ChangeLog for sas ================= Version 1.564 - 2015-12-11 (EO) ------------- + Cleaned from obsolete code. + Changed sed field separators from / to ? to fix the problem of replacing -sasperl- by $$PT, given that $$PT is a path and includes / as directory separators. Version 1.563 - 2015-12-02 (EO) ------------- + AKA: 14.0.0 -> 15.0.0 + - Updated copyright dates to 1996-2016. - Removed/commented out checks for unsupported Solaris and OSF. - Review variables included from acconfig.h to produce - Removed/commented out obsolete checks for mysql++ and CERN. - Removed obsolete checking for CERN. + - Removed obsolete support for CERN, mysql, sfftw and dfftw - Changed the exit 1 by continue in dvipdf execution to avoid breaking the make doc target before processing html and producing, e.g. in cal, which is used by many packages. - Fixed several typos in target commit for $$branch variable. - Added to git commit message the package version (pkgversion): "$$pkg-$$pkgversion: Committed through make", to improve readability when doing "git log"or "git status" for packages committed by developers. - Target "upload" modifed: = Variable needstash is now filtered out for the pkg being uploaded. = "git stash" command changed to "git stash save" with a message that includes the package name and version. = git stash pop operation is now exited if failed. - Target "commit" now includes the pkg version in git commit message. - Removed GNUPERLLDFLAGS variable that was used only on Solaris. - SAS_PERL defined as a function of the PERL value obtained from the configure. This is now used to set -sasperl- in of package taskmain. As a consequence, all perl tasks use now in the sha-bang the PERL value determined in the configure. There, a new option to set a valid perl is provided by environment variable SAS_PERL. If not defined, the configure looks for valid perl installations in /usr/local/bin, /usr/bin, /sw/bin and /opt/local/bin, the last two only on Darwin. taskmain 1.93 is the first using this mechanism. + bin/evaluatebuild: Major review to fix some important bugs on elapsed time computation. Version 1.562 - 2014-09-24 (EO) ------------- + bin/saslibs: Added to extralibs because many SAS tasks depend now on it after gcc upgrade to 4.8.2. Version 1.561 - 2014-06-06 (EO) ------------- + bin/chkdist: Removed checking of git status to avoid "-" in make check. Version 1.560 - 2014-04-25 (EC & EO) ------------ + Modified dist, commit and upload targets to include git as a new revision system to work together with a complete SAS package repository under git. + bin/chkdist: Modified to work with git. Version 1.559 - 2014-04-16 (EO) ------------- + Modiefied second line of rule %.y. Original: mv "$@".h "$(".h Modified: mv "$(".hh "$(".h Historically this rule might not have been working ever. Recently, the past_ly script used in package selectlib (src/selcore) to touch time stamps of SelectParser.y and SelectLexer.l to be always 01 Jan 2000, such as they keep always older than and, failed to run. The reason was the syntax of the touch command used in past_ly was obsolete and did not work. Therefore, recently uploaded package selectlib-4.71 incorporated new and as generated by bison (2.4.1) and flex (2.3.35). Together with, the bison command created SelectParser.hh that has to be "moved" to SelectParser.h. This transformation failed due to the wrong syntax of the rule changed with this fix. Version 1.558 - 2014-03-14 (EO) ------------- + doc/lib/sasglobal: New alias \CALHBOOK for the "Calibration Access and Data Handbook" URL. + Files prepared for SAS 14.0.0: AKA, and Version 1.557 - 2013-12-09 (EO) ------------- + Corrected typo in setting perlpath. + configure_sas: Unset/unsetenv SAS_PATH in setsas.(c)sh scripts before sourcing sas-setup.(c)sh. Version 1.556 - 2013-10-21 (EO) ------------- + bin/mktophtml: Suppressed link to SSC http site. + doc/lib/ Changed base http URL and email. + README.html: Supressed link to SSC http site in base documentation. + AKA=13.5.0 + sas-setup.(c) - Added as default SAS_VERBOSITY=4 - Added as default SAS_SUPPRESS_WARNING=1, until now set only for development. + configure_install: 1) (Bash): Replaced "exit" by "return 1" to avoid exiting in case of an error. 2) setsas.csh (csh/tcsh): Kept "exit" but added "1" to it. 3) setsas.csh (csh/tcsh): Added check for (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH being undefined, to avoid breaking the script when these two variables are used in setting the values of SAS_PREV_(DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH. 1) and 2) were included in the public release but not commited. Version 1.555 - 2013-04-23 (EO) ------------- + configure_install: 1) Fixed typo in "cputype" withing identify_perl function. 2) Fixed function change_perl to create single .old backup file. 3) Fixed csh/tcsh for undefined (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables by adding the checking of LHEASOFT to setsas.(c)sh scripts. Version 1.554 - 2013-04-17 (EO) ------------- + AKA: Forgotten in previous version ... now really set to 13.0.0. + configure_install: 1) Provided that readlink has not the -f option on Mac OS X, use other tools to get the cannonical location of /usr/local/bin/perl when is a symlink. 2) Added SAS_PREV_PATH, SAS_PREV_LD_LIBRARY_PATH and SAS_PREV_DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables to store the PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH settings prior to a SAS initialization. By checking whether SAS_PREV_PATH is set or not, we can restore the values of these shell vriables prior to their values before SAS was initialized. This feature allows to assure that any initialization of SAS does not take settings from a previous one. Version 1.553 - 2013-04-15 (EO) ------------- + AKA: 13.0.0 + bin/evaluatebuild: Fixed display of the version number of dependent package. Take build_log_${host} (alternately build_log) file change time to compute end time of build. Version 1.552 - 2013-04-11 (EO) ------------- + configure_intsall: 1) Added SAS_PERL environment variable. It lets the user set a specific installed perl to be used for SAS perl executables replacing /usr/local/bin/perl. Otherwise it will identify the available perl installed in the system. 2) For /usr/local/bin/perl, added a second check on whether the ELF type of the that perl matches or not the kernel bit word length, 32-bit or 64-bit. Only if they match, i.e. both are 32-bit or 64-bit, that perl is used. Otherwise the install script looks for another available perl, e.g. /usr/bin/perl. This is set to avoid using 32-bit perl binaries available in /usr/local/bin on machines with 64-bit kernels. Despite this could be done, this criteria forces to look for a true 64-bit perl, usually in /usr/bin/perl. + bin/evaluatebuild: Refurbished. Added failure categories FATAL, TEST and DOC. Thete report (evaluatebuild.txt) is changed to show the packages that depend only on FATAL failures. Also added the detailed building statistics including build-time values for each package and the whole build. + bin/evaluateReport: Changed to accept the new output format of evaluatebuild.txt to be transformed into evaluatebuild.html. + bin/htmlReport: Added AKA. Kernel info (uname -a) substituted by short information on OS and kernel version. + install: AKA file is copied instead of symlinked to top directory. This way can be examined in build reports Version 1.551 - 2013-04-05 (EO) ------------- + configure_install: Added already in previous version. Added two new functions: identify_perl and change_perl. The first allows to check for an installation of perl in four given places: /usr/local/bin, /usr/bin, /opt/local/bin and /sw/bin. The second allows to change the default perl sha-bang in all SAS perl tasks and perl source code in lib/perl5, to the perl identified by the previous function, according to the folloowing criteria: - If a perl is found in /usr/local/bin either as a real binary or as a symlink to other, it takes this one. Otherwise takes /usr/bin/perl if present. - If none of the previous two is fulfilled, will take either /opt/local/bin or /sw/bin installed perl. If none of them is found, exists and requests the user to install perl. Version 1.550 - 2013-04-05 (EO) ------------- + AKA: 13.0.0-Beta. + bin/chkdist: For each package info, lyt and par files for each task will only be considered if they are found within the ./config subdir. Version 1.549 - 2013-02-18 (EO) ------------- + AKA: 13.0.0-Alpha. Start release mode for SAS 13. + Minor updates in several files. Version 1.548 - 2012-11-21 (EO) ------------- + aclocal.m4: Replaced ${CXX} in AC_TRY_LINK_F90 by ${F90} in link stage. From nagfor 5.3 onwards link stage must be done with nagfor not with g++. This feature is not affected by "-Wc"option in nagfor script. + Removed wrong note abouth libf95.a for 64 bit. Version 1.547 - 2012-07-30 (EO) ------------- + Change of masterbuilder to sasbld01. Version 1.546.1 - 2012-07-02 (EO) --------------- + AKA: Fixed typo. Version 1.546 - 2012-06-29 (EO) ------------- + AKA: devel. Back to development mode. 1.545.1 - 2012-06-21 (EO) --------------- + AKA: 12.0.1. Patched version of SAS 12.0.0 with the following updated packages: - arfgen-1.83.4 - rgslccorr-0.52.1 - epatplot-1.16.1 - catcorr-0.4.4 - barycen-1.20.2 - eexpmap-4.6.5 - edetect_chain-3.12.2 - emldetect-5.17.4 - emask-2.13.3 - ewavelet-3.11.2 - eboxdetect-4.22.3 Version 1.545 - 2012-05-23 (EO) ------------- + configure_install: Added 1 to exit due to error, to allow capture of error by the installation script '". Version 1.544 - 2012-05-23 (EO) ------------- + AKA: 12.0.0 + doc/REDAME/install.html: removed. Version 1.543 - 2012-05-18 (EO) ------------- + AKA = 12.0.0-Beta§ + Make this script compatible to users of Z-shell. + Set $TEXINPUT and $BIBINPUTS only in SAS building when $SAS_DIR/packages/sas/doc/lib exists. + 1) NAG Fortran Optimiztion level (F90OLEVEL) on Mac OS X set to the same value that is set on Linux, OLEVEL=2. 2) Added --enable-force64 to be able to force building 64-bit on a 32-bit kernel. Version 1.542 - 2012-04-11 (EO) ------------- + Re-stated the tests to determine the behaviour of the command echo on Mac OS X. From Snow Leopard onwards, /bin/echo -nx is equivalent to echo 'x\c', which is not the GNU standard behaviour as in Linux echo tool. + configure_install: Fixed checking the presence of perl. Version 1.541 - 2012-03-28 (EO) ------------- + AKA: 12.0.0-Alpha Version 1.540 - 2011-05-18 (EO) ------------- + PROCESSOR variable is set via 'uname -p' which on Ubuntu 64 bit kernels provides 'unknown' instead of 'x86_64. Since 64 bit building is based on the proper identification of the PROCESSOR variable, we have changed to 'uname -m', which provides on all systems the right value. Version 1.539 - 2011-05-06 (EO) ------------- + SASLDFLAGS was set to -s despite of the value of DEBUG, which caused that even when DEBUG was requested, binaries did not contain any debug information. Fixed. Version 1.538 - 2011-03-22 (EO) ------------- + bin/mkpkgidx: In getInfo fixed reading DISTRIBUTION file for those who have additionoal blank lines. Version 1.537 - 2011-03-14 (EO) ------------- + bin/mkpkgidx: Fixed getinfo routine to consider packages with one or more tasks, e.g. epicproc with epproc and emproc. Version 1.536 - 2011-02-24 (EO) ------------- + AKA: devel. Back to development mode. + bin/saslibs: Fixed wrong symlinking in libextra. Version 1.535 - 2011-02-22 (EO) ------------- + doc/lib/ Updated. + bin/mkpkgidx: - Function getInfo modified to process only public packages. - Added command option -p to select the processing of public packages. Default option is to process all packages. - Public packages html pages are identified with (Public) appended to [xmmsas_YYYYMMDD_HHMM] tag in the upper right corner of each page. - PS links replaced by PDF. + - Target packages_html can create a top level documentation HTML page in doc/ ONLY for public (world) packages, depending on the environment variable SAS_PUBLIC_DOC set to yes. - New target exclude-list-mac to produce the list of files excluded on mac release with versioned libraries and a shared-suffix=dylib. + bin: All scripts updated. + bin/saslibs: Extensively modified to handle properly all SAS binaries and libraries dependencies on SAS, external tools and OS libraries. Version 1.534 - 2011-02-21 (EO) ------------- + AKA: 11.0.0 Version 1.533 - 2011-02-09 (EO) ------------- + AKA: 11.0.0-Beta + Restated export as standalone command to be compliant with old Bourne shell (/bin/sh). Version 1.532 - 2011-02-04 (EO) ------------- + text amended. + Added missing fields in AC_INIT. + sas-setup.(c) Handling DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH with independence of LD_LIBRARY_PATH to avoid messing them up between Linux and Mac. Version 1.531 - 2011-01-19 (EO) ------------- + Wrong date set in version 1.530 (2010-11-30). Updated below to 2011-01-18. + AKA incorrectly set to 11.0.0. Ammended to 11.0.0-Alfa. + Removed debugging statements left in versioned shared lib processing. + Fixed wrong target ordering for versioned shared libraries in Mac OS X. The $(LIBDIR)/lib%.$(SO_FULL_EXT) target MUST be before the $(LIBDIR)/lib%.$(SO) target. Otherwise, soft linking is made incorrectly. + Now SASLDFLAGS is set to "-s" by default in this stage. This option implies to strip executables at linking stage, unless debug or profiling are requested. The -s option to GNU ld is accepted by Linux and Solaris GNU ld but it is not for BSD GNU's ld on Darwin. This option is not set anymore in the Make.include as it was until mow. Version 1.530 - 2011-01-18 (EO) ------------- + AKA: 11.0.0-Alfa + SASCFLAGS removed -fpermissive. C++ only option. + Cleaned up. + configure_install: Added unset/unsetenv SAS_PATH to allow for SAS version reset. + Added EXTPERLMODS, EXTPERLDIR and EXTPERLSCRIPT to handle the building of external perl modules for a perl task. Added a new target of the make named "extperlmods". It is included in the TARGETS variable, which contains all targets to be done for "make bin". As a consequence, the invocation of "make bin" or "make check" will launch the execution of target extperlmods. + Fixed shared library numbering issue on Mac OS X. Version 1.529 - 2010-11-29 (EO) ------------- + Set to undefined CHRLEN_SIZE_64 on 64 bit systems. Version 1.528 - 2010-11-26 (EO) ------------- + AKA : 10.5.0 Version 1.527 - 2010-11-24 (EO) ------------- + Fixed syntax typo in SASCFLAGS when setting OBJECT_SIZE_64. Version 1.526 - 2010-11-23 (EO) ------------- + - SAS_AKA by default is now devel (before was dt). - Checking of cut, whoami, strings, awk, head moved ahead in file. - Coded identification of ScientificLinux and Ubuntu OS in TARGET_OS. - Fixed identification of gfrotran version value. - Added -DOBJECT_SIZE_64 and -DCHRLEN_SIZE_64 to SASCXXFLAGS and SASCFLAGS, when the kernel is 64 bit. Version 1.525 - 2010-05-07 (EO) ------------- + AKA: devel. To be used in the development track. + bin/mktophtml: removed reference to old SOC http hostname. Version 1.524 - 2010-04-22 (EO) ------------- *** Following changes were made to improve package distribution *** + Include TARGET_OS as defined by + Add variables TAKA (based on AKA), TOS and LCPU (based on TARGET_OS) to re-define TARBASE and TARBASECOM for tar.gz archive creation. + bin/saslibs: - Updated the components of @extralibs: libcfitsio : CFITSIO libfftw3 : FFTW 3.X libfftw3f : FFTW 3.X Floating libgcc_s : gcc 3.3.6 and 4.3.3 (in fact any gcc) libstdc++ : Any gcc libgfortran : Since gcc 4.X libg2c : Still for those using gcc 3.3.X libpgplot : PGPLOT legacy code libqt : Qt 3.3.X - Regarding these libraries Linux and Mac OS X are now treated the same. - Fixed mistake in looking for %extralibs components. Version 1.523 - 2010-04-15 (EO) ------------- + sas-setup.(c)sh: 1) If LHEASOFT is not defined, the script exits (return 1) with error. 2) Now sets PGPLOT_FONT to $SAS_DIR/libextra/grfont.dat. Check first for it. 3) Fixed issues about usage of return/exit in bash/tcsh scripts. + configure_install: 1) Removed setting of SAS_PATH in setsas.(c)sh generated scripts. This variable is set by sas-setup.(c)sh if not defined. 2) Removed setting of DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH for Darwin. This is done already by sas-setp.