Name of the FITS file : true Do you want to write a new output file Name of the output FITS file : true Do you want print the results to the screen Do you want to provide a GTI file? Name of the GTI FITS file : true Do you want to carry out a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test Do you want to use the two distribution Kolmogorov-Smirnov test Do you want to carry out a chi-squared (Pearsons) test Do you want to carry out a test to detect the flares Factor above the median which indicates a flare flarefactor in [1:] Number of bins that consitute a flare flarebins in [1:] Do you want to carry out a test to detect large scale variability Do you want to carry out a fractional variance test Do you want to use the net light curve for the fractional variance test Percentage of the beginning and end of the lightcurve to use percentage in [1:50]