ChangeLog for emldetect ----------------------- Version 6.0.4 - 2016-01-25 (IT) ------------ + Documentation: Expanded description of fluxes and ECFs (SPR-7306). Re-structured the description section. Version 6.0.3 - 2015-08-25 (IT) ------------ + Changed file permissions. Version 6.0.2 - 2014-10-24 (IT) ------------ + Documentation: corrected & updated section on position errors (SPR-7244) Version 6.0.1 - 2014-09-23 (IT) ------------ + edetect_io_ml.f90: include header keyword INSTRUME (SPR-7229) Version 6.0 - 2014-09-02 (IT) ------------ + introduced psfmodel=slew: sets new AccuracyLevel ACCURACY_SLEW (cal > 3.231); essentially the same code as psfmodel=ellbeta (SCR-7216) + emldetect exits with an error ("WrongPSFModel"), if psfmodel=slew is set for MOS data. + removed boolean variable modpsf which was implemented to distinguish between ellbeta and medium-accuracy PSF; check for psfmod.eq."medium" instead + removed never-used calls to ACCURACY_EXTENDED + updated DEPEND to cal 3.231 + Documentation: slew mode; minor corrections. Version 5.21.2 - 2014-08-01 (IT) ------------ + test upload with new emldetect.lyt Version 5.21.1 - 2014-07-28 (IT) ------------ + emldetect.lyt: back to previous version Version 5.21 - 2014-07-24 (IT) ------------ + emlfit.f90, subroutine model: SAVE isize to fix the problem of wrong flux errors for a few per cent of the sources (SPR-7213) + edetect_io_ml.f90: copy full dataset and array headers of the input images to the output source images (instead of a list of selected keywords). In particular: make physical coordinates available. + emldetect.lyt: fixed mergedlistset and withimagebuffersize + Minor corrections to the documentation, additional links to 2XMM and 3XMM documentation. Version 5.20 - 2013-07-30 (IT) ------------ + Bug fix: Output source lists were limitted to a smaller number of rows than expected and intended. The "BufferOverflow" error in eml_io.f90 was given for >max_sou instead of >nbuff. (Helpdesk id=52410). + Bug fix: Vignetting values were calculated for E=0 only since SAS 12 (SPR-7120). Back to mid-band energies as input values (emlfit.f90). + Fixed typos in error messages (edetect_io.f90). + Documentation updated. Version 5.19 - 2013-02-25 (IT) MPE version, internal use only Version 5.18.1 - 2013-03-17 (IT) -------------- + Documentation updated. Minor latex syntax changes to build the package index properly on Ubuntu Version 5.18 - 2013-01-28 (IT) -------------- + Changed default values of parameters xidpndef, xidm1def, xidm2def to "2 3 4", to be consistent with the energy band definition in the pipeline since 2XMM + Re-structured, extended, and updated documentation. + Updated parameter file emldetect.par. Version 5.17.8 - 2012-11-01 (IT) -------------- + eml_io.f90: clean handling of empty input lists: raise a warning "EmptySourceList" instead of an error, and exit without error code (changed for 3XMM pipeline processing) Version 5.17.7 - 2012-09-21 (IT) -------------- + emlfit.f90, subroutine model: fixed problem with array allocation for nmaxfit>1 - ff_save still had to be reallocated more frequently. Closes SPR-6761. + emldetect/test: Created new reference event list for psfmodel=ellbeta and nmaxfit=3 and added ellbeta test to emldetect_test / checkoutput.f90. Version 5.17.6 - 2012-08-04 (IT) -------------- + emlfit.f90, subroutine model, & psf.f90, subroutine bpsf: changed allocation of arrays which caused problems for nmaxfit>1 + emldetect_mod.f90, subroutine cut_radius: check for PSF model and get appropriate validity range from CAL (affects scut & ecut, if not set to a fixed value) + introduced memory check for allocatable arrays and error message "notEnoughMemory" + updated documentation Version 5.17.5 - 2012-07-10 (IT) -------------- + psf.f90, subroutine bpsf: made array gengen allocatable to scale it with image binning and source extent and to save memory for point sources. Fixes SPR-6747: index error for small image pixels and very extended sources. Version 5.17.4 - 2012-06-13 (IT) -------------- + Documentation: Typographical and grammatical corrections (closes SPR-6731) plus updates in form and content. Version 5.17.3 - 2012-05-13 (IT) -------------- + Corrected bug in emlfit.f90 which caused wrong / zero count rates in very rare cases (e.g. ObsID 0110010701): array indices used for creating the output source list could be wrong after removing a spurious detection from the list (SPR-6724) Version 5.17.2 - 2012-04-20 (IT) -------------- + Changed the default PSF model to ellbeta (parameter psfmodel) and updated the documentation, correspondingly (SPR-6716) Version 5.17.1 - 2012-04-03 (IT) -------------- + Marked parameter mergedlistset as "not yet implemented" in documentation and parameter file (SPR-6571) + Corrected information on free parameters (cf. SPR-6301) + psf.f90, fftpsf.f90: Back to the fixed focal-length value of 7.5m for psfmodel=medium, to be consistent with former versions (SPR-6705) + psf.f90: fixed typo which caused wrong background values