(c)sh. 3) Added unsetting SAS_DIR if already set to avoid mixing SAS versions. Version 1.522 - 2006-04-08 (EO) ------------- + AKA: 10.0.0 Version 1.521.2 - 2010-03-26 (EO) --------------- + test/testconfiguremake: Fixed cleaning of dir lib/data/tm/sastest, after test. + Set exit condition (AC_MSG_ERROR) when HEADAS/LHEASOFT variable not defined. Until now, configure exited only when FTOOLS fversion was not found, because it is required by some tests. Now HEADAS is added as a mandatory condition to build and run SAS. + Fixed bug to define SAS_BROWSER. On Mac OS X this is set to "open -a Safari". Double quotes are mandatory. Otherwise, exits with error "-a : comand not found". Version 1.521.1 - 2010-03-25 (EO) --------------- + Fixed checking of HEADAS/HEASOFT presence. Version 1.521 - 2010-03-24 (EO) ------------- + sas-setup.(c) Reorganized+fixed DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH checking. Included test of HEADAS/HEASOFT. + - SLOPPY = @SLOPPY@ from configure with --enable-sloppy option. - In case SLOPPY=no, removed -Werror in CXXFLAGS and CFLAGS to process mysql++. - Added USENAGFORTRAN and USEGFORTRAN to info target. + Included check/definition of SAS_BROWSER="open -a Safari" in Mac OS X. Version 1.520 - 2010-03-10 (EO) ------------- + 1) Restated checking for -freg-struct-return option in NAG Fortran compiler. Despite of being obsolete, this option is required on Solaris. Its absence makes executables to crash with Segmentation Faults. 2) Include the SLOPPY setting as a configure option via --enable-sloppy. The SLOPPY=yes is the default which corresponds to --enable-sloppy=yes The default (SLOPPY=yes) is taken in absence of any --enable-sloppy switch. 3) Added information on the default values for each available optional switch when the configure is invoked with the --help switch. 4) Added GNUCCPATH and GNUCXXPATH varaibles to give the gcc/g++ full path specification of the gcc/g++ executables. + AKA file: 10.0.0-Beta. Version 1.519.1 - 2010-02-27 (EO) --------------- + Fix typo in gfortran option "-fimplicit-none". + bin/uploadreport: Add AKA to list of the files included in the report. Version 1.519 - 2010-02-26 (EO) ------------- + 1) In AC_ARG_ENABLE for "sharedversion" feature (--enable-sharedversion), feature was set to "shared" instead of "sharedversion". Such a syntax error made this configure option did not work until now. Fixed. 2) Fix output from GNU_FIND evaluation. 3) Add -fno-range-check to SASF90FLAGS when Fortran compiler is gfortran. + install: Added AKA file to LINKS. Version 1.518 - 2010-02-25 (EO) ------------- + Release mode activated today to produce SAS 10.0.0. Development track manifest creation stopped. Release track manifest creation started. + AKA file: dt replaced by 10.0.0-Alpha. It will produce the AKA in Make.include. + Changes from devel to user doc (--enable-user=no/yes) and to shared versioned libraries (--enable-sharedversion=yes except for the Mac OS X), are now made through sasbuilder/sasconf files build.setup.rtuserdoc and build.setup.macuserdoc. Version 1.517 - 2010-02-24 (EO) ------------- + Added missing checking of libgfortran when USEGFORTRAN=yes. If present, -lgfortran is added to LIBS then to LDLIBS in the Make.include. Version 1.516 - 2010-02-24 (EO) ------------- + 1) Fix bug in setting F90_PIC_FLAG, SASF90FLAGS and SASFFLAGS when USEGFORTRAN is set to yes (--with-gfortran). 2) Remove type "-DGFotran" in SASCXXFLAGS when USEGFORTRAN is set to yes. 3) Fix setting of SASF90FLAGS and SASFFLAGS for Darwin. + Added missing @DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH@. + Added missing @DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH@. Version 1.515 - 2010-02-18 (EO) ------------- + 1) Use -DNAGf90Fortran instead of a specific -DGFORTRAN when requested to use gfortran instead of NAG Fortran, until we find a proper solution. 2) Remove any output in GNUAR_VERSION when it is not GNU ar. + bin/uploadreport: Replace system call by qx for tar.gz creation. At difference with system, qx waits until the tar.gz is complete. Version 1.514 - 2010-02-03 (EO) ------------- + backward-gcc: Removed. References to it in, removed. + Makefile: Deleted INTERFACES which contained backward-gcc. + Reviewed configure_install. + Reviewed + SAS_AKA by default is always equal to "dt" unless we edit it and change it to something else. + AKA :== @SAS_AKA@ + reviewed + Altought acconfig.h was not needed anymore (and it was renamed to N-acconfig.h), it has been removed since this version on. + - Replaced GNU_AR by GNUAR. - F2C removed. - Added USENAGFORTRAN and USEGFORTRAN. + Reviewed README and README.html files. + README.develop updated. + Updated (ASCII version of + Reviewed Added \$Id\$. + Reviewed Added \$Id\$. + Reviewed test/testconfiguremake. + Reviewed testdoc. + Reviewed doc. dataconv document quite obsolete. Version 1.513 - 2010-01-29 (EO) ------------- + Previous edit of this file eliminated by mistake INCS definition. Fixed. Version 1.512 - 2010-01-29 (EO) ------------- + - CXXFIXINC was missing due to removed obsolete check in Removed. - AR missing due to renamed variable in to GNUAR. Fixed. Version 1.511 - 2010-01-28 (EO) ------------- + Restated AC_SUBST for STRUCT_CXXFLAGS and STRUCT_CFLAGS. These two variables were left undefined in which caused all builds to fail. + For some freaky systems having gfortran but not libgfortran, we have added a check of libgfortran to the test for compiling and linking a small pgplot program. Version 1.510 - 2010-01-27 (EO) ------------- + Changes in - Moved ahead of script the checking of basic tools (cut, whoami, strings, awk, head). - Moved ahead of script the TARGET_OS determination. - Added new option --with-gfortran to use GNU Fortran as alternative to NAG Fortran. . Default: --with-gfortran=no (--without-gfortran). USEGFORTRAN=no, USENAGFORTRAN=yes . Alternative: --with-gfortran=yes. USEGFORTRAN=yes, USENAGFORTRAN=no. - USENAGFORTRAN and USEGFORTRAN, together with remaining options, showed in output. - Improved checking GNU tools (GNU make). - Fixed checking GNU and non-GNU ar tool (Mac OS X). - Removed checking of f2c. - Improved fversion checking. - Enhanced gfortran, f95, nagfor checking. Included test for --with-gfortran option. - Added Fortran compiler selection in F90 varaible. - Removed obslete check for freg-struct-return. - F90_PIC_FLAG set always to -Wc,-fPIC - Added new values of SASF90FLAGS and SASFFLAGS for GNUFORTRAN. - Enhanced definition of SASCXXFLAGS and SASCFLAGS for SLOPPY=yes/no. - Enhanced C/C++ for ~GNU C/C++ GCC determination. - Enhanced definition of Optimization levels. - Enhanced library checking. - Check for NAG Fortran library only when USENAGFORTRAN = yes. - Check compile and link of a small f90/f95 program only when USENAGFORTRAN = yes. - Fixed bug in libgfortran inclussion into pgplot small program compile/link. - Removed pgopen/pgclos obsolete checking in pgplot. - Provide code to check for compilation&linking of a small pgplot program when USEGFORTRAN = yes. New functions AC_TRY_LINK_GFORTRAN and AC_TRY_COMPILE_GFORTRAN. + Successful test of new on all supported platforms. + Changes to aclocal.m4: - New function AC_TRY_LINK_GFORTRAN to compile and link a conftest.f90 program with gfortran. - New function AC_TRY_COMPILE_GFORTRAN to compile only a conftest.f90 program with gfortran. + Changes to - Add to procedure the new variables USENGAFORTRAN and USEGFORTRAN. - F90FLAGS and FFLAGS set to only -g90 for NAG Fortran (removed -g to be in agreement with NAG recommendation). - F90FLAGS and FFLAGS set to -g only for GNU Fortran. - Restrict NAGSUPMODS use to USENAGFORTRAN=yes. This is different for GNU Fortran. Version 1.509 - 2009-09-04 (EO) ------------- + AKA := dt Version 1.508 - 2009-09-04 (EO) ------------- + SHAREDVERSION=no Version 1.507 - 2009-09-04 (EO) ------------- + - AKA := 9.1.0 - Target clobber: Include deletion of .out files produced by dvipdf processing. + SHAREDVERSION=yes Version 1.506 - 2009-06-09 (EO) ------------- + Ready for DT with AKA := dt. Version 1.505 - 2009-06-09 (EO) ------------- + Mac track version - SHAREDVERSION=no Version 1.504 - 2009-06-08 (EO) ------------- + Release track version: - - AKA := 9.0.0 - Added dvipdf command to make pdf - SHAREDVERSION=yes Version 1.503 - 2009-05-09 (EO) ------------- + Development track version. + - AKA := dt Version 1.502 - 2009-05-09 (EO) ------------- + Mac tarck version. + - SHAREDVERSION=no Version 1.501 - 2009-05-09 (EO) ------------- + Fix AKA string mistake. + Release track version. + - SHAREDVERSION=yes Version 1.500 - 2009-05-08 (EO) ------------- + Version for mac track. + - SHAREDVERSION=no Version 1.499 - 2009-05-08 (EO) ------------- + Release mode ON. Release manifest creation switched on. + this version is for track release. Next one is for mac track. + - AKA := 9.0.0 - Beta + - SHAREDVERSION=yes Version 1.498 - 2009-04-29 (EO) ------------- + On Mac OS X, when gcc major version = 4 removed from SASCXXFLAGS the -Wno-long-double and -fno-coalesce-templates. These are kept for previous gcc versions. Version 1.497 - 2009-04-29 (EO) ------------- + Fixed detection of f95/nagfor in NAGSUPMODS Version 1.496 - 2009-04-14 (EO) ------------- + Fixed condition to add -fpermissive. Version 1.495 - 2009-04-13 (EO) ------------- + * Modified TARGET_OS definition for SuSE targets. * Added checking for environment variable PERMISSIVE: If set to yes, then enable -fpermissive gcc/g++ flag (SASCFLAGS and SASCXXFLAGS). Version 1.494 - 2009-03-26 (EO) ------------- + doc/lib/sas.bib: Two new bibliographical references included (on behalf of C.M. Hubert Chen) Version 1.493 - 2009-03-06 (EO) ------------- + Added CPU word length (32/64 bits) to TARGET_OS. Version 1.492 - 2009-03-06 (EO) ------------- + Fixed typo in the definition of CXXFLAGS Version 1.491 - 2009-03-06 (EO) ------------- + Fixed checking of libf95 when $F90 is nagfor. Version 1.490 - 2009-02-23 (EO) ------------- + * Added test for NAG Fortran Compiler version 5.2. With this version they changed the name of the binary from f95 to nagfor. Now the configure must check both f95 for compatibility with f95 NAG Fortran (until version 5.1) and for new nagfor. On some systems (e.g. RHEL5 64) besides the f95 NAG Fortran Compiler, there exists an f95 Fortran Compiler, which is usually a soft link to the GNU gfortran Fortran Compiler. Therefore, must be able to distinguish between the old f95 (versions 4.2, 5.0 and 5.1) NAG Fortran Compiler, the f95 as gfortran and the new NAG nagfor. * Despite no changes were made to the specific code to check for the "echo" command, it does not work in Solaris. Due to the higher version of autoconf (2.63) as compared to the one on Solaris (2.13), configure can not capture properly how to work with Solaris echo. As a fix, the macro to check for echo has been modified as follows: AC_PATH_PROG(ECHO,echo,echo,/bin:/usr/bin) is replaced by AC_PATH_PROG(ECHO,echo,echo,) The consequence is that echo is looked for in the PATH variable set by the builder for software builds. We recommend to put GNU echo in such a PATH (GNU coreutils). * Added code to define TARGET_OS for SunOS (Solaris). Version 1.489 - 2009-02-10 (EO) ------------- + bin/uploadsas: pgp replaced by gpg (GnuPG). New gpg keys requested to developers. Old pgp keys still usable as far as local change in uploadsas to continue using pgp. + lib/ replaced by Version 1.488 - 2009-02-05 (EO) ------------- + fancyheadings/fancyhdr: The fix included with previuos verion is wrong: If both files are present, both are loaded which results in a LaTeX processing error. On all supported OS (Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris), both styles, fancyheadings and fancyhdr, are present. On recent versions of Linux, fancyheadings is replaced by more modern fancyhdr. Adopted fix: Get off fancyheadings in favor of fancyhdr. + sas-setup.(c)sh: Wrong variable name SAS$BROWSER defined. Right name is SAS_BROWSER. Version 1.487 - 2009-02-03 (EO) ------------- + doc/lib/sasbook.cls, sasdoc.cls and userguide.cls: Latest Linux distros use fancyhdr.sty as a replacement for fancyheadings.sty, which is not provided anymore. To solve the problem while keeping the code backwards compatible with old Linux distros, the following modification has been made in these three files: Replace \RequirePackage{fancyheadings} by \RequirePackage{fancyheadings,fancyhdr} since the latex2e command RequirePackage{packages} allows to specify several sty files separated by commas. Version 1.486 - 2009-02-02 (EO) ------------- + Refined the determination of GCC c/c++ and gfortran versions. Version 1.485 - 2009-01-30 (EO) ------------- + Added check for libgfortran to add such library to PGPLOT_LIBS if present. + Fixed checking of TARGET_OS for latest Fedora distributions. Version 1.484 - 2009-01-29 (EO) ------------- + - Fixed gfortran determination when OS already provides one. - Fixed ds9 version checking. Obsolete code removed. - Added checking for mozilla or firefox to set SAS_BROWSER. + sas-setup.(c) Added SAS$BROWSER. Version 1.483 - 2009-01-22 (EO) ------------- + acconfig.h: The use of this file to generate is deprecated and discouraged. Since autoconf/autoheader 2.61, the contents of this file is included into To generate now, autoheader scans and produces + The macro AC_CONFIG_HEADER is now AC_CONFIG_HEADERS. The syntax to generate within the sas package main dir is AC_CONFIG_HEADERS( + update-configure: In order to generate the file from the file, it is enough to rin the autoheader as follows: autoheader Therefore, the only contents of update-confiure now is autoconf autoheader Additionaly, the script removes the autom4te.cache file which is created for each run of autoconf. The new update-configure can be run on any modern system with recent versions of autoconf/autoheader. Tested in Fedora 8 and RHEL 5. + extensive re-writing of the file. Main issues: * Included acconfig.h code into it. Macros used: - AH_VERBATIM(key,template) - AH_TOP(text) * AC_CONFIG_HEADER replaced by AC_CONFIG_HEADERS macro. * Included checking for HEADAS env variable besides LHEASOFT. * Removed the code that determines the ds9 version because it does not work anymore. No replacement found since ds9 -version only works when DISPLAY is set which is not the proper way when builds are run from crontabs. * Added checking for gfortran. GFORTRAN variable added. Added GFORTRAN_VERSION variable as well. * Added checking for dvipdf to create pdf documentation. * Fixed checking for CC, CCVERSION and CXXVERSION variables * Fixed the code in FIX CPATH. * Added checking of X11 libraries and includes on /usr/lib and /usr/include. * Fixed capture of cfitsio version 2 and 3, an min. version 2.400. * Added and the -L~/local/gcc_${CCVERSION} dir to list of required LIBS to compile and link a small pgplot program. * Since gfortran can also be installed as a system binary (usually under /usr/bin), a check is done here to assure the gfortran version is the same that gcc version. * Added code to reduce TARGET_OS to mnemotecnic names. + Added directory autom4te.cache to CLEANFILES. This directory is produced by autoconf. + configure_install: Modified stacksize max limit to 65532 (instead of 65536). + Added GFORTRAN, GFORTRAN_VERSION and DVIPDF. + Added GFORTRAN, GFORTRAN_VERSION and DVIPDF. + README.html: Updated. Pending: doc/README/install.html + install: Added to the list of LINKS, just to allow the testconfiguremake to succeed. + lib/perl5/Pod/ (version 1.16): The perl module had a bug in line 532. The fix was replacing by version 1.36. + test/testconfiguremake: removed "type gmake" since configure already tests we are really using GNU make. Version 1.482 - 2008-10-08 (EO) ------------- + Include code to check for gcc version Variables: GCCVERS, MAJOR_GCCVERS and MINOR_GCCVERS. Version 1.481 - 2008-07-04 (EO) ------------- + Back to development mode. Version for development track SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA := dt ( Version 1.480 - 2008-06-18 (EO) ------------- + version for the mac track Version 1.479 - 2008-06-18 (EO) ------------- + New variable NAGSUPMODS which can be set to yes when NAG supplied modules are required, as for example f90_uunix_proc (provides the system call), etc, from f95 code. + version for release track Version 1.478 - 2008-05-19 (EO) ------------- + Fixed AKA - version for mac Version 1.477 - 2008-05-19 (EO) ------------- + Fixed AKA - version for release Version 1.476 - 2008-05-16 (EO) ------------- + Fix manifest missing proper sas package version mac release (previous version for release). Version 1.475 - 2008-05-16 (EO) ------------- + Fix manifest missing proper sas package version Version 1.474 - 2008-05-09 (EO) ------------- + Modification for mac track only AKA := 8.0.0 - Beta ( SHAREDVERSION=no ( + By mistake the previous version did not include the amended SAS ESA Copyright date : 1996-2008. This does it. Version 1.473 - 2008-05-09 (EO) ------------- + Release track mode made active - Stopped