ChangeLog for arfgen ================= Version 1.92 - 2015-12-04 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Uses the NEXT_TO_OFFSET_COLUMN rather than CLOSE_TO_BAD_COLUMN to interpret pixels lying next to offset columns. (SPR-7330) Version 1.91 - 2015-09-01 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Use observation time when accessing the boresight matrix (SCR-7265) Version 1.90.4 - 2014-10-14 (RDS) ------------ + (doc/arfgen_description.tex) - Addition on XMMEA_EM (SPR-7224) Version 1.90.3 - 2014-09-23 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Support conversion of fractional raw pixels to detector coordinates. This allows spectra extracted from timing mode annuli to be used directly (SPR-3048) Version 1.90.2 - 2014-09-16 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Change the parameter name from applymirroradjustment to applyxcaladjustment Version 1.90.1 - 2014-09-10 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Automatically set the number of config/arfgen.par/lyt, detector map bins to use doc/arfgen_description.tex) (SPR-7219) Version 1.90 - 2014-04-25 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Set the observation data in the calServer while getting the datafile attributes. (SCR-7196) Version 1.89 - 2014-04-21 (AI) ------------ + gcc4.8.2 portability changes Version 1.88 - 2014-04-03 (RDS) ------------ + (src/, src/, config/arfgen.par) Addition of new parameter "applymirroradjustment" which controls use of an adjustment array for the mirror effective areas (SCR-7192) + (src/ Fixed bug which caused one of the columns next to a chip gap NOT to be excluded from the area calculation even when it has been excluded by the event flagging. (SPR-7198) Version 1.87 - 2014-03-17 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Further fix for SPR-7186 Version 1.86 - 2014-01-15 (RDS) ------------ + (doc/arfgen_description.tex) - Fixed error in cross-arf description + (src/ - Fixed error in the width of grid pixels used to calculate the PSF and also the bad pixels (SPR-7186) Version 1.85.2 - 2013-11-13 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Change vector to uint32_t in dsslib bit mask call Version 1.85.1 - 2013-11-06 (RDS) ------------ + (test/testarfgen_mos) - Removal of reference to a temporary CIF Version 1.85 - 2013-07-23 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Introduction of a contamination src/ model for the MOS cameras. src/ (SCR-7106) Version 1.83.4 - 2012-06-18 (RDS) ------------ + Copy of 1.84 Version 1.84 - 2012-06-07 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Fixed problem with the PSF calculation for the FAST modes where a subset of the full-Y range is taken. (SPR-6733) Version 1.83.3 - 2012-05-17 (RDS) ------------ + (src/, - Put some logic into the calculation config/arfgen.par) of the default badpixresolution to make it fine (0.5") if a PSF corr is being calculated and coarse (2") if it isn't. (SPR-6729) Version 1.83.2 - 2012-05-11 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Recentreing of the PSF calculation For Timing and Burst modes (SPR-6722) Version 1.83.1 - 2012-04-25 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Fixed bug with very large source box areas overflowing variable (SPR-6699) Version 1.83 - 2012-03-27 (RDS) ------------ + (src/, - Change over to use the ELLBETA src/, PSF model by default for EE src/ correction and bad pixel estimation. EXTENDED mode is still supported but other modes are now deprecated (SPR-6696) Version 1.82 - 2012-03-22 (RDS) ------------ + (src/, - Uses the SRCPOS value in the src/, spectrum header to calculate the src/ PSF correction and the pattern fractions for PN timing mode (SPR-6582) Version 1.81 - 2011-01-07 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Changed WCSConverter call src/, to give crpix values as signed src/ integers (SPR-6685) + removed debug Version 1.80.2 - 2011-09-28 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Changed to exclude CCDs from the src/ bad pixel calculation when a CCD expression is part of the extraction region (SPR-6671) Version 1.80.1 - 2011-01-07 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Changed logic to give the extents as the greater of the POS or DET zones. (SPR-6642) Version 1.80 - 2010-11-16 (RDS) ------------ + Added parameter psfmodel which allows the user to choose the psf model (SPR-6625). + Improved docuemtnation for chip gaps Version 1.79 - 2010-10-26 (RDS) ------------ + Removed debug Version 1.78 - 2010-09-17 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Solved