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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

elcplot (elcplot-2.5.3) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

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To create a colour (C) portrait (V) postscript (PS) plot, called plot.ps, with light curves showing both the net and the background count rates and the GTIs and Fractional Exposures, from the FITS files 'output_ts.ds' and `mos1.gti' for the time series and GTIs etc respectively, where the counts are binned up by a factor 2, the time is plotted in days and the y-scale of the background lightcurve is forced to be the same as that of the net count rate lightcurve, and a time offset is given by the user in MJD days, the user can use:

elcplot set=output_ts.ds plotdevice=/VCPS plotfile=plot.ps use gtiset=yes gtiset=mos1.gti units=days 
bkgdyscale=yes binsize=2 offset=yes offsetstyle=user tscaleoffset=50900.0 ounits=days

To create a colour portrait postscript plot, called plot.ps, with light curves showing both the net and the background count rates and the GTIs and Fractional Exposures, from the FITS files 'output_ts.ds' and `mos1.gti' for the time series and flare time series (flare.ds) etc respectively, where the counts are binned up by a factor 5, the time is plotted in secs and the y-scale of the background lightcurve is left as a free parameter, and the user chooses the time offset given by the keyword DATE-OBS in days, the user can use:

elcplot set=output_ts.ds plotdevice=/VCPS plotfile=plot.ps usegtiset=no useflareset=yes flareset=flare.ds units=secs 
bkgdyscale=no binsize=5 offset=yes offsetstyle=dateobs ounits=days

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01