ChangeLog for dsplot ==================== Version 1.26.3 - 2009-04-08 (AI) ------------ + Debug line removed Version 1.26.2 - 2009-04-02 (AI) ------------ + Support to multixmmselect added Version 1.26.1 - 2009-08-31 (AI) ------------ + Modifications is several source files to make dsplot gcc 4.3 compliant Version 1.26 - 2008-09-29 (CG) ------------ + (config/dsplot.par)+(src/ Adding parameters tofile / file for directly dump of output contents Version 1.25.2 - 2007-07-03 (CG) -------------- + (src/ Ignoring NaN values for plotting. Subsequent work around for MacOSX (Panther) due to use of "isnan". (Same) SOC-SPR-2530 fixed Version 1.25.1 - 2007-07-02 (CG) -------------- + (src/ Ignoring NaN values for plotting. SOC-SPR-2530 fixed Version 1.25 - 2006-11-24 (AI) ------------ + (src/ New keywords added to the xmgrace output file. SOC-SPR-2536 fixed Version 1.24.1 - 2004-03-15 (AI) ------------ + Fixed error related to the VERSION number. Version 1.24 - 2004-03-15 (AI) ------------ + Documentation updated: parameters overhauled. Version 1.23 - 2003-10-30 (AI) ------------ + changed USEDLIBS in lib/grace/Makefile for static builds. Open SPRs/SCRs: *none* Version 1.22 - 2003-08-06 (UL) ------------ + launch Grace subprocess now always explicitely with -nosafe opttion to enable local file modification in batch mode (needed by 1-D region import from xmmselect); this closes SPR 2466: "xmmselect" should start Grace with the `-nosafe' option Version 1.21 - 2003-07-02 (UL) ------------ + fixed problem of SPR 2456: Test harnbess fails on Mac OS X [test harnesses run with Verbosity>0 cause diagnostic messages to get intermixed with Grace commands when dstoplot writes to stdout] Version 1.20 - 2003-06-16 (GV) ------------ + Misc. fixes to make gcc-3.3 happy: include and/or proper initialization of base classes. Version 1.19 - 2003-03-14 (UL) ------------ + added boolean parameter "withalltablesafter" + "subtitle" in view of supporting visualization of hkgtigen diagnostic mode output + documentation updated; parameter and layout files overhauled Version 1.18 - 2003-01-21 (UL) ------------ + several stdc++ compliance fixes enforced by gcc-3.2 Version 1.17 - 2003-01-17 (UL) ------------ + extended functionality to plot abscissa data ranges separately or overlaid onto normal plot (e.g. GTIs onto time-series plot); needed for implementing SCR 102 but also otherwise useful Version 1.16 - 2002-07-12 (UL) ------------ + now depends on package sas + strstream -> stringstream Version 1.15 - 2002-05-27 (UL) ------------ + made param-2.0 compliant Version 1.14.6 - 2002-03-13 (UL) -------------- + fixed couple of minor doc problems Version 1.14.5 - 2002-02-20 (UL) -------------- + small adjustmens to test harness to account for gracebat/grbatch differences Version 1.14.4 - 2002-03-15 (UL) -------------- + small fix to make optmized compilation succeed Version 1.14.3 - 2002-02-14 (UL) -------------- + meliorated robustness against invalid row-ranges in vector column specifiers + closed SPR 2271: Does not build statically Version 1.14.2 - 2002-02-07 (UL) -------------- + grbatch -> gracebat in several tests Version 1.14.1 - 2002-01-30 (UL) -------------- + closed SPR 1921: documentation for dstoplot not visible (combined task description for dsplot/dstoplot has been split into two separate ones) Version 1.14 - 2002-01-24 (UL) ------------ + implemented SCR 41: add support for error bars + minor mods to enhance standard conformance (std:: in .h etc.) Version 1.13 - 2000-12-21 (UL) ------------ + implemented SCR 20: Specification of boundaries (it still does not work due to an unresolved Grace problem) + new parameters 'xlog'/'ylog' to get logarithmic axes + trivial change to make optimizer happy Version 1.12.2 - 2000-11-16 (UL) -------------- + fixed SPR 1853: Cannot plot RGS net spectral files Version 1.12.1 - 2000-10-27 (UL) -------------- + modified GROUPS entry in task info file Version 1.12 - 2000-09-25 (UL) ------------ + fixed "make dist" error in parameter files Version 1.11 - 2000-07-21 (UL) ------------ + fixed bug introduced in 1.10 (causes seg-faults under certain circumstances) + reimplement pre-1.10-behavior: if table contains only one numerical column this is plotted as Y against index as X Version 1.10 - 2000-07-14 (UL) ------------ + closed SPR 950: Dsplot should support vector columns + added