problem with inaccurate bad pixel calculation. Now uses subpixels. It is slower now for large areas. (SPR-6630) Version 1.77.2 - 2010-04-19 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - removed reference to psf->atOrigin which was causing problem with bad pixel contribution (SPR-6607) Version 1.77.1 - 2010-04-14 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Fully restored references to ELLBETA (SPR-6607) Version 1.77 - 2010-03-22 (RDS) ------------ + (src/, (src/, src/ - Restored references to ELLBETA Version 1.76.6 - 2009-09-03 (AI) ------------ + Fixes to make arfgen gcc4-3 compliant Version 1.76.5 - 2009-07-10 (AI) ------------ + (src/ Psf::BinSize renamed to Psf::ValidBinSize. This change is part of the gcc4 porting (see: cal/src/PsfDataServer.h) Version 1.76.4 - 2009-06-15 (AI) ------------ + Debug line removed Version 1.76.3 - 2009-06-12 (RDS) ------------ + (src/, (src/, src/ - Removed references to ELLBETA Version 1.76.2 - 2009-05-13 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Solved a problem with the PSF calculation in Timing mode. It now uses the PSF image to calculate the enclosed energy within the source box Version 1.76.1 - 2008-10-24 (RDS) ------------ Copy of 1.76 Version 1.75.6 - 2008-10-20 (RDS) ------------ Copy of 1.76 Version 1.76 - 2008-09-09 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Added 0.5 pixels onto the width of the RAWX timing expression which was being calculated too small (SPR-6500) Version 1.75.5 - 2008-06-20 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Avoid problem with NAN in calculation of elliptical PSF (SPR-6484) Version 1.75.4 - 2008-06-19 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Fixed problem with bad-pixel calculation with elliptical PSF (SPR-6484) Version 1.75.2 - 2008-06-06 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Speeded up the cross-ARF calculation Version 1.75.1 - 2008-05-22 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Set ELLBETA PSF iterator to 1 pixel src/ Take maximum ellipical radius. (SPR-6465) + test/testarfgen_mos_flatdetmap Speeded up test Version 1.75 - 2008-04-30 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Added support for the ELLBETA src/ PSF model. It is only used if the source region is an 'optimum' ellipse. Version 1.74.3 - 2008-04-24 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - uses 2-arcsec resolution in the 2-d map to speed-up execution time. Version 1.74.2 - 2007-10-11 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - now uses a 2-d map to handle the backscale calculation rather than the spans. - Also handles AXES called AXIS2D3 Version 1.74.1 - 2007-08-31 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Fixed a problem with rotated ellipses which were effectively treated as unrotated before in the BACKSCAL calculation (SPR-2725) Version 1.74 - 2007-08-17 (RDS) ------------ + (config/arfgen.par) - Use logic to set booleans automatically when a referred parameter is set. Affects: withdetbounds, withfilteredset, withsourcepos, withrmfset (SPR-2702) Version 1.73.2 - 2007-08-09 (RDS) ------------ + (src/, - In the case of a selection containing src/, a mask the code now uses the, detector map to calculate the test/testarfgen_mos_mask ) source box size. This solves problems with the BACKSCAL and chip gap calculation in this case (SPR-2723) Version 1.73.1 - 2007-06-15 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Now handles the backscale calculation for non-contiguous areas in Timing or BURST mode obs (SPR-2595) Version 1.73 - 2007-04-24 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Changed from excluding 3x3 pixels around a bad pixel to the "cross" of 5 pixels that it should be (SPR-2707). Version 1.72 - 2007-04-17 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Fixed a problem with RECTANGLES not converting properly between RAW and DET coords. Version 1.71 - 2006-09-05 (RDS) ------------ + (src/,, - Added the capability to produce an ARF relevant to flux which spills over from one region into another (SPR-2690) Version 1.70.4 - 2006-06-20 (RDS) ------------ + (src/, - Fixes a problem where the bad pixel and offset column corrections were miscalculated for MOS Timing mode, causing -ve BACKSCAL values (SPR-2684) Version 1.70.3 - 2006-06-07 (RDS) ------------ + (src/,, - Calculates burst mode psf and, applies a ratio correction in the, case of an incomplete selection in RAW-Y Version 1.70.2 - 2006-06-06 (RDS) ------------ + (doc/arfgen_desc.tex) - Explained the difference in vignetting between point