manifest building for dev track - Stopped building dev track (+devmac) + Modifications in AKA := 8.0.0 - Beta + Modifications in SHAREDVERSION=yes + These modifications apply except for mac track which is the equivalent to release track only for Mac. Next sas 1.474 applies for mac track. + Amended SAS ESA Copyright dates: 1996-2008. Version 1.472 - 2007-07-05 (EO) ------------- + dev track version AKA := dt + Table of pkg vers 1.470-1.472: - 1.470 - release - 7.1.0 - 1.471 - mac - 7.1.0 - 1.472 - ddevelopment - dt Version 1.471 - 2007-07-05 (EO) ------------- + mac track version AKA := 7.1.0 Version 1.470 - 2007-07-05 (EO) ------------- + Release track version AKA := 7.1.0 Version 1.469 - 2007-07-02 (EO) ------------- + dev track version SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA :== dt ( + Table of pkg vers 1.467-1.469: 1.467 - release - 7.1-Beta 1.468 - mac - 7.1-Beta 1.469 - development - dt Version 1.468 - 2007-07-02 (EO) ------------- + error in + mac track version SHAREDVERSION=no ( + AKA :== 7.1-Beta Version 1.467 - 2007-07-02 (EO) ------------- + release track version SHAREDVERSION=yes ( + AKA :== 7.1-Beta ( Version 1.466 - 2007-07-02 (EO) ------------- + dev track version + Table of pkg vers 1.464-1.466: - 1.464 - release - 7.1-Beta - 1.465 - mac - 7.1-Beta - 1.466 - development - dt Version 1.465 - 2007-07-02 (EO) ------------- + Version for the mac track SHAREDVERSION=no ( + AKA :== 7.1-Beta ( Version 1.464 - 2007-07-02 (EO) ------------- + Version for the release track SHAREDVERSION=yes ( + AKA :== 7.1-Beta ( Version 1.463 - 2006-06-26 (EO) ------------- + dev track version + Table of pkg vers 1.461-1.463: - 1.461 - release - 7.0.0 - 1.462 - mac - 7.0.0 - 1.463 - development - dt Version 1.462 - 2006-06-26 (EO) ------------- + mac track version with AKA = 7.0.0 Version 1.461 - 2006-06-26 (EO) ------------- + Release track version AKA= 7.0.0 + Amended SAS ESA Copyright dates: 1996-2006. Version 1.460 - 2006-06-16 (EO) ------------- + Version for the devlopment track + Table of package versions 1.458-1.460: - 1.458 - release - SAS 7.0.0-Beta - 1.459 - mac - SAS 7.0.0-Beta - 1.460 - development - dt Version 1.459 - 2006-06-16 (EO) ------------- + Version for the mac track Version 1.458 - 2006-06-16 (EO) ------------- + Version for the release track + AKA :== 7.0.0-Beta + The change logged in 1.455 was not effectively done by mistake. Amended. Version 1.457 - 2006-06-15 (EO) ------------- + Version for the development track. SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA :== dt ( Table of package versions 1.455-1.457: - 1.455 - release - SAS 7.0.0-Alpha - 1.456 - mac - SAS 7.0.0-Alpha - 1.457 - development - dt Version 1.456 - 2006-06-15 (EO) ------------- + Version for the mac track. SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA :== 7.0.0-Alpha ( Version 1.455 - 2006-06-15 (EO) ------------- + Version for the release track SHAREDVERSION=yes ( AKA := 7.0.0-Alpha ( + Modified definition of \url command in doc/lib/sasglobal.tex to avoid problems when no prior definition is done, by using \providecommand instead of \renewcommand. Version 1.454 - 2006-06-13 (EO) ------------- + Version for the development track. SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA :== dt ( Table of package versions 1.452-1.454: - 1.452 - release - SAS 7.0.0-Alpha - 1.453 - mac - SAS 7.0.0-Alpha - 1.454 - development - dt Version 1.453 - 2006-06-13 (EO) ------------- + Version for the mac track. SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA :== 7.0.0-Alpha ( Version 1.452 - 2006-06-13 (EO) ------------- + Version for the release track + SHAREDVERSION=yes ( AKA := 7.0.0-Alpha ( + Modified in doc/lib/sasglobal.tex the definition of \url command by using \renewcommand instead \newcommand, to avoid conflict with latex2html prior definintion of \url. + Added SASLDFLAFS="-flat_namespace" in *darwin* section of to avoid NAG Fortran undefined symbols in Mac OS X 10.4.X (Tiger). Version 1.451 - 2006-06-02 (EO) ------------- + Version for the development track SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA :== dt ( Table of package versions 1.449-1.451: - 1.449 - release - SAS 7.0.0-Alpha - 1.450 - mac - SAS 7.0.0-Alpha - 1.451 - development - dt Version 1.450 - 2006-06-02 (EO) ------------- + Version for the mac track SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA :== 7.0.0-Alpha ( Version 1.449 - 2006-06-02 (EO) ------------- + Version for the release track - Start of next public release. + SHAREDVERSION=yes ( AKA := 7.0.0-Alpha ( + Replaced path variable by binpath in to avoid the problem of nullifying PATH in Z-shell when path= in current script (SCR-207). Version 1.448 - 2005-09-15 (EO) ------------- + Version for the development track. SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA :== dt ( Table of sas package versions 1.446-1.448: - 1.446 - release - SAS 6.6.0 - 1.447 - mac - SAS 6.6.0 on Mac OS X - 1.448 - development - dt Version 1.447 - 2005-09-15 (EO) ------------- + SAS 6.6.0 for the mac track SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA :== 6.6.0 ( Version 1.446 - 2005-09-15 (EO) ------------- + SAS 6.6.0 for bulk pipeline reprocessing and 2XMM catalogue building. Its manifest baseline is SAS 6.5.0 with new versions for 16 tasks. These tasks were uploaded with version numbers of the form M.m, not patching versions. + SHAREDVERSION=yes ( AKA := 6.6.0 ( Version 1.445 - 2005-08-12 (EO) ------------- + Version for the development track SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA := dt ( Table of sas package versions 1.443-1.445 : - 1.443 - release - SAS 6.5.0 - 1.444 - mac - SAS 6.5.0 on Mac OS X - 1.445 - development - dt Version 1.444 - 2005-08-12 (EO) ------------- + SAS 6.5.0 for mac track SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA := 6.5.0 ( Version 1.443 - 2005-08-12 (EO) ------------- + bin/saslibs: Included support to save libfftw3 and libfftw3f shared libs into libextra tar.gz archive. It was missing. + SAS 6.5.0 SHAREDVERSION=yes ( AKA := 6.5.0 ( Version 1.442 - 2005-07-12 (EO) ------------- + Version for the development track SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA := dt ( Table of sas package versions 1.440-1.442 : - 1.440 - release - SAS 6.5.0-Beta - 1.441 - mac - SAS 6.5.0-Beta on Mac OS X - 1.442 - devloment - dt Version 1.441 - 2005-07-12 (EO) ------------- + Version for the mac track SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA := 6.5.0-Beta ( Version 1.440 - 2005-07-12 (EO) ------------- + Previous 1.438 and 1.439 were wrong concerning AKA so they are re-uploaded properly. + Version for release track SHAREDVERSION=yes ( AKA := 6.5.0-Beta ( Version 1.439 - 2005-07-12 (EO) ------------- + Version for mac track SHAREDVERSION=no ( Version 1.438 - 2005-07-12 (EO) --------------- + Include soft link from SAS_DIR to packages/sas/configure_install into install script. + Version for the release track SHAREDVERSION=yes ( Version 1.437.1 - 2005-07-09 (EO) --------------- + Introduced new script configure_install in the installation top dir After the SAS public release archives are downloaded, the script can be run to help create SAS generic setup scripts named (sh/bash/ksh) and setsas.csh (csh/tcsh). These scripts set SAS_DIR and SAS_PATH for the installation together with other relevant details required for SAS to work. The scripts can be taken as templates for the complete setup of SAS from the very moment of the installation. The definition of SAS_CCFPATH, SAS_CCF and SAS_ODF within these scripts is left to the user. The configure_install script makes some sanity checks on the SAS installation. Version 1.437 - 2005-06-13 (EO) ------------- + Development track. SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA := dt ( Table of sas package versions 1.435-1.437 : - 1.435 - release - SAS 6.5.0-Beta - 1.436 - mac - SAS 6.5.0-Beta on Mac OS X - 1.437 - devloment - dt Version 1.436 - 2005-06-13 (EO) ------------- + Mac track frozen; entering release mode. SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA := 6.5.0-Beta ( Version 1.435 - 2005-06-13 (EO) ------------- + Release track frozen; entering release mode. SHAREDVERSION=yes ( AKA := 6.5.0-Beta ( Version 1.434 - 2004-11-17 (EO) ------------- + For the development track. SHAREDVERSION=no, AKA := dt Table of sas versions 1.430-1.434: - 1.430 - publicrt - SAS 6.1.0 public release - 1.431 - release - SAS 6.5.0-Alpha release track - 1.432 - publicmac - SAS 6.1.0 public release on Mac OS X - 1.433 - mac - SAS 6.5.0-Alpha release track on Mac OS X - 1.434 - development - development Version 1.433 - 2004-11-17 (EO) ------------- + For the mac track. SHAREDVERSION=no, AKA :== 6.5.0-Alpha Version 1.432 - 2004-11-17 (EO) ------------- + For the publicmac track. SHAREDVERSION=no, AKA := 6.1.0 Version 1.431 - 2004-11-17 (EO) ------------- + For the release track. SHAREDVERSION=yes, AKA := 6.5.0-Alpha. Version 1.430 - 2004-11-17 (EO) ------------- + For the publicrt track. SHAREDVERSION=yes, AKA := 6.1.0 Version 1.429 - 2004-10-07 (EO) ------------- + For the dev. track. SHAREDVERSION=no, AKA := dt. The last five sas versions are intended to provide support for the five tracks now playing: - 1.425 - publicrt - Public release of SAS 6.1.0 - 1.426 - release - release track (future SAS 6.5.0) - 1.427 - publicmac - Public release SAS 6.1.0 on Mac OS X - 1.428 - mac - release track on Mac OS X - 1.429 - development - development track Version 1.428 - 2004-10-07 (EO) ------------- + For the mac track. SHAREDVERSION=no, AKA := 6.5.0-Alpha Version 1.427 - 2004-10-07 (EO) ------------- + For the publicmac track which will give the SAS 6.1.0 on Mac OS X. SHAREDVERSION=no, AKA := 6.1.0 Version 1.426 - 2004-10-07 (EO) ------------- + For release track with SHAREDVERSION=yes and AKA := 6.5.0-Alpha Version 1.425 - 2004-10-07 (EO) ------------- + For SAS 6.1.0 public release with SHAREDVERSION=yes and AKA := 6.1.0 Version 1.424 - 2004-10-04 (EO) ------------- + Copy of 1.423.1 for DT: SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA := dt ( Version 1.423.1 - 2004-10-04 (EO) --------------- + ftpsas: moved the assignment of $lockfile after GetOptions in order to be able to get $cache if entered as option (--cache). Otherwise $lockfile always set to $HOME/sascache. + Modified for RT: SHAREDVERSION=yes ( and AKA := 6.1.0-Alpha ( Version 1.423 - 2004-09-23 (EO) ------------- + Copy of 1.422.1 for DT: SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA := dt ( Version 1.422.1 - 2004-09-23 (EO) --------------- + - Defined PGPLOT_LIBS="$PGPLOT_LIBS -lpng -lz -lpgplot" to allow for PNG driver in PGPLOT. - For RT : SHAREDVERSION=yes + - AKA := 6.1.0-Alpha Version 1.422 - 2004-09-02 (EO) ------------- + Copy of 1.421.1 for DT: SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA := dt ( Version 1.421.1 - 2004-09-02 (EO) --------------- + Added three new bibliographical entries in doc/lib/sas.bib on behalf of Ian Stewart @SSC. + Correct wrong syntax bibliographical entries in sas.bib. + SHAREDVERSION=yes for RT + AKA = 6.1.0-Alpha for RT Version 1.421 - 2004-07-16 (EO) ------------- + Copy of 1.420.1 for DT: SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA = dt ( Version 1.420.1 - 2004-07-16 (EO) --------------- + Included check for fftw version 3 (fftw3) double (libfftw3) and single (libfftw3f) precision libraries and include (fftw3.h) files. + Add code to capture usage of fftw 3 with EXTERNALS directive in Makefiles. + SHAREDVERSION=yes for RT + AKA = 6.1.0-Alpha for RT Version 1.420 - 2004-06-16 (EO) ------------- + Copy of 1.419.1 for DT: SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA = dt ( Version 1.419.1 - 2004-06-16 (EO) --------------- + bin/saslibs adapted to work for Mac OS X (ldd replaced by otool -L) and other enhancements. + RT: SHAREDVERSION=yes in AKA = 6.1.0-Alpha in Version 1.419 - 2004-05-11 (EO) ------------- + DT : SHAREDVERSION=no ( AKA = dt ( Version 1.418.1 - 2004-05-11 (EO) --------------- + Allow deletion of dylib libraries when make clobber. + RT : SHAREDVERSION=yes in AKA = 6.0.0 in Version 1.418 - 2004-03-08 (EO) ------------- + DT Version 1.417.1 - 2004-03-08 (EO) --------------- + RT: SAS release 6.0.0 Version 1.417 - 2004-02-23 (EO) ------------- + DT Version 1.416.1 - 2004-02-23 (EO) --------------- + RT Exclude in perl script listxclude for option --versioned-libaries to solve SPR 2392. Version 1.416 - 2004-02-23 (EO) ------------- + Exclude in perl script listxclude for option --versioned-libaries to solve SPR 2392. Version 1.415 - 2004-02-20 (EO) ------------- + DT Version 1.414.1 - 2004-02-20 (EO) --------------- + RT Added exclude-list-rt target into to elliminate duplication of lib*.so files in binary tar package for RT distribution. Version 1.414 - 2004-02-20 (EO) ------------- + Added exclude-list-rt target into to elliminate duplication of lib*.so files in binary tar package for RT distribution. Version 1.413 - 2004-02-16 (EO) ------------- + Previous upload, SHAREDVERSION was set to yes by mistake. Version 1.412 - 2004-02-12 (EO) ------------- + Version for DT + reset AKA to dt + Reset SHAREDVERSION=no Version 1.411.1 - 2004-02-12 (EO) --------------- + SAS 6 Release Track + Set AKA=6.0.0-Beta in + Set SHAREDVERSION=yes in Version 1.411 - 2003-12-12 (EO) ------------- + To continue with DT activity, resets the AKA to dt and SHAREDVERSION to no. Version 1.410.3 - 2003-12-12 (EO) --------------- + Configure update with SHAREDVERSION=yes failed in RH 9.0 Made under SuSE 7.3 Version 1.410.2 - 2003-12-12 (EO) --------------- + Missing SHAREDVERSION=yes in Version 1.410.1 - 2003-12-12 (EO) --------------- + SAS 6.0.0 + Set SHAREDVERSION=yes in + Set AKA=6.0.0-Alpha in Version 1.410 - 2003-11-10 (EO) ------------- + Added core.* in CLEANFILES to remove core files in Linux. Version 1.409 - 2003-11-03 (EO) ------------- + Added three new references to doc/lib/sas.bib on behalf of Vladimir Yershov at MSSL, for the OM tasks development. + Added $(DATADIRTMP) as $(TOPDIR)/lib/data/tmp to the list of required directories in Required by testconfiguremake to test that the sas configure and make are able to run. + Modified CPPFLAGS and F90INCFLAGS setings in as follows: CPPFLAGS += $(addprefix -I,$(shell $(SASBIN)/findinclude $(USEDLIBS))) by CPPFLAGS += $(addprefix -I,$(shell $(SASBIN)/findinclude $(sort $(USEDLIBS)))) and F90INCFLAGS += $(addprefix -I,$(shell $(SASBIN)/findinclude $(USEDLIBS))) by F90INCFLAGS += $(addprefix -I,$(shell $(SASBIN)/findinclude $(sort $(USEDLIBS)))) This way elliminates excesive amount of Include dirs which give problems with f95. Version 1.408 - 2003-09-12 (GV) ------------- + ( Implement the requirement that tasks making use of param also need qt without using EXTERNALS = qt. This in an attempt to make it possible to run tasks in the background without first unsetting the environment variable DISPLAY. Version 1.407 - 2003-08-05 (GV) ------------- + When running the second test make sure that the test log is first erased. In an incremental build the test log is left behind, and one wants to be sure that it is re-created from scratch. Version 1.406 - 2003-07-31 (EO) ------------- + No changes to code. Changed back in the AKA to dt. Changed back the SHAREDVERSION to no in Version 1.405.2 - 2003-07-30 (EO) --------------- + No changes to code. Made for the soctrack. SHAREDVERSION in set to yes (not done before). Version 1.405.1 - 2003-07-30 (EO) --------------- + No changes to code. Made for the soctrack. AKA in changed to soc. SHAREDVERSION in set to yes. Version 1.405 - 2003-06-26 (GV) ------------- + (mkpkgidx) Change wording of entries in index page from 'Index of x' to 'Index of x referenced in the documentation'. SOC-SPR-2413. Version 1.404 - 2003-06-26 (GV) ------------- + ( Change the way awk is called when make commit is called, so that this works on Mac OS X. SOC-SPR-2448. Version 1.403 - 2003-06-25 (GV) ------------- + (testconfiguremake) Step out of the current directory before deleting it at the end of the test. Version 1.402 - 2003-06-24 (GV) ------------- + ( Using --enable-strict=no no longer skips the Qt checks because Qt is required for param to work. Version 1.401 - 2003-06-20 (GV) ------------- + ( Make the binary archive targets more verbose. Version 1.400 - 2003-06-18 (GV) ------------- + (configure) Check that Qt has DOM support. This is needed for the parameter interface to work, but some commercial licenses don't have it. Version 1.399 - 2003-06-17 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) I had accidentally disabled SLOPPY. + ( Rework all of the binary making commands. Make use of both the saslibs and the listxcluded