->get_coltype($colnumber, $qftype, $qfrepeat, $qfwidth, $status); $qfnelem=$nrows; $ofptr->read_col($qftype,$colnumber,$qffirstrow,$qffirstelem, $qfnelem, -1, $col->{data},$qfanynul,$status); $colv=$col; last; } #************************************************** # Convert the list of folders into a list of obsIDs #************************************************** my @obsids=(); for (my $i=0; $i<$numDirectories; $i++){ my $k1=length($directories[$i]); my $k2 = rindex($directories[$i], '/'); $k2++; my $obsid = substr($directories[$i], $k2, $k1 - $k2); push(@obsids,$obsid); } print("L87 -----------------------------------------------\n"); my @tn=(); #print("L136 col2=$col2 nrows=$nrows ofptr=$ofptr \n"); for (my $i = 0; $i < $numDirectories; $i++){ my $startTime = time(); my $index=$i; my $directory = $directories[$index]; my $logFile = $log_directory . "/" . $logFileName . $obsids[$index] . ".log" ; my $logFlags = $log_directory . "/" . $logFlagsName . $obsids[$index] . ".log" ; my $outObsidDirectory= $out_directory; my $code=&reduceDirectory($directory, $outObsidDirectory, $logFile, $logFlags, $index, $numDirectories, $noBadAstrometry, $noGoodAstrometry, $noObsFiles, $noLarge, $oldMasterFile, $newMasterFile, $tempsrclistFile1, $tempsrclistFile2, $tempMasterFile, $deleteOldCatalogue, $inputCatalogue, $finalCatalogueName, $col2, $colw2, $colm2, $colw1, $colu, $colb, $colv, $nrows, $ofptr); my $finishTime = time(); my $diff = $finishTime - $startTime; if ($i<$nPrintLimit){ print("L112 Finished updating the detection limit columns in set $i in $diff s (code=$code)\n"); print("-----------------------------------------------------\n"); } } # write inserted columns $colnumber=25; $ofptr->write_col($qftype,$colnumber,$qffirstrow,$qffirstelem, $qfnelem, $colw2->{data},$status); #print("L360 after writing the column W2 status=$status \n"); $colnumber=26; $ofptr->write_col($qftype,$colnumber,$qffirstrow,$qffirstelem, $qfnelem, $colm2->{data},$status); $colnumber=27; $ofptr->write_col($qftype,$colnumber,$qffirstrow,$qffirstelem, $qfnelem, $colw1->{data},$status); $colnumber=28; $ofptr->write_col($qftype,$colnumber,$qffirstrow,$qffirstelem, $qfnelem, $colu->{data},$status); $colnumber=29; $ofptr->write_col($qftype,$colnumber,$qffirstrow,$qffirstelem, $qfnelem, $colb->{data},$status); $colnumber=30; $ofptr->write_col($qftype,$colnumber,$qffirstrow,$qffirstelem, $qfnelem, $colv->{data},$status); $ofptr->close_file($status); check_status($status) or die; my $k = 0; return $k; } #************************************************************ # # #************************************************************ sub reduceDirectory { my ($dataDirectory, $outObsidDirectory, $logFile, $logFlags, $currentSet, $numDirectories, $noBadAstrometry, $noGoodAstrometry, $noObsFiles, $noLarge, $oldMasterFile, $newMasterFile, $tempsrclistFile1, $tempsrclistFile2, $tempMasterFile, $deleteOldCatalogue, $inputCatalogue, $finalCatalogueName, $col, $colw2, $colm2, $colw1, $colu, $colb, $colv,$nrows, $ofptr) = @_; $ENV{SAS_ODF} = $dataDirectory; my $k = 0; my @obsFiles = <$dataDirectory/*P0**OBS**FIT*>; my @obsMerFiles=<$dataDirectory/*P0**OBSMER**FIT*>; my @obsMliFiles=<$dataDirectory/*P0**OBSMLI**FIT*>; my @obsMosFiles=<$dataDirectory/*P0**OBSMOS**FIT*>; my $nobsFiles=@obsFiles; my $nobsFilesTotal=@obsFiles; my $nobsMer=@obsMerFiles; my $nobsMli=@obsMliFiles; my $nobsMos=@obsMosFiles; my $fileType=""; my $nPrintLimit=10000; if ($nobsFiles == 0) { if ($currentSet<$nPrintLimit){ print("L425 no OBS-files found, skipping ... \n"); } $k=1; return $k; } else { if ($nobsMer>0){ # processing only the merged files $fileType="MERGED"; @obsFiles=(); @obsFiles=@obsMerFiles; } else{ $fileType="COMBINED"; } $nobsFiles=@obsFiles; if ($currentSet<$nPrintLimit){ if ($nobsFilesTotal >1){ print("L444 Found $nobsFilesTotal OBS-files, processing (source list type: $fileType) ... \n"); } else { print("L446 Found $nobsFilesTotal OBS-file, processing (source list type: $fileType) ... \n"); } } } #print("L434 col=$col nrows=$nrows ofptr=$ofptr \n"); print("L451 input file: $inputCatalogue \n"); print("L452 output file: $finalCatalogueName \n"); # print("--\n"); my $currentObsIndex=-1; #for (my $i=0; $i<$nrows;$i++){ # #$col->{data}[$i]+=$nrows_summary1; # print("L444 i=$i data="); print($col->{data}[$i]);print("\n"); # # } # print("--\n"); # for (my $i=0; $i<$nrows;$i++){ # #$colw2->{data}[$i]= 23.0; # print("L446 i=$i data="); print($colw2->{data}[$i]);print("\n"); # } # print("--\n"); for (my $fileIndex=0; $fileIndex<$nobsFiles; $fileIndex++){ my $srcListFile=$obsFiles[$fileIndex]; my $printFlag=0; if ($currentSet<$nPrintLimit){ $printFlag=1; } my $posCorOk = getAttribute( $srcListFile, "SRCLIST", "POSCOROK" ); if ($posCorOk ne "T") { print("L199 set=$currentSet file=$srcListFile POSCOROK = $posCorOk skipping ... \n"); ++$noBadAstrometry; next; } else { $noGoodAstrometry++; } my $size = getAttribute( $srcListFile, "SRCLIST", "NAXIS2" ); my $mlimm2= getAttribute( $srcListFile, "SRCLIST", "MLIMM2" ); my $mlimw1= getAttribute( $srcListFile, "SRCLIST", "MLIMW1" ); my $mlimw2= getAttribute( $srcListFile, "SRCLIST", "MLIMW2" ); my $mlimu= getAttribute( $srcListFile, "SRCLIST", "MLIMU" ); my $mlimb= getAttribute( $srcListFile, "SRCLIST", "MLIMB" ); my $mlimv= getAttribute( $srcListFile, "SRCLIST", "MLIMV" ); my $srcListFileShortName = $srcListFile; $srcListFileShortName =~ s/$dataDirectory//g; my $obsIdNumber=substr($srcListFileShortName,2,10); if ($currentSet<$nPrintLimit){ print("L217 noGoodAstrometry=$noGoodAstrometry, Checking directory $dataDirectory - size=$size\n"); print("L218 file = $srcListFile \n"); #print("L220 short= $srcListFileShortName \n"); print("L223 obsIdNumber=$obsIdNumber \n"); #print("L219 mlimm2=$mlimm2 \n"); #print("L220 mlimw1=$mlimw1 \n"); #print("L221 mlimw2=$mlimw2 \n"); #print("L222 mlimu=$mlimu \n"); #print("L223 mlimb=$mlimb \n"); #print("L224 mlimv=$mlimv \n"); } $currentObsIndex=-1; # print("--\n"); for (my $i=0; $i<$nrows;$i++){ #$col->{data}[$i]+=$nrows_summary1; #print("L498 i=$i data="); print($col->{data}[$i]);print("\n"); if ($col->{data}[$i] eq $obsIdNumber){ $currentObsIndex=$i; last; } } #print("--\n"); print("L506 ObsID index = $currentObsIndex \n"); print("--\n"); if ($currentObsIndex>=0){ #print("L508 filling in the detection limits \n"); print("L525 mlimw2=$mlimw2 \n"); print("L526 mlimm2=$mlimm2 \n"); print("L527 mlimw1=$mlimw1 \n"); print("L528 mlimu=$mlimu \n"); print("L529 mlimb=$mlimb \n"); print("L530 mlimv=$mlimv \n"); if ($mlimw2>1.0){ $colw2->{data}[$currentObsIndex]=$mlimw2; } else { $colw2->{data}[$currentObsIndex]=0.0; } if ($mlimm2>1.0){ $colm2->{data}[$currentObsIndex]=$mlimm2; } else { $colm2->{data}[$currentObsIndex]=0.0; } if ($mlimw1>1.0){ $colw1->{data}[$currentObsIndex]=$mlimw1; } else { $colw1->{data}[$currentObsIndex]=0.0; } if ($mlimu>1.0){ $colu->{data}[$currentObsIndex]=$mlimu; } else { $colu->{data}[$currentObsIndex]=0.0; } if ($mlimb>1.0){ $colb->{data}[$currentObsIndex]=$mlimb; } else { $colb->{data}[$currentObsIndex]=0.0; } if ($mlimv>1.0){ $colv->{data}[$currentObsIndex]=$mlimv; } else { $colv->{data}[$currentObsIndex]=0.0; } } if($size > 10000) { next; } if($size > 5000) { ++$noLarge; print("WARNING $srcListFile has $size sources\n"); } $noObsFiles++; my $arg=""; #my $filter=""; #my $comment=""; # my $status=0; # my $ifptr = Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::open_file($srcListFile,READONLY,$status); # print("L254 opening file $srcListFileShortName status=$status \n"); # check_status($status) or die; # $ifptr->movnam_hdu(ANY_HDU,'SRCLIST',0,$status); # # #$ifptr->read_keyword('FILTER',$filter,$comment,$status); # #print("L260 filter=$filter comment=$comment \n"); # $ifptr->close_file($status); # check_status($status) or die; #************************************************************** # Run omflags #************************************************************* #runOmflags($srcListFile, $tempsrclistFile1, $printFlag, $logFlags); #************************************************************** # Run ommastercatalogue #************************************************************* #print(" deleteOldCatalogue = $deleteOldCatalogue \n"); #if ($deleteOldCatalogue){ # $arg = "ommastercatalogue oldmastercatalogue=$oldMasterFile " . # "newmastercatalogue=$newMasterFile " . # "srclistfile=$tempsrclistFile1 " . # "tmpmastercatalogue=$tempMasterFile " . # "create=yes " . # "tmpsrclistfile=$tempsrclistFile2 -V 5 >& $logFile"; #} else { # $arg = "ommastercatalogue oldmastercatalogue=$oldMasterFile " . # "newmastercatalogue=$newMasterFile " . # "srclistfile=$tempsrclistFile1 " . # "tmpmastercatalogue=$tempMasterFile " . # "tmpsrclistfile=$tempsrclistFile2 -V 5 >& $logFile"; #} #if ($currentSet<$nPrintLimit){ # print("L251 set=$currentSet: $arg\n"); #} #system($arg); #unlink($tempsrclistFile1); #unlink($tempMasterFile); #unlink($tempsrclistFile2); } return $k; } # reduceDirectory #*********************************** # Subroutine GetCurrentDirectory #********************************** sub GetCurrentDirectory { my $command = "pwd"; my $curdir = `$command`; my $leng = length($curdir); substr($curdir, $leng - 1) = ""; return $curdir; } #**************************************************************** # The main program # #*************************************************************** sub omcatlim { my $startTime = time(); my $SASVERBOSITY = " "; if (exists($ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY})) { $SASVERBOSITY = $ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY}; } else { $SASVERBOSITY = "5"; $ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY} = "5"; } if ($SASVERBOSITY > 7) { $ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY} = "5"; } $inp_directory = stringParameter("inpdirectory"); $out_directory = stringParameter("outdirectory"); $log_directory = stringParameter("logdirectory"); $odfListFileName=stringParameter("odflist"); $oldMasterCatalogue=stringParameter("oldmastercatalogue"); $inputCatalogue=stringParameter("inputcatalogue"); $finalCatalogueName=stringParameter("finalcatalogue"); $deleteOldCatalogue = booleanParameter("deleteoldcatalogue"); print("L313 inp_directory=$inp_directory \n"); print("L314 out_directory=$out_directory \n"); print("L315 log_directory=$log_directory \n"); print("L316 odfListFileName=$odfListFileName \n"); print("L317 oldMasterCatalogue=$oldMasterCatalogue \n"); print("L318 inputCatalogue=$inputCatalogue \n"); print("L319 finalCatalogueName=$finalCatalogueName \n"); print("L320 deleteOldCatalogue=$deleteOldCatalogue \n"); $homeDirectory=&GetCurrentDirectory; print("L324 homeDirectory=$homeDirectory \n"); my $len = length($out_directory); if ($len < 2){ # using the home directory for the input and output $out_directory=$homeDirectory; } $len = length($odfListFileName); if ($len < 3){ # using the default name of the ODF-list file $odfListFileName="odf.list"; } my $useDirectoryInside=0; my $auxFileName; my $sasodf_safe=""; my $sasodfStored=0; if (exists($ENV{SAS_ODF})){ $sasodf_safe=$ENV{SAS_ODF}; $sasodfStored=1; } my $masterCataloguePathModified=0; my $oldMasterCatalogueFound=0; #******************************************* # Check for the existence of the old master catalogue list #******************************************* if (not -e $inputCatalogue) { printf("L356 Could not find the input catalogue $inputCatalogue specified by the parameter \n"); # Try to find the file in the output directory if (not -e $out_directory) { print("L359 Cannot find the directory $out_directory \n"); # Check the system variable SAS_ODF if (exists($ENV{SAS_ODF})){ print("L362 The environmental variable SAS_ODF does exist: OK \n "); $len = length($ENV{SAS_ODF}); $out_directory = $ENV{SAS_ODF}; if ($len < 3) { print("L369 Checking the current directory \n"); my $currentDirectory = &GetCurrentDirectory; $ENV{SAS_ODF} = $currentDirectory; $out_directory=$currentDirectory; #$useDirectoryInside=1; $masterCataloguePathModified=1; } } else { print("L379 The environmental variable SAS_ODF does not exist (using current directory)\n"); # Try to get the catalogue file name from the current directory my $currentDirectory = &GetCurrentDirectory; $out_directory=$currentDirectory; $masterCataloguePathModified=1; #$useDirectoryInside=1; } } else { # try to get the catalogue file from the out_directory #my $oldMasterCataloguePath=$out_directory . "/" . $oldMasterCatalogue; my $oldMasterCataloguePath=$out_directory . "/" . $inputCatalogue; if (not -e $oldMasterCataloguePath) { # file was not found in the output directory # Try to find it in the current directory my $currentDirectory = &GetCurrentDirectory; $out_directory=$currentDirectory; #$useDirectoryInside=1; print("L401 Using the current directory \n"); #$oldMasterCataloguePath=$out_directory . "/" . $oldMasterCatalogue; $oldMasterCataloguePath=$out_directory . "/" . $inputCatalogue; if (not -e $oldMasterCataloguePath) { # file not found (the flag oldMasterCatalogueFound will be zero) $masterCataloguePathModified=0; $oldMasterCatalogueFound=0; } else { # found the file $masterCataloguePathModified=1; $oldMasterCatalogueFound=1; } } else { # the file with the list of ODFs was eventually found print("L415 found the input catalogue : $oldMasterCataloguePath OK \n"); $masterCataloguePathModified=1; $oldMasterCatalogueFound=1; } } } else { $oldMasterCatalogueFound=1; print("L424 The file $inputCatalogue is in the specified directory: OK \n"); } print("L427 oldMasterCatalogueFound=$oldMasterCatalogueFound \n"); #******************************************* # Check for the existence of the ODF list #******************************************* if (not -e $odfListFileName) { printf("L433 Cannot