and extended sources (SPR-2519) Version 1.70.1 - 2006-03-17 (RDS) ------------ Copy of 1.70 for CVS. Version 1.70 - 2006-02-21 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Better treatment of encircled energy correction in rectangle or box extraction regions. Enables the PSF to be handled for Timing/Burst mode observations (SPR-2612) Version 1.69.1 - 2006-01-16 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Set backscale to zero if calculated to be negative Version 1.69 - 2005-12-21 (RDS) ------------ + (src/, - event flag handling now deals with, bit flags individually. This is primarily intended for the new #XMMEA_SM flag that includes events next to dead pixels but excludes everything else (SCR-198). Version 1.68.2 - 2005-12-07 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ If the PPSVERS string is not set to a date then a suitable default is selected (SPR-2644) Version 1.68.1 - 2005-12-04 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ Corrected an error introduced in V1.68 where the windowing wasn't handled properly outside the central chip (SPR-2642) Version 1.68 - 2005-10-07 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ Checks all chips for out of CCD window to cover the PN Large window case which affects all CCDs (SPR-2531) Version 1.66.4 - 2005-08-05 (RDS) ------------ + Documentation update Version 1.66.3 - 2005-08-04 (RDS) ------------ + Copy of 1.67 for thre release track. Version 1.67 - 2005-08-01 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ Fixes bug where an include and exclude circle are treated as an annulus even when their centres are distant (SPR-2624) Version 1.66.2 - 2005-07-04 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ Uses an object for attcalc parameters to avoid having to close down and reopen parameters from calling task + (src/, Includes or excludes area, out of the FOV depending on config/arfgen.par/lyt) command line parameter ignoreoutoffov (SPR-2622) Version 1.66.1 - 2005-06-28 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ Sets the instrument before the window mode to avoid warning message. Version 1.66 - 2005-06-15 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ Correctly interprets FLAG=0 value for bad pixels (SPR-2609) A side benefit of this change is that pixels which are included in bad pixel AND bad column extensions are now only counted once in the effective area generation, whereas before they were included twice. Version 1.65.18 - 2005-02-25 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ Interprets mode properly for outer CCDs odf timing mode MOS obs (SPR-2601) Version 1.65.17 - 2004-12-21 (RDS) ------------ + (DEPEND) Added selectlib dependancy (SPR-2569) Version 1.65.16 - 2004-08-13 (RDS) ------------ + (config/arfgen.par) Changed photon energy to 2 keV (SPR-2528) Also changes useodfatt default from true to false (SPR-2544) (src/, src/ Added code to handle a sky or DETX/Y mask. NB: ARF generation is supported but the BACKSCAL value will be wrong for masked regions (SPR-2090) Version 1.65.15 - 2004-07-21 (RDS) ------------ + (src/, Corrects for the ratio of Burst src/ mode data in extraction window (SPR-2541) Version 1.65.14 - 2004-06-15 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ Ignores pixels outside the FOV. (SSC-SPR-3338) Version 1.65.13 - 2004-05-26 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ Fixes problem with axes of type AXIS2D1 (SPR-2532) Version 1.65.12 - 2004-03-17 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ Attempts to read frame time from CCD 2 exposure map to cope with imaging data from Timing mode obs. Version 1.65.11 - 2004-03-16 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ Fixed problem with CCD selection (SPR-2513) Version 1.65.10 - 2004-03-08 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ A dummy spatial area is now only generated for Timing mode spectra when the RAW-X and RAW-Y axes are not selected, otherwise it cause a problem in backscale. Version 1.65.9 - 2004-02-23 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ Specifically set source region centred on boresight for Timing/Burst mode obs whether user has selected an area or not. + (doc/arfgen_description.tex) Explain Timing mode treatment Version 1.65.8 - 2004-02-11 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - removes failure when source box includes area outside observing window. Version 1.65.7 - 2004-02-10 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Only sets Cal CCD state if non zero to avoid unnecessary warnings. + (src/ - Fixed problem with SUBMODE='Unknown' for MOS Timing mode data outer CCDs. Version 1.65.6 - 2004-02-09 (RDS) ------------ + - remove extraneous large file Version 1.65.5 - 2004-02-04 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Forceably remove temporary bad column file (SCR-SPR-3247) Version 1.65.4 - 2004-01-21 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - new method checkModePattern which issues a warning if PN Timing mode data used without patterns 0-4 (SCR-150) Version 1.65.3 - 2004-01-19 (RDS) ------------ + (src/,h) - fixed problem with X/Y to DET coord conversion when sky grid not centred on optical-axis (SPR-2497) Version 1.65.2 - 2003-12-19 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Fixed problem with filtering detector map (SPR-2310) Coarser gridding for large area calculation (SPR-2274) Version 1.65.1 - 2003-12-17 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - added support for MOS offset columns (SCR-127) Version 1.65 - 2003-11-12 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - fixed bug in readDss which caused static build runtime problem. Version 1.64 - 2003-11-11 (RDS) ------------ + (test/verifyarf) - remove temp file to avoid run-time problem (SPR-2475) Version 1.63 - 2003-11-05 (RDS) ------------ + (test/Makefile) - removes files such as core.* - during clobber + (src/ - sets bad if outside observing - window or FOV (SPR-2450) Version 1.62 - 2003-11-05 (RDS) ------------ + (src/, - checks whether pixels lie - on selected CCDS, and sets them - bad if not (SPR-2450) Version 1.61 - 2003-09-16 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - issues warning if DET and POS regions defined (SPR-2464) + (src/, - fixed problem when OFFSETS table src/ contains 0 records (SPR-2469) and with OFFSET column calculation in general (SPR-2470) Version 1.60 - 2003-09-03 (RDS) ------------ No change, upload with different number Version 1.59 - 2003-08-13 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - fixed error in ODF attitude calc. (SPR-2463) Version 1.58 - 2003-07-15 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - fixed problem with bad columns + (test/testarfgen_pn) - added new test for bad pixels Version 1.57 - 2003-07-09 (RDS) ------------ + (src/, src/ - Change for new dsslib API Version 1.54.10 - 2003-07-03 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - Added code to convert RAW - DET + (src/ coords for Timing mode (SPR-2452) + (src/ - Fixed problem with coordinate conversions (SPR-2463) Version 1.54.9 - 2003-04-24 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - handles bad columns (SPR-2367) + (test/pnspectrum.ds) - incorrect SUBMODE keyword corrected + (src/ - Restructuring to allow keywords + (src/ - to be read in one place Version 1.54.8 - 2003-03-13 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - allowed polygons (SPR-2401) Version 1.54.7 - 2003-01-09 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - added DATE-END keyword into rawpixellist. This is now needed by attcalc. Version 1.54.6 - 2002-12-18 (RDS) ------------ + documentation update Version 1.54.5 - 2002-12-05 (RDS) ------------ + (config/arfgen.par) - changed default eegridfactor to 50 (SPR-2374) Version 1.54.4 - 2002-12-02 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - fixed bug with PSF energy interpolation (SPR-2374) Version 1.54.3 - 2002-11-25 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ - fixed flag problem (SPR-2372) - Make the timing mode dummy region near to the boresight Version 1.54.2 - 2002-11-12 (RDS) ------------ + (src/, src/ - include support for flags Version 1.54.1 - 2002-11-05 (RDS) ------------ + (src/, src/ Support for a quick calculation of the PSF for a box region (for Timing mode) (SPR-2348) Version 1.54 - 2002-10-30 (RDS) ------------ Basically a rename of 1.48.11 with a little tidying. Version 1.48.11 - 2002-09-30 (RDS) ------------ This is indentical to 1.53 except that it is intended for the release track and hence uses the old parameter interface (RDS) Version 1.53 - 2002-09-19 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ Added support for timing and burst mode - create a false DETX/Y dss region (SPR-2348) + (src/ Added support for source position in TELescope coords (type="TEL") (SPR-2347) + (src/ Made bad pattern treatment consistent (SPR-2346) + (doc/arfgen_description.tex) Explained pattern selection (SPR-2330) Version 1.52 - 2002-09-13 (RDS) ------------ + (src/ Fixed pattern bounds problem (SPR-2340) + (src/ Added HDUVERS keywords (SPR-2336) Version 1.51 - 2002-08-19 (UL) ------------ + a few transparent changes to improve C++ standard compliance Version 1.50 - 2002-08-07 (RDS) ------------------------------ + (DEPEND) Added sas package dependency Version 1.49 - 2002-05-16 (RDS) ------------------------------ + (config/arfgen.par) Converted to new parameter system Version 1.48.9 - 2002-04-22 (RDS) ------------------------------ + (src/ - remove the error message in the destructor (SPR-2296) Version 1.48.8 - 2002-04-11 (RDS) ------------------------------ More documentation. Version 1.48.7 - 2002-03-19 (RDS) ------------------------------ Just documentation. Version 1.48.6 - 2002-03-8 (RDS) ------------------------------ + (src/ - reset the CAL accuracy mode after attcalc Version 1.48.5 - 2002-02-20 (RDS) ------------------------------ + (src/ Set the window mode in the Cal server (src/ Set number of patterns correctly for PN Version 1.48.4 - 2002-02-19 (RDS) ------------------------------ + (src/ (SPR-2142 - Q.E. applied spatially) (src/ etc..) (SPR-2047 - removed asserts) Version 1.48.3 - 2002-02-07 (RDS) ------------------------------ Remove dependency on rmfgen from DEPENDS. Version 1.48.2 - 2002-02-04 (RDS) ------------------------------ + (src/ (SPR-2144, 2162 - more shapes + box width errors ) (src/ Removed the need to add a ':' for the datamaptype=dataset, dataset definition Version 1.48.1 - 2002-01-25 (RDS) ------------------------------ + (src/, src/, src/ treatment of edge pixels (SPR-2117) (src/ (SCR-72 - pattern fractions) Version 1.48 - 2002-01-23 (RDS) ------------------------------ + (ConcreteArfDataServer.h, RegionExtent.h/cc, CalCoreData.h, CoreData.h) - dsslib made non-const (SPR-2162) Version 1.47 - 2001-12-10 (RDS) ------------------------------ + (config/arfgen.par, src/, src/,CoreData.h) removed the params withpatterns, patternmin, patternmax (SPR-2069) Version 1.46.1 - 2001-12-05 (RDS) ------------------------------ + (src/, src/, src/RatioPsfModel.h/cc, src/, src/PsfModel.h, Makefile) - new encircled energy CAL implementation (SPR-2233) - (src/, - removed. + (src/,, arfgen.par - new param modelootcorr ) - OOT correction (SCR-14, SPR-2198) Version 1.46 - 2001-10-31 (UL) ------------------------------ + brought in line with cal-3.121: type of CAMCOORD/TELCOORD coordinates changed from single to double precision Version 1.45 2001-08-06 (RDS) ------------------------------ + (doc/arfgen_description.tex) - updated and include some CAL errors (src/ - solved problem with polygons (SPR-2147) (src/, src/ - added support for annuli in the circular PSF model (SPR-2048) (src/, ) - mods for compiling with optimisation on (SPR-2134) Version 1.44.4 2001-05-18 (RDS) ------------------------------ (doc/arfgen_description.tex) - updated for 5.1 changes (SPR-2033, 2040) Version 1.44.3 2001-05-16 (RDS) ------------------------------ + (src/ - fix for separated areas causing backscale to fail (SPR-2041) (src/ - doesn't fail for bad Filter if a backscale run (doc/arfgen_description.tex) - updated for 5.1 changes Version 1.44.2 2001-05-15 (RDS) ------------------------------ + (src/ - problem with X/Y defined bad pixels (SPR-2036) Version 1.44.1 2001-05-08 (RDS) ------------------------------ + (src/,, - calculating backscale for multiple region (SPR-2020) Version 1.44 2001-05-02 (RDS) ------------------------------ + (config/arfgen.par, src/,, Allow calculation of attitude from the RA_PNT, DEC_PNT, PA_PNT values and not using the attititude values in the OAF. This is now an option controlled by the parameter useoafatt (SPR-2018) Version 1.43.1 2001-04-27 (RDS) ------------------------------ + (src/, Support for different shaped regions plus multiple regions (SPR-2006) Version 1.43 2001-04-15 (RDS) ------------------------------ ------------------------------ + (config/arfgen.par): New parameters, withbadpixcorr and badpixlocation, to control bad pixel and chip gap corrections (SCR-13) + (config/arfgen.par): New parameters, backscale and keeparfset, to allow BACKSCAL setting with the backscale metatask (SCR-28). + (src/, src/ BACKSCAL setting (SCR-28). + (src/ Calculates mirror areas as fn of position (SPR-1952) Only calculates Q.E. once to save time (SPR-1975) + (src/, src/, src/, src/, src/BpCorrector.h, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/ Supports bad pixels and chip gaps (SCR-13, SCR-45) Version 1.42.3 2001-03-15 (HS) ------------------------------ + (src/ Calls to WCSConvertor object now uses new WCSConvertor interface, and XY->DETXY conversion improved. (SOC-SPR-1890) + (src/, src/PositionUtils.[cc,h], src/CoreData.[cc,h], src/CalCoreData.