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ecoordconv (especget-1.44.1) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

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This section documents the parameters recognized by this task (if any).

ParameterMand Type Default Constraints
The name of the input image.
Expression for defining the source position and parameters
If true, the source position must be specified via the parameters coordtype, x, y. Otherwise, the source position is taken from the centre of the source region defined in the srcexp parameter.
The X coordinate of the position to convert
The Y coordinate of the position to convert
coordtypeyesstringeqposeqpos pos det raw
The coordinate system for which the source position, specified by the parameter x and y, is defined. If coordtype is set to eqpos, then x, y correspond to RA and DEC respectively in decimal degrees. If coordtype$=$ pos, then x,y correspond to POS coordinates. (Note that the POS coordinates are defined relative to a nominal pointing position; this is taken from the global attributes REFXCRVL and REFYCRVL of the image dataset.) If coordtype$=$ det, then x, y are the x and y positions of the source centre, in DET coordinates. Finally, if coordtype$=$ raw, then x, y are the raw chip positions of the source centre. In this case the CCD number must be specified using the ccdno parameter.
If true, then only the conversion from x/y to ra/dec coordinates is made. This option is only active when withcoords=true and coordtype=pos. It avoids problems which occur when the RA_PNT, DEC_PNT coordinates are more than 90 degrees away from the X/Y reference pixel position.
If true, the ccd number must be specified via the parameter ccdno, x, y. This is mandatory if the position has been specified in raw chip coordinates.
The CCD number on which the RAW chip position falls.
Output parameter that contains the off-axis angle, in units of arc seconds.
Output parameter that contains the azimuthal angle, in units of radians.
Output parameter that contains the right ascension.
Output parameter that contains the declination.
Output parameter that contains the POS, X position.
Output parameter that contains the POS, Y position.
Output parameter that contains the X position in detector coordinates
Output parameter that contains the Y position in detector coordinates
Output parameter that contains the X position in raw, chip coordinates
Output parameter that contains the Y position in raw, chip coordinates
Output parameter that contains the number of the CCD which the input position falls on.
ParameterMand Type Default Constraints

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01