Name of the table to be filtered Keep output of filtering process? Create a filtered event list Name of file for filtered event list Destructive event selection? Name of integer column for event flagging Bit position in flagcolumn column to save select status flagbit in [-1:31] Type of filtering to use Name of block containing the Data Suspace specification to use for filtering Filtering expression Write data subspace information to the output files Remove components from the data subspace which select no events Update exposure information in the output files (XMM specific) Filter exposure extensions with the GTIs which apply to them Extentions to copy to the extracted data sets Attributes to copy from the input table to the output product table Name of col for energy information for spectra and light curves Use zcolumn for product accumulation Column of values to accumulate in an image, lightcurve, spectrum or histogram Use zerrorcolumn as the error on zcolumn Column of the error on the zcolumn value for a lightcurve, spectrum or histogram Ignore TLMIN/MAX values when extracting data from columns? Extract an image file Name of image file to extract Name of X coord column for image creation Name of Y coord column for image creation Use bin sizes or image sizes to determine binning factor Binning factor for x axis in image creation ximagebinsize in [0:] Binning factor for y axis in image creation yimagebinsize in [0:] Force x and y bin size to be the same when imagebinning=imageSize Image size in the x coordinate (used to determine binning factor) ximagesize in [0:] Image size in the y coordinate (used to determine binning factor) yimagesize in [0:] Use min/max values for x axis image extraction Lower limit of x axis for image extraction Upper limit of x axis for image extraction Use min/max values for x axis image extraction Lower limit of y axis for image extraction Upper limit of y axis for image extraction Use imagedatatype to set the type of image created Data type of the image to be created Shift the center of the image to the specified ra and dec Right ascension of the center of the image, in decimal degrees Declination of the center of the image, in decimal degrees Extract a spectrum file Name of spectrum file to extract Binning factor for spectrum creation spectralbinsize in [1:] Use min/max values for spectral channels Minimum channel for spectrum creation specchannelmin in [0:] Maximum channel for spectrum creation specchannelmax in [0:] Extract a time series Name of time series file to extract Name of col for time information Size of time bins for time series files timebinsize in [0:] Use min/max values for time series extraction Lower limit for time series Upper limit for time series Include a time column in the time series extention Produce a lightcurve of rates rather than counts Extract a general histogram Name of the histogram file to extract Name of col for histogram generation Size of bins for histogram files histogrambinsize in [0:] Use min/max values for histogram extraction Lower limit for histogram Upper limit for histogram