XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
emenergy (emenergy-8.7) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]
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Output Files
- event file with modified/additional items:
- filled in columns FLAG, PHA and PI
(for PRODUCT: EPIC event list)
- modified columns ENERGYE1, ENERGYE2,
if useccfdarkframe=Y
- XMMEA_nn keywords detailing which flags were set
- XMMEA_EA keyword defining selection for spectra
- keywords detailing which subroutines were activated
- comment lines with names of input files
- keywords propagated to the EXPOSURE extension
(for evlistcomb)
- optical background map and time-series over the CCD from E
(for calibration purposes) as a separate FITS file with:
- the background map (real, 600x600)
with the offsets added back in, stored in the primary.
- an array (integer, 600x600) extension (CCD_WGHT)
storing the weight (number of pixels contributing) of each pixel
- a binary table extension (CCD_VAR) for the time-series,
with two columns BKGCHARGE
(real: average background per time bin, offsets subtracted)
and BKGWEIGHT (integer: number of pixels
contributing to each time bin).
- an OFFSETS0 extension propagated from the events file,
with the same structure as the offsets file
in the ODF ([1]).
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01