#! /sasbuild/local/sasbld10/perl_5.18.2/bin/perl -w # # # main for SAS perl tasks. # require 5; use strict; use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::Configure ("pass_through"); use SAS::error; ## At build time the following strings (enclosed in --, that is ## -string-) are replaced: ## sasperl -> This is taken from the PERL variable defined by configure ## taskname ## version ## release ## aka ## Make sure they do not occur anywhere else in main.pl unless you ## want them to be replaced. ## taskname also occurs at the end of main.pl ## my $name = "rgsprods"; SAS::error::client($name); my $VERSION = "1.10"; my $RELEASE = "xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0"; my $AKA = "15.0.0"; ## ## Standard options: these follow taskmain. ## ## -a|--ccfpath [:...] --> SAS_CCFPATH ## -f|--ccffiles [...] --> cannot be implemented ## -c|--noclobber --> SAS_CLOBBER ## -d|--dialog --> tool(sasdialog) ## -h|--help --> tool(listparams) ## -i|--ccf --> SAS_CCF ## -m|--manpage --> sashelp ## -o|--odf --> SAS_ODF ## -V|--verbosity -- SAS_VERBOSITY ## -v|--version --> local implementation ## ## Getopt::Long provides support for short versions with single "-" except for -v. ## Therefore all short versions were automatically included either with first letter ## or via an alias as for -a, -i, -o and -V. ## ## -v deserves special care due to the existence of support for $version within the ## Getopt module. Therefore -v is treated specially. my ($ccfpath, $noclobber, $dialog, $help, $ccf, $manpage, $odf, $verbosity, $version); exit(1) unless GetOptions("ccfpath|a=s" => \$ccfpath, "noclobber" => \$noclobber, "dialog" => \$dialog, "help" => \$help, "ccf|i=s" => \$ccf, "manpage" => \$manpage, "odf|o=s" => \$odf, "verbosity|V=i" => \$verbosity, "version" => \$version, ); my $arg; foreach $arg (@ARGV) { $version=1 if ( $arg =~ "-v" ); } $ENV{SAS_CCFPATH} = $ccfpath if($ccfpath); $ENV{SAS_CLOBBER} = 0 if($noclobber); $ENV{SAS_CCF} = $ccf if($ccf); $ENV{SAS_ODF} = $odf if($odf); $ENV{SAS_VERBOSITY} = $verbosity if($verbosity); use SAS::param; if($version){ print "$name-$VERSION [$RELEASE-$AKA]\n"; exit(0); } if($manpage){ system("sashelp --doc=$name"); my $x = $? >> 8; # perldoc -f system exit($x); } if($help){ system("listparams $name"); my $x = $? >> 8; exit($x); } if($dialog){ system("sasdialog $name"); my $x = $? >> 8; exit($x); } &rgsprods(); #!/usr/local/bin/perl # # NAME: rgsprods # VERSION: 1.5 # # Developer: Ian Stewart SSC-LUX # # TODO: # - get rid of tells. ################################################################################ my ($testflag); sub rgsprods { use SAS; no strict 'refs'; # my $taskname = "rgsprods"; my $apm = $SAS::AppMsg; my $vbs = $SAS::VerboseMsg; my $nsy = $SAS::NoisyMsg; my ($obs, $ins_list_name, $ins, $exp_list_name, $exp_id , $prod_type_list_name, $evlist_name, $command, $srclist_filename , $src_id_list, @process_list, $det_image_fits_name, $det_image_png_name , $ban_image_fits_name, $ban_image_png_name, $src_list_name, @src_nums , $src_index, $src_num_str, $src_num, $order_list_name, $spectra_list_str , $spectrum_name, $spectrum_pdf_name); # my ($evlist_name, $det_image_fits_name, $srclist_filename, $det_image_png_name # , $ban_image_fits_name, $ban_image_png_name, $spectrum_pdf_name, $spectrum_name); # # Prints all output to stderr: select(STDERR); #...................................................................... # Read and check parameters: # my %params = &getParams; # # my $testflag = &boolTranslate($params{astest}); # my $harsh = &boolTranslate($params{harsh}); my $filtered_intermediate = "intermediate_evlist.fits"; my $ban_image_gif_name = "intermediate_banimg.gif"; my $det_image_gif_name = "intermediate_detimg.gif"; my $spectrum_ps_name = "intermediate_spectrum.ps"; my $harsh = booleanParameter('harsh'); $testflag = booleanParameter('astest'); my $order_list = '1 2'; #...................................................................... # Main processing: if ($testflag) { SAS::warning('testFlagIsSet', "Script testflag set. No output " ."will be produced.\n\n"); } my $dir = '.'; my %products_list = &makeHashTree($dir); # gets a tree of hashes that # contains, in its outermost leaves, the names of all the pps files in $dir. # Now go through all these files: foreach $obs (keys(%products_list)) { $ins_list_name = $products_list{"$obs"}; foreach $ins (keys(%{"$ins_list_name"})) { next if ($ins ne 'R1' && $ins ne 'R2'); # $exp_list_name = ${${"$ins_list_name"}{"$ins"}}; $exp_list_name = ${${"$ins_list_name"}{"$ins"}}; foreach $exp_id (keys(%{"$exp_list_name"})) { $prod_type_list_name = ${${"$exp_list_name"}{"$exp_id"}}; if (exists(${"$prod_type_list_name"}{'EVENLI'})) { # make images: $evlist_name = "P$obs$ins$exp_id"."EVENLI0000.FIT"; SAS::error('noEvlist',"Can't find $evlist_name!") if (!-e "$evlist_name"); $command = "evselect " ."expression='PI > 170' " ."filteredset=$filtered_intermediate " ."updateexposure=no " ."table=$evlist_name".":EVENTS " ."destruct=yes " ."writedss=no " ."withfilteredset=yes " ."keepfilteroutput=yes " ; if (&run("$command")) { if ($harsh) { SAS::error('evselectFailed',"Couldn't run evselect."); } else { SAS::warning('evselectFailed',"Couldn't run evselect.\n\n"); } } $srclist_filename = "P$obs$ins$exp_id"."SRCLI_0000.FIT"; # Get $src_id_list: $src_id_list = ''; # default. if (-e "$srclist_filename") { $command = "fdump " ."infile=$srclist_filename"."+1 " ."outfile=STDOUT " ."columns=PROCESS " ."rows=- " ."prhead=no " ."showcol=no " ."showunit=no " ."page=no " ; if ($testflag) { # &tell("$command"); #SAS::message($SAS::VerboseMsg, "invoke $command\n\n"); SAS::message($apm, $vbs, "invoke $command\n\n"); } else { @process_list = `$command`; foreach (@process_list) { if (/^\s*(\d+)\s+T/) { $src_id_list .= "$1 "; } } chop($src_id_list); } } # end if $srclist_filename exists. $det_image_fits_name = "P$obs$ins$exp_id"."IMAGE_0000.FIT"; $command = "evselect " ."attributestocopy='BETA_REF BETA_WID' " ."xcolumn=BETA_CORR " ."ycolumn=XDSP_CORR " ."imageset=$det_image_fits_name " ."updateexposure=yes " ."table=$filtered_intermediate".":EVENTS " ."withimageset=yes " ."withxranges=yes " ."writedss=yes " ."withyranges=yes " ."withimagedatatype=yes " ."imagedatatype=Int32 " ."ximagemin=0.03 " ."ximagemax=0.08 " ."yimagemin=-0.0007 " ."yimagemax=0.0007 " ; if (&run("$command")) { if ($harsh) { SAS::error('evselectFailed',"Couldn't run evselect."); } else { SAS::warning('evselectFailed',"Couldn't run evselect.\n\n"); } } if (!$testflag && !-e "$det_image_fits_name") { if ($harsh) { SAS::error('noFitsDetImage',"Can't find $det_image_fits_name, so can't " ."run rgsimplot."); } else { SAS::warning('noFitsDetImage',"Can't find $det_image_fits_name, " ."so can't run rgsimplot.\n\n"); } } else { $command = "rgsimplot " ."withspatialset=yes " ."spatialset=$det_image_fits_name " ."withendispset=no " ."withendispregionsets=no " ."device=/GIF " ."colour=3 " ."orderlist='$order_list' " ."plotfile=$det_image_gif_name " ; if (-e "$srclist_filename") { $command .= "" ."withspatialregionsets=yes " ."srclistset=$srclist_filename " ."srcidlist='$src_id_list' " ; } else { $command .= "" ."withspatialregionsets=no " ; } if (&run("$command")) { if ($harsh) { SAS::error('rgsimplotFailed',"Couldn't run rgsimplot."); } else { SAS::warning('rgsimplotFailed',"Couldn't run rgsimplot.\n\n"); } } $det_image_png_name = "P$obs$ins$exp_id"."IMAGE_0000.PNG"; if (!$testflag && !-e "$det_image_gif_name") { if ($harsh) { SAS::error('noGifDetImage',"Can't find $det_image_gif_name, so can't " ."run giftopng."); } else { SAS::warning('noGifDetImage',"Can't find $det_image_gif_name, " ."so can't run giftopng.\n\n"); } } else { $command = "giftopnm $det_image_gif_name | " ."pnmtopng > $det_image_png_name " ; if (&run("$command")) { if ($harsh) { SAS::error('giftopngFailed',"Couldn't run giftopng."); } else { SAS::warning('giftopngFailed',"Couldn't run giftopng.\n\n"); } } if (-e "$det_image_gif_name") { $command = "rm $det_image_gif_name"; if (&run("$command")) { if ($harsh) { SAS::error('rmFailed',"Couldn't run rm."); } else { SAS::warning('rmFailed',"Couldn't run rm.\n\n"); } } } } } # end if det fits image exists. $ban_image_fits_name = "P$obs$ins$exp_id"."ORDIMG0000.FIT"; $command = "evselect " ."attributestocopy='BETA_REF BETA_WID' " ."xcolumn=BETA_CORR " ."ycolumn=PI " ."imageset=$ban_image_fits_name " ."updateexposure=yes " ."imagedatatype=Int32 " ."table=$filtered_intermediate".":EVENTS " ."withimageset=yes " ."withxranges=yes " ."writedss=yes " ."withyranges=yes " ."withimagedatatype=yes " ."ximagemin=0.03 " ."ximagemax=0.08 " ."yimagemin=0 " ."yimagemax=3500 " ; if (&run("$command")) { if ($harsh) { SAS::error('evselectFailed',"Couldn't run evselect."); } else { SAS::warning('evselectFailed',"Couldn't run evselect.\n\n"); } } $command = "rm $filtered_intermediate"; if (&run("$command")) { if ($harsh) { SAS::error('rmFailed',"Couldn't run rm."); } else { SAS::warning('rmFailed',"Couldn't run rm.\n\n"); } } if (!$testflag && !-e "$ban_image_fits_name") { if ($harsh) { SAS::error('noFitsBananaImage',"Can't find $ban_image_fits_name, so can't " ."run rgsimplot."); } else { SAS::warning('noFitsBananaImage',"Can't find " ."$ban_image_fits_name, so can't run rgsimplot.\n\n"); } } else { $command = "rgsimplot " ."withspatialset=no " ."withendispset=yes " ."endispset=$ban_image_fits_name " ."withspatialregionsets=no " ."device=/GIF " ."colour=3 " ."orderlist='$order_list' " ."plotfile=$ban_image_gif_name " ; if (-e "$srclist_filename") { $command .= "" ."withendispregionsets=yes " ."srclistset=$srclist_filename " ."srcidlist='$src_id_list' " ; } else { $command .= "" ."withendispregionsets=no " ; } if (&run("$command")) { if ($harsh) { SAS::error('rgsimplotFailed',"Couldn't run rgsimplot."); } else { SAS::warning('rgsimplotFailed',"Couldn't run rgsimplot.\n\n"); } } $ban_image_png_name = "P$obs$ins$exp_id"."ORDIMG0000.PNG"; if (!$testflag && !-e "$ban_image_gif_name") { if ($harsh) { SAS::error('noGifBananaImage',"Can't find $ban_image_gif_name, so can't " ."run giftopng."); } else { SAS::warning('noGifBananaImage',"Can't find " ."$ban_image_gif_name, so can't run giftopng.\n\n"); } } else { $command = "giftopnm $ban_image_gif_name | " ."pnmtopng > $ban_image_png_name " ; if (&run("$command")) { if ($harsh) { SAS::error('giftopngFailed',"Couldn't run giftopng."); } else { SAS::warning('giftopngFailed',"Couldn't run giftopng.\n\n"); } } if (-e "$ban_image_gif_name") { $command = "rm $ban_image_gif_name"; if (&run("$command")) { if ($harsh) { SAS::error('rmFailed',"Couldn't run rm."); } else { SAS::warning('rmFailed',"Couldn't run rm.\n\n"); } } } } } # end if banana fits image exists. } # end if event list exists. next if (!exists(${"$prod_type_list_name"}{'SRSPEC'})); # else make specplots: $src_list_name = ${${"$prod_type_list_name"}{'SRSPEC'}}; @src_nums = keys(%{"$src_list_name"}); if ($#src_nums > 0 && !