Name of input file directory: true Name of output file directory: true Comment for the output true List of OM filters to be processed true List of OM exposures to be processed true Significance level for sigma clipping ommodmapnsig in [1:10] Size of sliding box (in units of 8 pixels) ommodmapnbox in [1:2048] Number of sigma for a detection omdetectnsigma in [1.0:] Minimum allowed source significance omdetectminsignificance in [0.0:] Detect extended sources Create the rotated image Sigma threshold omsrclistcombnsigma in [1.0:10.0] Parameter alignaxes of omsrclistcomb Use the USNO-SA 1 catalog Use the USNO-SA 1 catalog Name of usno catalogue file: true Minimum allowed source significance maxradecerr in [0.5:3.0] Minimum allowed source significance maxrmsres in [1.0:3.0] Source-detection on stacked images Tolerance (arcsecs) for source matching ommergeliststolerance in [1:10] Maximim raw count-rate for keeping ommergelistsmaxrawrate in [0:] Name of hardcopy plot filename-optional true Name of hardcopy plot filename-optional true Allows psf-photometry in the omdetect task. If true then sources with close neighbours will have their photometry recomputed using point-spread-function fitting. Please note that this method is under development and the use of this parameter is currently disabled in the task omdetect. Point-source background method backgroundmethod in [1:7] Count rate threshold above which the psf-photometry method specified by the parameter psfphotometry enabled will not be applied. maxrawcountrate in [0.0:] Flag for using either RAF or AHF attitude data rawattitude in [0:2] Minimal standard deviation for the task omvariability omvariabilityminstd in [0.0:]