scripts. Version 1.398 - 2003-06-11 (GV) ------------- + ( On Mac OS X add further flags to SHARED_LIBS_FLAGS so that the libraries are created with the full path (-install_name). In this manner when a task is linked against libX, with libX linked against libY, the system finds libY even if the latter is not explicitly given on the link line. Version 1.397 - 2003-06-03 (GV) ------------- + ( Add ';' after the if/then/else/fi structure that determines whether the full documentation should be built for an incremental build. This is what proper Bourne shells want. + Add development script saslibs, a helper script used to make binary distributions. + Remove old scripts: uploadreport.csh constructManifest paramconv sascommit checkReport incheckReport buildReport + ( Run the saslibs script before creating the binary archives. Version 1.396 - 2003-06-02 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) The incremental build now builds also the html documentation. This can be switched off with make incheck FULLDOC=no. + (Make.include) Change introduced in 1.394 caused a few libraries not to take the value of EXTERNALS into account. This caused linking of tasks against those libraries to fail on platforms other than Mac OS X. Fixed. Version 1.395 - 2003-05-30 (GV) ------------- + (configure) Make the linker shut up on Mac OS X when an undefined symbol is found when creating a library. Version 1.394 - 2003-05-29 (GV) ------------- + (, Introduce LIBS_LDLIBS, flags to be used when creating shared libraries. Normally this is the same as LDLIBS (used to create executables), but on Mac OS X the two linking processes must be different. Also, get rid of -m on Mac OS X when creating executables. Version 1.393 - 2003-05-26 (GV) ------------- + ( Get rid of another occurrence of == in a shell test, that would make the incremental build stop in an environment with a plain Bourne shell. Version 1.392 - 2003-05-25 (GV) ------------- + ( The optimization levels are now set by configure instead of being hard-coded. + ( Set optimization levels, so that c++ and f9x levels can be set independently based on the OS. On Mac OS f9x on slatec triggers a bug in gcc if complied with -O2: set to -O4. + ( Add -fno-coalesce-templates to c++ flags when compiling on Mac OS X, or the CAL Glue does not create a shared library. This should possibly be fixed in the CAL. Version 1.391 - 2003-05-24 (GV) ------------- + ( Was not passing -m when creating shared libraries on Mac OS X. Version 1.390 - 2003-05-23 (GV) ------------- + ( remove two occurrences of test x == y (== -> =) because that syntax does not work on classic Bourne shells. + ( fix the selection of the shared library options on Mac OS X, where the algorithm used to select whether f95 runs with gcc fails because there gcc is called cc. Version 1.389 - 2003-05-22 (GV) ------------- + Another small tweak for Mac OS X: -fPIC was not being passed consistently to the compiler. Also, ask the linker to only warn of undefined symbols (-flat_namespace -undefined warning) instead of terminating with an error. + (sas-setup.[c]sh) updated DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (Mac OS X). Version 1.388 - 2003-05-21 (GV) ------------- + (, Move some of the choices about f90 and f77 from Make.include to configure. Promote Mac OS X to supported system, and finalize flags needed to create shared libraries on that system. Version 1.387 - 2003-05-21 (GV) ------------- + (chkdist) permission check was too zealous. Version 1.386 - 2003-05-19 (GV) ------------- + More of the same permission nonsense. Version 1.385 - 2003-05-19 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include,in) F90INCFLAGS was lower case. + (chkdist) fix check for file permissions, that was not being executed correctly (not all the time any way). Version 1.384 - 2003-05-07 (GV) ------------- + ( if param is in USEDLIBS, also add the dal. This may help static build on Mac. Version 1.383 - 2003-05-07 (GV) ------------- + ( fix error that prevented download of master MD5. + (ftpsas) fix error when comparing signatures from the MD5 master file. Version 1.382 - 2003-05-05 (GV) ------------- + Re-upload of 1.381 when I had uploaded all of the bin/* scripts with restrictive permissions. Version 1.381 - 2003-05-01 (GV) ------------- + (configure) can make use of if a handcrafted libf96fix.a containing quickfit.o is also found. Version 1.380 - 2003-04-29 (GV) ------------- + (chkdist) had become too strict, checking for the file build_log, but this file exists during a build and is created before the chkdist is run => chkdist always failed during build. Version 1.379 - 2003-04-28 (GV) ------------- + ( make sure that build_log_second is removed in a make clobber. Version 1.378 - 2003-04-26 (GV) ------------- + Create and upload packagedetails.html. Version 1.377 - 2003-04-25 (GV) ------------- + Re-upload of 1.376 to test package server in Vilspa. Version 1.376 - 2003-04-25 (GV) ------------- + Re-upload of 1.375 to test package server in Vilspa. Version 1.375 - 2003-04-25 (GV) ------------- + (htmkReport) make sure colors also work for short build. Version 1.374 - 2003-04-24 (GV) ------------- + (htmlReport) fix broken links, restructure table for clarity. Version 1.373 - 2003-04-23 (GV) ------------- + (configure) fix wrong test syntax (introduced at 1.371) that prevented configure from going through on most machines. Version 1.372 - 2003-04-22 (GV) ------------- + (uploadreport) make sure the files build_log_second are uploaded if they exist. + (htmlReport) link to build_log_second if necessary; add color scheme legenda; adjust colors. Version 1.371 - 2003-04-21 (GV) ------------- + ( make use of if a library called libf96fix containing the NAG quickfit.o is found. This is necessary on recent versions of RedHat (and presumably of other GNU/Linux distributions) to prevent linking errors due to the fact that the loading of old static libraries may fail. Version 1.370 - 2003-04-10 (GV) ------------- + ( remove incorrect setting of LIBRARY_PATH + (testconfiguremake) source with '. ./' to avoid failure when PATH does not contain '.'. Version 1.369 - 2003-03-31 (GV) ------------- + (uploadreport) Upload via intermediate tar file. Upload to Vilspa machine. Version 1.368 - 2003-03-28 (GV) ------------- + (uploadsas) uploads to Vilspa server. updated to provide interface to upload files. Version 1.367 - 2003-03-20 (GV) ------------- + ( additional Qt-related flags necessary on Mac OS X were lost in transit. Version 1.366 - 2003-03-19 (GV) ------------- + ( additional Qt-related flags necessary on Mac OS X were lost in transit. Version 1.365 - 2003-03-01 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) Some commands are now chattier. + (configure) add -I to Qt include. Version 1.364 - 2003-02-28 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) All grep statements that have to do with buildlog redirect their output to /dev/null. They used to append to the log their were grepping, creating the possibility of infinite loops (this was sure the case on Mac OS X). Version 1.363 - 2003-02-28 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) if USEDLIBS contains param, then force EXTERNALS = qt so that the static build works. Set MAKEFLAGS so that the directory names are not printed out. Fix for echo -n on Dec. make check was no longer creating the html doc, fixed. SOC-SPR-2411. Add echo command to the end of the target check/incheck/build, so that build report does not show a long list of 'make[4]' entries. + (configure) On Mac OS X when using Qt -framework Security is also needed in the linker flags. Version 1.362 - 2003-02-21 (GV) ------------- + ( Fix possible race condition while accessing the build_log file for the second test, which could lead to an infinite recursion while executing the second test harness. Version 1.361 - 2003-02-21 (GV) ------------- + (configure) On Mac OS X switch off optimization. Version 1.360 - 2003-02-20 (GV) ------------- + (configure) now add the variables ECHO_N and ECHO_C to Make.include. + (Make.include) Use ECHO_N and ECHO_C to build a supposedly platform-independent echo -n. Introduce GNU Make functions to simplify the description of the targets check, incheck, build. Make sure that if some of the directories where Make.include wants to put symbolic links do not exist, an error is generated. Add target required_dirs to create all the required directories. This is not run automatically to prevent the creation of these directories when this is not wanted. Version 1.359 - 2003-02-18 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) Add missing space in rule to create libraries. Version 1.358 - 2003-02-17 (GV) ------------- + ( When on a Mac OS X switch shared libraries off. + ( Use echo -n when a newline character doesn't need to be generated, as this is more portable (to the Mac in particular). Add rules to run ranlib on static libraries, as this is required on a Mac. + (sas-setup) create ~/.sas.d/config Version 1.357 - 2003-02-07 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) perl tasks depend explicitly on in taskmain and on their own Version 1.356 - 2003-01-31 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) implement perl tasks as plain perl scripts. + ( primitive support for Mac OS X. + (Make.include) primitive support for Max OS X: mkae suffix for shared library configurable via configure. Version 1.355 - 2003-01-22 (GV) ------------- + (testconfiguremake) really fix SOC-SPR-2395. + ( - skip some tests is -enable-strict=no - error/warning if ds9 is version 2.2.1 - only support f95 - Qt >= 2.3.2 Version 1.354 - 2003-01-21 ------------- + (Make.include) incremental build runs again the test harnesses. Version 1.353 - 2003-01-10 ------------- + (sas.bib) fix typo on CALHB entry ct:calhb, update URLs for Chandra documents (region, data model etc.) + (testconfiguremake) use gmake instead of make if found. SOC-SPR-2395. Version 1.352 - 2003-01-06 (GV) ------------- + (bin/uploadreport) force ftp to run in passive mode, so it works from behind some firewalls. Version 1.351 - 2003-01-03 (GV) ------------- + ( The fix at 1.348 was preventing the task binaries from being removed (I should have used %\/ instead of %/ in the clean and clobber rules). SOC-SPR-2393. + ( check that tsort is available. SOC-SPR-2378. Version 1.350 - 2002-12-23 (GV) ------------- + ( run f90depend with LANG=C set, ot on RH8.0 not all modules are correctly found. Version 1.349 - 2002-12-19 (GV) ------------- + (sas.bib) How many tries to get a reference right?? Fix typo in URL for CALHB. Version 1.348 - 2002-12-18 (JBa) ------------- + (bin/sasclean_cpath) 'sh' does not know about '==' operator + ( Forgot a trailing '/' in using addprefix(). This triggered mayhap on the backward directory. Version 1.347 - 2002-12-18 (GV) ------------- + (sas.bib) Add missing space between \tt and text. Version 1.346 - 2002-12-17 (JBa) ------------- + (,, Using CPATH: 'make' as well as 'configure' will check and modify environment if necessary. We do it in both systems, as a 'developer' may want to force different environment setting, than the one that was used during configuration... + (bin/sasclean_cpath) added to do the above in 'configure' as well as in 'make' Version 1.345 - 2002-12-17 (GV) ------------- + (sas.bib) update URL for CAL HB. + (testconfiguremake) change exports to be portable (SOC-SPR-2384). Version 1.344 - 2002-12-16 (GV) ------------- + ( Restore name of CONFIGDIR that had been removed. This triggered a number of failures on make depend. + ( A build with a stricter behavior of the c++ compiler can be achiver by specifying STRICTCPP=yes. By default this is set to no, or the build explodes :) + ( Make running the test harnesses during an incremental build conditional (RUNTESTS=yes). + Add PNG versions of all icons needed by latex2html. Version 1.343 - 2002-12-14 (GV) ------------- + ( name of directory below is include. Version 1.342 - 2002-12-14 (GV) ------------- + ( re-introduce usage of config-std.h as this adds using namespace std, and this is very much needed at this stage. However, this file is not generated by configure (which would trigger a rebuild in an incremental build) but just places in $SAS_DIR/config and included from there, so that a new build is only required when that file changes. Version 1.341 - 2002-12-13 (GV) ------------- + ( remove usage of config-std.h. Version 1.340 - 2002-12-13 (GV) ------------- + ( replace using [] with test in file tests as this is more portable. + (SasVersion.h) define more strings (like AKA). + ( remove creation of as code is supposed to work with gcc-3.x now. Also, the creation of this file each time triggered a complete rebuild during incrementals. + (ftpsas) additional exit code when running in patch mode to indicate that that package sas was updated and configure needs to be run again. Version 1.339 - 2002-12-12 (GV) ------------- + ( identify RedHat and SuSE, make use of RELEASE file. + ( add RELEASE constant. Version 1.338 - 2002-12-10 (GV) ------------- + (bin/createcompletionscripts) remove -s flag when creating bash file. + (configure) for gcc 3.2 we need to re-introduce the work around concerning the way headers found in CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH are treated (they are considered to be C headers even if they are C++). This leads to warnings in the build. Version 1.337 - 2002-12-09 (GV) ------------- + ( at end of make check creates shell command line completion scripts in SAS_DIR. Version 1.336 - 2002-12-05 (GV) ------------- + ( change lack of GNU ar into a warning (it was an error). Version 1.335 - 2002-12-05 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) targets clobber and clean remove the finale / from CLOBBERFILES and CLEANFILES, or rm will fail for symlinks on RedHat 8.0. Version 1.334 - 2002-12-05 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) more support for CVS (make branch). Version 1.333 - 2002-12-04 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) additional CVS markers had entered the file, breaking it. + (testconfiguremake) a new test harness where a mini SAS build of one package is attempted. This to ensure that changes to configure and Make.include are not deadly. Version 1.332 - 2002-12-03 (GV) ------------- + (bin/Makefile) had forgotten to add htmlReport to DEVSCRIPTS. Version 1.331 - 2002-12-02 (GV) ------------- + (htmlReport) subsumes incheckReport, checkReport, buildReport. Re-work the color coding algorithm so that it can cope with incremental builds where no test harnesses are run at all. All html report in Make.include are generated with this script. Version 1.330 - 2002-11-28 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) incheck does not run the test harnesses now. Temporary change to allow people to decide where the time for an incremental build goes. Version 1.329 - 2002-11-22 (GV) ------------- + (f90depend) make it work on RedHat 8.0 (SOC-SPR-2368). Version 1.328 - 2002-11-21 (GV) ------------- + (ftpsas) preserve exit status in END block, otherwise it is always reset to 0 because the END block is guaranteed to succeed. + ( do not echo the uploadreport command. Version 1.327 - 2002-11-11 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) More tweaks to compiler flags when profiling. Version 1.326 - 2002-11-11 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) When PROFILE is on, make sure the debug flags are correctly set. Version 1.325 - 2002-10-31 (GV) ------------- + (ftpsas) allow one to specify a name other than 'make' for GNU Make. Add more protection to chdir/mkdir statements to prevent ftpsas from unpacking packages in the wrong directory. Version 1.324 - 2002-10-28 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) make incheck now only builds the ps documentation, so as to speed it up even further (while I figure out a way to introduce a reliable dependency mechanism for latex2html). Add a rudimentary dependency mechanism to create the ps documentation, so that the latter is not re-built unless the latex source (or some of the auxiliary files in packages sas) have changed. This is not fool proof, but should significantly improve the speed of incremental builds. Version 1.323 - 2002-10-14 (GV) ------------- + (sasglobal.tex) \task{} macro generates bold text in ps doc (SOC-SPR-2318) Version 1.322 - 2002-10-03 (GV) ------------- + (bin/uploadreport) make silent so cron jobs don't talk. Also check exit status after ech ftp call, so cron jobs will talk when an error. Version 1.321 - 2002-09-27 (GV) ------------- + (bin/fixdoc) write final new line to sasdoc_version.tex. Version 1.320 - 2002-09-26 (GV) ------------- + (bin/chkdist) introduce a @relaxed@ checking mode so that incremental builds can run this test as well. + (Make.include) modify the incheck target so that chkdist is run in relaxed mode. + (bin/incheckReport) updated with the extra column in the build report. Version 1.319 - 2002-09-24 (GV) ------------- + (src/ allow one to set the maximum allowed duration of a single test harness run via the environment variable SAS_TEST_TIMEOUT. Version 1.318 - 2002-09-24 (GV) ------------- + ( additional fix for gcc 2.96 (early version found on RH 7.1) whereby vthe environment variable CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH is ignored. Version 1.317 - 2002-09-20 (GV) ------------- + (ftpsas, small updates to log/error messages and documentation to clarify what is happening. Version 1.316 - 2002-09-19 (GV) ------------- + (chkdist) package sas in DEPEND: restored for the DT. Version 1.315.1 - 2002-09-19 (GV) --------------- + (chkdist) does not require that package sas be in DEPEND file, as this check is too strict in current RT. Version 1.315 - 2002-09-19 (GV) ------------- + ( accept Qt version 3 instead of stopping. Change use of tr when checking for ftools version to eliminate warning message in linux. Version 1.314 - 2002-09-17 (GV) ------------- + added backward-gcc2/streambuf + Make.include: make it possible to upload package sas with make upload. Version 1.313 - 2002-09-12 (JBa) ------------- + added backward-gcc2/istream Version 1.312 - 2002-09-01 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) implement INTERNALS correctly (it was referencing EXTERNALS). Version 1.311 - 2002-08-29 (GV) ------------- + (bin/ftpsas) split one line in two as suggested in SOC-SPR-2333. + (bin/ftpsas) when --patch is given (incremental builds) before a package can be unpacked the following is done: . cd package-directory and make clobber . rm -fr package-directory Version 1.310 - 2002-08-01 (GV) ------------- + (bin/ftpsas) supply 0777 mask to all mkdir calls, as the mask is mandatory in perl 5.005. Also, detect which of MD5 or Digest::MD5 is present and use it. (The perl modules MD5 has been removed Digest::Md5, with exactly the same interface and functionality.) + define $progpath to be simply perldoc, so that it works even when perldoc is not in the same bin directory as perl itself. Version 1.309 - 2002-07-29 (GV) ------------- + ( die if ds9 not >= 2.0. Version 1.308 - 2002-07-29 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) Missing '/' in fix made in previous version. Version 1.307 - 2002-07-26 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) If the gcc backward compatibility directory is needed, takes it via -I$(SAS_DIR)/include and not $(INCDIR), or compilation of c++ packages that need it will fail when those packages are built in a subdirectory of SAS_PATH (SOC-SPR-2331). + (Make.include) Add directive PERLDIRS for subdirectories that should be linked directly under lib/perl5, so that external modules can be easily available to all scripts. Add PERLMODS directive for individual modules. + Move SasServer to lib, and make it a PERLMODS. + Add Pod::Usage as a PERLDIRS so that ftpsas works also with perl 5.005 without installation of additional modules. Version 1.306 - 2002-07-18 (GV) ------------- + (sas.bib) add entries for DS9 and GAIA, as per ims request. Version 1.305 - 2002-07-18 (GV) ------------- + ftpsas had been left in package devel. Moved here. + (in)checkReport: change the color coding. Version 1.304 - 2002-07-12 (GV) ------------- + (bin/Makefile) I had left out uploadreport from DEVSCRIPTS. + (bin/checkReport) change colors. Version 1.303 - 2002-07-11 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) add targets distcheck and depcheck, so that it is possible to run these checks independently. + (bin) add all of the scripts that were in package devel, so that the latter can easily be taken out of the manifest when a public binary is built. Version 1.302 - 2002-07-09 (GV) ------------- + (chkdist) make it an error not to DEPEND at least on package sas. + (chkdist) make it an error not to have a ChangeLog entry matching the version number. Also, the matching entry must be the first one in the file. + (chkdist) make it an error not to have a GROUPS entry in the file. + ( expand the range of targets executed in a make incheck and make update. Preparation for incremental builds. + ( switching sharedversion on forces shared to be on as well. + Change the maximum single test harness duration to 600s. Change implementation of the timeout cndition to use system instead of exec, so the alarm signal can be trapped. + incheckReport: added to report on incremental builds. Version 1.301 - 2002-07-08 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) run test harnesses through runtestwrap. This sets the maximum CPU time per test harness to 1000s, then runs the test harness through runtestalarm, where the maximum wall clock time per test harness is agains et to 1000s. This to prevent problems with hanging test harnesses, or test harnesses that enter an infinite loop. + (bin/runtestwrap) added + (src/ added Version 1.300 - 2002-06-27 (JBa) ------------- + Preparation for GCC 3.1 Added backward compatibility directory for GCC-2.9x Version 1.299 - 2002-06-27 (JBa) ------------- + (test/check_dev_bins_scripts) make sure it works if current directory is not in PATH Version 1.297 - 2002-06-11 (JBa) ------------- + As the HTML documentation, the PostScript documentation now also contains a Parameter header. (SOC::SPR 2323) Version 1.296 - 2002-06-10 (GV) ------------- + configure now works with the latest autoconf (now required). Version 1.295 - 2002-05-13 (GV) ------------- + ( make sure all tasks are getting selectlib on the link line. Version 1.294 - 2002-05-07 (GV) ------------- + (chkdist) validateParameters is called only for XPI-style files. Version 1.293 - 2002-05-02 (GV) ------------- + ( add selector to USEDLIBS when param is also used. This is needed to support param-2.0. + ( add DEVTASKS directive. + ( $(TASKHEADIMPS) are removed on the clobber and not on the clean, so incremental builds can work. Also, all the autogenerated code is now dependent on some of the source files in package taskmain, so that it is re-created only if taskmain has been updated. Version 1.292 - 2002-04-29 (GV) ------------- + ( adjust target binary_exclude to exclude files in bin/devel, lib/data/tmp, and lib/data + ( checks for mysql lib/header, set HAVE_MYSQL if ok. Also check for some of the CERN libraries. + (acconfig.h) updated. + ( add ODFDIRS for symlinks under lib/testodf. + ( all tests now run with stdin from /dev/null, so that running some ftools will not hang the build. + (chkdist) issue warning if no ChangeLog entry for VERSION is found. Version 1.291 - 2002-04-28 (GV) ------------- + ( change a couuple of SAS_DIR/bin to SASBIN, as the former no longer contains the development scripts required for the build. Version 1.290 - 2002-04-27 (GV) ------------- + (bin/Makefile) fix DEVSCRIPTS (was mispelled). + ( re-introduce changes made at 1.288 that had gone missing. + (test) add test harnesses for DEVSCRIPTS and DEVBINS targets Version 1.289 - 2002-04-26 (GV) ------------- + ( enforece cfitsio > 2.400. Version 1.288 - 2002-04-26 (GV) ------------- + ( create extra directories (lib/data/tmp lib/data bin/devel). + ( new target uploadreport + ( add target updateparfile for transition to param-2.0. + ( introduce DEVSCRIPTS and DEVBINS, similar to their DEV-less namesakes but to be linked under SAS_DIR/bin/devel. sas-setup.[c]sh adjusted so that SAS_DIR/bin/devel is in the PATH. + (bin/Makefile) change SCRIPTS to DEVSCRIPTS + (uploadreport) issue error if it cannot ftp to SOC server, instead of dying with an undefined variable. + ( introduce DATADIRS target for directories that are linked under lib/data Version 1.287.26 - 2002-04-26 (GV) ---------------- + ( adjust an already existing test that about the need to add the option -E to the GNU linker. The test used to be triggered only when the existing perl had been compiled with gcc 2.8.1, but the solution is applicable to a more general case. SOC-SPR-2299. Version 1.287.25 - 2002-04-13 (GV) ---------------- + Re-upload. Version 1.287.24 - 2002-04-13 (GV) ---------------- + Re-generate configure on a machine other than xmmws0, as what is created there does not run anywhere else (?) Version 1.287.23 - 2002-04-13 (GV) ---------------- + ( change == to = in one of the test conditions. + ( detect GNU find (needed to make binaries). + ( by default version numbers in shared libraries is off again. + ( do not do a clean_binary when the binary distribution is made, so that the SAS tree can be used to compile against after a binary is made. Version 1.287.22 - 2002-04-13 (GV) ---------------- + ( make clean_binary before creating the binary distributions. Version 1.287.21 - 2002-04-09 (GV) ---------------- + ( if exist do not dump in the binary. Version 1.287.20 - 2002-04-09 (JBa) ---------------- + (doc/lib/sasref.perl) Implementated a hyperlink from the 'type' of a parameter to the parameter documentation. Version 1.287.19 - 2002-04-09 (GV) ---------------- + ( introduce the variables TAR and FIND, so that it becomes possible to do make binary-target TAR=gtar etc, should GNU tar have a different name. Eventually this should be detected by configure. Version 1.287.18 - 2002-04-09 (GV) ---------------- + regenerate configure with an older version of autoconf, as the new one on xmmws0 seems not to work (!). Version 1.287.17 - 2002-04-08 (GV) ---------------- + ( change the name of the libsys tar ball. + (sas-setup.[s]sh) removes FTOOLS/pow, as no longer needed. + (configure) make it the default to build shared libraries with a version number, in peparation for the binary release. + ( remove double registration of that made recent autoconf versions complain. Version 1.287.16 - 2002-04-05 (GV) ---------------- + (sas-setup.[s]sh) add libsys to *LIBRARY_PATH + ( add target to make libsys subdir and tar ball. Version 1.287.15 - 2002-04-04 (GV) ---------------- + change a couple of 'if ! test ...' in 'if test ! ...' as the former does not seem to work with some sh flavors. Version 1.287.14 - 2002-03-28 (GV) ---------------- + (sas.bib) add dennerl99:_cti_pattern_xmm_epic_pn_ccd Version 1.287.13 - 2002-03-19 (GV) ---------------- + ( change names of common tar balls. Version 1.287.12 - 2002-03-18 (JBa) --------------- + (doc/lib/sasglobal.tex) Fixed a typo in taskerrorsnote. Kept old typo in place for backwards compatibility... Version 1.287.11 - 2002-03-13 (JBa) --------------- + (doc/lib/icons) added images for foot notes, and cross references Version 1.287.10 - 2002-03-11 (JBa) --------------- + (doc/lib/sasref.perl) IMproved layout for task Errors/Parameters Version 1.287.9 - 2002-02-18 (JBa) --------------- + ( changed combilib mechanism to work with 'make -j' Version 1.287.8 - 2002-02-11 (GV) --------------- + ( fortran olevel back to -O2: on sparc the problem lies with gcc, and we should use 2.95.3 on cosine2. Version 1.287.7 - 2002-02-08 (GV) --------------- + ( make the profile work unconditionally. Version 1.287.6 - 2002-02-08 (GV) --------------- + ( Change optimization level for fortran to 4 (there seems to be a problem with -O2 in f95 4.1 -- unders investigation). Version 1.287.5 - 2002-02-07 (GV) --------------- + ( some sh did not like the test below. Made portable. Version 1.287.4 - 2002-02-01 (GV) --------------- + ( extra check on VERSION when committing via CVS. Version 1.287.3 - 2002-01-30 (JBa) --------------- + (doc/lib/sasglobal.tex) PS doc:separation after \begin{taskparameters} needed. Version 1.287.2 - 2002-01-29 (GV) --------------- + ( tar errors do not stop make. Version 1.287.1 - 2002-01-28 (JBa) ------------- + Added possibility to build libaries with stamped version numbers! Version 1.287 - 2002-01-25 (JBa) ------------- + (doc/lib/sasglobal.tex) fixed SPR 2065 Version 1.286 - 2002-01-22 (GV) ------------- + (sas.bib) updated XMMPerHK. Version 1.285 - 2002-01-04 (GV) ------------- + ( err left in ... aargh! Version 1.284 - 2002-01-03 (GV) ------------- + ( remove some warnings that were printed also when grace/fftw had been found. + ( allows one to control versioning of shared libraries. Version 1.283 - 2001-12-21 (GV) ------------- + (sas.bib) update CCF ICD entry. Version 1.282 - 2001-12-17 (GV) ------------- + ( add target commit for CVS support (with tag). + ( fix support for profiling. Version 1.281 - 2001-11-29 (GV) ------------- + (fixdoc) created sasdoc_version.tex + (package.tex) use option version + (sasdoc.cls) implement option version to have SAS version in ps documentation. + (Make.include) delete sasdoc_version.tex on clean. Version 1.280 - 2001-11-23 (GV) ------------- + (*.cls) XMM -> XMM-Newton in ps doc. Version 1.279 - 2001-11-22 (GV) ------------- + (xmmlogo.eps) bring in line with gif version. Version 1.278 - 2001-11-22 (JBa) ------------- + (doc/lib/sasref.*, doc/lib/sasglobal) * introduction of macros \taskserrorsnote and \taskparametersnote Version 1.277 - 2001-11-20 (JBa) ------------- + (doc/lib/sasref.sty) * Fixed another LaTex-bailout: "There's no line here to end." Version 1.276 - 2001-11-18 (JBa) ------------- + (doc/lib/sasref.sty) * Fixed LaTex-bailout: "There's no line here to end." Version 1.275 - 2001-11-15 (JBa) ------------- + (doc/lib/sasglobal.tex) * Fixed problem with caption labelling on figures + (lib/moreverb.perl) * latex2html placeholder for package 'moreverb' Version 1.274 - 2001-11-14 (JBa) ------------- + (doc/lib/sasglobal.tex,doc/lib/sasref.*) * pretty layout for task parameters * improved pretty layout for errors + (lib/sasdoc.perl) * latex2html placeholder for class 'sasdoc' Version 1.273 - 2001-11-09 (JBa) ------------- + (doc/lib/sasglobal.tex,doc/lib/sasref.*) Tabular layout for error/warning documentation Version 1.272 - 2001-11-05 (GV) ------------- + xmmsaslogo.gif: updated + sas.bib: updated with Marc Audard's entries. Version 1.271 - 2001-11-02 (GV) ------------- + modified to cope with latest versions of latex2html. Version 1.270 - 2001-10-16 (JBa) ------------- + Direct link to alphabetical list of packages from the entry page. Version 1.269 - 2001-10-25 (JBa) ------------- + ( Adopted necessary changes to the infrastructure setup in order to compile with GCC 3. Changes include: * added 'using standard namespace' as a temporary fix. This is done in 'config-std.h' and included in Make.include with an '-include ' statement * a workaround for bug in GCC 3.0.1 (GNATS pr=4256). All headers in CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH are treated as 'C' headers. The workaround consist of scanning the CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH, and converting it into '-Idir' options in Make.include Version 1.268 - 2001-10-08 (GV) ------------- + (, compile on DEC with -mieee to force floating point operations to be IEEE compliant. Add SAS{CXX,C,F90,F)FLAGS. + ( make depend does not do a make info. Version 1.267 - 2001-09-24 (GV) ------------- + ( introduce several targets to make binary tarballs. Version 1.266 - 2001-09-21 (GV) ------------- + ( re-enable optimization=yes by default. Use ./configure --enable-optimization=no to disable it. Version 1.265 - 2001-09-13 (GV) ------------- + Updated config.guess and config.sub to cope with osf 5.1 + autoconf run again. + This fix has also been made to the release track. Version 1.264 - 2001-08-17 (JBa) ------------- + created new make rule:'make infokey'. By default it dumps the values of all compiler flags, but you can specify any make variable: $ make infokey KEYS="MAKE SASBIN" Version 1.263 - 2001-07-25 (UL) ------------- + ran autoconf Version 1.262 - 2001-07-24 (UL) ------------- + optimization is again off by default Version 1.261 - 2001-07-20 (JBa) ------------- + (,bin/mkpkgidx,bin/mktophtml) Using RELEASE variable to denote version of the SAS (SPR 2120) Version 1.260 - 2001-07-12 (GV) ------------- + ( O2 optimizations are on by default. + (Make.include) make info shows optimization flag. Version 1.259.13 - 2001-06-17 (GV) ---------------- + (bin/uploadreport) added Version 1.259.12 - 2001-06-16 (GV) ---------------- + (bin/mktophtml) remove pointers to User's Guide. Version 1.259.11 - 2001-06-11 (GV) ---------------- + (bin/mktophtml) remove pointer to source installation. + ( fix double AKA. Version 1.259.10 - 2001-06-10 (GV) ---------------- + (install.html) re-order the sections (binary installation first). Version 1.259.9 - 2001-06-07 (JBa) --------------- + forgot a missing backquote + use m4 function 'changequote' to keep the square brackets Version 1.259.8 - 2001-06-06 (JBa) --------------- + implemented SPR 1643: added PGPLOT to macros Version 1.259.7 - 2001-06-06 (JBa) --------------- + implemented SPR 2080: make 'tr' work under solaris 2.8 Version 1.259.6 - 2001-06-06 (UL) --------------- + ironed out a couple of more docu problems Version 1.259.5 - 2001-06-01 (UL) --------------- + fixed problem with URLs as arguments of \htmladdnormallink in sas.bib [character ~ is converted to blank by latex2html resulting in a broken link] + implemented SPR 2062: broken links in README.html Version 1.259.4 - 2001-05-23 (JBa) ------------- + ( * Fixed creation of dynamic perl modules * Improved target dependency. targets are created only once Version 1.259.2 - 2001-05-21 (JBa) ------------- + ( Removed hardcoding of linker-flags. Using flags as determined by configure. Version 1.259.1 - 2001-05-15 (JBa) ------------- + ( make GNUPERLLDFLAGS available in debug mode too Version 1.259 - 2001-05-08 (JBa) ------------- + ( Added dynamic link library (dl) to the system libraries again. + ( Changes in compiler FLAGS * Usage of '-imacros FILE' option instead of endless macro definitions * Removed duplication of macros * Added GNUPERLLDFLAGS: a variable that may contain extra compiler flags that are needed for usage of run-time, perl-distributed modules + ( Replaced default linker and clearing some flags + (,acconfig.h) Former generated from latter && + ( Creation of GNUPERLLDFLAGS Version 1.258 - 2001-05-01 (JBa) ------------- + ( Added math library (m) to the system libraries again somehow, the need for this library depends on the order of library directories in $LIBRARY_PATH? Version 1.257 - 2001-04-27 (JBa) ------------- + ( made the shared and binary linking stage *very* fast on solaris Version 1.256 - 2001-04-23 (GV) ------------- + ( remove -ggdb from CXX debug options as it does not bring any benefit (contrary to what advertized). + ( add target incheck: as check but doc is ps only, object files are left in place to allow one to make incremental builds. Version 1.255 - 2001-04-19 (GV) ------------- + ( yet another tweak to the pgplot/g2c logic to work around autoconf's cache. Also there are more pgplot/g2c/gcc combinations out there ... Version 1.254 - 2001-04-17 (GV) ------------- + ( modify again the logic required to detect whether pgplot is compiled with g77 and so it needs libg2c. + ( -lg2c is on the command line only when EXTERNALS = pgplot is specified. Version 1.253 - 2001-04-12 (GV) ------------- + ( f90 test does not try to do asin(10), as it fails miserably on dec ;-) Version 1.252 - 2001-04-09 (GV) ------------- + ( modify the way the f90 link test is done, as it did not always work (at least in one case). Now the linking is done through c++. This ensures that: the linking is done as the regular build procedure would; stdc++ is found; the presence of a broken is detected (the test will fail). (SOC-SPR-1985) + ( use variable MKDIR as set by configure. + ( detect whoami, mkdir, try mkdir -p (set MKDIR). + ( TRY_LINK_F90 now links with gcc, as done in the SAS build, so that libraries are found (SOC-SPR-1985). Version 1.251 - 2001-04-05 (GV) ------------- + ( fix typo in the implementation of mysql support. Version 1.250 - 2001-04-03 (GV) ------------- + (doc/lib/sas.bib) add ct:nrf. Fix typo in ct:nr. + ( try to compile and link a small pgplot program to catch those cases when pgplot is compiled with g77 but no libg2c has been detected. (SOC-SPR-1978) Version 1.249 - 2001-04-02 (GV) ------------- + ( add support for mysql (EXTERNALS = mysql). + (" ") fix AKA, that was being used twice. + ( add target clean_binary. Version 1.248 - 2001-03-30 (GV) ------------- + (bin/chkdist) does not print header regexp. Version 1.247 - 2001-03-22 (GV) ------------- + (bin/chkdist) warn of obsolete c++ headers. Version 1.246 - 2001-03-22 (GV) ------------- + ( added and filled in from configure. + ( add INTERFACES = SasVersion.h + ( another implementation of the solution of SOC-SPR-1924 (at version 1.242). + ( detect if -freg-struct-return is required. + ( use the above if required. Version 1.245 - 2001-03-16 (GV) ------------- + (chkdist) forces directories and scripts to be rwxr-xr-x. Version 1.244 - 2001-03-13 (GV) ------------- + ( add AKA. + ( " " ) experimental support for EXTERNALS = packlib (CERN libraries) Version 1.243 - 2001-03-13 (GV) ------------- + ( convert FTOOLs warning to error (SAS-SCR-35). + (sas-setup.*.in) add $SAS_DIR/binextra to PATH. + ( create binextra. Version 1.242 - 2001-03-09 (GV) ------------- + ( add "socket nsl" when checking for cfitsio (SOC-SPR-1919). + ( most warning converted to errors (SAS-SCR-35). + ( check for most of the executables needed to build the SAS. Any missing executable gives now an error. + (sas.environment) add new variables. + ( add --with-f95-gcc and --with-f95-cc to explicitly set the PIC flags for f95 (SOC-SPR-1924). + (doc/lib/install.html) update the software requirements (SAS-SPR-1923). Version 1.241 - 2001-01-10 (UL) ------------- + caloalutils needs now slatec; adapted USEDLIBS rules in accordingly. Version 1.240 - 2000-12-21 (GV) ------------- + linking of test bins had been upset. Version 1.239 - 2000-12-20 (GV) ------------- + (bin/findinclude) remove warning about include not found in SAS_PATH as this is no longer a useful bit of information. + ( add EXTERNALS = fitsio. + (%_{B,TF,TC,TP}DEPEND): don't use USEDLIBS with shared libraries (makes linking significantly faster). + ( add targets binary_tarball and doc_tarball. + (sas.bib) change back to older version to restore html links. Add SSC-LUX-SP-0004. Version 1.238.17 - 2000-12-13 (GV) ---------------- + ( add $(ECHO) "" to html target: # 20001213: some versions of latex2html seem to forget a final # '\n'. This breaks the grep '^Testing' checks, and reports a test # failure. This happens only for packages that have one test. # # It should be: # latex2html output # Testing testname # # But it is: # latex2html outputTesting testname # Version 1.238.16 - 2000-12-02 (GV) ---------------- + (bin/mktophtml) add link to ps version of the UG. Version 1.238.15 - 2000-11-29 (GV) ---------------- + (bin/mkpkgidx) Change text for html documentation in a few places. + (doc/latex2html.init): . change XMM to XMM-Newton . change name of EXTERNAL_UP_TITLE to "Meta Index" + (bin/mktophtml) change text and structure. Version 1.238.14 - 2000-11-27 (GV) ---------------- + (doc/README/install.html) updated software requirements. + ( no longer checks POW_LIBRARY as it is not required. + ( remove a few old messages. Version 1.238.13 - 2000-11-27 (JBa) ---------------- + (bin/fixdoc) fixed bug: exluded environments that are commented out, were not properly handled. Version 1.238.12 - 2000-11-24 (JBa) ---------------- + ( added "-type=$(RELEASETYPE)" to fixdoc + (bin/fixdoc) handles exclusion of development environments Version 1.238.11 - 2000-11-10 (GV) ---------------- + ( now it is make OPTIMIZATION=yes, to avoid name clash with perl autogenerated make files. Version 1.238.10 - 2000-10-31 (GV) ---------------- + ( gzip of postscript now uses -f. + ( now detects gzip. Version 1.238.9 - 2000-10-30 (GV) --------------- + (sas.bib) re-synced wrt xmmdoc.bib and updated with EPN documents. Version 1.238.8 - 2000-10-27 (GV) --------------- + (bin/chkdist) add group plot. Version 1.238.7 - 2000-10-26 (JBa) --------------- + (bin/mkpkgidx) fixed entry of Postscript files in HTML documentation + (bin/mktophtml) improved README documentation + ( updates because of the above + (doc/Makefile doc/index.html) removed old stuff Version 1.238.6 - 2000-10-26 (JBa) --------------- + (doc/lib/sasuser.tex) allow env-macro{abstract} to User Doc [Something goes wrong in the env-macro{excludecomment}, but -it has fuzzy logic anyway (imported code!)- we can not change it :-(] Version 1.238.5 - 2000-10-26 (GV) --------------- + ( make binary_install now silent (tar without -v). + ("") change make check_html. It no longer starts netscape, it writes its output to htmlcheck. Version 1.238.4 - 2000-10-23 (JBa) --------------- + (doc/index.html) Fixed broken links + (, bin/chkdist, bin/mkpkgidx, bin/overview) reference to gzip-ed PostScript files + (doc/lib/,, bin/Makefile, bin/mktophtml) Creation of toplevel README file. Version 1.238.3 - 2000-10-20 (GV) --------------- + make SLOPPY=yes Version 1.238.2 - 2000-10-20 (GV) --------------- + (bin/chkdist) stricter, as it wouod have accepted pipelined instead of pipeline. + ( add. Version 1.238.1 - 2000-10-19 (JBa) ------------- + ( handling of TEX-books TEXFORM=book|package[=default] + (doc/lib/book.tex) template for books Version 1.238 - 2000-10-16 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) modified the failure detection logic of the second test. Version 1.237 - 2000-10-16 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) modified the failure detection logic of the second test. + (checkReport) change
. Version 1.236 - 2000-10-16 (GV) ------------- + (checkReport buildReport) incorporate SAS_DIR/info.html if it exists. + (Make.include) make target OPTIMIZE=yes allowed (experimental) + (Make.include) add -ggdb to C++ code when DEBUG=yes Version 1.235 - 2000-10-13 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) add the possibility to run a test a second time. This requires that the file $SAS_DIR/second.test be present. It hould contain some environment settings that are sourced before make test is run a scond time. + (checkReport) adapted for the above. + (chechReport buildReport) if RELEASE is present include it in the html report. Version 1.234.1 - 2000-10-13 (GV) -------------- + (configure) better check that GNU make is available SOC-SPR-1767. Version 1.234 - 2000-10-11 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) now make bin does a make clobber first, or the make depend fails. Better solution requires understanding how to move some of the targets in CLEANFILES to CLOBBERFILES. Version 1.233 - 2000-10-09 (GV) ------------- + (configure) check that GNU make is being used. + (sas.environment) tracks a few more variables to help debugging (TEXINPUTS, BIBINPUTS, COMPILER_PATH). Version 1.232 - 2000-10-03 (GV) ------------- + (bin/Makefile) export chkprm. Version 1.231 - 2000-10-03 (GV) ------------- + ( pass LD='ld -shared' to all make commands, to solve sudden problem on DEC. Version 1.230 - 2000-09-29 (JBa) ------------- + (depchk) re-implemented + ( simplied accordingly Version 1.229 - 2000-09-27 (UL) ------------- + added to more entries and several URLs to doc/lib/sas.bib Version 1.228 - 2000-09-22 (UL) ------------- + added URL of CAL HB in sas.bib Version 1.227 - 2000-09-21 (JBa) ------------- + (doc/lib/sas.bib) Better usage of URLs + (doc/lib/sasglobal.tex) Introduction of \sascite{Title}{CiteLabel} Version 1.226 - 2000-09-20 (JBa) ------------- + (doc/lib/html.sty) removed, as it is an old copy of LATEX2HTMLDIR/texinputs/html.sty (LaTeX2HTML Version 96.1) Version 1.225 - 2000-09-13 (GV) ------------- + ( require ftools >= 5.0. Version 1.224 - 2000-09-08 (JBa) ------------- + ( implemented version in shared libraries: make USE_SO_VERSION=yes Version 1.223 - 2000-09-05 (GV) ------------- + ( detect LHEASOFT (for ftools 5.0). + ( report LHEASOFT. Version 1.222 - 2000-08-14 (GV) ------------- + (bin/chkprm) added, but not yet activated. + (bin/chkdist) add demo to group list. Version 1.221 - 2000-08-14 (GV) ------------- + (bin/chkdist) add custom function to parse parameter records, as the built in quotewords sometimes fails. Version 1.220 - 2000-08-11 (GV) ------------- + ( expects to find fftw in single and double precision. + ( EXTERNALS = fftw removed. Added EXTERNALS = sfftw and EXTERNALS = dfftw. Version 1.219 - 2000-08-10 (GV) ------------- + (bin/chkdist) quiet about missing lyt files. Version 1.218 - 2000-08-10 (GV) ------------- + (bin/chkdist) DISTRIBUTION check is not case sensitive. Version 1.217 - 2000-08-09 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) add target upload (dist + uploadsas) + (bin/chkdist) validate task info files: - check for valid GROUPS - info file mandatory + (" ") validate layout files: - run parselayout (from package lauyout) on each of them to check that they are valid. + (" ") validate parameter files: - check that 6 ',' are present in the file - check for uppercase, -, _ characters in parameter names + ( ) DEPEND with M.n.p is now error. Version 1.216.8 - 2000-07-07 (GV) --------------- + html documentation brought up to date. + references to SAS developers web pages removed and replaces with the official URLs. + links to package devel also removed. + (doc/README/index.html) removed as not used. + (doc/README/ProblemReports.html) removed as irrelevant for the public. Version 1.216.7 - 2000-07-06 (JBa) --------------- + (bin/mkpkgidx) * bugfix: Index of ... pages were empty Version 1.216.6 - 2000-07-05 (JBa) --------------- + (bin/mkpkgidx) * Separated package documentation, such that packages are sorted by groups * Added Summary for each package ;-0 Version 1.216.5 - 2000-07-05 (JBa) --------------- + (,(bin/mkpkgidx) Added ChangeLog to package doc. Version 1.216.4 - 2000-07-04 (JBa) --------------- + SOC-SPR 1481:: (bin/fixdoc) cleaned-up and fixed ( included RELEASETYPE as created by configure ( included --enable-user (configure) created by autoconf + Removed obsolete packages:: (doc/lib/sastools.sty), (doc/lib/sasuser.perl), (doc/lib/sasuser.sty), (doc/lib/version.sty) + Implemented mechanism to create user documentation:: (doc/lib/package.tex) cleaned (doc/lib/sasglobal.tex) cleaned:removed developers environment (doc/lib/sasuser.tex) added:ignores developers environment (doc/lib/sasglobal.tex) added:adds developers environment Version 1.216.3 - 2000-06-30 (GV) --------------- + (sas.bib) update @TechReport{ct:SSCPROICD} Version 1.216.2 - 2000-06-27 (Marco Beijersbergen, GV) --------------- + ( on Linux, set -e for echo (SOC-SPR-1396). + ( replace .so by .a for Linux (SOC-SPR-1322) + (sas.bib) updated (ODF and CCF ICD). Version 1.216.1 - 2000-06-20 (JBa) ------------- + (doc/lib/sasglobal.tex):fixed SPR 1384 + (doc/lib/sasref.perl):SAS_PATH is searched too for files. Version 1.216 - 2000-05-29 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) EXTERNALS fftw now brings in both libfftw and librfftw. Version 1.215 - 2000-05-23 (GV) ------------- + ( when checking for libfftw, add dummy=action to prevent the setting of the global LIBS. + (install.html) small updates to the list the software requirements. Version 1.214 - 2000-05-22 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) defile -DUSE_POPUP what shared libraries are activated. Version 1.213 - 2000-05-18 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) add option EXTERNALS = fftw + (configure) check for libraries and include files required to make the above work + (evaluateReport) remove usage of start_yable as some sub version of perl 5.005 do not have it. Version 1.212 - 2000-05-17 (JBa) ------------- + Packages listed in the glossary are now sorted Version 1.211 - 2000-05-12 (JBa) ------------- + added '-t' option to (bin/mkpkgidx) and (, so it will not generate html section pages in local directory. + added improved (doc/lib/alltt.perl) Version 1.210 - 2000-05-05 (JBa) ------------- + ( creation of 'packages.html' is no longer done on stdout + (bin/mkpkgidx) glossary page is split up + (doc/lib/sasglobal.tex) added several macros + indexing Version 1.209 - 2000-05-05 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) fix screw up generated in 1.208. Version 1.208 - 2000-05-04 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) make dist now deletes *.tmp_. Version 1.207 - 2000-05-03 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) add metatask twice to USEDLIBS to try and help the static build. Version 1.206 - 2000-05-03 (GV) ------------- + (sasglobal.tex) add latex command \evatt{}. Version 1.205 - 2000-04-20 (GV) ------------- + sas.bib updated. + ( add $(RM) *.tmp_ to check, so that distchk does not fail if a previous check was killed (and left *.tmp_ around). Version 1.204 - 2000-04-14 (JBa) ------------- + ( added variable "TASKHEADIMPS", an implementation of the class derived from Info::Task. It is now part of dependency rules of task libraries and executable + (bin/Makefile) added script "sastaskhimp". + (bin/sastaskhimp,bin/sastaskhdr) creation of both Task header and its implementation. Version 1.203 - 2000-04-12 (GV) ------------- + (bin/evaluateReport) change a few print statement to make some versions of perl happy (problem reported by Jean Ballet with perl 5.005_02: > evaluateReport evaluatebuild.txt > evaluatebuild.html > No comma allowed after filehandle at /pps/sas4/latest/bin/evaluateReport