Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
prefix | no | string | 'MERGED_' | |
File name prefix for the output files. |
withcheckinput | no | boolean | true | true false |
Whether to check the individual input images for consistency. |
maskindividual | no | boolean | false | true false |
Boolean to choose whether or not the images of individual exposures will be masked, if a corresponding mask for this exposure exists. |
withaddimages | no | boolean | true | true false |
Whether to add the images of individual exposures. |
withcombineimages | no | boolean | true | true false |
Whether to combine the individual EPIC instruments. |
ecut | no | real | 1000. | ecut |
Exposure cut (in seconds). Areas with less exposure will be masked. |
exposureband | no | integer | first band | |
Energy band of the exposure map, which is used to create the mask. |
epn_weight | no | real list | 1.0 | epn_weight |
A weight for the exposure of each energy band of EPIC-pn. |
em1_weight | no | real list | 0.4 | em1_weight |
A weight for the exposure of each energy band of EPIC-MOS1. |
em2_weight | no | real list | 0.4 | em2_weight |
A weight for the exposure of each energy band of EPIC-MOS2. |
withasmooth | no | boolean | true | true false |
Whether to create the smoothed and corrected images. |
smoothstyle | no | string | adaptive | simple|adaptive |
asmooth: The type of smoothing desired. |
convolverstyle | no | string | gaussian | gaussian | tophat | squarebox |
asmooth: This parameter is read if smoothstyle=`simple' is chosen and prescribes the shape or type of convolver to use to smooth the image. |
width | no | real | 5.0 pixels | width pixels |
asmooth: This parameter is read if smoothstyle=`simple' is chosen. It governs the width of the various types of simple convolver. |
withuserwidths | no | boolean | no | |
asmooth: This parameter is read if smoothstyle=`adaptive' is chosen. If set, the task reads a list of gaussian-convolver sigma values from the userwidths parameter. |
userwidths | no | real list | | userwidths pixels |
asmooth: The list of gaussian-convolver sigma values read when withuserwidths=`yes'. The values must occurr in a monotonically increasing sequence. |
minwidth | no | real | 0.0 pixels | minwidth pixels |
asmooth: If smoothstyle='adaptive' is chosen but withuserwidths=`no'
the task constructs a library of gaussian convolvers which have sigma values ranging from minwidth to maxwidth. |
maxwidth | no | real | 10.0 pixels | maxwidth pixels |
asmooth: If smoothstyle='adaptive' is chosen but withuserwidths=`no',
the task constructs a library of gaussian convolvers which have sigma values ranging from minwidth to maxwidth. |
desiredsnr | no | real | 10.0 | desiredsnr |
asmooth: Desired signal-to-noise ratio in an adaptively-smoothed image. |
nconvolvers | no | integer | 20 | nconvolvers |
asmooth: If smoothstyle='adaptive' is chosen but withuserwidths=`no', the task constructs a library of nconvolvers gaussian convolvers. |
templatebands | no | integer list | all bands | |
If smoothstyle='adaptive' is chosen, the parameter defines the energy bands, which are used to estimate the statistics for the smoothing template. |
keepinterstage | no | boolean | true | true false |
Boolean to choose whether or not intermediate products will be removed. |
n_parallel | no | integer | 1 | |
Experimental tuning parameter to define the maximum number of parallelly executed processes. |
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |