Input CCD map file true First column of the selected window windowx0 in [1:600] First line of the selected window windowy0 in [1:600] Horizontal width of the selected window windowdx in [1:600] Vertical width of the selected window windowdy in [1:600] Compute offsets or read from file Number of sigmas for rejection in OFFSET nsigmas in [1.:] Mask out the bad pixels from the CCF in OFFSET Select area within the field of view in OFFSET Write output offset/variance file Output offset/variance file true Input offset/variance file true EDU threshold for event detection eduthreshold in [1:] EMDH lower threshold for event detection emdhlowerthreshold in [0:] Write output masked CCD map file Output masked CCD map file true Use edusoft sub_task EMDH upper threshold for event detection emdhupperthreshold in [1:] Write output event file Output event file true Use thresh sub_task Write output CCD map file for bright pixels Output CCD map file for bright pixels true