line 22. + (test) add simple test harness that checks that the perl scripts are syntactically correct. Version 1.202 - 2000-04-11 ------------- + changed acccess mode of evaluateReport (MB) Version 1.201 - 2000-04-11 (GV) ------------- + Cannot type any longer!!! Aaaargh! Version 1.200 - 2000-04-10 (GV) ------------- + (bin/Makefile) had the wrong name for the script evaluateReport. Version 1.199 - 2000-04-07 (JBa) ------------- + (bin/sastaskhdr) fixed the call to task() by f90 (and perl) metatasks. Version 1.198 - 2000-04-07 (GV) ------------- + ( generates check/build.txt before the make complete. The complete stage from the top level Makefile now expects to see these files. Version 1.197 - 2000-04-06 (GV/JBa) ------------- + (fixdoc and sastaskhdr) now accept $(PACKAGE) + ( now define $(PACKAGE). + ( defining USE_DAL etc would fail if the library sought was present twice. Fixed with $(sort), that removes duplicates. + ( CLEANFILES += *.g90 + sas.bib synched with xmmdoc.bib. + add copycmmdoc script to do that upon make data. + ( undo fix in (1.196), add a check of the index file at the package level (%_html rule). + make doc now runs latex/bibtex/latex/latex SPR-1108. + ( complete also runs evaluate_build, that generates a report on whihc tasks fail through DEPEND. Version 1.196 - 2000-04-03 (GV, JBa) ------------- + ( ignore errors from mkpkgidx. + ( TASKS now aways include metatask + (sastaskhdr) creates a TASK header file Version 1.195 - 2000-03-31 (JBa) ------------- + fixed creation of "task/", needed by "bin/mkpkgidx" Version 1.194 - 2000-03-29 (GV) ------------- + ( take only first field of latex2html -v + ( add LATEX2HTML Version 1.193 - 2000-03-28 (GV) ------------- + (bin/chkdist) add checks for missing info files. Version 1.192 - 2000-03-28 (GV) ------------- + ( add -g90 to debug flags. This makes gdb happy on Fortran (9x/77) code. Version 1.191 - 2000-03-27 (GV) ------------- + ( temporary files created through a tee were, at times, being deleted (via make clobber). Fixed. These files now end with .tmp_. They must be explicitly removed in the rules that create them. +(bin/chkdist) extempt .tmp_ files from the check for a trailing new line. These files are used by the make files with a tee, and they are not guaranteed to have a trailing new line. These files are explicitly removed. Version 1.190 - 2000-03-24 (JBa) ------------- + ( bugfix in command. + (doc/index.html) bugfix in package reference. Version 1.189 - 2000-03-24 (JBa) ------------- + (Make.include) modified fixdoc call. + ( changed behaviour of packages_html rule. + (doc/lib/icons) replaced ugly navigation icons by some pretty ones + (bin/fixdoc) propagates version/release and task name to TEX file + (doc/lib) [latex2html.init,package.tex,sasdoc.cls,sasuser.sty, sasuser.perl,sasglobal.tex,sasref.sty,sasref.perl,] (bin/) [mkpkgidx] * extracted page-layout and navigation and put into a reusable package called SAS; * pretty layout of documentation (created by both LaTeX and perl); * every HTML page bares the name/version of the current package; * added local indexing mechanism into the package documentation * added external indexing mechanism of common stuff like (Errors,Warnings,Packages,Parameters,...); * added external section referencing; * added mechanism to remove parts from the HTML documentation. Version 1.188 - 2000-03-24 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) profiler support for Solaris (PROFILE=yes) Version 1.187 - 2000-03-23 (GV) ------------- + (sas.bib): updated Version 1.186 - 2000-03-14 (GV) ------------- + undo: + ( stop checking for M77 and F77. Version 1.185 - 2000-03-13 (GV) ------------- + ( make symlinks from to doc. + (bin/overview) put these new symlinks in packages.html. + ( now propagates package VERSION to documentation + (bin/fixdoc) script that implements the above + ( check for pgplot's pgclos/pgopen + ( check for latex2html (warning) + ( include libraries twice in the link line to catch the most common cause of failure in static builds (wrong library order). + ( stop checking for M77 and F77. + (buildReport) color support for failures. + (checkReport) color support for failures, also alphabetical ordering. Version 1.184 - 2000-02-08 (GV) ------------- + ( add dal to USEDLIBS of all packages that use the oal. Version 1.183 - 2000-02-03 (GV) ------------- + (sas-setup.csh) SPR 1183: logic for FTOOLS was wrong + (sas-setup) SAS_IMAGEVIEWER overwritten only if not defined. Version 1.182 - 2000-02-16 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) all packages that make use of the cal now also get selector. Version 1.181 - 2000-02-07 (GV) ------------- + (sas.bib) resync with xmmdoc.bib after updates. Version 1.180 - 2000-01-17 (GV) ------------- + (sas.bib) resync with xmmdoc.bib after updates. Version 1.179 - 1999-12-23 (GV) ------------- + ( issue warning if GNU patch is not found. + ( fix typo that unset LIBRARY_PATH. Version 1.178 - 1999-12-21 (GV) ------------- + add GNU patch to the list of required packages. + (sas-setup.[c]sh) test if environment variables are set before modifying them. + (install.html) remove references to obsolete environment variables. Version 1.177 - 1999-12-16 (GV) ------------- + ( add further library behind the scenes: if param is used, the caloalutils is also needed. Version 1.176 - 1999-12-14 (UL) ------------- + added SIAM ICD to sas.bib (ct:SIAMICD) Version 1.175 - 1999-12-07 (GV) ------------- + (aclocal.m4) fix typo in F90 macros. Version 1.174 - 1999-12-02 (GV) ------------- + (bin/chkdist) fix typo in regexp in validateDepend. Version 1.173 - 1999-12-01 (GV) ------------- + ( add support for INTERNALS + (bin/chkdist) DISTRIBUTION mandatory (error) + ( " " ) DISTRIBUTION content cheked (warning) + ( " " ) trailing new line mandatory (error) + ( " " ) warns of missing lay-out files + ( " " ) DEPEND cannot contain 1.2.3 version numbers (warning) Version 1.172 - 1999-11-18 (GV) ------------- + (doc/index.html) fix a couple of broken html links. Version 1.171 - 1999-11-08 (GV) ------------- + ( check for gracebat + ( report the result of the check above. + (sas-setup.[c]sh) make sure both LIBRARY_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH contain $SAS_DIR/lib (fix a problem on Linux). Version 1.170 - 1999-11-03 (GV) ------------- + fix small problem in shared lib generation when the library being created is also in the USEDLIBS line. Version 1.169 - 1999-11-03 (GV) ------------- + ( add --enable-verbose to make gcc chatty. + ( support for the above. + ( remove extra ;; + ( add USEDLIBS to LDLIBS, so that shared libraries that rely on other libraries do not copy symbols. Version 1.168 - 1999-10-29 (GV) ------------- + ( add a few more warning messages. Version 1.167 - 1999-10-28 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) re-introduce the hack below, as the fix caused more problems than it cured. + ( SAOTNG becomes SAODISPLAY. + ( check for xmgrace instead of xmgr. Issue warning if not found. + ( check for correct version of xpa tools. + ( remove redundant AC_SUBST. + ( only use AC_CHECK_PROG instead of AC_PATH_PROG. + ( issue warning if SAODISPLAY is not ds9. + (sas-seup.[c] SAOTNG becomes SAODISPLAY. Version 1.166 - 1999-10-27 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) remove USEDLIBS hack, as cal and oal are now combilibs. Version 1.165 - 1999-10-26 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) remove calpnalgo from the list of libraries added to the link line when the cal is used. calpnalgo is now absorbed in the cal. Version 1.164 - 1999-10-25 (GV) ------------- + ( add options --enable-debug --enable-trace --disable-shared + ( add support for the above (variable substitutions) Version 1.163 - 1999-09-28 (GV) ------------- + reintroduce RAEDME.html that has been eaten by cvs. Version 1.162 - 1999-09-27 (GV) ------------- + ( overview generates packages.html + ( creates directory libextra + (sas-setup) add SAS_DIR/libextra to LD_LIBRARY_PATH + (index.html) moved to doc. + (README.html) this is now the pre-build documentation entry point, with most of the files paths hard coded. This is replaced with a sym-link to doc/index.html after the build. + ( define target complete (runs after make check) + ( detects Qt version and writes it in sas.environment. Version 1.161 - 1999-09-24 (MB GV) ------------- + add instructions for binary install. + modify sas-setup to allow for extra library directory containing required to run the binary SAS. + (Make.include) detects RELEASE and propagates it to taskmain + rename a number of html files + fix documentation entry point (was README.html it is index.html) Also, it is now the real entry point istead of just being a link into doc subdirectory. + modify install + configure detects endiannes of machine + configure sets SOLARIS/LINUX/DECOSF + configure tests for xmgr header file + overview writes a different title + added SAOtng to the installation instructions. Version 1.160 - 1999-09-10 (MB) ------------- + whichpart script now allows for symbolic links in directories Fixes SPR103. Version 1.159 - 1999-09-08 (GV) ------------- + update sas.bib (SPR 801) + (Make.include) *DEPEND targets make use of both OBJS and QOBJS. They were using both but would fail if _OBJS was missing. Version 1.158 - 1999-09-07 (GV) ------------- + tweaks to latex2html.init to make documentation movable. Version 1.157 - 1999-09-06 (GV) ------------- + add LaTeX command \remark. Version 1.156 - 1999-09-06 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) fix problem with VERSION. + (latex2html.init) all paths are relative to make sure doc can be moved. Version 1.155 - 1999-09-04 (GV) ------------- + add version.sty and userdoc.cls: remove developer's sections from the LaTeX file. + add option [useronly] to sasdoc.cls. + update macros for error/warning (SPR 677) + (Make.include) new target DOCDIRS: HTML trees that are symlinked under doc/ + (Make.include) removes all of the cat VERSION but the first one. + various fixes to documentation lay out (use DOCDIRS) + ( overview writes to doc/index.html Version 1.154 - 1999-09-01 (GV) ------------- + changed perl logic slightly: only warnings. + use tr in a more portable manner (SPR 763) + added script bin/stripnonuserenv for removing non-user relevant environments from package documentations (LaTeX sources) + added option 'useronly' to sasdoc class (doc/lib/sasdoc.cls) + edited install.html. Version 1.153 - 1999-08-31 (MB) ------------- + fixed error in update ($$n) Version 1.152 - 1999-08-31 (MB) ------------- + fixed problem in update Version 1.151 - 1999-08-31 (MB) ------------- + added target 'data' which runs the DATASCRIPTS + added target 'update' for incremental builds Version 1.150 - 1999-08-30 (GV) ------------- + (Make.include) versioned shared libraries, with correct DT_SONAME + ( " ) experimental support for combilibs + (configure) make use of --prefix (also in Make.include) + experimental support for binary release (make binary_install in $SAS_DIR) + (sas-setup.*) export SAS_IMAGEVIEWER Version 1.149 - 1999-08-26 (UL) ------------- + added \RequirePackage{float} to doc/lib/sasdoc.cls (gives better control over placements of floating figures and tables) Version 1.148 - 1999-08-23 (GV) ------------- + (chkdist) add warning about missing DISTRIBUTION + ( " ) warn that trailing new line will be an error + switch off versioned libraries as some package have ad hoc rules that must be brought under control first. Version 1.147 - 1999-08-23 (GV) ------------- + configure tests Qt compile,link,run time behavior. + changes to the version number of shared libraries. Also put a sym link from lib/ to lib/ for the linker. Version 1.146 - 1999-08-21 (GV) ------------- + fix typo in that was preventing the .par files from being created in config. Version 1.145 - 1999-08-20 (GV) ------------- + update istall.html + chkdist does not issue warning for length 0 files. Version 1.144 - 1999-08-20 (GV) ------------- + close 734 732 726 705 663 403 441 372 101 + CONFIGFILES: ignore .prm files (they were never used), don't make symlinks for them. + configure: remove most --enable-ARG switches, use standard macros to search for libraries and headers. + configure: check for lg2c lf2c lredhat6fix only on Linux + shared libraries have version numbers (only when building from the top directory of a package). + more diagnostic info to sas.environment (version of the compilers, cfitsio, perl). + create perl.version with output of perl -V. + catch bug in perl version test. + check that there is no other perl executable in the path ahead of /usr/local/bin/perl. + mkpkglist warns instead of exiting if a DEPEND file is not found. The corresponding package is ignored. Version 1.143 - 1999-08-06 (GV) ------------- + The fix for SPR 638 below was too severe (all par files removed with make clobber). Fixed that. Version 1.142 - 1999-08-04 (GV) ------------- + add flags required to create shared libraries on OSF (experimental) + close SPR 638 (added $(CONFIGDIR)/*.par to CLOBBERFILES + target_os written to sas.environment + executes make info Version 1.141 - 1999-07-23 (GV) ------------- + cal now also needs slatec, hence added to Make.include. Version 1.140 - 1999-07-21 (GV) ------------- + Make.include: fix ransparent adding of libraries required by the cal and the oal so that the order of the libraries is not altered. This required a change in UL's hack (1.137), and using $+ instead of $^ in the rule to make binaries. Close SPR 714. Version 1.139 - 1999-07-12 (JBr) ------------- - INTERFACES now works with multiple directories in SAS_PATH. Version 1.138 - 1999-06-28 (UL) ------------- - added two ASC docs to doc/lib/sas.bib (these were already in sas-1.23 - where had they gone ... ?) Version 1.137 - 1999-06-23 (UL) ------------- - hack in dependeny checks related to Cal/Oal modified; tasks which use Cal and/or Oal do not need to specify libraries Cal/Oal depend on (caloalutils/calpnalgo) in USEDLIBS; this might be replaced which a more general mechanism in the future Version 1.136 - 1999-06-15 (GV) ------------- + configure updated to check for CFITSIO v2.0 + do not check for libieee on Linux + add check for longnam.h (cfitsio) + add check for libredhat6fix.a (NAG f95 patch) Version 1.135 - 1999-05-27 (JB) ------------- + INTERFACES for ".f90" files now infer ".mod" automatically Version 1.134 - 1999-05-26 (JB) ------------- + added support for INTERFACES statement in Makefiles + 'findincludes' gives warning, instead of error, if module not found (required in order to implement INTERFACES mechanism) + added the - before bibtex back in, because it will otherwise break on a document without citations. Version 1.133 - 1999-05-26 ------------- + also remove - from bibtex, so that make pays attention to the error. Version 1.132 - 1999-05-26 ------------- + fix bibtex command so that ir does not hang Version 1.131 - 1999-05-22 ------------- Version 1.130 - 1999-05-21 (GV) ------------- + doc targets would hang with more than one latex error (SPR 662) + mkdir lib/perl5 + Make.include.perl: simplifies. Everything is installed under lib/perl5 + sas-setup.*: PERL5LIB settings reflect change above Version 1.129 - 1999-05-20 (GV) ------------- + sas-set.csh had the wrong syntax. Version 1.128 - 1999-05-19 (GV) ------------- + fixed logic in various paths in sas-setup.