Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
imageset | yes | string | image | |
The name of the input image.
srcexp | no | string | | |
Expression for defining the source position and parameters
withcoords | no | boolean | false | none |
If true, the source position must be
specified via the parameters coordtype,
x, y. Otherwise,
the source position is taken from the
centre of the source region defined in the srcexp parameter.
x | no | real | | |
The X coordinate of the position to convert
y | no | real | | |
The Y coordinate of the position to convert
coordtype | yes | string | eqpos | eqpos pos det raw |
The coordinate system for which the source position, specified
by the parameter x and y, is defined.
If coordtype is set to eqpos, then x, y
correspond to RA and DEC respectively in decimal degrees.
If coordtype pos, then x,y correspond
to POS coordinates.
(Note that the POS coordinates are defined relative to a nominal pointing position;
this is taken from the global attributes REFXCRVL and REFYCRVL of
the image dataset.)
If coordtype det, then x, y are
the x and y positions of the source centre, in DET coordinates.
Finally, if coordtype raw, then x, y are
the raw chip positions of the source centre. In this case the CCD
number must be specified using the ccdno parameter.
pos2eqpos | no | boolean | false | none |
If true, then only the conversion from x/y to ra/dec coordinates
is made. This option is only active when withcoords=true and
coordtype=pos. It avoids problems which occur when the
RA_PNT, DEC_PNT coordinates are more than 90 degrees away from the X/Y
reference pixel position.
withccd | no | boolean | false | none |
If true, the ccd number must be
specified via the parameter ccdno,
x, y. This is mandatory if the position has been
specified in raw chip coordinates.
ccdno | yes | int | | |
The CCD number on which the RAW chip position falls.
theta_out | no | double | | |
Output parameter that contains the off-axis angle, in units of
arc seconds.
phi_out | no | double | | |
Output parameter that contains the azimuthal angle, in units of
ra_out | no | double | | |
Output parameter that contains the right ascension.
dec_out | no | double | | |
Output parameter that contains the declination.
posx_out | no | double | | |
Output parameter that contains the POS, X position.
posy_out | no | double | | |
Output parameter that contains the POS, Y position.
detx_out | no | double | | |
Output parameter that contains the X position in detector coordinates
dety_out | no | double | | |
Output parameter that contains the Y position in detector coordinates
rawx_out | no | double | | |
Output parameter that contains the X position in raw, chip coordinates
rawy_out | no | double | | |
Output parameter that contains the Y position in raw, chip coordinates
ccd_out | no | int | | |
Output parameter that contains the number of the CCD which the input
position falls on.
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |