BufferFull | error |
| 10000 detections: source buffer overflow |
MissingParameter | error |
| Missing input file name |
FileMismatch | error |
| Inconsistent number of input images |
FileMismatch | error |
| Inconsistent instruments or bands |
FileMismatch | error |
| Inconsistent coordinate systems |
WrongInst | error |
| Only one instrument allowed for images in detector coordinates |
WrongInst | error |
| Unknown instrument |
SizeMismatch | error |
| Image has wrong size |
WrongType | error |
| Input image has wrong type |
MissingAttribute | warning |
| Keyword
is missing in input file
corrective action: Keyword is not copied to output file |
NoPSFcorrection | warning |
| Input images are in detector coordinates.
corrective action: Counts and fluxes in the output source list will not be corrected for PSF losses. |