XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
eimsimprep (eimsim-2.3) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]
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Input Files
- A FITS dataset which acts as a template file to allow first the list of simulated sources and then the simulated EPIC images to be constructed. Its structure is as follows:
- Binary table extension SRCSPECS containing:
- real-valued keyword HI_SLOPE
- 4-byte real column FLUX in erg cm
- 4-byte real column DENSITY in cumulative sources deg
- Binary table extension INSTRUMENTS, listing all instruments recognized as valid for eimsim
purposes. The row numbers (the first row being numbered 1) correspond to the `Potsdam' integer ID scheme appropriate to source lists created by eboxdetect
or emldetect. Contents:
- integer keyword I_SUMMRY giving the integer code, in the `Potsdam' scheme, of the `summary' instrument.
- 10-character string column NAME, giving the standard `XMM'-style name of the instrument. These strings are recognized by the caloalutils
function instId().
- 2-character string column ABBREV, giving an upper-case abbreviation of the instrument name.
- Binary table extension FILTERS, listing all filters recognized as valid for eimsim
purposes. Contents:
- 10-character string column NAME.
- Binary table extension FLUX_SCALES, listing all energy bands recognized as valid for eimsim
purposes. Contents:
- String keyword DET_TYPE
- integer keyword I_SUMMRY giving the integer code, in the `Potsdam' scheme, of the `summary' band.
- 8-byte real keyword SPECINDX
- 8-byte real keyword HI in cm
- String keyword EUNIT (`keV' is currently the only accepted value).
- 8-byte real keyword E_MIN in keV.
- 8-byte real keyword E_MAX in keV.
- 8-byte real keyword FLUX in erg cm
- 2-byte integer column ID_BAND (integer code of the band in the `Potsdam' scheme).
- 4-byte real column E_LO
- 4-byte real column E_HI
- 4-byte real column FLUX
- For each instrument listed in the INSTRUMENTS table, and each filter listed in the FILTERS table, a 4-byte real column with a name after the pattern ECF_<inst abbrev>_<filter>
- For each instrument listed in the INSTRUMENTS table, a 4-byte real column with a name after the pattern BG_<inst abbrev>_THIN. These are currently unused.
- Various XMM product files (all these are FITS datasets too) which are again used mainly as templates for the construction of the simulated images. These must be found in a subdirectory whose name is constructed by appending `/' followed by prdssubdir to one of the base directories supplied in the string obsidroots. These files must have the standard XMM product file names. An example set is given in the `cookbook' section near the start of the present document. Note that the 27-character-long filename prefixes contain information as follows:
- Characters 2 through 11 give the 10-digit observation ID.
- Characters 12 and 13 give the 2-character instrument ID.
- Characters 14 through 17 give the 4-character exposure ID.
- Characters 18 through 23 give the 6-character file type code.
- Character 24 is the energy band ID character.
- Characters 25 through 27 are generally 0 but can be used for source number or spectral order number for example.
These files must obey the following rules:
- Only 1 observation ID is permitted per subdirectory.
- Permitted instrument codes are either `OB', for files which have significance for the whole observation, or from the list `PN', `M1' and `M2', which represent the three XMM-Newton EPIC cameras. The two required `OB' files have type codes `CALIND' (the list of calibration constituents) and `ATTTSR' (the attitude time series created by task atthkgen). At least one of the EPIC instruments must be present. Each instrument may be present with more than 1 exposure ID. For each combination of EPIC instrument and exposure ID, the following files are required:
- An event list (file type `PIEVLI' for `PN' or `MIEVLI' for the mos).
exposure maps (file type `EXPMAP'), one for each of
energy bands.
must be the same for all observations, instruments and exposures. For the present, the band ID characters (character 24 of the file name) must be digits from 1 to 9. Each digit which is represented by an `EXPMAP' file name must also be found in the FLUX_SCALES table of the template file srcspecset.
- If bkgstyle=`products', the user should supply, for each observation, instrument, exposure and band, a real-valued image of the expectation value, in average counts per image pixel, of the instrumental background.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01