FITS file with X-ray source positions true FITS file with optical source positions true Should the rotation error be determined? Not used yet Number of iterations niter in [1:8] Maximum possible ra/dec offsets (arcsec) maxoffset in [4:15.0] Max. position error (arcsec) of X-ray src to consider in fit (D.M.) maxposnerr in [1.0:120.0] Maximum possible rotation offset (degrees) maxrotation in [0.50:4.0] Max. distance (arcsec) optical src to nearest X-ray src maxdist in [4.0:120.0] Use maxdist to filter optical source list Constraints on optical B magnitudes minbmagn in [-2.0:30.0] Constraints on optical B magnitudes maxbmagn in [-2.0:30.0] Use B magnitude to constrain the optical lists Constraints on optical R magnitudes minrmagn in [-2.0:30.0] Constraints on optical R magnitudes maxrmagn in [-2.0:30.0] Use R magnitude to constrain the optical lists Make an image of the likelihood distribution Likelihood image name true Column name of X-ray source position RA true Column name of X-ray source position DEC true Column name of X-ray source position error true X-ray source list fits table extension name true Column name of optical catalogue position RA (column in single or double precision) true Column name of optical catalogue position DEC (column in single or double precision) true Column name of optical catalogue position error (column in single or double precision) true Column name of optical B magnitudes (column in single precision) true Column name of optical R magnitudes (column in single precision) true Optical catalogue fits table extension name true write table of matched objects name of matched objects file true Calculate offsets; if no: use offsets/rotation provided by input parameter RA offset in arcsec true DEC offset in arcsec true rotation angle in degrees true systematic error of input X-ray positions true irreducible systematic error of X-ray positions true sigma cutoff for matches X-ray/optical matches true use sigma cutoff limit