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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

ebkgreg (ebkgreg-0.6.2) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

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In case of a single-source input the results are thrown to a stdout string.

The strings shown may be searched for in a script and every effort will be made to keep them constant between versions of this task.

ebkgreg withsrclist=no withcoords=yes imageset=pnimagexy.ds x=28521 y=22721 r=34 coordtype=POS
# Instrument: EPN
# Source position RA, Dec  (deg.)  : 128.278, 35.0418
# Source extraction radius (arcsec): 34
	Best background position estimation:
	  RA, Dec (deg.)             : 128.246, 35.0276
	  Extraction radius (arcsec) : 61.8675

	  X,Y Sky Coord.                     : 30398.9, 21701.8
	  Extraction radius (X,Y Sky Coord.) : 1237.35


In case of multiple-sources from a source list input file the results are included in the input file as extra columns:

Table 5: Background information. Extra columns to the input file
Column Description Units
BKG_DETX Bkg Linearised Camera X-Coordinate 0.05 arcsec
BKG_DETY Bkg Linearised Camera Y-Coordinate 0.05 arcsec
BKG_RA Bkg Right-ascension deg
BKG_DEC Bkg Declination deg
BKG_IMX Bkg Image X pixel
BKG_IMY Bkg Image Y pixel
BKG_X Bkg X 0.05 arcsec
BKG_Y Bkg Y 0.05 arcsec
BKG_RAD Bkg extraction region radius 0.05 arcsec

Source position Description Task requirements Home Index

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01