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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

emchain (emchain-11.19) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

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Output Files

  1. event list files (one per instrument, exposure and per mode), as in the SSC Data Products ICD [2], except they are uncompressed. Their names are POOOOOOOOOODDUEEEMIEVLI0000.FIT (IMAGING mode) and POOOOOOOOOODDUEEETIEVLI0000.FIT (TIMING mode). If addvigweight=Y, a WEIGHT column is added.
  2. timeseries files (one per instrument and per exposure) in RATE format of truncated single events per ks per arcmin$^2$, which are used to generate the good time intervals for flare screening. Their names are POOOOOOOOOODDUEEEFBKTSR0000.FIT. They contain the columns RATE, ERROR, TIME and FRACEXP. If globalflare=Y, a global timeseries is created in addition, named POOOOOOOOOOEMX000FBKTSR0000.FIT. In that one FRACEXP may be larger than 1.
  3. good time interval files (one per instrument and per exposure) which may be used to select out proton flares in the data. Their names are POOOOOOOOOODDUEEEFBKGTI0000.FIT. If globalflare=Y, a single GTI file is created, named POOOOOOOOOOEMX000FBKGTI0000.FIT.
  4. tracking history file POOOOOOOOOOOBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT generated by atthkgen (also useful for later tasks like eexpmap).
  5. attitude GTI file POOOOOOOOOOOBX000ATTGTI0000.FIT generated by tabgtigen from the tracking history file.
  6. HK GTI files (one per instrument) generated by hkgtigen. Their names are POOOOOOOOOODDX000HK_GTI0000.FIT.
  7. Optionally (if writeccdbackground=Y), CCD background maps (one per CCD and per exposure) which may be used to check optical loading and the offsets map. Their names are POOOOOOOOOODDUEEECCDBKGij00.FIT, where i is the CCD number and j the node number.

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01