XMM-Newton SAS Home Page
XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

comb (esas-0.9.34) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

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This section documents the parameters recognized by this task (if any).

ParameterMand Type Default Constraints
Directory containing all the ESAS specific calibration files
Particle background flag, 'true' to include it.
Soft proton background flag, 'true' to include it.
SWCX background flag, 'true' to include it.
Assumed spectral index for the filter correction scaling.
elowlistyesint400 750 
Energy low limit(s) (in eV) for the different bands.
ehighlistyesint750 1250 
Energy high limit(s) (in eV) for the different bands.
Masking control. 0: No additional masking, 1: uses the mask produced by the cheese task, 2: uses the normal mask images produced by eexpmap, and 3: uses the normal mask images produced by eexpmap modified by make-mask.
prefixlistyesstring1S001 2S002 S003 
Exposure identifiers (eg. "1S001 2S002 S003") for the exposures (in the example MOS1 S001, MOS2 2S002, and PN S003) to be processed.
Clobber existing files?
ParameterMand Type Default Constraints

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-05-04