find the file $odfListFileName in the current directory \n"); # Try to find the file in the input directory if (not -e $inp_directory) { print("L436 Cannot find the directory $inp_directory \n"); # Check the system variable SAS_ODF if (exists($ENV{SAS_ODF})){ print("L439 The environmental variable SAS_ODF does exist: OK \n "); $len = length($ENV{SAS_ODF}); $inp_directory = $ENV{SAS_ODF}; if ($len < 3) { print("L446 Checking the current directory \n"); my $currentDirectory = &GetCurrentDirectory; $ENV{SAS_ODF} = $currentDirectory; $inp_directory=$currentDirectory; $useDirectoryInside=1; } } else { print("L456 The environmental variable SAS_ODF does not exist (using current directory)\n"); # Try to get the list of ODFs to process from the current directory my $currentDirectory = &GetCurrentDirectory; $inp_directory=$currentDirectory; $useDirectoryInside=1; } } else { # try to get the list of ODFs from the inp_directory $auxFileName=$inp_directory . "/" . $odfListFileName; $odfListFileName=$auxFileName; if (not -e $odfListFileName) { # file doe not exist: use the directories inside $useDirectoryInside=1; print("L473 Could not find the list of ODFs: using the folders inside of the directory $inp_directory \n"); } else { # the file with the list of ODFs was eventually found print("L477 found the ODF-list file: $odfListFileName OK \n"); } } } else { print("L483 The file $odfListFileName is in the current directory: OK \n"); } my @directories=(); my @obsids=(); my $arraySize=0; if ($useDirectoryInside){ print("L492 Using the folders inside of the directory $inp_directory \n"); # if there was no ODF-list file provided then use the ODF folders # inside of the inp_directory @directories=<$inp_directory/*>; $arraySize=@directories; print("L499 Number of ODFs to process: $arraySize \n"); # print("L500 Folders to process: \n"); # print("-------------------------------\n"); # for (my $i=0; $i<$arraySize; $i++){ # if ($i<10){ # print("L504 i=$i $directories[$i] \n"); # } # } # print("-------------------------\n"); } else { # use the list of ODFs from the text file open(INFILE, "<$odfListFileName") || die("Unable to open ODF-list file $odfListFileName"); my @lines = ; my $num=@lines; $arraySize=$num; my $iline=0; foreach my $odfpath (@lines) { chomp($odfpath); push(@directories, $odfpath); $iline++; } close INFILE; } # else if useDirectoryInside #************************************************** # Convert the list of folders into a list of obsIDs #************************************************** for (my $i=0; $i<$arraySize; $i++){ my $k1=length($directories[$i]); my $k2 = rindex($directories[$i], '/'); $k2++; my $obsid = substr($directories[$i], $k2, $k1 - $k2); push(@obsids,$obsid); } #********************************************** # Check whether the output log directory exists #********************************************** if (not -e $log_directory) { print("L546 Folder $log_directory does NOT exist ... Creating \n"); mkdir($log_directory,0777) || die "L260 cannot make directory $log_directory: $!"; print("L548 Has created the folder $log_directory \n"); } else { #printf("L330 Folder $log_directory already exists, OK \n"); } #********************************************** # Check whether the output data directory exists #********************************************** if (not -e $out_directory) { print("L559 Folder $out_directory does NOT exist ... Creating \n"); mkdir($out_directory,0777) || die "L304 cannot make directory $out_directory: $!"; print("L561 Has created the folder $out_directory \n"); } else { #printf("L355 Folder $out_directory already exists, OK \n"); } my $oldMasterCataloguePath=$out_directory . "/" . $oldMasterCatalogue; my $inputCataloguePath=$out_directory . "/" . $inputCatalogue; my $finalCataloguePath=$out_directory . "/" . $finalCatalogueName; if ($oldMasterCatalogueFound){ print("L573 Found the input catalogue in the path $out_directory \n"); #$oldMasterCatalogue=$oldMasterCataloguePath; $oldMasterCatalogue=$inputCataloguePath; $inputCatalogue=$inputCataloguePath; $finalCatalogueName=$finalCataloguePath; } #print("L578 oldMasterCatalogue=$oldMasterCatalogue \n"); #print("L579 inputCatalogue=$inputCatalogue \n"); #print("L580 finalCatalogueName=$finalCatalogueName \n"); my $logFileName="omcat_"; my $logFlagsName="flags_"; my $noBadAstrometry=0; my $noGoodAstrometry=0; my $noObsFiles=0; my $noLarge=0; #print("L398 calling the subroutine reduceProducts logFileName=$logFileName \n"); $startTime = time(); &reduceProducts($inputCatalogue, $finalCatalogueName, $logFileName, $logFlagsName, $log_directory, $out_directory, $deleteOldCatalogue, $noBadAstrometry, $noGoodAstrometry, $noObsFiles, $noLarge, @directories); my $finishTime = time(); my $diff = $finishTime - $startTime; #print("------------------------------\n"); print("L508 finish time: $finishTime ; total time taken: $diff s \n"); #nbnbnbnbnbnbbn #------------------------------------- # # # my $logFile=$log_directory . "/final_catalogue.log"; # my $arg = "ommastercatalogue oldmastercatalogue=$oldMasterCatalogue " . # "newmastercatalogue=$inputCatalogue " . # "finalcatalogue=$finalCatalogueName finish=yes -V 5 >& $logFile"; # # if ($oldMasterCatalogueFound){ # print("L506 Processing the old master catalogue to finalise it \n"); # print("L508 command=$arg \n"); # #**************************************** # # Calling the task ommastercatalogue with the parameter finish=yes # system($arg); # #**************************************** # } else { # print("L509 The old master catalogue was not found: stopping \n"); # } # # $finishTime = time(); # $diff = $finishTime - $startTime; # #print("------------------------------\n"); # print("L517 Total time taken: $diff s \n"); #nbnbnbnbnbnbbn #------------------------------ if ($sasodfStored){ $ENV{SAS_ODF} = $sasodf_safe; } } #*********************************************************** # # #*********************************************************** sub getAttribute { my ($file, $extension, $name) = @_; open (INPUT1, $file) || die "couldn't open file $file"; my $keywordValue=0; my $tmpline; my @words; while($tmpline=) { #split; @words=split(/[\t ]+/,$tmpline); #for (my $j = 0; $j < @_; $j++) for (my $j = 0; $j < @words; $j++) { my $string = $words[$j]; my $k = $j + 1; if ( $string =~ $name ) { if ($words[$j + 1] eq "=" ) { $k++; } my $value = $words[$k]; my $text2 = substr($value, 0, 1); if($text2 eq "'") { $value = substr($value, 1, 10); } close(INPUT1); return $value; } elsif ( $string eq "END" ) { # close(INPUT1); # die("Couldn't find attribute $name in extension $extension"); } } } close(INPUT1); # die(); } # getAttribute # check CFITSIO status sub check_status { my $s = shift; if ($s != 0) { my $txt; Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::fits_get_errstatus($s,$txt); carp "CFITSIO error: $txt"; return 0; } return 1; }