ChangeLog for efftplot =============================== Version 2.18.2 - 2012-19-04 (NW) ------------ The coordinates given in the header of the output of efftplot are now displayed to .00 for RA and .0 for Dec. even when the (arc)seconds are inferior to 10, as requested in SPR 6714. Version 2.18.1 - 2012-04-04 (NW) ------------ the coordinates given in the header of the output of efftplot are now fixed to .00 for RA and .0 for Dec., as requested in SPR 6496. Version 2.18 - 2010-01-18 (EO) ------------ + efftplot_mod.f90: Added use_f90_unix_proc to include support for subroutine system (used to execute shell commands). The support is made through NAG supported modules as provided in their library directory. In order to fulfill the software dependencies, the keyword NAGSUPMODS = yes must be present in src/Makefile. Version 2.17 - 2006-12-12 (NAW) ---------------------------------- Previously efftplot searched for a file produced by powspec that contained the good points to be used in the FFT. If no file existed efftplot stated that there were not enough good points and no plot was produced. However, there is the case where the file can be produced, but no plot results. This is for the case of <4 good points. A new loop has been added to check for this situation and no plot results in this case. This closes SSC-SPR-3638. Version 2.16.4 - 2006-03-07 (NAW) ---------------------------------- If there were no GTIs in the GTI file, the task went ahead and produced the output file regardless. Now the task gives a warning and no power spectrum plot is produced. The documentation has been updated. Version 2.16.3 - 2005-11-29 (IMS/LUX) ------------------------------- Last mod introduced a seg fault; now fixed. Version 2.16.2 - 2005-11-24 (NW) ------------------------------- Changed the error NotEnoughBins to a warning and kept the status that no output file is produced in this case, as requested so that there are fewer errors in the pipeline logfile. The documentation has also been updated. Version 2.16.1 - 2005-06-07 (NW) ------------------------------- Changes made to DEPEND for the releasetrack version Version 2.16 - 2005-03-03 (NW) ------------------------------- New error (NotEnoughBins) introduced that ensures that no plot is produced if there are too few bins to create the power density spectrum. Documentation has been updated. Version 2.15 - 2005-01-28 (NW) ------------------------------- Efftplot now reads and plots the corrected source RA and DEC. Version 2.14 - 2004-12-15 (NW) ------------------------------- Efftplot now reads the new FITS keywords SRCNUM, SRC_RA, SRC_DEC written into the lccorr output and writes these values on the plots produced. Version 2.13 - 2004-11-01 (NW) ------------------------------- New development track version. Changes made to the presentation of the header and title of the power spectrum. The linear plot is now shown with the same size gap between the left and right frame. The default is that net counts are used for the fourier transform. Version 2.10.4 - 2004-08-27 (NW) ------------------------------- Explicitly reads the total rates and background counts before passing the file to powspec, so that the total rates and background rates can be checked for negative values. The user may now choose whether the total or net counts are used to produce the power density spectrum, via an optional parameter `bkgsub'. The documentation has been updated. Version 2.10.3 - 2004-08-10 (NW) ------------------------------- Changed error calculation for the total counts, when they are recovered from the net and background counts. Version 2.10.2 - 2004-08-09 (NW) ------------------------------- This version now shows a line plot, rather than points. Version 2.10.1 - 2004-08-01 (NW) ------------------------------- This version now accepts a user provided GTI file. It also takes a background subtracted lightcurve and corrects the lightcurve to have total counts (counts + background). The error bars are no longer plotted and there is now a space between the y-axis and the first point, when xscale=lin is chosen. Also modifications that were being made to the FITS header of the input file are no longer being made (SSC-SPR-3362). The documentation has duly been updated. Version 2.10 - 2004-07-01 (NW) ------------------------------- Revised some of the warning statements that were unnecessary Version 2.9 - 2004-05-14 (NW) ------------------------------- Small changes to avoid efftplot crashing with lccorr files. Version 2.8 - 2002-07-25 (NW) ------------------------------- Updated the DEPEND file. It now includes a dependence on sas. Version 2.7 - 2002-06-03 (NW) ---------------------- Made the updates necessary for the new version of param Version 2.6.1 - 22-05-01 ---------------------- The documentation has been updated to include examples of how to use efftplot. Version 2.6 - 06-04-01 ---------------------- The test harness has been changed to be variable for Linux or Unix, because the environment variables are different. In this way, the test can be passed on Linux or Unix. Version 2.5.1 - 08-02-01 ----------------------- The environment variables for `pgplot' were different to those at the `static build' and hence the test was not passed, as the output files were different to the comparison files. The environment variables for `pgplot' are now changed, so the output files of the `static build' should pass the test. Version 2.5 - 19-12-00 ---------------------- Changed the test file, so that it doesn't call gs. Also changed the header information of the files that are written out by ftools in efftplot, so that the headers are compatible with the SAS software. Version 2.4 - 31-10-00 ---------------------- Updated GROUPS description and the documentation Version 2.3 - 03-10-00 ---------------------- Fix the parameter and info files Updrade the version number as required for the SAS V5 Version 2.2.1 - 27-06-00 ------------------------ SSC-SPR-1818 efftplot (version 2.2): update documentation to remove non-existant link to powspec Version 2.2 - 22-05-00 ---------------------- - Add file in the config directory Version 2.1 - 18-04-00 ---------------------- The following SPRs have been taken into account: - SSC-SPR-1641 efftplot (version 2.0): documentation macros Version 2.0 - 07-03-00 ---------------------- The following SPRs have been taken into account: SSC-SPR-1565 efftplot (version 1.3): When setting the parameter gapfill to 1, we get the error message "value 1 is not an allowed value SSC-SPR-1564 efftplot (version 1.3): The values in the last incomplete data segment have an effect on the output SSC-SPR-1563 efftplot (version 1.3): efftplot always overwrites an existing output file SSC-SPR-1562 efftplot (version 1.3): There is no parameter layout file SSC-SPR-1561 efftplot (version 1.3): File config.par is to be updated SSC-SPR-1560 efftplot (version 1.3): Description paragraph should give the definition of "normalized PDS" SSC-SPR-1559 efftplot (version 1.3): Algorithm description should indicate which options are used to call powspec. Version 1.4 - 16-02-00 ---------------------- - Fixes SPR-1482 Version 1.3 - 26-11-99 ---------------------- - Includes a DISTRIBUTION file Version 1.2 - 11-05-99 ---------------------- - DEPEND now contains taskmain (SPR 987) - Test harness check on whether the output file exists Version 1.1 ----------- Remarks about this version. Fixed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-0738 - SSC-SPR-0739 - SSC-SPR-0740 - SSC-SPR-0745 - SSC-SPR-0746 - SSC-SPR-0748 - SSC-SPR-0749 - SSC-SPR-0750 - SSC-SPR-0751 - SSC-SPR-0752 - SSC-SPR-0753 - SSC-SPR-0754 - SSC-SPR-0755 - SSC-SPR-0756 - SSC-SPR-0757 - SSC-SPR-0758 - SSC-SPR-0759 - SSC-SPR-0760 - SSC-SPR-0761 - SSC-SPR-0765 All closed on November 13th, 1998 by DB Version 1.0 ----------- Delivered 14/10/98 Version 0.1 ---------------------------- - Directory structure created by pkgmaker.