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dstoplot (dsplot-1.26.3) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

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This section documents the parameters recognized by this task (if any).

ParameterMand Type Default Constraints
If set to true a table with numerical data column to be plotted is provided via parameter table
tablenotable name of existing table
The table to be plotted in set:table notation (where set is typically a FITS file).
Title for the plot - if none is given the table name shall be used.
Subtitle for the plot.
If true, the user-specified x column is used for the horizontal axis. If set to false and index is likewise false the first numerical column in the table will be taken as the $x$ axis.
xnocolumn name of existing column
The name of the column to be used for the $x$ axis.
If set to true all $x$ values are offset by the negative of the first $x$ data value, hence, the $x$-axis starts at 0. This is useful for plotting time series when the time tag values are large in magnitude.
$x$-axis offset value (output).
Whether to use the index (0,1,2 ...) for $x$ instead of a column.
If true xmin is set.
Lower bound of x axis to show in plot.
If true xmax is set.
Upper bound of x axis to show in plot.
If true x axis is produced with logarithmic scaling.
If true, a curve is produced only for the y column that are specified in the y parameter. Otherwise all numerical columns in the table shall be plotted.
ynolist of compound column identifiers  
A compound column identifier takes the form:

where colname can simply be the name of a numeric column in the input table or be of the form:

which expands into the list of vectors columns starting from row from to row to in steps of incr. incr and to are optional. If incr is omitted it is taken as 1 and a missing to default to the value of from, hence, only the vector in row from is plotted. If a vector column is specified just by its name only the first row is considered. errcolname can be the name of a numeric column which will be displayed in the form of an error bar in $Y$- (colname.errcolname) or $X$+$Y$- (colname.errcolname.errcolname) direction. errcolname can also be given as a vector column with a single row specifier in square brackets.
If true ymin is set.
Lower bound of $y$ axis to show in plot.
If true ymax is set.
Upper bound of $y$ axis to show in plot.
If true y axis is produced with logarithmic scaling.
If set to true the data is presented as a 2-D scatter plot where each data item is marked by a symbol (default +).
setsymbolsnolist of integers symbol IDs in Grace
If withscatter is set to true the data points of curve $i$ will be marked with a symbol of ID setsymbols[i]. See the Grace documentation for the list of available symbols IDs.
setcolorsnolist of integers color IDs in Grace
If withscatter is set to true the data points of curve $i$ will be marked with a symbol of color setcolors[i]. See the Grace documentation for the list of available color IDs.
If set to true the parameter xrangetables must contain a list of tables with column data that define finite abscissa ranges that are to be displayed.
xrangetablesnotable list list of existing tables
If withxranges is set to true this parameter must contain a list of tables with data to be plotted as horizontal abscissa data ranges. For each provided table a separate horizontal line of range markers shall be plotted - the vertical position of the lines will be ybase$+ n\cdot$ystride with $n$ ranging from 0 to $N-1$. 0 and $N-1$ corresponds to the data in the first and last table given in xrangetables respectively.
This parameter facilitates the plotting of a large number of abscissa range data in consecutive tables in a named data set (e.g. a sequence of Good-Time-Interval tables as generated by hkgtigen's diagnostic mode). When set to true xrangetables is supposed to contain a single table name and all tables positioned after this table shall be considered as containing abscissa range data to be plotted.
xrangefromcolnocolumnSTARTexisting column in all xrangetables
The name of the column in all tables given in xrangetables containing the values of the left boundaries of the abscissa range markers.
xrangetocolnocolumnSTOPexisting column in all xrangetables
The name of the column in all tables given in xrangetables containing the values of the right boundaries of the abscissa range markers.
If set to true ybase is given.
The vertical position of the first abscissa marker line corresponding to the first table in xrangetables. If not explicitly given a default value based on the actual vertical extent of the plot shall be used.
If set to true ystride is given.
The vertical distance between adjacent abscissa range marker lines in world coordinates of the plot. If not explicitly given a default value based on the actual vertical extent of the plot shall be used.
destination of output
the name of the output file if output is set to file
ParameterMand Type Default Constraints

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01