ChangeLog for badpixfind =============================== Open SPRs: - none Version 1.39 - 2014-04-08 (EC) -------------------------------- - moved test/*.NEW to testprods/badpixfind_data - removed unused binary data from test/ Version 1.38 - 2012-16-10 (AI) -------------------------------- - (src/badpixfind_mod.f90): Now the task writes the mask in a MASK extension, instead of PRIMARY extension. Version 1.37 - 2005-06-08 (HB) -------------------------------- - (src/badpixfind_mod.f90): missing QUADRANT (pn) and CCDNODE (MOS) keywords copied to output badpix file, CCDID keyword (pn) corrected, if badpixfind is run on calibrated, multi-chip event files (SSC-SPR-3469). Version 1.36 - 2003-09-16 (HB) ------------------------------- - (src/badpixfind_mod.f90): test output removed Version 1.35 - 2003-09-16 (HB) ------------------------------- - (src/badpixfind_mod.f90): error in code to recognice multi-chip event files corrected Version 1.34 - 2003-07-31 (HB) ------------------------------- - (src/badpixfind_mod.f90): correction of v. 1.30: task parameter "flickertimesteps" also read for PN; crash in the case of empty input event list prevented Version 1.33 - 2003-05-07 (HB) ------------------------------- - (config/badpixfind.par): modified to enable param-2.0 functionality Version 1.32 - 2003-04-25 (HB) ------------------------------- - (src/badpixfind_mod.f90): correction of v. 1.30: incorrect badpixmap filename in single chip mode Version 1.31 - 2003-04-22 (HB) ------------------------------- - (src/badpixfind_mod.f90): correction of v. 1.30: event files with CCDNR column but same CCDNR value for all events now treated as single chip event files Version 1.30 - 2003-03-21 (HB) ------------------------------- - (src/badpixfind_mod.f90): task now also accepts merged, calibrated event lists as input; new task parameter 'ccd' selects chip for bad pixel search - (config/badpixfind.par, doc/badpixfind_description.tex): param. 'ccd' added Version 1.29 - 2002-05-15 (MJF) -------------------------------- - (config/badpixfind.par): updated for `param-2.0' - (DEPEND): needs `param-2.0', updated all other entries to latest Version 1.28 - 2002-01-16 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (test/badpixfind): set VERBORSITY=5 - (test/pn.*): reasonable FRMTIME values written into header Version 1.27 - 2001-10-20 (MJF) ------------------------------- - (DEPEND): needs cal-3.121 - (src/badpixfind_mod.f90): CAL coordinate routines need double type variables - (src/badpixfind_mod.f90): for EPN access table columns in read-only mode Version 1.26.5 2001-04-11 (AMR) -------------- + (src/badpixfind_mod.f90) Correction to bad column searching algorithm in columnsearchlabel=total mode + (doc/badpixfind_description.tex) Updated Version 1.26.4 2001-03-23 (AMR) -------------- + as 1.26.3. Resubmission. Firewall/uploadsas problems Version 1.26.3 2001-03-22 (AMR) -------------- + (src/badpixfind_mod.f90) Improvement in hot pixel finding algorithm in confused regions. + (doc/badpixfind_description.tex) Updated (warnings, recommended automatic settings etc) Version 1.26.2 2001-02-09 (AMR) -------------- + (src/badpixfind_mod.f90) Optional parameters: threshabovebackground (thresholds can be set can as normal or as thresholds above the b/g), withfovmask (areas outside of FOV can be masked out in bad pixel map). Both have default `N' - default behaviour as V.1.26.1 + (doc/badpixfind_description.tex) Updated (new parameters/usage etc). + (config/badpixfind.par & .lyt) Updated (new parameters). Version 1.26.1 2001-02-09 (AMR) -------------- + (src/badpixfind_mod.f90) Slight improvement in hot column/pixel finding algorithm in very confused regions. + (doc/badpixfind_description.tex) Updated (newer recommended pn settings) Version 1.26 2000-12-20 (AMR) -------------- + (src/badpixfind_mod.f90) Task altered so as to suppress numerous and unnecessary OffaxisAngleOutsideValidityRange warning repetitions - at off-axis angles greater than 15 arcminutes, the PSF *at* 15 arcminutes is used (no celestial sources are seen here). + (doc/badpixfind_description.tex) Updated with new recommended automatic pn settings. Version 1.25.7 2000-11-23 (AMR) -------------- + (doc/badpixfind_description.tex) Updated (SSC-SPR-2112) Version 1.25.6 2000-11-09 (AMR) -------------- + (src/badpixfind_mod.f90) Uplinked bad pixels and badpixfind bad pixels handled correctly during PSF comparison of