The name(s) of the dataset(s) containing a 3d array of chip images. The name of the template image dataset (supplies projection plane and pixel dimensions). The name(s) of the output image dataset(s). Should be set 'yes' if the user wants to supply a list of indices. A list of indices to connect members of the input and output image lists. indices in [1:] Style of input for attitude data. The name of a binned-attitude dataset+table. Style of input for attitude-weighting data. Style of input for GTI data. Start time stamp of single GTI. End time stamp of single GTI. Name of the dataset(+table) in which to seek the GTI start and stop keywords. Name of the GTI start time keyword. Name of the GTI stop time keyword. A list of names of GTI datasets+tables. Spacecraft RA in decimal degrees. ra in [0:360) Spacecraft dec in decimal degrees. dec in [-90:90] Spacecraft position angle in decimal degrees. apos in [0:360) Whether to preserve pixel contents or contents/(pixel area). Whether to use fast or slow rebinning algorithm. Whether to normalize the weights. Unnormalized weights are the total GTI per attitude sample. The name of a temporary image dataset.