tooFewBands | error | |
The user has supplied no elements to parameter bandlist. | ||
noCifSpecified | error | |
The user has not set the environment variable SAS_CCF. | ||
noProductSubdirectory | error | |
The directory specified in prodsdir was not found. | ||
outputExists | error | |
The output file exists but clobberprods was not set. | ||
notYetSupported | error | |
The user asked for an OM colour image. Can't do this yet. | ||
badInstrument | error | |
The value of instrument was not recognized. | ||
someImagesNotFound | error | |
The task has looked in prodsdir for images which match the bands specified in bandlist, but not all the required images were found. | ||
maskAllZeros | error | |
One of the exposure maps was found to contain all zeros. | ||
expMapNotFound | error | |
Can't run asmooth
because no exposure map was found. | ||
templateImageIsFlat | error | |
No point in running asmooth
on the template image because it is flat. | ||
templateAsmoothFailed | error | |
The task attempted to invoke asmooth
to make the template image but failed. | ||
asmoothFailed | error | |
The task attempted to invoke asmooth
but failed. | ||
allImagesFlat | error | |
All the images are flat. No point in making 3-colour plots! | ||
allImagesZero | error | |
All the input images are zero-valued. | ||
colimplotFailed | error | |
The task attempted to invoke colimplot
but failed. | ||
noProdFiles | error | |
No matching files were found in prodsdir. | ||
badFimgstat | error | |
Couldn't get sensible result from fimgstat. | ||
inTestMode | warning | |
The astest parameter is set: no files will be written.
corrective action: The task proceeds in test mode. | ||
tooFewObs | warning | |
The number of observations is fewer than the required obsindex.
corrective action: The task uses the last in the sequence of observations for obsindex. | ||
tooFewExposures | warning | |
The number of exposures is fewer than the required expindex.
corrective action: The task uses the last in the sequence of exposures for expindex. | ||
expMapNotFound | warning | |
No exposure map was found for this observation+instrument+exposure.
corrective action: colimplot is run with -withmask=no |
Note: The task does not at present use the error interface, but uses internal message, warning and error functions. The warning and error labels are therefore not relevant and have been omitted.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01