Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
attitudeset | yes | filename | attitude.fits | |
Name of attitude file |
eventsets | yes | filename list | events.fits | |
Names of event list files |
imagesets | yes | filename list | image.fits | |
Names of input images |
pimin | yes | integer list | 500 | 0,20000 |
Lower energy boundary in PI channels |
pimax | yes | integer list | 4500 | 0,20000 |
Upper energy boundary in PI channels |
likemin | no | float | 10. | 0.0,1.E10 |
emldetect: Detection likelihood threshold |
witheexpmap | no | boolean | true | |
create new exposure maps? |
ecf | no | float | 1. | 0.,1000. |
eboxdetect, emldetect: Energy conversion factors |
eex_attrebin | no | float | 4.0 | 0.0,60.0 |
eexpmap: Positional accuracy of attitude rebinning [arcsec] |
emask_threshold1 | no | float | 0.3 | 0.0,1.0 |
emask: Threshold parameter 1: fraction of maximum exposure |
emask_threshold2 | no | float | 0.5 | 0.0,10.0 |
emask: Threshold parameter 2: threshold for gradient of exposure |
eboxl_list | no | filename | eboxlist_l.fits | |
eboxdetect: Name of local mode source list |
eboxm_list | no | filename | eboxlist_m.fits | |
eboxdetect: Name of map mode source list |
eboxl_likemin | no | float | 8. | 1.0,50.0 |
eboxdetect: Local mode minimum detection likelihood |
eboxm_likemin | no | float | 8. | 1.0,50.0 |
eboxdetect: Map mode minimum detection likelihood |
ebox_withdetmask | no | boolean | true | |
eboxdetect: Detection mask flag |
ebox_withexpimage | no | boolean | true | |
eboxdetect: Exposure image flag |
ebox_boxsize | no | integer | 5 | 3,5 |
eboxdetect: Detection box size: permitted values: 3 or 5 |
esp_withcheese | no | boolean | false | |
esplinemap: Flag for output of cheesed image |
esp_withdetmask | no | boolean | true | |
esplinemap: Flag to use detection mask |
esp_nsplinenodes | no | integer | 13 | 5,20 |
esplinemap: Number of spline nodes |
esp_nfitrun | no | integer | 3 | 1,5 |
esplinemap: Number of iterations |
esp_excesssigma | no | float | 4.0 | 1.0,6.0 |
esplinemap: Threshold for excess with respect to spline |
esp_withexpimage | no | boolean | true | |
esplinemap: Flag to use exposure map |
esp_withexpimage2 | no | boolean | false | |
esplinemap: Flag to use non-vignetted exposure map in ``model'' mode |
esp_fitmethod | no | string | ``spline'' | spline|model |
esplinemap: Method for background fitting |
esp_scut | no | float | 0.005 | 0.0,10.0 |
esplinemap: Source cut-out flux level, [counts/arcsec ] |
esp_withootset | no | boolean | false | |
esplinemap: Flag to use out-of-time event set |
esp_ooteventset | no | filename | events.fits | |
esplinemap: EPN out-of-time event set |
eml_list | no | filename | emllist.fits | |
emldetect: Name of source list |
eml_fitextent | no | boolean | true | |
emldetect: Fit source extent |
eml_fitnegative | no | boolean | false | |
emldetect: Allow fitted count rates to become negative |
eml_dmlextmin | no | float | 6. | 0.0,100. |
emldetect: Extent likelihood threshold |
eml_ecut | no | float | 15 | 0.4,100. |
emldetect: Event cut-out radius (if .lt. 1.0: fraction of encircled energy, else pixels) |
eml_scut | no | float | 15 | 0.4,100. |
emldetect: Source cut-out radius for multiple source fits (if .lt. 1.0: fraction of encircled energy, else pixels) |
eml_determineerrors | no | boolean | true | |
emldetect: Determine statistical errors |
eml_nmaxfit | no | integer | 1 | 1,6 |
emldetect: Maximum number of sources to be fit simultaneously in multi-source fits |
eml_nmulsou | no | integer | 1 | 1,3 |
emldetect: Maximum number of sources per input source position |
eml_withsourcemap | no | boolean | true | |
emldetect: Creation of output source map |
eml_withdetmask | no | boolean | false | |
emldetect: Use detector mask(s) |
eml_extentmodel | no | string | ``beta'' | gaussian|beta |
emldetect: Model function for source extent |
eml_withthreshold | no | boolean | true | |
emldetect: Flag to use likelihood/brightness threshold for multi-PSF fitting |
eml_threshold | no | float | 20. | 0.0,1.E10 |
emldetect: Threshold above which multi-PSF fitting is used |
eml_withtwostage | no | boolean | true | |
emldetect: Use two stage process for multi PSF (eml_nmulsou 1) fitting |
eml_threshcolumn | no | string | ``LIKE'' | LIKE|RATE|SCTS |
emldetect: Input list column to apply threshold |
eml_maxextent | no | float | 20. | 0.1,300. |
emldetect: Maximum extent value in pixels |
psfmodel | no | string | ellbeta | ellbeta|medium |
emldetect: Model PSF - fully 2d parameterized analytical EPIC PSFs or medium accuracy PSF |
imagebuffersize | no | integer | 640 | 100 param 10000 |
eboxdetect, emldetect: Controls memory requirements for raster scan data. |
withimagebuffersize | no | boolean | no | |
eboxdetect,emldetect: Allow user-defined values of imagebuffersize. |
esen_mlmin | no | float | 10. | 0.1,1.E10 |
esensmap: Upper limit likelihood |
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |