<FILE> <CONFIG> <PARAM id="eventset" type="dataset" mandatory="yes"> <DESCRIPTION> Name of eventlist dataset. </DESCRIPTION> </PARAM> <PARAM id="templateset" type="dataset" mandatory="yes"> <DESCRIPTION> Name of template image dataset. </DESCRIPTION> </PARAM> <PARAM id="tempeventset" type="dataset" default="temp_evlist.ds"> <DESCRIPTION> Name of a temporary dataset used to calculate region areas. </DESCRIPTION> </PARAM> <PARAM id="outputstyle" type="string" default="sky"> <DESCRIPTION> Style in which to write the exposure map. </DESCRIPTION> <CASE> <ITEM value="sky"> <PARAM id="flatexpimgset" type="dataset" default="flat_expmap.ds"> <DESCRIPTION> Name of output, sky-coordinates non-vignetted exposure map. </DESCRIPTION> </PARAM> <PARAM id="withvigexpimgset" type="bool" default="no"> <DESCRIPTION> Whether to also produce a vignetted exposure map. Note this is irrelevant unless outputstyle=sky (See withvigexpcubeset). </DESCRIPTION> <CASE> <ITEM value="yes"> <PARAM id="vigexpimgset" type="dataset" default="vig_expmap.ds"> <DESCRIPTION> Name of output, sky-coordinates vignetted exposure map. </DESCRIPTION> </PARAM> </ITEM> </CASE> </PARAM> <PARAM id="attstyle" type="string" default="binnedset"> <DESCRIPTION> </DESCRIPTION> <CASE> <ITEM value="binnedset"> <PARAM id="binnedatttab" type="table" mandatory="yes"> <DESCRIPTION> Name of the dataset+table with the attitude time series; mandatory if outputstyle=sky and attstyle=binnedset. </DESCRIPTION> </PARAM> </ITEM> <ITEM value="template"> </ITEM> </CASE> </PARAM> </ITEM> <ITEM value="raw"> <PARAM id="flatexpcubeset" type="dataset" default="flat_expmapcube.ds"> <DESCRIPTION> Name of output non-vignetted exposure map, in CCD cube form. </DESCRIPTION> </PARAM> <PARAM id="withvigexpcubeset" type="bool" default="no"> <DESCRIPTION> Whether to also produce a vignetted exposure cube. Note this is irrelevant unless outputstyle=raw (See withvigexpimgset). </DESCRIPTION> <CASE> <ITEM value="yes"> <PARAM id="vigexpcubeset" type="dataset" default="vig_expmapcube.ds"> <DESCRIPTION> Name of output vignetted exposure map, in CCD cube form. </DESCRIPTION> </PARAM> </ITEM> </CASE> </PARAM> </ITEM> </CASE> </PARAM> <PARAM id="patternlo" type="int" default="0"> <DESCRIPTION> Lower limit (inclusive) of the event pattern selection. </DESCRIPTION> </PARAM> <PARAM id="patternhi" type="int" mandatory="yes"> <DESCRIPTION> Upper limit (inclusive) of the event pattern selection. </DESCRIPTION> </PARAM> <PARAM id="flagmask" type="string" default="0x0"> <DESCRIPTION> FLAG bit mask (hexadecimal string) used for event selection. </DESCRIPTION> </PARAM> <PARAM id="pilos" type="int" list="yes" mandatory="yes"> <DESCRIPTION> List of lower PI range bounds used for event selection. </DESCRIPTION> </PARAM> <PARAM id="pihis" type="int" list="yes" mandatory="yes"> <DESCRIPTION> List of upper PI range bounds used for event selection. </DESCRIPTION> </PARAM> <PARAM id="withgtis" type="bool" default="no"> <DESCRIPTION> Whether to supply a list of gti table names (in the eventset). </DESCRIPTION> <CASE> <ITEM value="yes"> <PARAM id="gtitabsnode0" type="table" list="yes" mandatory="yes"> <DESCRIPTION> A list of gti table names, 1 per CCD (eg. gtitabsnode0='m1im8.FTZ:GTI00006 m1im8.FTZ:GTI00106'). </DESCRIPTION> </PARAM> <PARAM id="withgtitabsnode1" type="bool" default="no"> <DESCRIPTION> Whether to also look for a list of gti table names for the MOS redundant node. </DESCRIPTION> <CASE> <ITEM value="yes"> <PARAM id="gtitabsnode1" type="table" list="yes" mandatory="yes"> <DESCRIPTION> A list of gti table names, 1 per CCD (MOS redundant node). </DESCRIPTION> </PARAM> </ITEM> </CASE> </PARAM> </ITEM> </CASE> </PARAM> <PARAM id="rawylo" type="int" default="0"> <DESCRIPTION> Lower RAWY bound used for event selection. </DESCRIPTION> </PARAM> <PARAM id="withboresightfudge" type="bool" default="yes"> <DESCRIPTION> Flip the sign of the boresight euler%psi. This parameter should be removed after the boresight is fixed. </DESCRIPTION> </PARAM> </CONFIG> </FILE>