[cc,h], src/CalMOSCoreData[.cc,h], src/CalMOSCoreData[.cc,h]): Modified withsourcepos=n code such that sourceposition object is created after CoreData object is constructed. (SOC-SPR-1956) + (src/RegionExtent.[cc,h]): Made region extent computation for regions defined in XY coords more robust (SOC-SPR-1890). + (src/RmfEbins.[cc]): Now supports RMF files with matrix table of name 'SPECRESP MATRIX' (SOC-SPR-1946). + (test dir): Improved test harness to aid development. Now uses updated test data. Version 1.42.2 2001-02-26 (RDS) ------------------------------ + (src/ New routines to provide support for a new PSF implementation in the CAL (SCR-36) + (src/ Explicitly calls PSF creation routine (SCR-36) + (src/,CoreData.h): Creates a circular PSF if relevant (SCR-36) + (src/ Returns HIGH as its mode (SCR-36) + (src/ Uses PSF iterator (SCR-36) + (src/PsfModel.h): Extra methods (SCR-36) + (src/Makefile): Includes new CirclePsfModel class (SCR-36) Version 1.42.1 2001-02-05 (RDS) ------------------------------ + (config/arfgen.par): Changed default maptype to 'flat' (SOC-SCR-32) + (src/ConcreteArfDataServer.Cc): Exit if no DSS found, if source position not specified, assume it lies at centre of source box. (SOC-SCR-32) + (src/ Output some helptext if detector map is zero (SOC-SCR-32) + (test/mosspectrum.ds): Fixed error in DSS coordinates in file Version 1.42 2000-12-19 (HS) ------------------------------ + (src/ Fixed seg fault when a 'flat' detector map is created. New test harness added to test this. (SOC-SPR-1888) + (src/PsfmodelPixelIterator): Fixed bug causing object to assume incorrect y-bounds (SOC-SPR-1889) + (src/PsfmodelPixelIterator): Bounds arguments in constructor changed from integer to double. Version 1.41.13 2000-12-04 (HS) --------------------------------- + (src/ Removed temporary fix to the PHI angle introduced in 1.41.11, following identification of root of problem and subsequent changes to the cal package. Version 1.41.12 2000-11-29 (HS/RDS) --------------------------------- + (src dir): Previous version contained other redundant changes - modified files such that the only change made is in Version 1.41.11 2000-11-27 (RDS) --------------------------------- + (src/ Added PI to azimuthal angle (PHI) for effective area calculation (Hack - no SPR). Version 1.41.10 2000-11-14 (HS) --------------------------------- + (DEPEND): Added emsaplib to list (SOC-SPR-1841) + (src/ Switched PSF model accuracy level to HIGH, which leads to a correctly normalised model (SOC-SPR-1840) Version 1.41.9 2000-11-10 (HS) ------------------------------ + Removed parameters --datalabel, --photondistset and --modelpileup from code (SOC-SPR-1779). + (src/ PSF/FLAT detector maps by default are automatically sized to the extent of the selected regions (SOC-SPR-1828). INTERFACE CHANGE: Added new parameter --withdetbounds. If false (default), then bounds for PSF/FLAT detmaps taken from DSS information. Version 1.41.8 2000-11-02 (HS) ------------------------------ + (src/ Fixed bug causing incorrect PSF models being generated for legitimate source positions (SOC-SPR-1818). Version 1.41.7 2000-10-31 (HS) ------------------------------ + (doc/arfgen_description.tex): Further documentation clean-up (SOC-SPR-1810) Version 1.41.6 2000-10-30 (HS) ------------------------------ + (src/ Fixed bug resulting in failure to compile under Linux and DEC/OSF (SOC-SPR-1795) + (src/ Fixed bug in referencing wrong parameter name (SOC-SPR-1798) + (doc/arfgen_description.tex): Added an description for the parameter psfenergy (SOC-SPR-1807) Version 1.41.5 2000-10-20 (HS) ------------------------------ + (src dir): Now take into consideration new global attributes propagated from attcalc (SOC-SPR-1793). Version 1.41.4 2000-10-19 (HS) ------------------------------ + (src dir): PSF model now taken from CAL (SOC-SPR-1790). This required an INTERFACE CHANGE: new parameter psfenergy. + (doc/arfgen_description.tex): Moved Examples section to top of doc. Minor re-wording of some points. Renumbered versions in changelog (SOC-SPR-1791). Version 1.41.3 2000-10-15 (HS) ------------------------------ + (src/, test dir): Fixed bug in EE interpolation causing test harness failure on DEC/OSF machines and made minor improvements to test harness (SOC-SPR-1784). + (config/arfgen.par): Changed lower limit for parameters eegridfactor, patternmin and patternmax to 1,0 and 0 respectively. (SOC-SPR-1777). + (src dir): Cleaned up code (SOC-SPR-1778). + (src dir): Cleaned up messages (SOC-SPR-1713). Version 1.41.2 2000-10-14 (HS) ------------------------------ + (src/ Fixed bug which had resulted in MOS2 spectra being corrected using MOS1 calibration models (SOC-SPR-1774) + (src/ Fixed bug that raised a CAL initialisation warning during the internal attcalc call (SOC-SPR-1776). + (src dir): Filter transmission correction previously modelled only on-axis sources. This has been fixed to address all possible source positions (SOC-SPR-1775). Version 1.41.1 2000-10-12 (HS) ------------------------------ + (src/ Fixed bug in converting a source position from DET coordinates to polar (theta, phi) coords. This bug impacted on the offaxis effective area modelling (SOC-SPR-1766). Version 1.41 2000-10-09 (HS) ------------------------------ + (config doc dir): Increased default size of detmap from 400x400 to 800x800 Version 1.40 2000-10-09 (HS) ------------------------------ + (src dir): Sums QE curves over all patterns defined in DSS + (src dir): Raises a warning if selected region extends outside bounds of detector map. Version 1.39 2000-10-02 (HS) ------------------------------ + (test/pnspectrum.ds): Changed filter name to 'THIN1' for compatibility with cal-3.83 + (config, src dir): INTERFACE CHANGE: added new parameter: filterdss Version 1.37 2000-09-22 (HS) ------------------------------ + Fixed test harness, which was pointing to wrong cif file. Version 1.36 2000-08-31 (HS) ------------------------------ + Now makes use of FILTER keyword in spectrum files (SOC-SPR-1733) + Now returns a zero arf is source is outside selected region (SOC-SPR-1720) + Fixed bug in PSF model description for PN (SOC-SPR-1719) + Fixed bug in energy grid in o/p ARF (SOC-SPR-1715) + INTERFACE CHANGE: parameters withfilteredset and filteredset added, allowing the filtered pixel list used during the ARF generation to be analysed later. + attcalc no longer called if none of the regions used to accumulate the spectrum correspond to X/Y space + Added further information about use of detector maps (SOC-SPR-1734) Version 1.35 2000-08-07 (HS) ------------------------------ + Now filter detector map based on DSS info stored in spectrum, instead of SLCTEXPR attribute. + Use filtered detector map in main ARF loop as well as for EE corrn. + Fixed bug in WCS mapping defined PsfmodelIterator such that a pixel index maps to the physical coordinates appropriate to the pixel centre as opposed to it's bottom-left corner. Version 1.34 2000-08-03 (HS) ------------------------------ + Previous upload failed - uploading new version Version 1.33 2000-08-03 (HS) ------------------------------ + (doc/arfgen_description.tex, src dir): INTERFACE CHANGE added new param withsourcecoords: if set to false, the source position is taken from RA_OBJ/DEC_OBJ attributes of the input spectrum + (doc/arfgen_description.tex, src dir): INTERFACE CHANGE replaced parameters detxmin,detxmax.. with detxoffset, detyoffset. This should prevent dummy detmaps being generated which do not include the source position. Now raise an error if dataset-based detmaps do not include source (SOC-SPR-1599) + (doc/arfgen_description.tex, src dir): INTERFACE CHANGE renamed 'dummy' detector map option to 'flat'. + (src dir): fixed bug resulting in arfgen failing if a detmap pixel does not lie on a CCD (SOC-SPR-1687) + (src dir): fixed bug in type conversion when inputting negative source positions, resulting in a normalisation of zero for psf-type detmaps (SOC-SPR-1699) Version 1.32 2000-07-28 (HS) ------------------------------ + (doc/arfgen_description.tex) datautils-0.6 has removed requirement that detmaps be real-64; doc updated accordingly. + (src/, doc/arfgen_description.tex): Moved WCS axes check from WCSConvertor class to ConcreteArfDataServer, and renamed error label. Version 1.31 2000-07-28 (HS) ------------------------------ + (src dir): moved most of the generic pixel list manipulation classes to datautils. Version 1.30 2000-07-18 (HS) ------------------------------ + (test dir): Cleaned up. Version 1.29 2000-07-17 (HS) ------------------------------ + (test/testarfgen_pn): Now works without having to set SAS_ODF prior to test. + (src directory): Cleaned MOS/PN code - now share position conversion code in Version 1.28 2000-07-13 (HS) ------------------------------ + (src directory): Added initial code for PN support. Version 1.27.4 2000-06-30 (HS) ------------------------------ Following wrt SOC-SPR-1597: + (DEPEND): added package oal + (src/Makefile): added oal to USEDLIBS + (doc/arfgen_description.tex): Added discussion of oal usage Version 1.27.3 2000-06-15 (HS) ------------------------------ + (src/ Now convert