since version 5.17 (affected mostly psfmodel=medium; SPR-6705) + emlfit.f90 & fftpsf.f90: Runtime improvement. modelima is now allocatable, arrays ff_save & modelima smaller, only the really necessary parts of arrays are copied (SPR-6706) Version 5.17 - 2012-03-01 (IT) -------------- + Syntax changes speeding up the code + Updated documentation (typos) Version 5.16 - 2012-02-15 (IT) -------------- + Updated documentation and marked parameter "usecalpsf" as obsolete. Version 5.15.5 - 2012-02-15 (EO) -------------- + Removed MKDIRS from main Makefile which not allowed building of the package. + Removed Make.include in main directory. This file is taken from main directory for the whole build and should not be modified. Version 5.15.4 - 2012-02-10 IT ------------------------------- + src/psf.f90 + src/emlfit.f90 Included the (flux conserving) true re-sampling of the 2d psf image from psf pixels into sky image pixels (fftpsf.f90 in version 5.15.3) in the background modeling. Removed redundant CAL calls and merged functions psf1, psf2, and psf3 to a single function bpsf. emlfit: Exposure is averaged over the fitting region (radius "ecut") instead of the whole region for the background simulation. Syntax changes in emlfit for better efficiency. Altogether: significant speed-up for 2d psf. Updated documentation. Version 5.15.3 - 2012-01-27 IT (test version) ------------------------------- + src/fftpsf.f90 + src/psf.f90 + src/emlfit.f90 New algorithm to re-bin the 2d psf to sky image pixels. Fixes bug in calculation of the image centre. Fixes bug in reading the PSF image when combining data taken with different instruments: Only the PSF image corresponding to the first instrument in the list was read. Focal length of the telescopes is now set via CAL calls. Minor syntax changes speeding up the code. Version 5.15.2 - 2011-02-17 RDS ------------------------------- + src/ftfpsf.f90 Changed the type of FFTW3 plans to integer*8 - needed for 64 bit machines Version 5.15.1 - 2011-02-11 RDS ------------------------------- + src/edetect_io_ml.f90 Modified code to access masks using the SAS infrastructure rather than directly from the PRIMARY array. Version 5.15 - 2010-09-01 JR ------------------------------- Removed the extra redundant parameter imagebuffersize. Version 5.14 - 2010-06-24 JR ------------------------------- Included parameter psfmodel to be used in the SAS GUI enviroment. Version 5.13 - 2010-06-17 JR ------------------------------- Change in the rcut parameter, for restriction of the fitting position of a source. New value rcut=8. Version 5.12 - 2010-03-11 JR ------------------------------- Implemented the withimagebuffersize parameter. This is for the use or not of the imagebuffersize parameter, meant to be used in the reduction of memory requirements. Default value=no. With the default value the imagebuffersize parameter will be read from the header of the image. This also fix the edetect_chain problem. Version 5.11.3 - 2009-10-11 JR ------------------------------- Active psfmodel parameter to allow the use of ellbeta psf. Version 5.10.3 - 2009-06-13 JR ------------------------------- The use of the parameter imagebuffersize, is documented. Version 5.10.2 - 2009-06-12 JR ------------------------------- Removed psfmodel parameter, which allowed use of the ellbeta psf model, from the parameter list. Version 5.10.1 - 2009-05-31 JR ------------------------------- Fixed error in psf.f90 for the right uploading of the new CAL psf ellbeta. (release track) Version 5.1 - 2009-05-07 JR ------------------------------- Implemented use of the new interface CAL Psf. Now, the new 2D Psf model ellbeta is available. New parameter: psfmodel, default value=medium Version 5.0 - 2009-04-07 JR ------------------------------- Implemented reduction of memory requirements for raster scan data new parameter: imagebuffersize, default value=640 Version 4.60.1 - 2008-05-06 GL ------------------------------- Subroutine get_files: changed name of logical variable "double" to "same_inst". Increased parameter values in order to enable processing of large mosaics: max_ima=240 max_ins=60 Subroutine mulsou: correct calculation of variable ntfix, when fitting extent with fixed positions. Enable processing of multiple exposures with identical ObsIDs: increased lenghts of strings expid, ins, instrume (see SOC-SPR 5874 on eboxdetect) Version 4.60 - 2006-01-15 GL ------------------------------- Changed subroutine "fill_arrs": Fixed problem of missing sources, when using nmaxfit>1 and one input position of a source cluster is outside the detection mask. Version 4.44.25 - 2006-10-09 GL ------------------------------- Set ONTIME values in output table to NULL (rather than 0.0), if source is out of FOV or maskfrac < threshold. Version 4.44.24 - 2006-08-24 GL ------------------------------- Remove test output Version 4.44.23 - 2006-08-23 GL ------------------------------- Read ONTIME keywords also from DataSet section of header (necessary for images produced by task 