Input event list Source list with reference coordinates given? Source list with reference sources (eboxdetect format) X column name Y column name size of spatial bin in X binx in [1:200] size of spatial bin in Y biny in [1:200] number of detection runs in eboxdetect nruns in [1:4] minimum detection likelihood likemin in [1.0:20.0] size of circle around source [deg] sourceradius in [.0001:2.] Run showdetect in each iteration? initial guess for BS angle phi-180deg [arcsec] phi in [-3600:3600.] initial guess for BS angle theta [arcsec] theta in [-3600.:3600.] initial guess for BS angle psi [deg] psi in [-3.:3.] tolerance for stopping criterion in stage 1 tol1 in [1.e-10:1.e-1] tolerance for stopping criterion in stage 2 tol2 in [1.e-10:1.e-2] Maximum number of iteration maxiter in [0:1000]