RMF energy grid (keV) to intrinsic CAL units of eV (SOC-SPR-1591 : energy grid not read in correctly from RMF (withrmfset=true)) Version 1.27.2 2000-06-15 (HS) ------------------------------ + (doc/arfgen_description.tex): Replaced contructs \kn{A,B,C} with kn{A}, \kn{B}, etc, for all macro types. (SOC-SPR-1566: DOC::improper use of LaTeX macro) + (doc/arfgen_description.tex): Removed \task{} macro around another appearance of the task detmapgen (SOC-SPR-1536). Version 1.27.1 2000-06-15 (HS) ------------------------------ + (config/Makefile): Added to CONFIGFILES list (SOC-SPR-1505) + (config/ Changed GROUPS entry to 'mos spectral' (SOC-SPR-1538) + (doc/arfgen_description.tex): Removed \task{} macro around suggested task detmapgen (SOC-SPR-1536) + (doc/arfgen_description.tex): Removed \task{} marco around XSPEC (SOC-SPR-1537) Version 1.27 2000-05-29 (HS) ------------ + Fixed SPR-1358: arfgen should write ARF table with name 'SPECRESP'\ + Changed detmap defaults to shorten default execution time by factor 16. Version 1.26 2000-05-25 (HS) ------------ + INTERFACE CHANGE : removed modelgrating parameter, as RGA obscuration wrt MOS spectra is already accounted for by CAL_getEffectiveArea Version 1.25 2000-05-19 (HS) ------------ + INTERFACE CHANGE not backwards compatible with previous release + Supports detector maps + Source position can be specified in terms of sky or detector coords + task description in sync with code. Version 1.24 1999-12-16 (HS) ------------ - fixed depend file (no longer mentions patch extension to version no.) Version 1.23 1999-10-29 (HS) ------------ - compatible with cal-1.31 Version 1.22 1999-09-23 (HS) ------------ - compatible with rmfgen-1.29 - added .lyt file, and extendedsource param in configuration file (not yet used in task) Version 1.21 1999-09-15 (HS) ------------ - Closed SPR-111:Make arfgen documentation more 'user-friendly' Version 1.20 1999-09-06 (HS) ------------ - local latex commands removed. Version 1.19 1999-08-20 (HS/UL) ------------ - now compatible with cal-3.15. - updated documentation. detectorlut task now included. Version 1.18 1999-07-26 (HS) ------------ - CLOSED SPR-715: "Problems building (static link?)", by placing the arfgen library first in the USELIBS variable defn in test/Makefile - renamed detectormap to detectorlut - made a draft update to documentation Version 1.17 1999-06-24 (HS) ------------ - renamed parameters according to SAS convention. - Added two extra parameters, withascregion and ascregionset, to support ASC region files. This is required by BACKCORR. These parameters are currently ignored by code. Version 1.16 1999-06-08 (HS) ------------ - CLOSED SPR-682: wrong C++ semantics results in multiple copies Version 1.15 1999-06-08 (HS) ------------ - Fixed DEPEND file to reference responselib-0.9 Version 1.14 1999-06-07 (HS) ------------ - Made compatible with cal-3.0 Version 1.13 1999-05-27 (HS) ------------ - Fixed HUGE_VAL bug raised by Achim Bohnet Version 1.12 1999-05-20 (HS) ------------ - Made compatible with error-1.18 Version 1.11 1999-04-27 (HS) ------------ - Made compatible with CAL-2.19 Version 1.10 1999-03-26 (MB) ------------ - added test files, removed commands that create them with deceit Version 1.9 - 22-02-1999 ----------- - Code now compatible with cal-2.4 and dal-1.43 Version 1.8 - 09-02-1999 ----------- - Code now compatible with CAL-1.21 - Problems with DAL SubTableProcessor (DAL-1.41). No longer inherit from this class. Version 1.7 - 04-02-1999 ----------- - Ported code to C++ - Added pile-up algorithm Version 1.6 - 29-01-1999 ----------- - Fixed further bug in Version 1.5 - 29-01-1999 ----------- - Fixed unsigned int/int clash in Version 1.4 - 12-11-1998 ----------- - Added filledcolumnfns library to arfgen package. This library was originally part of rmfgen but was no longer required after rmfgen was ported to C++. Version 1.3 - 24-09-1998 ----------- - File names changed to type f in parameter file (MB). Version 1.2 - 03-06-98 ----------- - Changed variables row and energy from int16 to standard integers. This corrects the NAGACE compiler problem raised by J Ballet (2 June 1998) Version 1.1 - 20-05-98 ----------- - closed SOC-SPR-208 : use module variables to pass parameters from arfgen to get_arf - closed SOC-SPR-209 : do not check SAS_DIR and/or source sas-setup.csh (test/testarfgen) - The following SPRs have been closed as a consequence of changes made for the package sas-1.1: SOC-SPR-207 : remove config/arfgen.prm Version 1.0 - 04-05-98 ----------- - Initial version for SAS v1 integration