'imweightadd'). Version 4.44.22 - 2006-08-03 GL ------------------------------- Assign values of 'psffrac' and 'maskzero' to correct source, if one source is removed from multi-PSF model. Close SSC-SPR-3624. Version 4.44.21 - 2006-06-23 GL ------------------------------- Double precision fit parameters. Improve initial error estimates for routine felsu. Increase size of working images in fpsf to isize > 2*nint(ecut)+2 Do not calculate count rate error, if mask fraction threshold is not reached. Version 4.44.20 - 2006-05-03 GL ------------------------------- Identical with v4.59.1, version for PPS track Version 4.59.1 - 2006-05-03 GL ------------------------------- If input source is outside FOV and therefore not fitted, do not write any entry in output table for this source. Updated documentation. Remove warning "Number of ECFs not equal number of images", if parameter withxidband is not set. Close SSC-SPR-3610 Close SSC-SPR-3611 Version 4.59 - 2006-05-03 GL ------------------------------ Based on v4.44.19 New parameter minextent for minimum possible source extent (in units of image pixels). Avoid exit out of loop over sources, if one source is completely out of the FOV (subroutine emldetect).ls Close SSC-SPR-3608/3609 Version 4.44.19 - 2006-04-26 GL ------------------------------ Set ONTIME to 0.0, if maskfrac < psfthreshold Correct error causing maskfrac=1.0 in single band rows, where it should be 0.0 Version 4.44.18 - 2006-04-21 GL ------------------------------ Throw out source in an instrument, if min(psffrac) of all energy bands < psfthreshold. Write min(psffrac) into energy band summary row. New output column OFFAX. Contains offaxis angles for each instrument in arcminutes. Version 4.44.17 - 2006-02-27 GL ------------------------------ Subroutine emlfit: set SCTS error values to 0.0 where source was rejected due to small valid mask fraction. This avoids wrong error values in the ID_INST=0 row of the output table. Version 4.44.16 - 2006-02-06 GL ------------------------------ Change output of subroutine 'like' to double precision. Version 4.44.15 - 2006-01-06 GL ------------------------------ Throw out detection in an instrument only, if (psffrac < psffthreshold) in all energy bands of that instrument. Use maximum of psffrac values in summary band row of column MASKFRAC. Version 4.44.14 - 2005-12-05 GL ------------------------------ Increase max number of iterations (nit) in subroutine felsu to 50. -> accurate positional errors. Close SSC-SPR-3549 Version 4.44.13 - 2005-11-06 GL ------------------------------ Initialize variable nband before first use in subroutine mulsou Close SSC-SPR-3536 Improve calculation of internal background map, extent model is now calculated to radius=10*sigma before folding with PSF (previously 3*sigma). Version 4.44.12 - 2005-10-11 GL ------------------------------ identical with version 4.57.1 release track version Version 4.57.1 - 2005-09-20 GL ------------------------------ Write instrument summary row also for single instrument runs. Version 4.57 - 2005-08-23 GL ------------------------------ Avoid crash due to unallocated array, when input list with non-zero EXT values and parameter fitextent=no are combined. Close SSC-SPR-3481. Version 4.44.11 - 2005-08-04 GL ------------------------------ Fixed small syntax error, 4.44.10 did not compile. Version 4.44.10 - 2005-08-03 GL ------------------------------ Avoid condition, where uninitialized index nsrc is used in subroutine emldetect. Close SSC-SPR-3496 Increase the minimum extent to 1.5 pix and the minmum distance of multiple PSF fits to 1.5 pix. Close SSC-SPR-3497 Version 4.44.9 - 2005-06-30 GL ------------------------------ Improve point-source/extended disrimination for multi PSF fits: - always use total likelihood of model and correct with total number of DOF. - when comparing likelihoods of 2 point source model vs. 1 extended source, do not use dmlmin threshold. In final detection likelihood calculation, do not use extent as additional DOF, if fit resulted in point source. Correct error in calculation of beta model. For model=beta, also use beta profile for the calculation of background map outside r=1 arcmin. Correct error that lead to identical det_ml values for all sources of a multi-PSF fitting group. - Close SSC-SPR-3487 Correct error calculation routine, which entered endless loop for fitnegative=yes - Close SSC-SPR-3437 Removed obsolete XID band option from test harness Update documentation Version 4.44.8 - 2005-04-12 GL ------------------------------ Write keywords EXPOS_PN, EXPOS_M1, EXPOS_M2 to source list header. Version 4.44.7 - 2005-04-05 GL ------------------------------ Read column WCORR as SNR parameter for ewavelet input lists. Correct assignment of values in output columns RAWX, RAWX, CCDNR to instrument in all-EPIC source lists. Correct error which led to EXT_ML>0.0 and EXT=0.0 for point sources fitted simulteneously with extended sources. Correct an error with the total likelihoods of some sources outside the FOV