Define file names using the filestem parameter ? Stem for output filenames Name of output source spectrum Name of output background spectrum Name of output ARF Name of output RMF selection expression for source region true selection expression for background region true Whether to correct for bad pixels and chip gaps in source/bckgnd box Whether to use attitude from ODF attitude file Is the source extended ? Specify the number of bins for psf/flat detector maps explicitly Number of bins along x-dirn in psf or flat detector map detxbins in [1:] Number of bins along y-dirn in psf or flat detector map detybins in [1:] Name of events table true Is an RMF name being supplied ? Name of the input RMF file to be used in spec fitting true User-specified energy grid defined Lower energy range for response (keV) true Upper energy range for response (keV) true Number of energy bins for response true Produce an ARF and calculate BACKSCAL ? Creates EPIC spectra with same PI channel interval. Source position specified Coordinate system for which source position is specified X position of source true Y position of source true Whether to remove spectra and matrices if the ARF is zero or negative True if task successfully creates the spectral files and response matrices