test pixel and neighbours (SSC-SPR-2039) + (doc/badpixfind_description.tex) Updated Version 1.25.5 2000-11-07 (AMR) -------------- + (src/badpixfind_mod.f90) Inclusion of uplinked bad pixels in map (SSC-SPR-2031) + (doc/badpixfind_description.tex) Updated as regards above and improved pn default values (after changes in CAL PSF handling). Version 1.25.4 2000-10-27 (AMR) -------------- + (src/badpixfind_mod.f90) Large off-axis angle problem (at Leicester) solved (SSC-SPR-2011) + (config/ Updated Version 1.25.3 2000-10-26 (AMR) -------------- + (src/badpixfind_mod.f90) Handling of MOS SW data (SSC-SPR-2001) Version 1.25.2 2000-10-20 (AMR) -------------- + (src/badpixfind_mod.f90) Warning removed (SSC-SPR-1995) + (doc/badpixfind_description.tex) Updated (SSC-SPR-1995) Version 1.25.1 2000-10-20 (AMR) -------------- + (config/Makefile) Added badpixfind.lyt (SSC-SPR-1991) Version 1.25 2000-10-09 (AMR) -------------- + (src/badpixfind_mod.f90) Correct (currently wrong) CAL_getEbounds output for PN + (src/badpixfind_mod.f90) Small screen ouput changes + (doc/badpixfind_description.tex) Updated Version 1.24 2000-10-06 (AMR) -------------- + (src/badpixfind_mod.f90) Energy filtering now for pn and MOS + (src/badpixfind_mod.f90) Search outside FOV performed (MOS) + (config/badpixfind.par) New default settings (reasonable for MOS analysis, conservative for pn analysis - see documentation[comments]) + (doc/badpixfind_description.tex) Default and suggested parameter settings described + (test/badpixfind_test checkoutput.f90) updated (energy filtering) Version 1.23 2000-09-29 (AMR) -------------- +(test/) FILTER=`NONE" changed to FILTER=`UNKNOWN' in test harness files Version 1.22 2000-09-26 (AMR) -------------- + (src/badpixfind_mod.f90) Adapted to CAL-3.81 PSF handling (SSC-SPR-1965) + (test/badpixfind_test checkoutput.f90) Test harness updated Version 1.21 2000-09-15 (AMR) -------------- + (src/badpixfind_mod.f90) Introduced energy filtering + (config/badpixfind.par config/badpixfind.lyt) New optional energy filtering parameters: loenergythresh, hienergythresh + (doc/badpixfind_description.tex) Energy filtering described + (test/badpixfind_test checkoutput.f90) Test harness updated Version 1.20 2000-08-29 (AMR) -------------- + (DEPEND) emsaplib 1.7 -> 2.0 + (src/badpixfind_mod.f90) Introduced bad pixel image map creation + (config/badpixfind.par config/badpixfind.lyt) New optional map creation parameters: withbadpixmap, mappixcellsize, badpixmap + (doc/badpixfind_description.tex) Map creation described Version 1.19.3 2000-06-30 (AMR) -------------- + (doc/badpixfind_description.tex) Removed wrong attribute (SSC-SPR-1894) Version 1.19.2 2000-06-21 (AMR) -------------- + (DEPEND) altered to solve SOC releasetrack error Version 1.19.1 2000-06-20 (AMR) -------------- + (doc/badpixfind_description.tex) Removed non-existent links (SSC-SPR-1816) + (config/badpixfind.par) Added new default values + (Changelog) Format updated + (test/badpixfind_test) Updated Version 1.19 2000-05-25 (AMR) ------------ - New Changelog format adopted, info file included - Documentation updated (closing SPR-1689) - Handling of extremely bright pixels altered - Count rate handling changed (PN exposure taken from LIVETIME) Version 1.18 - 11-02-00 ----------- - Altered to handle new epframes output - Hot pixel comparison with PSF and flickering analysis updated - Documenataion and test harness updated Version 1.17 - 08-02-00 ----------- - Dal-1.100 Read-only bug corrected Version 1.16 - 27-01-00 ----------- - Small bug in output file corrected Version 1.15 - 21-01-00 ----------- - Task now handles small windows and offset datasets (pn and MOS) [SPR] - Detections of very large numbers of dead pixels handled properly [SPR] - Events outside of RAWX/RAWY windows are noted. - More information placed in output file header. - Test harness and documentation updated. - Closed SPRs: SSC-SPR-1438, 1439 Version 1.14 - 03-12-99 ----------- - Documentation numbering changed Version 1.13 - 26-11-99 ----------- - In PSF comparison, edge pixels handled correctly and low memory CAl used - DISTRIBUTION file and newlines introduced - test harness updated Version 1.12 - 18-11-99 ----------- - Search for flickering pixels now introduced (involving K-S and Chi2 testing). - Comparison of hot pixels and neighbours with PSF introduced. - Checking of pixels with dual entries performed. - Test harness