ThisIsNotXMM | error | |
No XMM data set given | ||
NoCorrectionNecessary | error | |
The specified table has already been
processed with barycen | ||
NoEphemerisFile | error | |
The JPL ephemeris file was not found | ||
NoPositionData | error | |
There is no position data available
for a particular time -- set time to NaN | ||
EXPOSUTableSelected | warning | |
An EXPOSU table was selected as input table,
in this case, any other EXPOSU table will be corrected.
corrective action: If you want to correct all the EXPOSU tables, introduce as input the EVENTS table. | ||
NoSuchAttribute | warning | |
A keyword, representing the start or end date of the
observation is missing from the input table
corrective action: The absolute time values may be wrong if this key word isn't set correctly. If this is important to you then add the keyword to the file header | ||
TDBConversionImpossible | warning | |
The date of the start or end of the observation, taken from the file header keywords, could not be understood
corrective action: Check that the DATE-OBS and DATE-END keywords are written correctly in the table header |