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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

ekstest (ekstest-2.5.1) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

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This section documents warnings and errors generated by this task (if any). Note that warnings and errors can also be generated in the SAS infrastructure libraries, in which case they would not be documented here. Refer to the index of all errors and warnings available in the HTML version of the SAS documentation.

Keyword TIMEDEL missing in Input Fileerror 
 The TIMEDEL keyword is missing in the timeseries FITS file, which is necessary to determine the binning factor of the data
Null or negative Bin Width in Input Fileerror 
 The TIMEDEL keyword is null or negative in the timeseries FITS file. This should be a positive value.
Different number of columns between RATE, ERROR, BACKV and BACKEerror 
 There should be one RATE column, one ERROR column, one BACKV column and one BACKE column for each lightcurve in the input timeseries FITS file.
Different number of rows in columns between RATE, ERROR, BACKV and BACKEerror 
 The columns in the timeseries FITS file have differing lengths. They should all be the same length
Number of light-curves contained in a file must not exceed 9error 
 There are too many lightcurves contained in the timeseries FITS file - 9 is the maximum allowed.
No data point receivederror 
 Less than two good values in the timeseries FITS file.
Negative count rates in Input Fileerror 
 The total count rates are negative and should not be.
Negative background values in Input Fileerror 
 The background count rates are negative and should not be.
Require new output file nameerror 
 newoutset should be set to yes and a new output filename given or screen should be set to yes
Can not carry out two distribution KS test and chi-squared testerror 
 The program is limited to the carry out only the cumulative probability function of the observed net count distribution and the cumulative time distribution with the other variability tests
Not enough bins to process variability testswarning 
 Less than two good values remain after removing those bins outside of the GTIs and those bins with both source and background values that are null or negative. Hence it is impossible to carry out the variability test.
corrective action: Use a different input file
Keyword CONTENT missing in Input Filewarning 
 No valid CONTENT keyword is contained in the header of the input timeseries FITS file which could indicate that there is a problem with the input timeseries FITS file.
corrective action: Verify that this is a valid fits file
CONTENT parameter for input file is ...warning 
 The CONTENT keyword is not the expected parameter.
corrective action: Verify that this is a valid fits file
Keyword HDUCLASS missing in Input Filewarning 
 The keyword is missing in the input timeseries FITS file which could indicate that there is a problem with the input timeseries FITS file.
corrective action: Verify that this is a valid fits file
HDUCLAS is not equal to OGIPwarning 
 The keyword is not as expected in the input timeseries FITS file which could indicate that there is a problem with the input timeseries FITS file.
corrective action: Verify that this is a valid fits file
HDUCLAS1 is not equal to LIGHTCURVEwarning 
 The keyword is not as expected in the input timeseries FITS file which could indicate that there is a problem with the input timeseries FITS file.
corrective action: Verify that this is a valid fits file
HDUCLAS2 is not equal to TOTALwarning 
 The keyword is not as expected in the input timeseries FITS file which could indicate that there is a problem with the input timeseries FITS file.
corrective action: Verify that this is a valid fits file
Keyword TSTART missing in Inputwarning 
  The keyword is missing in the input timeseries FITS file which could indicate that there is a problem with the input timeseries FITS file.
corrective action: Verify that this is a valid fits file
Keyword EXPOSURE missing in Input Filewarning 
 The keyword is missing in the input timeseries FITS file which could indicate that there is a problem with the input timeseries FITS file.
corrective action: Verify that this is a valid fits file
Null or negative exposure time in Input Filewarning 
 The EXPOSURE keyword is null or negative in the timeseries FITS file. This should be a positive value.
corrective action: Verify that this is a valid fits file
Keyword TSTART missing in GTI Filewarning 
  The keyword is missing in the input GTI FITS file which could indicate that there is a problem with the input GTI FITS file.
corrective action: Verify that this is a valid fits file
Keyword TSTOP missing in GTI Filewarning 
  The keyword is missing in the input GTI FITS file which could indicate that there is a problem with the input GTI FITS file.
corrective action: Verify that this is a valid fits file

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01