ChangeLog for elcbuild =============================== Version 1.9.1 - 2014-10-24 (RDS) ---------------------------- Documentation update (lccorr -> epiclccorr) - SPR-7234 Version 1.9 - 2004-05-20 (NW) ------------------------------- Made a few small code changes for elcbuild to be able to accept the new output from lccorr. Version 1.8 - 2002-07-25 (NW) ------------------------------- Updated the DEPEND file. It now includes a dependence on sas. Version 1.7 - 2002-06-03 (NW) ---------------------- Made the necessary updates for the new version of param. Version 1.6.4 - 2002-06-03 (NW) ---------------------- Unmade the necessary updates for the new version of param! Version 1.6.3 - 2002-06-03 (NW) ---------------------- Made the necessary updates for the new version of param. Version 1.6.2 - 2002-05-03 (NW) ---------------------- The documentation has been rewritten, as the usage of the task was not clear. This is in response to SPR 2847 - `elcbuild does not recognize the format of xmmselect produced light curve'. Version 1.6.1 - 22-05-01 ---------------------- The documentation has been updated to include examples of how to use elcbuild. Also removed the necessity for the TIMEZERO keyword, as it is not written out by lccorr, the preceding task and is not a requirement within elcbuild or following tasks. Version 1.6 - 19-12-00 ---------------------- Revised the test, so that it no longer relies on lcplot running to completion, as requested by SPR 2151. Version 1.5 - 31-10-00 ---------------------- Updated GROUPS description and the documentation Open SPRs: None Version 1.4 - 03-10-00 ---------------------- Updrade the version number as required for the SAS V5 Version 1.3.1 - 26/07/00 ------------------------- Update the .info file Version 1.3 - 22/05/00 ---------------------- add and elcbuild.lyt in config directory update documentation Version 1.2 - 07/03/00 ---------------------- SSC-SPR-1527 remove Version 1.1 - 23/02/00 ---------------------- The following SPRs have been fixed and closed on the same day: SSC-SPR-1493 elcbuild (version 1.0): Keywords in test-harness input files. SSC-SPR-1493 elcbuild (version 1.0): Keywords in test-harness input files. SSC-SPR-1494 elcbuild (version 1.0): Keywords in output file. SSC-SPR-1495 elcbuild (version 1.0): Task description. SSC-SPR-1496 elcbuild (version 1.0): Releasing table after dataset SSC-SPR-1497 elcbuild (version 1.0): Makefile USEDLIBS inconsistent with DEPEND. SSC-SPR-1498 elcbuild (version 1.0): Illegal parameter mode? Version 1.0 - 16/02/00 ---------------------- - The task is officially approved by the SOC Version 0.2 - 10/02/00 ---------------------- - Update DEPEND file so that lcplot exist when elcbuild is compiled - Update documentation to include JPO comments on the task description Version 0.1 - 06/02/00 ---------------------------- - Directory structure created by pkgmaker. - First delivered 08/02/00