of 1 or more cameras, this fixes the problem of likelihoods < mlmin in the source lists. Do not apply psffrac criterion in mode "xidfix", this ensures all input sources appear in output list. Write keywords FILT_PN,FILT_M1,FILT_M2 SUBM_PN,SUBM_M1,SUBM_M2 to header of output list. Version 4.44.6 - 2005-02-11 GL ------------------------------ Set rates, fluxes to NULL, if maskfrac < psfthreshold (previously set to 0.0), but not in in instrument summary row. Version 4.44.5 - 2005-02-10 GL ------------------------------ Only one string column "FLAG" Set count rates, fluxes in output list to NULL, if maskfrac == 0. Version 4.44.4 - 2005-02-03 GL ------------------------------ Write ONTIME values in id_band=0 row of output table. Version 4.56 - 2005-01-30 GL ------------------------------ Same as 4.44.3 - for dev track Version 4.44.3 - 2005-01-28 GL ------------------------------ Correct summary band values of output column MASKFRAC Change minimum extent from 0.5 pix to 1.0 pix. Correct optical axis calculation in subroutine rawcoords Perform calculation of optical axis position in emldetect rather than using xcen/ycen kewords written by eexpmap. Increase max_ins to 12, max_ima to 60. Version 4.44.2 - 2005-01-20 GL ------------------------------ Same as 4.55 - for release track Version 4.55 - 2005-01-12 GL ------------------------------ Calculate correct psffrac values also for sources with zero countrate. If psffrac is below the threshold in an image, set source flux and detection likelihood to zero for this image. Corrected error with flag "withthreshold": now option withthreshold=no works as intended. Correct calculation of fit/fixed numbers of parameters "ntermf/ntfix" in fitextent=no mode. During multi-PSF fitting reject double sources (with close positional and extent values). Change thresholds: psfthreshold=0.15, maskthreshold=0.25 Added column ONTIME Version 4.54 - 2005-01-06 GL ------------------------------ subroutine fpsf: Change dimension of havePSF to max_ins Version 4.53 - 2004-12-20 GL ------------------------------ Implement changes needed for EPIC raster scans (multiple pointings with non-identical centers) Version 4.52 - 2004-12-20 GL ------------------------------ Calculate "vignetting" column directly via calls to CAL, (derived from exposure map before). Calculate PSF weighted fraction of valid mask pixels (column maskfrac) Eliminate sources with maskfrac < 0.3 Set columns EXT, EXT_ERR to zero (not NULL), if extent has been fitted and found not significant. Version 4.51 - 2004-12-14 GL ------------------------------ Fix "xidfixed" mode broken in v4.47 Version 4.50 - 2004-12-10 GL ------------------------------ Fix errors introduced with v4.49: - fix wrong index in array maskzero - move initialization of array maskzero from subroutine 'mulsou' to 'fill_arrs' Fix error introduced with v 4.47: - start with multi point source fit also for extfla=.false. Update test harness Version 4.49 - 2004-11-18 GL ------------------------------ Set threshold of 30% valid pixels within source cutout radius: - Moved code to calulate maskfrac to subroutine "fill_arrs" Change calculation of detection likelihoods for multi-PSF fits: - Derive det_ml from difference between N*PSF fit and fixed parameter model for (N-1)* PSF case with Nth source fixed to zero flux. Fix error in ext_ml likelihood ndof-correction Version 4.48 - 2004-11-18 GL ------------------------------ -Implement two stage extent fitting in emldetect: determine extent of input sources with nsmul=1, if source is extended, use nsmul=nmulsou -Add boolean parameter 'withtwostage' to switch on two stage fitting Version 4.47 - 2004-10-29 GL ------------------------------ Changes to mulsou: start fitting with point sources, then try one extended source and nsrc-1 point sources to determine extentlikelihood of each source. Improve source separation with nmulsou>1: modify starting positions for nmulsou>1 increase deltaa for positions with nmulsou>1 Version 4.46 - 2004-10-21 GL ------------------------------ Corrected error, that in some cases caused fitting loop to end after elimination of one source component. Set positional and extent errors to NULL, if 'xidfix' mode is used. Version 4.45 - 2004-10-18 GL ------------------------------ Implement likelihood/brightness threshold for the processing of sources with nmulsou>1 New parameters "withthreshold","threshold","threshcolumn" Version 4.42.7 - 2004-10-15 GL ------------------------------ Fixed error that resulted in non-significantly extended sources added to internal background map Fixed error in number of free parameters for non-significantly extended sources, probably had no influence on results. Version 4.42.6 - 2004-09-21 GL ------------------------------ interprete "ecut", "scut" input parameters in units of image pixels, if value >= 1.0 Increased max. parameter value of "mlmin" to 1.E10 Version 4.32.2 - 2004-09-17 GL ------------------------------ Identical to v4.42.5, for upload into release track. Version 4.42.5 - 2004-08-27 GL ------------------------------ - Set range of parameter nmaxfit to [1,10=max_fit] - New logical parameter "xidfixed" introduced in order to enable new scheme for XID band fitting in 2XMM xidfixed=.true. : - sets fitposition=no, fitextent=no - makes emldetect use the BOX_ID_SRC column as input index - Use xiddef parameters to determine which rows from the input table are read as input for start values. - count x,y and extent as free parameters for likelihood correction Version 4.42.4 - 2004-08-11 GL ------------------------------ -Correct eboxlist indices when using nmulsou>1 and nmaxfit>1 at the same time. -Set maximum of nmulsou*nmaxfit from 6 to max_fit (=10) -Correct detection likelihoods in "mulsou" only for free parameters, where sources are on instrument mask (free parameters=nspar+nband-nzero) -Write fraction of good pixels within source extraction radius into new output column "MASKFRAC" Version 4.42.3 - 2004-08-10 GL ------------------------------ Initialize arrays "bima0" and "modelima" in order to avoid errors in source model. Copy proper eboxlist indices into source list for nmulsou>1 Close SPR SSC-SPR-3359 Only create FFT plans if extfla=.true. Version 4.42.2 - 2004-08-03 GL ------------------------------ FFT convolution fully implemented: - subroutine fpsf replaces subroutines psf1,psf2,psf3 during fitting. Changes to internal background map and source map generation: - Changed ical from 45 arcsec to 60 arcsec - Changed irad from 100 arcsec to 120 arcsec ============================= Version 4.42.1 - 2004-07-16 VH ------------------------------ added EXTERNALS directive for library fftw3f in the Makefile Version 4.42 - 2004-07-05 GL ------------------------------ fftw PSF folding Version 4.41 - 2004-07-05 GL ------------------------------ Include test output for MPE version Version 4.40 - 2004-06-30 GL ------------------------------ Use source exposure values calculated (PSF weighted) by "mulsou" in "wr_stab" and for output. - Close SSC-SPR 3343 - Close SSC-SPR 3342 Correct error in source indexing in "cut_radius". Version 4.37 - 2004-04-29 GL ------------------------------ Enable reading RA and DEC from input source list, if columns X_IMA and Y_IMA are not present. Change minimum value of mlmin to 0.0 Version 4.36 - 2004-04-01 GL ------------------------------ - close SPR SSC-SPR-3283 change allocation of array psf_save Version 4.32.1 - 2004-03-05 GL ------------------------------ Release track version based on v4.35 - Changed max. number of calls of mlfit from 15 to 50 - Relaxed likelihood convergence criterion to 1E-3 - Updated documentation Version 4.35 - 2004-02-01 GL ------------------------------ - Change irad (area where background is modified by source model) from 50 to 100 pixels - Read likelihood from column "DET_ML", if using emldetect lists as input. - Correct errors within the v4.34 enhancements of subroutine model. Version 4.34 - 2003-12-14 GL ------------------------------ Added Powell minimization to module emlfit Corrected errors in the computation of step sizes deltaa, where start count rates from boxlist are "NULL". Change to subroutine "model": if only count rate of the model changes, the previous model is scaled rather than recalculated. Version 4.33 - 2003-12-09 GL ------------------------------ Remove test output Version 4.32 - 2003-12-08 GL ------------------------------ New parameter "maxextent" Version 4.31 - 2003-10-06 GL ------------------------------ Correct an error when reading "NULL" values from "rate" column of input list. This solves remaining problems with missing sources in multi-camera runs. Version 4.30 - 2003-07-18 GL ------------------------------ Implement proper treatment of detection mask in the case of all EPIC detection runs. Version 4.29 - 2003-05-26 GL ------------------------------ -Enable extent fitting with beta function New parameter "extentmodel" -Corrected error in fixing positions when using fitposition=no and nmaxfit>1. Closed SPR SSC-SPR-3098: Running emldetect with fixed source coordinates -Closed SPR SSC-SPR-3108: OOTE correction not documented Version 4.28 - 2003-04-25 GL ------------------------------ Read keyword OOTCORR from EPN exposure maps If "true", do not apply OOT correction to output count rates. Version 4.27 - 2003-02-28 GL ------------------------------ Fixed error in function gammln. Fixed error in subroutine LIKE. ->Reduces values of DET_ML and EXT_ML by a factor >= 2. Values of EXT_ML are now also corrected for the number of free fit parameters (number of input images). Closed SPR SSC-SPR-3090: wrong DET_ML values Version 4.24 - 2002-11-20 GL ------------------------------- Updated documentation Version 4.23 - 2002-11-01 GL ------------------------------- Adapted to column name change in eboxdetect 4.11 Enable emldetect to read Chandra source lists Version 4.22 - 2002-08-09 GL ------------------------------- introducing parameter "fitnegative": if set to "true", allow fitting of negative count rates. Version 4.21 - 