-e "$srclist_filename") { SAS::error('bug',"Please contact the code developer."); } foreach $src_index (0 .. $#src_nums) { $src_num_str = $src_nums[$src_index]; $src_num = $src_num_str; $src_num =~ s/0+//; $order_list_name = ${${"$src_list_name"}{"$src_num_str"}}; $spectra_list_str = ""; foreach (keys(%{"$order_list_name"})) { $spectrum_name = ${${"$order_list_name"}{"$_"}}; $spectra_list_str .= "$spectrum_name "; } chop($spectra_list_str); $command = "rgsspecplot " ."device=/VPS " ."sourcelistset=$srclist_filename " ."spectrumsets='$spectra_list_str' " ."sourceid=$src_num " ."plotfile=$spectrum_ps_name " ; if (&run("$command")) { if ($harsh) { SAS::error('rgsspecplotFailed',"Couldn't run rgsspecplot."); } else { SAS::warning('rgsspecplotFailed',"Couldn't run rgsspecplot.\n\n"); } } $spectrum_pdf_name = "P$obs$ins$exp_id"."SRSPEC0"."$src_num_str.PDF"; $command = "ps2pdf " ."$spectrum_ps_name " ."$spectrum_pdf_name " ; if (&run("$command")) { if ($harsh) { SAS::error('pstopdfFailed',"Couldn't run pstopdf."); } else { SAS::warning('pstopdfFailed',"Couldn't run pstopdf.\n\n"); } } $command = "rm $spectrum_ps_name"; if (&run("$command")) { if ($harsh) { SAS::error('rmFailed',"Couldn't run rm."); } else { SAS::warning('rmFailed',"Couldn't run rm.\n\n"); } } } # next src } # next $exp_id } # next $ins } # next $obs unlink("$filtered_intermediate") if (-e "$filtered_intermediate"); unlink("$ban_image_gif_name") if (-e "$ban_image_gif_name"); unlink("$det_image_gif_name") if (-e "$det_image_gif_name"); unlink("$spectrum_ps_name") if (-e "$spectrum_ps_name"); exit 0; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub run { #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # $testflag should be defined globally. use SAS; my ($command) = @_; my $status = 0; # print "\ninvoke $command\n\n"; # SAS::message($SAS::VerboseMsg, "invoke $command\n\n"); SAS::message($SAS::AppMsg, $SAS::VerboseMsg, "invoke $command\n\n"); if (!$testflag) { $status = system($command); } return $status; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub makeHashTree { #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Construct a hash tree of observation, instrument, exposure, in # which each hash value is a name of the next hash down. The easiest # way to compose unambiguous hash names is to use the obs, ins etc strings # themselves. no strict 'refs'; my (%products_list, $filename, $obsn, $inst, $etyp, $expn, $ptyp, $ordr, $sorc); my ($prodsdir) = @_; my @filenames = `ls -1 $prodsdir`; my $total_matching_files = 0; foreach $filename (@filenames) { chomp($filename); if ($filename =~ /^P(\d{10})(\w\w)(S|U)(\d{3})(\w{6})(\d)(\d{3})\.FIT/i) { ++$total_matching_files; $obsn = $1; $inst = $2; $etyp = $3; $expn = $4; $ptyp = $5; $ordr = $6; $sorc = $7; chomp($filename); # Observation list: $products_list{$obsn} = "$obsn"; # Instrument list for each observation: ${${"$obsn"}{$inst}} = "$obsn$inst"; # Exposure list for each instrument: ${${"$obsn$inst"}{"$etyp$expn"}} = "$obsn$inst$etyp$expn"; # Product list for each exposure: ${${"$obsn$inst$etyp$expn"}{"$ptyp"}} = "$obsn$inst$etyp$expn$ptyp"; # Source list for each product type: ${${"$obsn$inst$etyp$expn$ptyp"}{"$sorc"}} = "$obsn$inst$etyp$expn$ptyp$sorc"; # Order/band list for each source (No more hash levels below this, # so it is convenient to store the filename in the hash value instead): ${${"$obsn$inst$etyp$expn$ptyp$sorc"}{"$ordr"}} = "$filename"; } } if ($total_matching_files == 0) { #&quit("No matching files in $prodsdir.", 0); SAS::error('noMatchingFiles',"There are no matching files in $prodsdir"); } return %products_list; }