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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

edet2sky (esky2det-1.17) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

Description Description FITS file positions Home Index

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Command-line position entry.

The detector position of a single source may be entered via the parameters X, Y, where the coordinate system is specified by inputunit which can be either "raw" or "det" for RAW or DETECTOR coordinates. If inputunit="raw" then the CCD number must be entered with the parameter ccd. Eg:

edet2sky datastyle=user inputunit=raw X=32 Y=190 ccd=4 calinfoset=imagepnxy.ds 


edet2sky datastyle=user inputunit=det X=-10000 Y=10000 calinfoset=imagemos1.ds

See the task param documentation for further details.

In this mode, the output positions are printed to the standard output. The format of the output lines is as follows irrespective of the units of the input coordinates.

# Instrument: EPN
# RA (deg)   DEC (deg)
187.7579    64.0481
# rawX      rawY    ccd   On chip?
  28.95     66.46    2      T
# detX         detY
 -10000.00     10000.00
# Image X    Y pixel
  343.86     140.33
# Sky X        Y pixel
  29872.94     12165.86

Ouput contains coordinates in the systems, RA/DEC, RAW and Detector. If WCS information has been obtained from an input file (calinfoset=`set') then the output includes the Image pixel and Sky pixel (POS). The 'Image pixel' coordinates refer to the pixel position in the input file given by the calinfoset parameter.

If you want to display the numbers only, add withheader=`no' to the command line. In the case above, this would give

187.7579    64.0481
  28.95     66.46    2      T
 -10000.00     10000.00
  343.86     140.33
  29872.94     12165.86

For the convenience of script authors, the number fields for the output are given below:

# Instrument: EPN
# RA (deg)   DEC (deg)

187.7579    64.0481
# rawX      rawY    ccd   On chip?
+xxx.xx   +xxx.xx   xx      x  
# detX         detY
+xxxxx.xx     +xxxxx.xx
# Image X    Y pixel
 xxxx.xx    xxxx.xx
# Sky X        Y pixel
+xxxxx.xx     +xxxxx.xx

If inputunit=`det' and the source does not fall on a CCD a warning message is issued; however the task still prints a RAWX/Y position, this being the position of the source in the RAWX/Y coordinate system of the nearest CCD. In this case the value of the `On chip?' column is `F' rather than `T'.

If inputunit=`raw' and the source does not fall on a CCD then the position is translated without a warning message.

Description Description FITS file positions Home Index

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01