2002-08-09 GL ------------------------------- Fudge likelihood function in order to avoid fits running away to very negative count rates. Version 4.20 - 2002-08-06 GL ------------------------------- Remove countrate >= 0 limitation. Version 4.19 - 2002-07-31 GL ------------------------------- Fixed distribution Version 4.18 - 2002-07-31 GL ------------------------------- Fixed distribution Version 4.17 - 2002-07-31 GL ------------------------------- Limit count rates to >= 0 (as in versions to 4.14) . If lower confidence limit of count rate is negative, use upper 1 sigma confidence limit as count rate error. This modification ensures proper error estimates for small count rates. Version 4.16 - 2002-07-18 GL ------------------------------- Modified likelihood computation in order to deal with negative source counts. Version 4.15 - 2002-07-11 GL ------------------------------- + Allow negative count rates in PSF fitting. (fixes problem of large errors of small or zero count rates) Version 4.14 - 2002-05-31 HB ------------------------------- task now issues an error if WCS keywords of input files do not agree Version 4.13 - 2002-05-24 GL ------------------------------- Based on v4.11.13 + Changed dimensions of array SIMA to 0:250, prevents crashing for image binsize < 2 arcsec + Adjust emldetect.par to param v2 Version 4.11.13 - 2002-05-22 GL ------------------------------- Removed test output Version 4.11.12 - 2002-05-22 HB ------------------------------- Closed SPR: SSC-SPR-2869 Several sources are not found at the right place Error occured in versions from 4.11.8 (Initialize XID band countrates to their proper values, changed initialisation of unknown countrates to 100./exposure) Version 4.11.11 - 2002-05-16 HB ------------------------------- Closed SPR: SSC-SPR-2862 (on eposcorr) inconsistent lii/bii, lii_corr/bii_corr corrrected by changing constant 'pi' to double precision Version 4.11.10 - 2002-05-07 HB ------------------------------- same as 4.11.9 Version 4.11.9 (2002-05-07) HB ------------------------------ Closed SPR: -SSC-SPR-2856 Incorrect summary band likelihood values if withxidband=yes Version 4.11.8 (2002-04-22) HB ------------------------------ Closed SPRs: -SSC-SPR-2833 No desciption of DIST_NN column -SSC-SPR-2834 SUBMODE keyword wanted -included changes made in 4.12. Version 4.12 (2002-04-05) HB ---------------------------- - emldetect now accepts any eboxdetect, emldetect, or ewavelet source lists as input source lists. The number of energy bands and type and number of EPIC cameras do not need to be the same as in the current detection run. Version 4.11.8 (2002-04-22) HB ------------------------------ Closed SPRs: -SSC-SPR-2833 No desciption of DIST_NN column -SSC-SPR-2834 SUBMODE keyword wanted Version 4.11.7 (2002-04-03) HB ------------------------------ .lyt file modified Version 4.11.6 (2002-03-08) HB ----------------------- Closed SPRs: -SSC-SPR-2804 NaNs in multi-camera source lists -SSC-SPR-2805 fluxes in multi-camera fits too low Version 4.11.5 (2002-02-27) HB ------------------------------ Closed SPR: -SSC-SPR-2646 Can we have optical axis position please? keywords OARAaann and OADEaann added to source lists EXPIDSTR & ATT_SRC propagated from input Version 4.11.4 (2002-02-14) HB ------------------------------ minor correction of 4.11.3 Version 4.11.3 (2002-02-13) HB ------------------------------ -SSC-SPR-2752 array bound error Version 4.11.2 (2002-01-30) HB ------------------------------ minor correction of 4.11.1 Version 4.11.1 (2002-01-30) HB ------------------------------ -SSC-SPR-2725 Source lists should contain raw coordinates and ccd number Version 4.11 (2002-01-14) HB ---------------------------- error in PSF routine, effecting MOS extent fitting corrected minimum number of source pixels required for PSF fitting set to +5 Version 4.10 (2002-01-11) HB ---------------------------- error in detection mask reading routine corrected Version 4.9 (2002-01-09) HB --------------------------- minor correction with respect to 4.8 Version 4.8 (2002-01-09) HB --------------------------- New task parameters withdetmask and detmasksets were added. If withdetmask=true only sky pixels inside the mask are used in the PSF fit Closed SPRs: -SSC-SPR-1259 emldetect test harness should check the error status of the task -SSC-SPR-2645 Include PSF coverage correction for gaps/badpix The PSF fits now fit the source count rates (source table column RATE) considering the exposure in each sky pixel. Source counts (source table column SCTS), which were a fit parameter in previous task versions, are now calculated by multiplying the rates with the PSF weighted exposure. Version 4.7 (2001-11-21) ------------------------ eboxdetect 4.0 removed from DEPEND Version 4.6 (2001-11-07) ------------------------ Closed SPR: -SSC-SPR-2621 library of routines shared by emldetect and eboxdetect; module edetect_io renamed to edetect_io_ml Version 4.5 (2001-10-15) ------------------------ Closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-2593 need to account for OOT events Rates and fluxes now divided by the following OOT correction factors: PN FF mode: 0.9411; PN eFF mode: 0.97815 Source counts (SCTS column) and other modes/cameras are left uncorrected Version 4.4 (2001-09-03) ------------------------ - lots of unused symbols removed Closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-2537 Core dumps in test harness when compiling code with NAG F95 v4.1 compiler Version 4.3 (2000-07-25) ------------------------ -detection likelihoods, L, are now calculated such that, independently of the number of free parameters or input images, they always obey the definition L=-ln(p) where p is the probability that the observed counts are due to Poissonian fluctuations of the background -parameters 'withsourcemap' and 'sourceimagesets' added to allow output of energy band source maps -the task now exits with an error message if the input source list or any of the input images are empty Closed SPRs: - SSC-SPR-2444 array bound error - SSC-SPR-2464 SCR 67: Calibration quantities in output source lists - SSC-SPR-2477 emldetect moves sources outside FOV Version 4.2.3 (2000-08-13) -------------------------- Closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-2527 XID band fluxes incorrect Version 4.2.2 (2000-05-30) ------------------------- - allocatable array (derv1; subroutine mlfit) changed to reduce memory requirement of task Version 4.2.1 (2000-05-30) -------------------------- Closed SPR: - SSC-SPR-2398 Does not work on Linux Version 4.2 (2001-05-20) -------------------------- -corrected error which led to sources below the likelihood cutoff in the output source table if withxid=true -parameter withhotpixelfilter added: if true likelihood of brightest pixel is ignored for each source -two internal buffers were enlarged to permit larger source extraction radiii for extent fitting -modification of psf routine to increase speed Version 4.1.2 (2001-05-09) -------------------------- Header keywords N_INSTR, PN_BNDS, M1_BNDS, M2_BNDS, XID_BND were added to describe the number of energy bands per source in the output source table (needed by V&V software). Closed SPRs: + SSC-SPR-2380 wrong xid band energy range header keyword + SSC-SPR-2381 description of xiddef keyword Version 4.1.1 (2001-04-26) -------------------------- Closed SPR: + SSC-SPR-2347 test harness fails on linux Version 4.1 (2001-04-06) -------------------------- Closed SPRs: + SSC-SPR-2305 Core dumps when nmaxfit=6 and several instruments + SSC-SPR-2321 wrong ID_BAND value for MOS1/MOS2 xid band Version 4.0 (2001-03-14) -------------------------- The task now has the option to either use the tabulated PSF from the calibration database or an internal, hardcoded analytical PSF. New command line parameters: usecalpsf, pixmin, pimax. Command line parameter pointresponse was removed. Closed SPRs: + SSC-SPR-2007 wrong summary line if withxidband=true new command line parameter: xiddef + SSC-SPR-2185 An output file should always be produced + SSC-SPR-2276 Energy band wanted Version 3.8 (2001-02-13) ------------------------ Closed SPRs: + SSC-SPR-2194 ecf units not specified in documentation + SSC-SPR-2198 Only the first value in the ecf parameter is used + SSC-SPR-2236 definition of hardness ratio Version 3.7.2 2000-10-19 ------------------------ Definition of hardness ratio 3 changed (as requested by JO). Closed SPR + SSC-SPR-1179 Behaviour with fitextent=Y (extent fitting now enabled) + SSC-SPR-2004 total DET_ML in multi-instrument fits + SSC-SPR-2007 wrong summary line if withxidband=true Version 3.7.1 2000-10-16 ------------------------ + documentation updated Closed SPRs + SSC-SPR-1166 WCS keywords in input images + SSC-SPR-1169 BAND for multi-instrument fits + SSC-SPR-1170 order of input images + SSC-SPR-1606 Task runs for a long time Version 3.7 2000-10-09 ---------------------- + documentation updated Closed SPRs + SSC-SPR-0787 maximum likelihood threshold (documentation) + SSC-SPR-0790 point_response parameter + SSC-SPR-0793 scut and ecut parameters (documentation) + SSC-SPR-0795 CAL calls + SSC-SPR-1557 core dumps when RA_PNT/DEC_PNT is outside the image (was already implemeted in v3.5) Version 3.6 2000-10-08 ---------------------- Error in .lyt file corrected Version 3.5 2000-07-28 ---------------------- Version changed to 3.5 Version 3.4.2 2000-07-02 ---------------------------- Closed SPRs: SSC-SPR-1720 nmaxfit constrains SSC-SPR-1505 LII,BII differences Version 3.4.1 (June 14, 2000) ---------------------------- - distance to nearest neighbour written to DIST_NN column in output source list (needed for V&V) Version 3.4 (March 13, 2000) --------------------------- - HR3 and hardness ratio errors corrected Version 3.3 (March 6, 2000) --------------------------- - name of VER_COMM column corrected - SPRs 1503 & 1506 corrected (fitting behaviour of test harness data) Version 3.2 (February 22, 2000) ------------------------------- - parameter withxidband added (default value set to false for