updated. - Documentation updated. - DISTRIBUTION (empty) file and newline in ./Makefile added. Version 1.11 - 24-09-99 ----------- - Test harness updated. Exit status of each subtest program checked. Version 1.10 - 23-09-99 ----------- - As 1.9, with changes in DEPEND and src/Makefile (works under solaris) Version 1.9 - 22-09-99 ----------- - For MOS, flagged, out of CCD range events are now rejected. - Test harness updated. - Closed SPRs: SSC-SPR-1227, 1229, 1243 Version 1.8 - 16-09-99 ----------- - In MOS case, correct backprojecting of patterns is now used. - Documentation updated. Also newest macros now used. - Test harness updated. Includes MOS pattern recognition testing. - Closed SPRs: SSC-SPR-1228 Version 1.7 - 03-09-99 ----------- - Task is now completely self-contained, and does not require evselect (it is now not a metatask) - this will aid future development of task. - Because of above, no intermediate image files produced - Task now has single default output filename - Three SPRs have been cleared Closed SPRs: SSC-SPR-1191, 1192, 1226 Version 1.6 - 30-08-99 ----------- - Redelivery fixing three SPRs and discussing how two others will be solved in the future. Closed SPRs: SSC-SPR-1189, 1190, 1193 Version 1.5 - 02-08-99 ----------- - Redelivery to incorporate change in evselect Closed SPRs: SSC-SPR-1130 Version 1.4 - 30-06-99 ----------- - Task now works on many different array types, and on epframes, emevents and rgsframes output. - Optional parameters added to search for bad pixels. Threshold values can be input in terms of counts, count rates or percentages of the peak values in the dataset. Task can also search for whole columns (channels) that are bad (see documentation). - Documentation up to date Version 1.3 - 08-06-99 ----------- - Use of run_badpixfind V1.2 as a template to create first proper f90 metatsk version of badpixfind. - New parameters (rawxlist, rawylist, typelist, yextentlist) - These are four individual lists of integers, specifying the user-defined bad pixel properties (i.e. when used in user-flagged mode [userflagbadpix=Y]). - Documentation up to date - The task works on the output from epframes and emevents. When ran on the most recent output of rgsframes that I have, I get an error - "error (accessingAsWrongDataType), Accessing data im.PRIMARY of type 2 as int16 is not supported". Evselect, ran on epframes or emevents output, produces type 3 images. This is fine. Evselect, ran on the rgsframes output I have, produces type 2 (array data type) images. Hence the error. Version 1.2 - 01-06-99 (Marco Beijersbergen) ----------- - run_badpixfind converted into a proper metatask. Version 1.1 - 31-05-99 ----------- - V3 redelivery - Now works on emevents output - Refer to Changelog for V1.0 (below) for usage of task Version 1.0 - 27-05-99 ----------- - First working version of approved task (submitted for V3) - In order that badpixfind performs to the requirements described in the task description, it is necessary to use an f90 metatask. As even the simplest of f90 metasks is not as yet able to compile, the version of badpixfind delivered here (V1.0) is a simpler script version, whereby evselect is called only once, and only a search for hot and dead pixels is possible (i.e. when searchbadpix=Y). Mode 2 (userflagbadpix=Y), whereby the user can flag specific pixels or columns of pixels, works OK [see task description]. - The task works via a script, "run_badpixfind" (which is contained within the src directory), which calls evselect and badpixfind. The script works as follows: run_badpixfind eventset searchbadpix userflagbadpix lothresh hithresh badpixset(opt) (The output filename [badpixset] is not needed, and it is recommended to leave it to the task to perform the naming. The values of lothresh and hithresh are needed however, even in searchbadpix=N mode, where they just act as dummy values, and are not used). Examples:- run_badpixfind in.fits N Y 0.0 100.0 (just user-flagging, output filename created by task, lothresh, hithresh values are dummies) run_badpixfind in.fits Y Y 1.5 95.0 (searching for hot and dead pixels with values above and below threshold values, user-flagging also) run_badpixfind in.fits Y N 1.5 95.0 out.fits (searching for hot and dead pixels with values above and below threshold values, no user-flagging, output file will be named out.fits) Version 0.1 ----------- - Directory structure created by pkgmaker.