* (SPR 650) Version 1.127 - 1999-05-19 (JB) ------------- + Fixed chkdist to work with Digital Unix Version 1.126 - 1999-05-17 (GV) ------------- + latex doc commands store their output to a temporay file that is cat-ed if errors are detected. This is needed because latex writes only to stdout. Version 1.125 - 1999-05-07 (GV) ------------- + bibtex command must be run with -, so make will ignore its error status (which is 2 when non citation commands are found). Version 1.124 - 1999-05-07 (GV) ------------- + Fix logic error in the setting of QT_LIBS: it was putting the wrong directory in the -L. + redirect stdout of latex2html and latext to /dev/null. Version 1.123 - 1999-05-06 (MB) ------------- + removed make doc targets in toplevel Makefile, since they were broken. Version 1.122 1999-05-03 (GV) ------------- + Make.include.perl now makes use of perl executable determined by configure. + added bin/checkmakefile Version 1.121 1999-04-29 (MB) ------------- + added user and hostname to reports. + ensure that complete is done after build. Version 1.120 1999-04-29 (MB) ------------- + fixed automatic build of documentation + moved the script overview to the bin directory Version 1.119 1999-04-28 ------------- + made checking of usage of infrastructure components more robust (USEDLIBS = tabcalc lead to -DUSE_CAL) (UL) Version 1.118 1999-04-28 ------------- + added system info to checkReport and buildReport, fixed missing in buildReport (MB) + updated sas.bib with SAS TN about parameter names and event attributes. (GV) Version 1.116 1999-04-27 (MB) ------------- + reintroduced rule to produce package overview Version 1.115 1999-04-15 (GV) ------------- + had acidentally removed X11 flag substitution in configure. Version 1.114 1999-04-14 (GV) ------------- + add flags for creation of shared libraries on Sparc ( and + use ExtUtils:;Embed module to determine Perl's flags. + remove /usr/local/lib from list of libraries returned by Perl (this was a problem at Saclay SPR 615). + add some code to configure to find X11 stuff when the standard autoconf macro fails. Still do nothing with the output. + chkdist checks that files end with trailing new line. Only a warning, to be promoted to error in a later version. Version 1.113 1999-04-13 (GV) ------------- + more changes to configure to support the linux build Version 1.112 1999-04-09 (GV) ------------- + more linux fixes: acrobatic maneuvers around g77 Version 1.111 1999-04-09 (GV) ------------- + small fix to configure for Linux + updated sas.bib from xmmdoc.bib Version 1.110 1999-04-08 (MB) ------------- + allow for third number in version (patch number) + define -DUSE_QT if qt is in the EXTERNALS Version 1.109 1999-04-08 (GV) ------------- + fix typo in (wrong includes for Qt) (GV) + remove Make.depends with make clobber (MB) Version 1.108 1999-04-06 (MB) ------------- + do not remove Make.depends with make clean, so that make -k test can be done. Version 1.107 1999-04-02 (GV) ------------- + fix search for libf9(0|5) to cover cases when there is a shared version of those libraries. Version 1.106 1999-03-30 (GV) ------------- + fix typo in Version 1.105 1999-03-29 (GV) ------------- + fixes to perl path in sas-setup.* + changes to to support perl tasks. Version 1.104 1999-03-29 (GV) ------------- + fix to find f2c on Linux + fix to find the PGPLOT library (it needs X11 and the X11 libraries were not being used in the test). Version 1.103 ------------- - (SPR 608) update link line for EXTERNALS = ftools (version 4.2) (GV) - updated latex2html-init file (MB) Version 1.102 1999-03-24 (GV) ------------- - changed the handling of the EXTERNALS = pgplot in Make.include. The use is now expected to have the pgplot lib and include directories in his environment variables. The Make.include hardcode -lpgplot in the link line. Version 1.101 1999-03-22 (MB) ------------- - changed perl path to /usr/local/bin in f90depend script. Version 1.100 1999-03-12 (MB) ------------- - updated the installation instructions Version 1.99 1999-03-11 (MB) ------------ - reintroduced -W Version 1.98 1999-03-10 (MB) ------------ - removed temporarily -W until packages are made to work with TRACE=no Version 1.97 1999-03-10 (GV) ------------ - EXTERNALS pgplot also uses X11 (had gone missing) Version 1.96 1999-03-08 (MB) ------------ - default TRACE is off. Version 1.95 1999-03-08 (MB) ------------ - build libraries without VPATH= so that packages can be replaced (fixes SPR246) - added TRACE switch, default on. Version 1.94 1999-03-05 (MB) ------------ - fixed libtominl (wrong when library name contains 'lib', e.g. saslib) Version 1.93 1999-03-05 (MB) ------------ - modified the make procedure so that no absolute path to the shared libraries is put into the executables. Version 1.92 1999-03-04 (MB) ------------ - Make.depends is now created such that the dependency on the libraries is generated dynamically; this ensures that we link against the shared lib and that an executable is regenerated when the lib is updated. - fix make prepare for testodf ( depends on make_dirs) Version 1.91 1999-03-02 (MB) ------------ - cleaned up make_dirs - added to make info - updatedepend added to SCRIPTS Version 1.90 1999-02-25 (MB) ------------ - fixed the lib.a and problem Version 1.89 1999-02-22 (GV) ------------ - EXTERNALS pgplot also uses X11 - modified configure to look for socket and nsl libraries (needed by cfitsio 2.0) Version 1.88 1999-02-22 (MB) ------------ - Changed the order of the values in TARGETS so that task libraries are built before the tasks themselves. Version 1.87 1999-02-19 (MB) ------------ - added target libs, to be used with make VPATH= Version 1.86 1999-02-17 (MB) ------------ - The test harness fix was not correct. The problem was that FAILED appeard on the next line after the Testing label. Now only looks for FAILED. Version 1.85 1999-02-17 (MB) ------------ - fix test harness; sometimes a failure went unnoticed (oaltest segfault) Version 1.84 1999-02-16 ------------ + changes order of libraries when EXTERNALS are used (GV) Version 1.83 ------------ - re-added support for Q object files.(MB) Version 1.82 ------------ - support for f77 (MB) Version 1.81 ------------ - re-added link to task directory in $TOP_DIR/include (MB) Version 1.80 ------------ - libraries and executables are now built from all the files that they depend upon. This allows to add wrappers for task subroutines so that they can be accessed from all languages. This also simplifies the Make.include, which is never a bad thing. (MB) Version 1.79 ------------ - no link was generated to the task libraries (MB) Version 1.78 ------------ + temporary fix for new perl install directories. Need a better one. Version 1.77 ------------ - Put -DUSE_OAL and -DUSE_CAL in CPPFLAGS, so they appear only once (MB) - Better task libraries with a common interface. (MB) Version 1.76 (MB) ------------ - removed passing on SHARED and DEBUG; this is done already automatically and it did not work. - added a '-' to the ccarg for shared libraries. Version 1.75 (GV) ------------ - by default the build is without -g. Use: make DEBUG=yes will compile with debugging information. - new EXTERNALS: xmgr and qt - configure is considerably more quiet about what it does not find. It shouts only if something is missing that would prevent the core sas from building correctly. Version 1.74 ------------ - define variables $(USE_CAL)/$(USE_OAL) which are either empty or set to "-DUSE_CAL"/"-DUSE_OAL" depending on whether the task uses Cal/Oal ($(USEDLIBS) is inspected for that) - needed for conditional comilation of CAL/OAL specific code in (UL) Version 1.73 ------------ - configure checks for qwidget.h now (closes SPR 535) Version 1.72 ------------ - configure checks for a few more executables (saotng etc). Version 1.71 ------------ - Fixed missing ) (MB) Version 1.70 ------------ - configure checks FTOOLS version number - X11 libraries are not used by default. Use EXTERNALS = X11 in make file. - PGPLOT libraries not used by default. USe EXTERNALS = pgplot in make file. - record more of the environment in sas.environment. Version 1.69 ------------ - supports latex2html-98.1p1 by calling texcombine first. Version 1.68 ------------ - now also installs texcombine Version 1.67 ------------ - added texcombine script as workaround for a latex2html-98.1b1 problem (MB) Version 1.66 ------------ - preferred Fortran compiler is now f95 - added OGIP/92-002 (Defn of rmf and arf formats) to sas.bib (HS) - added J Ballet's pile-up paper to sas.bib (HS) Version 1.65 ------------ - make check and make will also do make clean. (MB) - make clobber removes links. (MB) Version 1.64 ------------ - updated installation instructions. (MB) - saslocate now also works for files. (MB) - added constructManifest, which will check whether the result of make check was sufficient and produces a manifest file of the packages that succeeded. (MB) Version 1.63 (GV) ------------ - there was another error in the logic supporting Perl tasks. Version 1.62 (GV) ------------ - record that -u is now added to the Fortran flags. Version 1.61 (GV) ------------ - fix variable typo. Version 1.60 (GV) ------------ - remake configure. This should be a special rule in the make file? Version 1.59 (GV) ------------ - modify rules for Perl targets so that Make.include changes do not affect taskmain - configure warns about SAOTNG, xmgr, and scisim not being found. Version 1.58 (GV) ------------ - add COMBILIBS to LINKS - fix typo in yacc rules Version 1.57 ------------ - add support for lex/yacc. Version 1.56 ------------ - fix Perl-related rules that were sending make into a loop. (GV) Version 1.55 ------------ - Added script saslocate. (MB) - checkReport now requires the input file as argument. (MB) - change target names for EXTERNAL and PERL to make consistent with others. (GV) Version 1.54 ------------ - fix f90depend that could not cope with -ccarg flags - Make.include now tests for SHARED=yes, not just defined. Version 1.53 ------------ - add Make.include.perl here, instead of replicating it everywhere. Version 1.52 ------------ - Fixed SPR-22: f90depend should produce dependencies to .mod, not .o (JB) - Fixed reporting Build succeeded and failed at the same time (MB) Version 1.51 ------------ - solved 'make check fails on missing check.txt' (MB) Version 1.50 ------------ - added -u (enforce implicit none) to F90 flags. (MB) - added support for PERL, EMBED_PERL changed into EXTERNAL = perl Version 1.49 ------------ - added FMODS variable for f90 modules that are not part of a library or executable (e.g. interface definitions) (MB) Version 1.48 (MB) ------------ - fixed Version 1.47 (MB) ------------ - fixed wrong quote. Version 1.46 (GV) ------------ - introduce support for shared libraries. Compile with make SHARED=yes sas-setup modified to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH. (GV) - f95 is the preferred compiler now. Use configure --enable-nagware to go back to f90. (GV) - now deletes .tex (fixes SPR422). (MB) - make check produces check.txt and check.html; make or make all produces build.txt and build.html. (MB) Version 1.45 (MB) ------------ - make is now a package-by-package build from scratch, which produces the build HTML table in integration.html and exits with status != 0 in case of an error. make check is no longer required; just use make. To compile the binaries only, do make bin. - No longer does make doc twice, since there are hardly any external references - Made available checkReport. Version 1.44 (MB) ------------ - Fixed .ref confusion. - Added loggin of time to make check. Version 1.43 (MB) ------------ - Simplified and improved make all and make check. Version 1.42 (MB) ------------ - keep the -g flag for the moment, since gcc on Solaris cannot compile the SAS without -g. Version 1.41 (GV) ------------ + to help with the integration of Perl modules, the configure script identifies the name Perl gives to the architecture. This is used to modify the PERLLIB variables in sas-set. Version 1.40 (GV) ------------ - PATH is recoded in sas.environment. Version 1.39 (MB) ------------ - lib/perl is no longer made by, since both lib and lib/perl in MKDIRS gives a race condition with a parallel make. Version 1.38 (GV) ------------ - sas-setup now defines POW_LIBRARY. This closes SPR 467. Version 1.37 (GV) ------------ - SPRs (mostly already closed): + 101 : Documentation of external packages not integrated + 228 : make depend crashes (rejected) + 99 : Trailing space in MKDIRS gives error (rejected) - configure: + tentative support for f95. Not tested. + environment found by configure recorded in sas.environment + Perl incs/libs not in default INCS/LIBS (reduce external dependencies of core) + do not check for pquery2 (FTOOLS) as this is no longer needed by the CAL + warn if QTDIR not set - Make.include: + tentative support for f95. Not tested. + strip executables, do not compile with debugging symbols by default. Use make DEBUG=yes instead. + use make EMBED_PERL=yes to use Perl libs/incs. Version 1.36 (GV) ------------ - forgot to run autoconf, so the previous release was the same as 1.34. Version 1.35 (GV) ------------ - and an extra -lm when compiling with nagace. This is an empirical solution. This should close SPR 453. Version 1.34 (GV) ------------ - fix >< problem in instal..html. Version 1.33 (GV) ------------ - updated the installation instructions. Version 1.32 (MB) ------------ - removed packages/cal/ccftools from PERL(5)LIB dir; instead, make sure a link exists in lib/perl Version 1.31 (MB) ------------ - fixed test target that broke in 1.30 Version 1.30 (MB) ------------ - added checkReport script. - checked make depend logic, so that it now works with parallel make Version 1.29 (MB) ------------ - do final linking with c++, not cc, since the main program is C++; also solves version conflicts between cc and c++. Version 1.28 (MB) ------------ - added empty test harness. Version 1.27 (GV) ------------ - replace grep -e in Make.include with a simple grep, as the -e is not supported by every grep. Version 1.26 (GV) ------------ - modify grep expressions in Make.include to make them more unambiguous. Version 1.25 (GV) ------------ - close SPR 411 - in make a few test on strings more robust/portable. Version 1.24 ------------ - added -DNAGf90Fortran to Make.include to make cfortran.h happy on Linux. Version 1.23 ------------ - added two entries to doc/lib/sas.bib (UL) Version 1.22 ------------ - fixed bug in sas.bib (missing comma) - added bibliography to package toplevel document (package.tex) - tasks are also turned into a library - create link from config directory to the .par as well Version 1.21 ------------ - removed check for Make.depends for targets all and check. Version 1.20 ------------ - added extra targets to the file existance checks at the end of Make.include. - added lib/perl to MKDIRS in Version 1.19 ------------ - removed the injection of comments into the '+-' sequence of make check. Version 1.18 ------------ - modified the make check target; it picked up 'pedal:' when looking for 'dal:' Version 1.17 ------------ - modifications to the PERLLIB variables: now they point to $SAS_DIR/lib/perl Version 1.16 ------------ - make test exits with error status != 0 if a test fails - changed name of verify into check - make all will try to build everything package by package Version 1.15 ------------ - added a target verify that produces a +/- list of successive stages in the build. Version 1.14 ------------ - sas-setup scripts correctly prepend SAS_PATH/bin to the path. Version 1.13 ------------ - LaTeX now no longer waits for input when an error occurs during make doc. Version 1.12 ------------ - now doc generates the toplevel LaTeX document; enforces compliant documentation. Version 1.11 ------------ - temporarily allows non-compliant documentation. Version 1.10 ------------ - make doc now generates the toplevel LaTeX document itself, so it is no longer needed in the packages. The uniform toplevel document ensures that the documents can also be integrated in another toplevel document, e.g. with all package documents as a chapter in a single document. - added a list of standard LaTeX packages to sasbook and the toplevel LaTeX template (package.tex). - added an installation instruction for latex2html to solve a conflict with verbatim.sty. Version 1.9 ----------- - update doc/README.html to make it look less out of date - close SPR 357: does not build PATH correctly Version 1.8 ----------- - added a couple of new macros and one new environment to doc/lib/sastools.sty (UL) - added two references to doc/lib/sas.bin (UL) Version 1.7 ----------- - fixed SPR 257: chkdist did not allow ".gz" files - fixed SPR 256: install script did not work with bash or /usr/ucb/ln - Added Horne (1986), PASP 98/609 to bib file Version 1.6 ----------- - fixed SPR 245 : Missing latex2html icons Version 1.5 ----------- - Changed overview script so that relative links are produced. Version 1.4 ----------- - Added a script sasbook and LaTeX style sasbook.cls that can be used to produce a SAS printed manual. - is changed such that the package overview is always produced when doing make doc. - improved overview script; it now scans SAS_PATH. Version 1.3 ----------- - Make.include now provides the version number to the tasks. - Make.include now supports C++ tasks. Version 1.2 - 28-05-98 ----------- - paramconv now handles quotes properly. - chkdist script now warns about ".prm" files, but doesn't warn about missing final newlines. Also quiet when there are no errors. - depchk and chkdist now have links in "bin". Version 1.1 - 25-05-98 ----------- - depchk now ignores blank lines in DEPEND files and does not use SAS_DIR environment variable. - paramconv now only removes the parameters that exactly match 'mode' or 'clobber', not parameters like 'amode1'. - added *.prm to CLOBBERFILES, closes SPR223. Version 1.0 - 14-05-98 ----------- Initial version for SAS v1 integration.