now). Note that withxidband=true in v3.2 will result in wrong summary band fluxes (xid band fluxes are counted twice). Will be corrected in next version. - Column NUM_SRC removed from output list - Problem with error calculation corrected which let the program crash if the PN isn't the first instrument. Version 3.1 (February 18, 2000) ------------------------------- - Error in error computation corrected - Flag columns added to source list Version 3.0 (January 19, 2000) ------------------------------ - Source list format adjusted to comply with recent DCPs. - Task now can handle several exposures per instrument. - XID band output added to output source list. - Offsets between different instruments as determined by task eident are now read and applied to the input images. Two command line parameters were added to control whether the eident output file is read. - The pixel position of the optical axis is now calculated from the image keywords (used to be set to the center of the image). Version 2.11 (September 20, 1999) --------------------------------- Closed SPRs: - 1164: parameter default values corrected in doc Version 2.10 (September 14, 1999) --------------------------------- - Error in routine psfoff corrected. Version 2.9 (August 6, 1999) ---------------------------- - use of CRVALn instead of ra_pnt, dec_pnt for ra,dec calculation. - prevent crash if negative count rates occure in bands where a source was not detected Open SPRs: see version 2.6 Version 2.8 (August 3, 1999) ---------------------------- - roll angle is now read from CROTA2 instead of PA_PNT if no CROTA2 is present, 0 is assumed - max. filename sizes changed to 1024 (this didn't work in v2.7) - task now complains if number of supplied background & exposure maps doesn't agree with number of supplied images Open SPRs: see version 2.6 Version 2.7 (July 29, 1999) --------------------------- - error in RA, DEC calculation corrected - filename sizes changed to 1024 Open SPRs: see version 2.6 Version 2.6 (July 12, 1999) --------------------------- - parameter names changed to conform to conventions Closed SPR: - 0791: _image parameters Open SPRs: - 0787,0790,0793: items missing from documentation - 0795: CAL calls - 0797: ID_SRC descriptors - 0798: FLAGs column - 0808: influence of background image - 0811: count flag not used Version 2.5 (July 8, 1999) -------------------------- Closed SPRs: - 0796: small ecut values - 0800: Point response usage - 0803: consistency of boxdetect and mldetect source counts - 0805: lists of input images - 0807: BD_MAP corrected - 0985: taskmain added to DEPEND Open SPRs: - 0787,0790,0793: items missing from documentation - 0791: _image parameters - 0795: CAL calls - 0797: ID_SRC descriptors - 0798: FLAGs column - 0808: influence of background image - 0811: count flag not used Version 2.4 ---------------------- - smaller test harness files - hardness ratio calculation added - source table column renamed - sevaral errors relating to multi-band source fitting corrected Version 2.3 ---------------------- - Coding error in v2.2 which lead to failed test harness at SOC corrercted. Version 2.2 ---------------------- Closed SPRs: - Check whether correct number of input files is given - 0812 & 0816: task made to exit gracefully if photon mode (not yet implemented) is selected Version 2.1 ---------------------- Closed SPRs: - 0533: This corrects some errors in the documentation of version 2.0. Version 2.0 ---------------------- - MIDAS prototyping code included. - Reading of parameter lists changed. Closed SPRs: - 0119 & 0120: Routines get_files and cp_head are now included in a module to be used by all EPIC detection tasks. Version 1.12 ---------------------- "to do list" section added to ChangeLog Closed SPRs: - 0122: same as SPR 342 - 0293: test files are now gzip'ed - 0297: temporary files added to CLEANFILES - 0302: diff removed from the test harness: a f90 program is used to inspect the output file - 0342: old task description removed - 0343: see SPR 302 - 0344: see SPR 302 - 0461: HDUCLASS keywords added - 0464: EXTNAME changed to SRCLIST - 0471: "draft" removed from task description - 0492: see SPR 302 Open SPRs: - 0119: generic mechanism for get_files - 0120: generic mechanism for cp_head Version 1.11 ---------------------- Closed SPR: - 0289: problem fixed (variable hew set to 0.0) Version 1.1 ---------------------- ChangeLog added Closed SPRs: - 0115: subscript out of range problem fixed - 0117: .par file provided instead of .prm - 0121: test harness is more robust now Open SPRs: (will be treated in next task version) - 0119: get_files to be replaced by generic mechanism - 0120: cp_head to be replaced by generic mechanism - 0122: I will look into this Version 1.0 ---------------------- - Original version submitted to the SOC To do list: ------------ - add functionality from MIDAS prototyping software. (done: v2.0) - improve error determination loop - reduce memory requirement of task - add error control - add verbosity control