support for boolean columns Version 1.9.4 - 2000-07-10 (UL) ------------- + tested with grace-5.1.1 + fixed problem with occasional SIGPIPE exceptions in xmmselect (caused by user closing Grace window explicitely) Version 1.9.3 - 2000-06-30 (UL) ------------- + fixed SPR 1647: missing link to ds9 Version 1.9.2 - 2000-06-22 (UL) ------------- + fixed another small documentation problem Version 1.9.1 - 2000-06-20 (UL) ------------- + fixed SPR SPR 1547: DOC::broken links Version 1.9 - 2000-05-09 (UL) ----------- + added task info file + write value of x-axis offset to parameter Version 1.8 - 2000-04-25 (GV) ----------- + ({src,test}/Makefile) put dstoplot in USEDLIBS instead of putting dstoplot.o in the dsplot_OBJS. This change is dictated by the new taskmain objects. To be decided whether this is a bug or a feature. Version 1.7 - 2000-02-24 (UL) ----------- + changes enforced by dal-1.104 Version 1.6 - 2000-02-08 (UL) ----------- + Grace::toRegion() does now recognize all Grace region types (fixes xmmselect SPR 1086 : task crashes when trying to read in 1D reg.) Version 1.5 - 2000-01-07 (UL) ----------- + fixed SPR 1064: static build fails + fixed SPR 1030: xmgrace incompatible Version 1.4 - 1999-12-17 (UL) ----------- + brought in line with selectlib-4.23 (Region->GeoRegion) Version 1.3.1 - 1999-11-09 (UL) ------------- + fixed SPR 936: grbatch does not exist any longer ? Version 1.3 - 1999-11-03 (UL) ----------- + fixed SPR 841 : test harness fails on linux (was due to faulty test harness `pipedstoplot' which called dstoplot with non-existing argument `set=test.dat' and relied on piped-command chain to fail of any of the commands within in the pipe failed) Version 1.2 - 1999-10-29 (UL) ----------- + updated documentation (in line with 1.0 changes - see below) Version 1.1 - 1999-10-26 (UL) ----------- + generate coordinate grid lines in scatter plots by default Version 1.0 - 1999-10-25 (UL) ----------- + first official version after task approval + fixed SPR 641 : dsplot does not handle vector columns (now a warning is printed and task bails out on vector columns) + added support for scatter plots + added "withoffsetx" parameter (for rate curves with large time tags) + various upgrades to Grace class Version 0.19 - 1999-10-24 (UL) ------------ + write data points as doubles (this _really_ fixes SPR 760 (see below)) Version 0.18 - 1999-10-11 (UL) ------------ + brought in line with dal-1.74 + fixed SPR 760 : insufficient precsision in dstoplot output Version 0.17 1999-09-24 (MB) ------------ + added layout file Version 0.16 1999-08-31 (UL) ------------ + lib/grace/ commented out check for existence of parameter file containing made region definitions; this is a temporary workaround for an apparent synchronisation problem in the grace library. Version 0.15 1999-08-31 (HS) ------------ + modified dsplot/dstoplot such that if no table is specified by the parameter --table (which is in set:table notation) the first table in set is used. Version 0.14 1999-08-26 (MB) ------------ + proper metatask + fixed index problem + updated to more modern parameter interface Version 0.13 1999-08-20 (MB) ------------ + fixed problems with x axis + added test harness for running twice + no longer assigns to cout Version 0.12 1999-05-13 (GV) ----------- + bring in line with new error Version 0.11 1999-03-02 (MB) ------------ + fixed mandatory parameters Version 0.10 - 1999-02-19 (UL) ------------ - lib/grace/ added ACEgrFlush() after ACEgrPrintf() in Grace::regionSelection() + removal of temp file Version 0.9 (MB) ----------- - added missing package utils in grace test harness. Version 0.8 (MB) ----------- - fixed egcs problems. - added EXTERNALS Version 0.7 (MB) ----------- - added writeSet to CurvePlotter interface. Version 0.6 (MB) ----------- - disabled part of test harness that requires an X server. Version 0.5 (MB) ----------- - added Grace object that encapsulates talking to a running xmgr. - added output file specification to ds(to)plot. Version 0.4 (MB) ----------- - fixed problem in parameter files. Version 0.3 (MB) ----------- - Can now also read data file with 1 column. - Upgraded the parameter file. - Fixed the examples in the documentation. Version 0.2 (MB) ----------- - Changed task name to dstoplot, added task dsplot that kicks off xmgr. Version 0.1 (MB) ----------- - Initial delivery.