Name of input file directory: true Name of output file directory: true Comment for the output true Number of sigma for the detection algorithm nsigma in [0.:] Condition for combining the Engineering-2 sub-windows true Condition for removing the background scattered light features true Half-width of the spectrum extraction area (in pixels, if negative, and in FWHWs otherwise) spectrumhalfwidth in [-20.:20.] Offset for the left background extraction area (in pixels, if negative, and in FWHWs otherwise) bkgoffsetleft in [0.:] Width for the left background extraction area (in pixels, if negative, and in FWHWs otherwise) bkgwidthleft in [-40.:40.] Offset for the right background extraction area (in pixels, if negative, and in FWHWs otherwise) bkgoffsetright in [0.:] Width of the background right extraction area (in pixels, if negative, and in FWHWs otherwise) bkgwidthright in [-40.:40.] Length of the smoothing window for the extracted spectra (in pixels) spectrumsmoothlength in [0:] Condition for removing the modulo-8 noise: 0-do not correct, 1-correct, 2-use flat field for mapping, 3-use flat field for multiplying mod8correction in [0:3] Type of the spectum extraction algorithm (0 is normal, 1 is optimal, etc.) extractionmode in [0:] Size of spectrum wavelength bins for the output plot (in Angstroems) plotbinsize in [0:] Flag for plotting either count-rates (0), fluxes (1) or both (2) plotflux in [0:2] Use the background plot scale different from that of the spectrum : Extracts all the available spectra in the current field Name of the output spectra list file true Creates a region file with additional (newly detected) point sources