Input filename true Number of Newbins/Interval nbins in [1:] Use the background subtracted lightcurve? Rebin the final PDS ? Rebin value (>1 const rebin, <-1 geom. rebin) true Do you want to provide a GTI file? Name of the GTI FITS file : true Indicate if polynomial trend has to be substracted from time series Order of polynomial trend removal (1-4) polyorder in [1:4] (1-Subtract,2-Divide,3-Replace) data with trend operation in [1:3] Enter PGPLOT device true Name of output file true If gaps have to be filled, value must be yes Filling Gap with running mean : number of points npoints in [1:4] Number of points to determine error bar on results nerrorpoints in [5:] Flag to specify the normalization for the results normalization in [-2:2] Use linear (lin) or logarithmic (log) scale on X-axis. true Use linear (lin) or logarithmic (log) scale on y-axis. true